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The ternary complex of Escherichia coli adenylate kinase (ECAK) with its substrates adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and Mg-ATP, which catalyzes the reversible transfer of a phosphoryl group between adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and AMP, was studied using molecular dynamics. The starting structure for the simulation was assembled from the crystal structures of ECAK complexed with the bisubstrate analog diadenosine pentaphosphate (AP(5)A) and of Bacillus stearothermophilus adenylate kinase complexed with AP(5)A, Mg(2+), and 4 coordinated water molecules, and by deleting 1 phosphate group from AP(5)A. The interactions of ECAK residues with the various moieties of ATP and AMP were compared to those inferred from NMR, X-ray crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, and enzyme kinetic studies. The simulation supports the hypothesis that hydrogen bonds between AMP's adenine and the protein are at the origin of the high nucleoside monophosphate (NMP) specificity of AK. The ATP adenine and ribose moieties are only loosely bound to the protein, while the ATP phosphates are strongly bound to surrounding residues. The coordination sphere of Mg(2+), consisting of 4 waters and oxygens of the ATP beta- and gamma-phosphates, stays approximately octahedral during the simulation. The important role of the conserved Lys13 in the P loop in stabilizing the active site by bridging the ATP and AMP phosphates is evident. The influence of Mg(2+), of its coordination waters, and of surrounding charged residues in maintaining the geometry and distances of the AMP alpha-phosphate and ATP beta- and gamma-phosphates is sufficient to support an associative reaction mechanism for phosphoryl transfer.  相似文献   

T Ichiye  M Karplus 《Proteins》1991,11(3):205-217
A method is described for identifying collective motions in proteins from molecular dynamics trajectories or normal mode simulations. The method makes use of the covariances of atomic positional fluctuations. It is illustrated by an analysis of the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Comparison of the covariance and cross-correlation matrices shows that the relative motions have many similar features in the different simulations. Many regions of the protein, especially regions of secondary structure, move in a correlated manner. Anharmonic effects, which are included in the molecular dynamics simulations but not in the normal analysis, are of some importance in determining the larger scale collective motions, but not the more local fluctuations. Comparisons of molecular dynamics simulations in the present and absence of solvent indicate that the environment is of significance for the long-range motions.  相似文献   

The understanding of protein dynamics is one of the major goals of structural biology. A direct link between protein dynamics and function has been provided by x-ray studies performed on ribonuclease A (RNase A) (B. F. Rasmussen et al., Nature, 1992, Vol. 357, pp. 423-424; L. Vitagliano et al., Proteins: Structure, Function, and Genetics, 2002, Vol. 46, pp. 97-104). Here we report a 3 ns molecular dynamics simulation of RNase A in water aimed at characterizing the dynamical behavior of the enzyme. The analysis of local and global motions provides interesting insight on the dynamics/function relationship of RNase A. In agreement with previous crystallographic reports, the present study confirms that the RNase A active site is constituted by rigid (His12, Asn44, Thr45) and flexible (Lys41, Asp83, His119, Asp121) residues. The analysis of the global motions, performed using essential dynamics, shows that the two beta-sheet regions of RNase A move coherently in opposite directions, thus modifying solvent accessibility of the active site, and that the mixed alpha/3(10)-helix (residues 50-60) behaves as a mechanical hinge during the breathing motion of the protein. These data demonstrate that this motion, essential for RNase A substrate binding and release, is an intrinsic dynamical property of the ligand-free enzyme.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories are very large data sets that contain substantial information about the dynamic behavior of a protein. Condensing these data into a form that can provide intuitively useful understanding of the molecular behavior during the trajectory is a substantial challenge that has received relatively little attention. Here, we introduce the sigma‐r plot, a plot of the standard deviation of intermolecular distances as a function of that distance. This representation of global dynamics contains within a single, one‐dimensional plot, the average range of motion between pairs of atoms within a macromolecule. Comparison of sigma‐r plots calculated from 10 ns trajectories of proteins representing the four major SCOP fold classes indicates diversity of dynamic behaviors which are recognizably different among the four classes. Differences in domain structure and molecular weight also produce recognizable features in sigma‐r plots, reflective of differences in global dynamics. Plots generated from trajectories with progressively increasing simulation time reflect the increased sampling of the structural ensemble as a function of time. Single amino acid replacements can give rise to changes in global dynamics detectable through comparison of sigma‐r plots. Dynamic behavior of substructures can be monitored by careful choice of interatomic vectors included in the calculation. These examples provide demonstrations of the utility of the sigma‐r plot to provide a simple measure of the global dynamics of a macromolecule. Proteins 2016; 84:82–91. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Based on integrative computational hybrid approaches that combined statistical coupling analysis (SCA), molecular dynamics (MD), and normal mode analysis (NMA), evolutionarily coupled residues involved in functionally relevant motion in the adenylate kinase protein family were identified. The hybrids identified four top-ranking site pairs that belong to a conserved hydrogen bond network that is involved in the enzyme's flexibility. A second group of top-ranking site pairs was identified in critical regions for functional dynamics, such as those related to enzymatic turnover. The high consistency of the results obtained by SCA with NMA (SCA.NMA) and by SCA.MD hybrid analyses suggests that suitable replacement of the matrix of cross-correlation analysis of atomic fluctuations (derived by using NMA) with those based on MD contributes to the identification of such sites by means of a fast computational calculation. The analysis presented here strongly supports the hypothesis that evolutionary forces, such as coevolution at the sequence level, have promoted functional dynamic properties of the adenylate kinase protein family. Finally, these hybrid approaches can be used to identify, at the residue level, protein motion coordination patterns not previously observed, such as in hinge regions.  相似文献   

We have recently found that the glutathione-S-transferase -isozyme (GST-), a cellular detoxification enzyme, potently and selectively inhibits activation of jun protein by its upstream kinase, jun kinase (JNK). This newly identified regulatory activity of GST- is strongly inhibited by a group of agents that inhibit its enzymatic activity. Since loss of enzymatic activity in general does not correlate with loss of regulatory activity, it is likely that inhibitor binding induces changes in the structure of one or more domains of GST that block its interaction with JNK. To identify regions of GST that change conformation on the binding of inhibitors, we have performed molecular dynamics calculations on GST- to compute its average structure in the presence and absence of the inhibitor, glutathione sulfonate. Superposition of the two average structures reveals that several regions change local structure depending upon whether the inhibitor is bound or not bound. Two of these regions, residues 36–50 and 194–201, are highly exposed. We have synthesized peptides corresponding to these two segments and find that the 194–201 sequence strongly inhibits the ability of GST- to block the in vitro phosphorylation of jun by JNK. These results suggest that this region of GST- is critical to its functioning as a newly discovered regulator of signal transduction.  相似文献   

Substrate phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent-protein kinase A (protein kinase A, PKA) has been studied extensively. Phosphoryl transfer was found to be fast, whereas ADP release was found to be the slow, rate-limiting step. There is also evidence that ADP release may be preceded by a partially rate-limiting conformational change. However, the atomic details of the conformational change and the mode of ADP release are difficult to obtain experimentally. In this work, we studied ADP release from PKA by carrying out molecular dynamics simulations with different pulling forces applied to the ligand. The detailed ADP release pathway and the associated conformational changes were analyzed. The ADP release process was found to involve a swinging motion with the phosphate of ADP anchored to the Gly-rich loop, so that the more buried adenine base and ribose ring came out before the phosphate. In contrast to the common belief that a hinge-bending motion was responsible for the opening of the ligand-binding cleft, our simulations showed that the small lobe exhibited a large amplitude "rocking" motion when the ligand came out. The largest conformational change of the protein was observed at about the first quarter time point along the release pathway. Two prominent intermediate states were observed in the release process.  相似文献   

The AKT isoforms are a group of key kinases that play a critical role in tumorigenesis. These enzymes are overexpressed in different types of cancers, such as breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, and lung. Because of its relevance the AKT isoforms are attractive targets for the design of anticancer molecules. However, it has been found that AKT1 and AKT3 isoforms have a main role in tumor progression and metastasis; thus, the identification of AKT isoforms specific inhibitors seems to be a challenge. Previously, we identified an ATP binding pocket pan-AKT inhibitor, this compound is a 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridine (compound 11), which represents a new interesting scaffold for the developing of AKT inhibitors. Starting from the 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridine scaffold, and guided by structure-based design technique, 42 new inhibitors were designed and further evaluated in the three AKT isoforms by multiple docking approach and molecular dynamics. Results showed that seven compounds presented binding selectivity for AKT1 and AKT3, better than for AKT2. The binding affinities of these seven compounds on AKT1 and AKT3 isoforms were mainly determined by hydrophobic contributions between the aromatic portion at position 4 of the pyridine ring with residues Phe236/234, Phe237/235, Phe438/435, and Phe442/439 in the ATP binding pocket. Results presented in this work provide an addition knowledge leading to promising selective AKT inhibitors.  相似文献   

Elucidating structural determinants in the functional regions of toxins can provide useful knowledge for designing novel analgesic peptides. A series of 100 ns MD simulations were performed on the scorpion toxin BmK AGAP in native and disulphide bond broken states. The comparison of disulphide bond broken states with the native state showed the α-helix was found to be the key to the analgesic activity. Furthermore, our results revealed disulphide bonds have considerable influence on the functionally important essential modes of motions and the correlations between the motions of the Core domain and the C-terminal region which are involved in the analgesic activity. Therefore, we can conclude that disulphide bonds have a crucial role in modulating the function via adjusting the dynamics of scorpion toxin BmK AGAP molecule.  相似文献   

A combined force field of molecular mechanics and solvation free energy is tested by carrying out energy minimization and molecular dynamics on several conformations of the alanyl dipeptide. Our results are qualitatively consistent with previous experimental and computational studies, in that the addition of solvation energy stabilizes the C5 conformation of the alanyl dipeptide relative to the C7.  相似文献   

A comparison of a series of extended molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme in solvent with X-ray data is presented. Essential dynamics analyses were used to derive collective fluctuations from both the simulated trajectories and a distribution of crystallographic conformations. In both cases the main collective fluctuations describe domain motions. The protein consists of an N- and C-terminal domain connected by a long helix. The analysis of the distribution of crystallographic conformations reveals that the N-terminal helix rotates together with either of these two domains. The main domain fluctuation describes a closure mode of the two domains in which the N-terminal helix rotates concertedly with the C-terminal domain, while the domain fluctuation with second largest amplitude corresponds to a twisting mode of the two domains, with the N-terminal helix rotating concertedly with the N-terminal domain. For the closure mode, the difference in hinge-bending angle between the most open and most closed X-ray structure along this mode is 49 degrees. In the MD simulation that shows the largest fluctuation along this mode, a rotation of 45 degrees was observed. Although the twisting mode has much less freedom than the closure mode in the distribution of crystallographic conformations, experimental results suggest that it might be functionally important. Interestingly, the twisting mode is sampled more extensively in all MD simulations than it is in the distribution of X-ray conformations. Proteins 31:116–127, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Proteins are subjected to electric fields both within the cell and during routine biochemical analysis. We have used atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to study conformational changes within three structurally diverse proteins subjected to high electric fields. At electric fields in excess of .5?V/nm, major structural changes were observed in all three proteins due to charge redistribution within the biomolecule. However, the electromechanical resilience was found to be highly dependent on the protein secondary structure, with α-helices showing a particularly high susceptibility to deformation by the applied electric field.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes are important regulatory enzymes that have been implicated in many diseases, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and in the eradication of HIV/AIDS. Given their potential clinical ramifications, PKC modulators, e.g. phorbol esters and bryostatin, are also of great interest in the drug development. However, structural details on the binding between PKC and its modulators, especially bryostatin – the highly potent and non-tumor promoting activator for PKCs, are still lacking. Here, we report the first comparative molecular dynamics study aimed at gaining structural insight into the mechanisms by which the PKC delta cys2 activator domain is used in its binding to phorbol ester and bryostatin-1. As anticipated in the phorbol ester binding, hydrogen bonds are formed through the backbone atoms of Thr242, Leu251, and Gly253 of PKC. However, the opposition of H-bond formation between Thr242 and Gly253 may cause the phorbol ester complex to become less stable when compared with the bryostatin binding. For the PKC delta-bryostatin complex, hydrogen bonds are formed between the Gly253 backbone carbonyl and the C30 carbomethoxy substituent of the ligand. Additionally, the indole Nε1 of the highly homologous Trp252 also forms an H-bond to the C20 ester group on bryostatin. Backbone fluctuations also suggest that this latter H-bond formation may abrogate the transient interaction between Trp252 and His269, thus dampening the fluctuations observed on the nearby Zn2+-coordinating residues. This new dynamic fluctuation dampening model can potentially benefit future design of new PKC modulators.  相似文献   


Benzothiazole derivatives represent an important class of therapeutic chemical agents and are widely used for interesting biological activities and therapeutic functions including anticancer, antitumor and antimicrobial. In this study, we have performed similarity/substructure-based search of eMolecule database to find out promising benzothiazole derivatives as EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Several screening criteria that included molecular docking, pharmacokinetics and synthetic accessibility were used on initially derived about 7000 molecules consisting of benzothiazole as major component. Finally, four molecules were found to be promising EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. The best docked pose of each molecule was considered for binding interactions followed by molecular dynamics (MD) and binding energy calculation. Molecular docking clearly showed the final proposed derivatives potential to form a number of binding interactions. MD simulation trajectories undoubtedly indicated that the EGFR protein becomes stable when proposed derivatives bind to the receptor cavity. Strong binding affinity was found for all molecules toward the EGFR which was substantiated by the binding energy calculation using the MM-PBSA approach. Therefore, proposed benzothiazole derivatives may be promising EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors for potential application as cancer therapy.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics trajectories were calculated separately for each of the two molecules in the asymmetric unit of the crystal structure of the hemoprotein domain of cytochrome P450BM-3. Each simulation was 200 ps in length and included a 10 Å layer of explicit solvent. The simulated time-average structure of each P450BM-3 molecule is closer to its crystal structure than the two molecular dynamics time-averaged structures are to each other. In the crystal structure, molecule 2 has a more accessible substrate binding pocket than molecule 1, and this difference is maintained throughout the simulations presented here. In particular, the substrate docking regions of molecule 1 and molecule 2 diverge in the solution state simulations. The mouth of the substrate binding pocket is significantly more mobile in the simulation of molecule 2 than in the simulation of molecule 1. For molecule 1, the width of the mouth is only slightly larger than its X-ray value of 8.7 Å and undergoes fluctuations of about 1 Å. However, in molecule 2, the mouth of the substrate binding pocket is dramatically more open in the time-average molecular dynamics structure (14.7 Å) than in the X-ray structure (10.9 Å). Furthermore, this region of the protein undergoes large amplitude motions during the trajectory that are not seen in the trajectory of molecule 1, repeatedly opening and closing up to 7 Å. Presumably, the binding of different substrates will induce the mouth region to adopt different conformations from within the wide range of structures that are accessible. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An increasing number of structural studies reveal alternative binding sites in protein receptors that become apparent only when an inhibitor binds, and correct prediction of these situations presents a significant challenge to computer-aided drug design efforts. A striking example is provided by recent crystal structures of the p38 MAP kinase, where a 10A movement of the Phe169 side-chain creates a new binding site adjacent to the ATP binding site that is exploited by the diaryl urea inhibitor BIRB796. Here, we show that this binding site can be successfully and repeatedly identified in explicit-solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the protein that begin from an unliganded p38 crystal structure. Ligand-docking calculations performed on 5000 different structural snapshots generated during MD indicate that the conformations sampled are often surprisingly competent to bind the inhibitor BIRB796 in the crystallographically correct position and with docked energies that are generally more favorable than those of other positions. Similar docking studies with an ATP-binding site-directed inhibitor suggest that it may be possible to develop hybrid inhibitors that target both the ATP and cryptic binding sites simultaneously. Intriguingly, both inhibitors are occasionally found to dock correctly even with p38's "DFG" motif in the "wrong" conformation and BIRB796 can successfully dock, albeit infrequently, without significant displacement of the Phe169 side-chain; this suggests that the inhibitor might facilitate the latter's conformational change. Finally, two quite different conformations of p38's DFG motif are also sampled for extended periods of time during the simulations; these may provide new opportunities for inhibitor development. The MD simulations reported here, which total 390 ns in length, therefore demonstrate that existing computational methods may be of surprising utility in predicting cryptic binding sites in protein receptors prior to their experimental discovery.  相似文献   

Very few selective inhibitors of the zeta-chain associated protein kinase 70 kDa (ZAP70) have been reported despite its importance in autoimmune diseases. Here, to induce a fit of the so-called gatekeeper residue (Met414) and hydrophobic pocket next to it, a potent Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) inhibitor was first docked into the ATP binding site of ZAP70 by structural alignment of the kinase domains. The resulting model of the complex between ZAP70 and the JAK2 inhibitor was then relaxed by an explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulation with restraints on the backbone atoms. High-throughput docking into the induced-fit conformation of ZAP70 generated by molecular dynamics has revealed 10 low-micromolar inhibitors which correspond to six distinct chemotypes. One of these ZAP70 inhibitors has an IC50 of 110 nM for JAK2.  相似文献   


P21-activated kinase 4 (PAK4) is a serine/threonine protein kinase, which is associated with many cancer diseases, and thus being considered as a potential drug target. In this study, three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship (3D-QSAR), molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed to explore the structure-activity relationship of a series of pyrropyrazole PAK4 inhibitors. The statistical parameters of comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA, Q 2 = 0.837, R 2 = 0.990, and R 2 pred = 0.967) and comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA, Q 2 = 0.720, R 2 = 0.972, and R 2 pred = 0.946) were obtained from 3D-QSAR model, which exhibited good predictive ability and significant statistical reliability. The binding mode of PAK4 with its inhibitors was obtained through molecular docking study, which indicated that the residues of GLU396, LEU398, LYS350, and ASP458 were important for activity. Molecular mechanics generalized born surface area (MM-GBSA) method was performed to calculate the binding free energy, which indicated that the coulomb, lipophilic and van der Waals (vdW) interactions made major contributions to the binding affinity. Furthermore, through 100?ns MD simulations, we obtained the key amino acid residues and the types of interactions they participated in. Based on the constructed 3D-QSAR model, some novel pyrropyrazole derivatives targeting PAK4 were designed with improved predicted activities. Pharmacokinetic and toxicity predictions of the designed PAK4 inhibitors were obtained by the pkCSM, indicating these compounds had better absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) properties. Above research provided a valuable insight for developing novel and effective pyrropyrazole compounds targeting PAK4.  相似文献   

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