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Physical principles determining the protein structure and protein folding are reviewed: (i) the molecular theory of protein secondary structure and the method of its prediction based on this theory; (ii) the existence of a limited set of thermodynamically favourable folding patterns of α- and β-regions in a compact globule which does not depend on the details of the amino acid sequence; (iii) the moderns approaches to the prediction of the folding patterns of α- and β-regions in concrete proteins; (iv) experimental approaches to the mechanism of protein folding. The review reflects theoretical and experimental works of the author and his collaborators as well as those of other groups.  相似文献   

Computational methods in protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review presents the advances in protein structure prediction from the computational methods perspective. The approaches are classified into four major categories: comparative modeling, fold recognition, first principles methods that employ database information, and first principles methods without database information. Important advances along with current limitations and challenges are presented.  相似文献   

Contact order and ab initio protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Although much of the motivation for experimental studies of protein folding is to obtain insights for improving protein structure prediction, there has been relatively little connection between experimental protein folding studies and computational structural prediction work in recent years. In the present study, we show that the relationship between protein folding rates and the contact order (CO) of the native structure has implications for ab initio protein structure prediction. Rosetta ab initio folding simulations produce a dearth of high CO structures and an excess of low CO structures, as expected if the computer simulations mimic to some extent the actual folding process. Consistent with this, the majority of failures in ab initio prediction in the CASP4 (critical assessment of structure prediction) experiment involved high CO structures likely to fold much more slowly than the lower CO structures for which reasonable predictions were made. This bias against high CO structures can be partially alleviated by performing large numbers of additional simulations, selecting out the higher CO structures, and eliminating the very low CO structures; this leads to a modest improvement in prediction quality. More significant improvements in predictions for proteins with complex topologies may be possible following significant increases in high-performance computing power, which will be required for thoroughly sampling high CO conformations (high CO proteins can take six orders of magnitude longer to fold than low CO proteins). Importantly for such a strategy, simulations performed for high CO structures converge much less strongly than those for low CO structures, and hence, lack of simulation convergence can indicate the need for improved sampling of high CO conformations. The parallels between Rosetta simulations and folding in vivo may extend to misfolding: The very low CO structures that accumulate in Rosetta simulations consist primarily of local up-down beta-sheets that may resemble precursors to amyloid formation.  相似文献   

A long standing goal in protein structure studies is the development of reliable energy functions that can be used both to verify protein models derived from experimental constraints as well as for theoretical protein folding and inverse folding computer experiments. In that respect, knowledge-based statistical pair potentials have attracted considerable interests recently mainly because they include the essential features of protein structures as well as solvent effects at a low computing cost. However, the basis on which statistical potentials are derived have been questioned. In this paper, we investigate statistical pair potentials derived from protein three-dimensional structures, addressing in particular questions related to the form of these potentials, as well as to the content of the database from which they are derived. We have shown that statistical pair potentials depend on the size of the proteins included in the database, and that this dependence can be reduced by considering only pairs of residue close in space (i.e., with a cutoff of 8 Å). We have shown also that statistical potentials carry a memory of the quality of the database in terms of the amount and diversity of secondary structure it contains. We find, for example, that potentials derived from a database containing α-proteins will only perform best on α-proteins in fold recognition computer experiments. We believe that this is an overall weakness of these potentials, which must be kept in mind when constructing a database. Proteins 31:139–149, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Haspel N  Tsai CJ  Wolfson H  Nussinov R 《Proteins》2003,51(2):203-215
We have previously presented a building block folding model. The model postulates that protein folding is a hierarchical top-down process. The basic unit from which a fold is constructed, referred to as a hydrophobic folding unit, is the outcome of combinatorial assembly of a set of "building blocks." Results obtained by the computational cutting procedure yield fragments that are in agreement with those obtained experimentally by limited proteolysis. Here we show that as expected, proteins from the same family give very similar building blocks. However, different proteins can also give building blocks that are similar in structure. In such cases the building blocks differ in sequence, stability, contacts with other building blocks, and in their 3D locations in the protein structure. This result, which we have repeatedly observed in many cases, leads us to conclude that while a building block is influenced by its environment, nevertheless, it can be viewed as a stand-alone unit. For small-sized building blocks existing in multiple conformations, interactions with sister building blocks in the protein will increase the population time of the native conformer. With this conclusion in hand, it is possible to develop an algorithm that predicts the building block assignment of a protein sequence whose structure is unknown. Toward this goal, we have created sequentially nonredundant databases of building block sequences. A protein sequence can be aligned against these, in order to be matched to a set of potential building blocks.  相似文献   

Using a test set of 13 small, compact proteins, we demonstrate that a remarkably simple protocol can capture native topology from secondary structure information alone, in the absence of long-range interactions. It has been a long-standing open question whether such information is sufficient to determine a protein's fold. Indeed, even the far simpler problem of reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its exact backbone torsion angles has remained a difficult challenge owing to the small, but cumulative, deviations from ideality in backbone planarity, which, if ignored, cause large errors in structure. As a familiar example, a small change in an elbow angle causes a large displacement at the end of your arm; the longer the arm, the larger the displacement. Here, correct secondary structure assignments (alpha-helix, beta-strand, beta-turn, polyproline II, coil) were used to constrain polypeptide backbone chains devoid of side chains, and the most stable folded conformations were determined, using Monte Carlo simulation. Just three terms were used to assess stability: molecular compaction, steric exclusion, and hydrogen bonding. For nine of the 13 proteins, this protocol restricts the main chain to a surprisingly small number of energetically favorable topologies, with the native one prominent among them.  相似文献   

This review compares the folding behavior of proteins and RNAs. Topics covered include the role of topology in the determination of folding rates, major folding events including collapse, properties of denatured states, pathway heterogeneity, and the influence of the mode of initiation on the folding pathway.  相似文献   

Most proteins contain small cavities that can be filled by replacing cavity-lining residues by larger ones. Since shortening mutations in hydrophobic cores tend to destabilize proteins, it is expected that cavity-filling mutations may conversely increase protein stability. We have filled three small cavities in apoflavodoxin and determined by NMR and equilibrium unfolding analysis their impact in protein structure and stability. The smallest cavity (14 A3) has been filled, at two different positions, with a variety of residues and, in all cases, the mutant proteins are locally unfolded, their structure and energetics resembling those of an equilibrium intermediate of the thermal unfolding of the wild-type protein. In contrast, two slightly larger cavities of 20 A3 and 21 A3 have been filled with Val to Ile or Val to Leu mutations and the mutants preserve both the native fold and the equilibrium unfolding mechanism. From the known relationship, observed in shortening mutations, between stability changes and the differential hydrophobicity of the exchanged residues and the volume of the cavities, the filling of these apoflavodoxin cavities is expected to stabilize the protein by approximately 1.5 kcal mol(-1). However, both urea and thermal denaturation analysis reveal much more modest stabilizations, ranging from 0.0 kcal mol(-1) to 0.6 kcal mol(-1), which reflects that the accommodation of single extra methyl groups in small cavities requires some rearrangement, necessarily destabilizing, that lowers the expected theoretical stabilization. As the size of these cavities is representative of that of the typical small, empty cavities found in most proteins, it seems unlikely that filling this type of cavities will give rise to large stabilizations.  相似文献   

Lee J  Kim SY  Joo K  Kim I  Lee J 《Proteins》2004,56(4):704-714
A novel method for ab initio prediction of protein tertiary structures, PROFESY (PROFile Enumerating SYstem), is proposed. This method utilizes the secondary structure prediction information of a query sequence and the fragment assembly procedure based on global optimization. Fifteen-residue-long fragment libraries are constructed using the secondary structure prediction method PREDICT, and fragments in these libraries are assembled to generate full-length chains of a query protein. Tertiary structures of 50 to 100 conformations are obtained by minimizing an energy function for proteins, using the conformational space annealing method that enables one to sample diverse low-lying local minima of the energy. We apply PROFESY for benchmark tests to proteins with known structures to demonstrate its feasibility. In addition, we participated in CASP5 and applied PROFESY to four new-fold targets for blind prediction. The results are quite promising, despite the fact that PROFESY was in its early stages of development. In particular, PROFESY successfully provided us the best model-one structure for the target T0161.  相似文献   

Although there have been recent transformative advances in the area of protein structure prediction, prediction of point mutations that improve protein stability remains challenging. It is possible to construct and screen large mutant libraries for improved activity or ligand binding. However, reliable screens for mutants that improve protein stability do not yet exist, especially for proteins that are well folded and relatively stable. Here, we demonstrate that incorporation of a single, specific, destabilizing mutation termed parent inactivating mutation into each member of a single-site saturation mutagenesis library, followed by screening for suppressors, allows for robust and accurate identification of stabilizing mutations. We carried out fluorescence-activated cell sorting of such a yeast surface display, saturation suppressor library of the bacterial toxin CcdB, followed by deep sequencing of sorted populations. We found that multiple stabilizing mutations could be identified after a single round of sorting. In addition, multiple libraries with different parent inactivating mutations could be pooled and simultaneously screened to further enhance the accuracy of identification of stabilizing mutations. Finally, we show that individual stabilizing mutations could be combined to result in a multi-mutant that demonstrated an increase in thermal melting temperature of about 20 °C, and that displayed enhanced tolerance to high temperature exposure. We conclude that as this method is robust and employs small library sizes, it can be readily extended to other display and screening formats to rapidly isolate stabilized protein mutants.  相似文献   

The mechanism of membrane insertion and folding of a beta-barrel membrane protein has been studied using the outer membrane protein A (OmpA) as an example. OmpA forms an eight-stranded beta-barrel that functions as a structural protein and perhaps as an ion channel in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. OmpA folds spontaneously from a urea-denatured state into lipid bilayers of small unilamellar vesicles. We have used fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and gel electrophoresis to investigate basic mechanistic principles of structure formation in OmpA. Folding kinetics followed a second-order rate law and is strongly depended on the hydrophobic thickness of the lipid bilayer. When OmpA was refolded into model membranes of dilaurylphosphatidylcholine, fluorescence kinetics were characterized by a rate constant that was about fivefold higher than the rate constants of formation of secondary and tertiary structure, which were determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and gel electrophoresis, respectively. The formation of beta-sheet secondary structure and closure of the beta-barrel of OmpA were correlated with the same rate constant and coupled to the insertion of the protein into the lipid bilayer. OmpA, and presumably other beta-barrel membrane proteins therefore do not follow a mechanism according to the two-stage model that has been proposed for the folding of alpha-helical bundle membrane proteins. These different folding mechanisms are likely a consequence of the very different intramolecular hydrogen bonding and hydrophobicity patterns in these two classes of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

We present a general and mathematically rigorous algorithm which allows the helicoidal structure of a protein to be calculated starting from the atomic coordinates of its peptide backbone. This algorithm yields a unique curved axis which quantifies the folding of the backbone and a full set of helicoidal parameters describing the location of each peptide unit. The parameters obtained form a complete and independent set and can therefore be used for analyzing, comparing, or reconstructing protein backbone geometry. This algorithm has been implemented in a computer program named P-Curve. Several examples of its possible applications are discussed.  相似文献   

The availability of fast and robust algorithms for protein structure comparison provides an opportunity to produce a database of three-dimensional comparisons, called families of structurally similar proteins (FSSP). The database currently contains an extended structural family for each of 154 representative (below 30% sequence identity) protein chains. Each data set contains: the search structure; all its relatives with 70-30% sequence identity, aligned structurally; and all other proteins from the representative set that contain substructures significantly similar to the search structure. Very close relatives (above 70% sequence identity) rarely have significant structural differences and are excluded. The alignments of remote relatives are the result of pairwise all-against-all structural comparisons in the set of 154 representative protein chains. The comparisons were carried out with each of three novel automatic algorithms that cover different aspects of protein structure similarity. The user of the database has the choice between strict rigid-body comparisons and comparisons that take into account interdomain motion or geometrical distortions; and, between comparisons that require strictly sequential ordering of segments and comparisons, which allow altered topology of loop connections or chain reversals. The data sets report the structurally equivalent residues in the form of a multiple alignment and as a list of matching fragments to facilitate inspection by three-dimensional graphics. If substructures are ignored, the result is a database of structure alignments of full-length proteins, including those in the twilight zone of sequence similarity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We present an improved version of RosettaHoles, a methodology for quantitative and visual characterization of protein core packing. RosettaHoles2 features a packing measure more rapidly computable, accurate and physically transparent, as well as a new validation score intended for structures submitted to the Protein Data Bank. The differential packing measure is parameterized to maximize the gap between computationally generated and experimentally determined X‐ray structures, and can be used in refinement of protein structure models. The parameters of the model provide insight into components missing in current force fields, and the validation score gives an upper bound on the X‐ray resolution of Protein Data Bank structures; a crystal structure should have a validation score as good as or better than its resolution.  相似文献   

The structural and energetic consequences of modifications to the hydrophobic cavity of interleukin 1-beta (IL-1beta) are described. Previous reports demonstrated that the entirely hydrophobic cavity of IL-1beta contains positionally disordered water. To gain a better understanding of the nature of this cavity and the water therein, a number of mutant proteins were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, designed to result in altered hydrophobicity of the cavity. These mutations involve the replacement of specific phenylalanine residues, which circumscribe the cavity, with tyrosine, tryptophan, leucine and isoleucine. Using differential scanning calorimetry to determine the relative stabilities of the wild-type and mutant proteins, we found all of the mutants to be destabilizing. X-ray crystallography was used to identify the structural consequences of the mutations. No clear correlation between the hydrophobicities of the specific side-chains introduced and the resulting stabilities was found.  相似文献   

Jia M  Luo L  Liu C 《Biopolymers》2004,73(1):16-26
A new integrated sequence-structure database, called IADE (Integrated ASTRAL-DSSP-EMBL), incorporating matching mRNA sequence, amino acid sequence, and protein secondary structural data, is constructed. It includes 648 protein domains. Based on the IADE database, we studied the relation between RNA stem-loop frequencies and protein secondary structure. It was found that the alpha-helices and beta-strands on proteins tend to be preferably "coded" by mRNA stem region, while the coils on proteins tend to be preferably "coded" by mRNA loop region. These tendencies are more obvious if we observe the structural words (SWs). An SW is defined by a four-amino-acid-fragment that shows the pronounced secondary structural (alpha-helix or beta-strand) propensity. It is demonstrated that the deduced correlation between protein and mRNA structure can hardly be explained as the stochastic fluctuation effect.  相似文献   

In previous studies designed to increase the primary structure symmetry within the hydrophobic core of human acidic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-1) a combination of five mutations were accommodated, resulting in structure, stability and folding kinetic properties similar to wild-type (despite the symmetric constraint upon the set of core residues). A sixth mutation in the core, involving a highly conserved Met residue at position 67, appeared intolerant to substitution. Structural analysis suggested that the local packing environment of position 67 involved two regions of apparent insertions that distorted the tertiary structure symmetry inherent in the beta-trefoil architecture. It was postulated that a symmetric constraint upon the primary structure within the core could only be achieved after these insertions had been deleted (concomitantly increasing the tertiary structure symmetry). The deletion of these insertions is now shown to permit mutation of position 67, thereby increasing the primary structure symmetry relationship within the core. Furthermore, despite the imposed symmetric constraint upon both the primary and tertiary structure, the resulting mutant form of FGF-1 is substantially more stable. The apparent inserted regions are shown to be associated with heparin-binding functionality; however, despite a marked reduction in heparin-binding affinity the mutant form of FGF-1 is surprisingly approximately 70 times more potent in 3T3 fibroblast mitogenic assays. The results support the hypothesis that primary structure symmetry within a symmetric protein superfold represents a possible solution, rather than a constraint, to achieving a foldable polypeptide.  相似文献   

The structure of a chaperonin caging a substrate protein is not quite clear. We made engineered group II chaperonins fused with a guest protein and analyzed their structural and functional features. Thermococcus sp. KS-1 chaperonin alpha-subunit (TCP) which forms an eightfold symmetric double-ring structure was used. Expression plasmids were constructed which carried two or four TCP genes ligated head to tail in phase and a target protein gene at the 3' end of the linked TCP genes. Electron microscopy showed that the expressed gene products with the molecular sizes of ~120 kDa (di-TCP) and ~230 kDa (tetra-TCP) formed double-ring complexes similar to those of wild-type TCP. The tetra-TCP retained ATPase activity and its thermostability was significantly higher than that of the wild type. A 260-kDa fusion protein of tetra-TCP and green fluorescent protein (GFP, 27 kDa) was able to form the double-ring complexes with green fluorescence. Image analyses indicated that the GFP moiety of tetra-TCP/GFP fusion protein was accommodated in the central cavity, and tetra-TCP/GFP formed the closed-form similar to that crystallographically resolved in group II chaperonins. Furthermore, it was suggested that caging GFP expanded the cavity around the bottom. Using this tetra-TCP fusion strategy, two virus structural proteins (21-25 kDa) toxic to host cells or two antibody fragments (25-36 kDa) prone to aggregate were well expressed in the soluble fraction of Escherichia coli. These fusion products also assembled to double-ring complexes, suggesting encapsulation of the guest proteins. The antibody fragments liberated by site-specific protease digestion exhibited ligand-binding activities.  相似文献   

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