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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) samples of 70 Native Americans, most of whom had been found not to belong to any of the four common Native American haplogroups (A, B, C, and D), were analyzed for the presence of Dde I site losses at np 1715 and np 10394. These two mutations are characteristic of haplogroup X which might be of European origin. The first hypervariable segment (HVSI) of the non-coding control region (CR) of mtDNA of a representative selection of samples exhibiting these mutations was sequenced to confirm their assignment to haplogroup X. Thirty-two of the samples exhibited the restriction site losses characteristic of haplogroup X and, when sequenced, a representative selection (n = 11) of these exhibited the CR mutations commonly associated with haplogroup X, C --> T transitions at np 16278 and 16223, in addition to as many as three other HVSI mutations. The wide distribution of this haplogroup throughout North America, and its prehistoric presence there, are consistent with its being a fifth founding haplogroup exhibited by about 3% of modern Native Americans. Its markedly nonrandom distribution with high frequency in certain regions, as for the other four major mtDNA haplogroups, should facilitate establishing ancestor/descendant relationships between modern and prehistoric groups of Native Americans. The low frequency of haplogroups other than A, B, C, D, and X among the samples studied suggests a paucity of both recent non-Native American maternal admixture in alleged fullblood Native Americans and mutations at the restriction sites that characterize the five haplogroups as well as the absence of additional (undiscovered) founding haplogroups.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of variation in mtDNA in Amerindian populations established that four haplogroups are present throughout both North and South America. These four haplogroups (A, B, C, and D) and perhaps a fifth (X) in North America are postulated to be present in the initial founding migration to the Americas. Furthermore, studies of ancient mtDNA in North America suggested long-term regional continuity of the frequencies of these founding haplogroups. Present-day tribal groups possess high frequencies of private mtDNA haplotypes (variants within the major haplogroups), consistent with early establishment of local isolation of regional populations. Clearly these patterns have implications for the mode of colonization of the hemisphere. Recently, the earlier consensus among archaeologists for an initial colonization by Clovis hunters arriving through an ice-free corridor and expanding in a "blitzkrieg " wave was shown to be inconsistent with extensive genetic variability in Native Americans; a coastal migration route avoids this problem. The present paper demonstrates through a computer simulation model how colonization along coasts and rivers could have rapidly spread the founding lineages widely through North America.  相似文献   

Previous studies have investigated the human population history of eastern North America by examining mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation among Native Americans, but these studies could only reconstruct maternal population history. To evaluate similarities and differences in the maternal and paternal population histories of this region, we obtained DNA samples from 605 individuals, representing 16 indigenous populations. After amplifying the amelogenin locus to identify males, we genotyped 8 binary polymorphisms and 10 microsatellites in the male-specific region of the Y chromosome. This analysis identified 6 haplogroups and 175 haplotypes. We found that sociocultural factors have played a more important role than language or geography in shaping the patterns of Y chromosome variation in eastern North America. Comparisons with previous mtDNA studies of the same samples demonstrate that male and female demographic histories differ substantially in this region. Postmarital residence patterns have strongly influenced genetic structure, with patrilocal and matrilocal populations showing different patterns of male and female gene flow. European contact also had a significant but sex-specific impact due to a high level of male-mediated European admixture. Finally, this study addresses long-standing questions about the history of Iroquoian populations by suggesting that the ancestral Iroquoian population lived in southeastern North America.  相似文献   

mtDNA Amerindian polymorphisms were studied in 108 inhabitants of Montevideo, Uruguay, using PCR RFLP analysis. Amerindian haplogroups were found in 20.4% of the sample. The frequency of Amerindian polymorphisms in Montevideo differed significantly from that observed in Tacuarembó, a city about 400 km away, indicating the high level of variation within Uruguay. Results for mitochondrial markers indicate that admixture occurred primarily as a result of Amerindian females mating with European males.  相似文献   

The mtDNA variation of 411 individuals from 10 aboriginal Siberian populations was analyzed in an effort to delineate the relationships between Siberian and Native American populations. All mtDNAs were characterized by PCR amplification and restriction analysis, and a subset of them was characterized by control region sequencing. The resulting data were then compiled with previous mtDNA data from Native Americans and Asians and were used for phylogenetic analyses and sequence divergence estimations. Aboriginal Siberian populations exhibited mtDNAs from three (A, C, and D) of the four haplogroups observed in Native Americans. However, none of the Siberian populations showed mtDNAs from the fourth haplogroup, group B. The presence of group B deletion haplotypes in East Asian and Native American populations but their absence in Siberians raises the possibility that haplogroup B could represent a migratory event distinct from the one(s) which brought group A, C, and D mtDNAs to the Americas. Our findings support the hypothesis that the first humans to move from Siberia to the Americas carried with them a limited number of founding mtDNAs and that the initial migration occurred between 17,000-34,000 years before present.  相似文献   

The mtDNA variation of 321 individuals from 17 Native American populations was examined by high-resolution restriction endonuclease analysis. All mtDNAs were amplified from a variety of sources by using PCR. The mtDNA of a subset of 38 of these individuals was also analyzed by D-loop sequencing. The resulting data were combined with previous mtDNA data from five other Native American tribes, as well as with data from a variety of Asian populations, and were used to deduce the phylogenetic relationships between mtDNAs and to estimate sequence divergences. This analysis revealed the presence of four haplotype groups (haplogroups A, B, C, and D) in the Amerind, but only one haplogroup (A) in the Na-Dene, and confirmed the independent origins of the Amerinds and the Na-Dene. Further, each haplogroup appeared to have been founded by a single mtDNA haplotype, a result which is consistent with a hypothesized founder effect. Most of the variation within haplogroups was tribal specific, that is, it occurred as tribal private polymorphisms. These observations suggest that the process of tribalization began early in the history of the Amerinds, with relatively little intertribal genetic exchange occurring subsequently. The sequencing of 341 nucleotides in the mtDNA D-loop revealed that the D-loop sequence variation correlated strongly with the four haplogroups defined by restriction analysis, and it indicated that the D-loop variation, like the haplotype variation, arose predominantly after the migration of the ancestral Amerinds across the Bering land bridge.  相似文献   

The mtDNA haplogroups of 185 individuals from Native American tribes in Northeast North America were determined. A subset of these individuals was analyzed by sequencing hypervariable segments I and II of the control region. The haplogroup frequency distributions of populations in the Northeast exhibit regional continuity that predates European contact. A large amount of gene flow has occurred between Siouan-and Algonquian-speaking groups, probably due to an Algonquian intrusion into the Northeast. The data also support both the Macro-Siouan hypothesis and a relatively recent intrusion of Northern Iroquoians into the Northeast. These conclusions are consistent with archaeological and linguistic evidence.  相似文献   

In this study, 231 Y chromosomes from 12 populations were typed for four diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to determine haplogroup membership and 43 Y chromosomes from three of these populations were typed for eight short tandem repeats (STRs) to determine haplotypes. These data were combined with previously published data, amounting to 724 Y chromosomes from 26 populations in North America, and analyzed to investigate the geographic distribution of Y chromosomes among native North Americans and to test the Southern Athapaskan migration hypothesis. The results suggest that European admixture has significantly altered the distribution of Y chromosomes in North America and because of this caution should be taken when inferring prehistoric population events in North America using Y chromosome data alone. However, consistent with studies of other genetic systems, we are still able to identify close relationships among Y chromosomes in Athapaskans from the Subarctic and the Southwest, suggesting that a small number of proto-Apachean migrants from the Subarctic founded the Southwest Athapaskan populations.  相似文献   

On the basis of GM and KM typing and language, approximately 28,000 Amerindians were divided into 4 groups of populations: non-Nadene South American (8 groups), non-Nadene North American (7 groups), Nadene (4 groups), and Eskaleuts (6 groups). These groups were compared to four groups of Asian populations. The distribution of GM haplotypes differed significantly among and within these groups as measured by chi-square analysis. Furthermore, as reflected in a maximum linkage cluster analysis, Amerindian populations in general cluster along geographic divisions, with Eskaleuts and Nadenes clustering with the Asian populations and non-Nadene North American and non-Nadene South American populations forming two additional clusters. Based on GM haplotype data and other genetic polymorphisms, the divisions appear to reflect populations that entered the New World at different times. It appears that the South American non-Nadene populations are the oldest, characterized by the haplotypes GM*A G and GM*X G, whereas later North American non-Nadene populations are characterized by high frequencies of GM*A G and low frequencies of GM*X G and GM*A T. In contrast, Eskaleuts appear to have only GM*A G and GM*A T. The Nadene speakers have GM*X G and GM*A T in higher and approximately equal frequencies. Maximum linkage cluster analysis places the Alaskan Athapaskans closest to northwestern Siberian populations and the Eskaleuts closest to the Chukchi, their closest Asian neighbor. These analyses, when combined with other data, suggest that, in the peopling of the New World, at least four separate migrant groups crossed Beringia at various times. It appears likely that the South American non-Nadene entered the New World before 17,000 years B.P. and that the North American non-Nadene entered in the immediate postglacial period, with the Eskaleut and Nadene arriving at a later date.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of complex societies and despite extensive present-day linguistic and ethnic diversity, relatively few populations in Peru have been sampled for population genetic investigations. In order to address questions about the relationships between South American populations and about the extent of correlation between genetic distance, language, and geography in the region, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable region I sequences and mtDNA haplogroup markers were examined in 33 individuals from the state of Ancash, Peru. These sequences were compared to those from 19 American Indian populations using diversity estimates, AMOVA tests, mismatch distributions, a multidimensional scaling plot, and regressions. The results show correlations between genetics, linguistics, and geographical affinities, with stronger correlations between genetics and language. Additionally, the results suggest a pattern of differential gene flow and drift in western vs. eastern South America, supporting previous mtDNA and Y chromosome investigations.  相似文献   

Hungarians are unique among the other European populations because according to history, the ancient Magyars had come from the eastern side of the Ural Mountains and settled down in the Carpathian basin in the 9th century AD. Since variations in the human mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) are routinely used to infer the histories of different populations, we examined the distribution of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) sites of the mtDNA in apparently healthy, unrelated Hungarian subjects in order to collect data on the genetic origin of the Hungarian population. Among the 55 samples analyzed, the large majority belonged to haplogroups common in other European populations, however, three samples fulfilled the requirements of haplogroup M. Since haplogroup M is classified as a haplogroup characteristic mainly for Asian populations, the presence of haplogroup M found in approximately 5% of the total suggests that an Asian matrilineal ancestry, even if in a small incidence, can be detected among modern Hungarians.  相似文献   

mtDNA variation in the Cayapa, an Ecuadorian Amerindian tribe belonging to the Chibcha-Paezan linguistic branch, was analyzed by use of hypervariable control regions I and II along with two linked regions undergoing insertion/deletion mutations. Three major maternal lineage clusters fit into the A, B, and C founding groups first described by Schurr and colleagues in 1990, whereas a fourth lineage, apparently unique to the Cayapa, has ambiguous affinity to known clusters. The time of divergence from a common maternal ancestor of the four lineage groups is of sufficient age that it indicates an origin in Asia and supports the hypothesis that the degree of variability carried by the Asian ancestral populations into the New World was rather high. Spatial autocorrelation analysis points out (a) statistically significant nonrandom distributions of the founding lineages in the Americas, because of north-south population movements that have occurred since the first Asian migrants spread through Beringia into the Americas, and (b) an unusual pattern associated with the D lineage cluster. The values of haplotype and nucleotide diversity that are displayed by the Cayapa appear to differ from those observed in other Chibchan populations but match those calculated for South American groups belonging to various linguistic stocks. These data, together with the results of phylogenetic analysis performed with the Amerinds of Central and South America, highlight the difficulty in the identification of clear coevolutionary patterns between linguistic and genetic relationships in particular human populations.  相似文献   

The study presents comparisons between blood group frequencies beyond ABO and Rh blood systems in Native American populations and previously published data from Brazilian blood donors. The frequencies of Diego (c.2561C>T, rs2285644), Kell (c.578C>T, rs8176058), Duffy (c.125A>G, rs12075, c.1−67T>C, rs2814778) and Kidd (c.838A>G, rs1058396) variants in Kaingang (n=72) and Guarani (n=234) populations from Brazil (1990-2000) were obtained and compared with data from these populations sampled during the 1960s and with individuals of different Brazilian regions. Data showed high frequencies of DI*01 and FY*01 alleles: 11.8% and 57.6% in Kaingang and 6.8% and 75.7% in Guarani groups, respectively. The main results indicated: (1) reduction in genetic distance over time of Kaingang and Guarani in relation to other Brazilian populations is suggestive of ongoing admixture; (2) significant differences in some frequencies of blood group markers (especially Diego, Kidd and Duffy) in relation to Native Americans and individuals from different geographical regions of Brazil. Our study shows that the frequency of red blood cell polymorphisms in two Native American groups is very different from that of blood donors, when we evaluated blood groups different from ABO and Rh systems, suggesting that a better ethnic characterization of blood unit receptors is necessary.  相似文献   

The Yakuts are a Turkic‐speaking population from northeastern Siberia who are believed to have originated from ancient Turkic populations in South Siberia, based on archaeological and ethnohistorical evidence. In order to better understand Yakut origins, we modeled 25 demographic scenarios and tested by coalescent simulation whether any are consistent with the patterns of mtDNA diversity observed in present‐day Yakuts. The models consist of either two simulated demes that represent Yakuts and a South Siberian ancestral population, or three demes that also include a regional Northeast Siberian population that served as a source of local gene flow into the Yakut deme. The model that produced the best fit to the observed data defined a founder group with an effective female population size of only 150 individuals that migrated northwards approximately 1,000 years BP and who experienced significant admixture with neighboring populations in Northeastern Siberia. These simulation results indicate a pronounced founder effect that was primarily kin‐structured and reconcile reported discrepancies between Yakut mtDNA and Y chromosome diversity levels. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

从父系和母系基因库水平上,研究不同分布地区白族群体之间的遗传结构的异同,并对其族源以及本民族群体之间的微进化关系进行初步的探讨。利用PCR-RFLP方法对云南白族和湖南白族及云南的傣族、布依族、独龙族、怒族、阿昌族和湖南土家族共8个群体进行14个线粒体多态位点和Y染色体上的13个双等位基因位点进行基因分型。统计单倍型,在SPSS软件上进行主成分分析。结果显示,两个白族群体在Y染色体双等位基因单倍型分布上差异不大,以H6、H8为主要单倍型分布;在线粒体单倍群分布上,两个白族群体则差异显著,单倍群D、B、M8在湖南白族中的分布频率比云南白族高的多,而在云南白族中M^*、G、F的频率则比湖南白族高。对Y染色体单倍型分布频率进行主成分分析表明两个白族群体聚在一起,整体上和其他北方起源的群体聚成一组;而对线粒体的单倍群分布频率分析显示湖南白族接近湖南汉族和土家族,而云南白族则接近云南怒族和阿昌族。两个白族群体在父系遗传结构上相近,表明他们具有共同的父系族源;而母系遗传结构上的差异,可能与历史上迁到湖南的白族先民主要为男性军士,流寓到当地后与汉、土家等民族女子通婚所致。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism-typing for 66 individuals from four southeastern North American populations, and the HVS I portion of the mtDNA control region was sequenced in 48 of these individuals. Although populations from the same geographic region usually exhibit similar haplogroup frequency distributions (Lorenz and Smith [1996] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 101:307-323; Malhi et al. [2001] Hum. Biol. 73:17-55), those from the Southeast instead exhibit haplogroup frequency distributions that differ significantly from one another. Such divergent haplogroup frequency distributions are unexpected for the Muskogean-speaking southeastern populations, which share many sociocultural traits, speak closely related languages, and have experienced extensive admixture both with each other and with other eastern North American populations. Independent origins, genetic isolation from other Native American populations due to matrilocality, differential admixture, or a genetic bottleneck could be responsible for this heterogeneous distribution of haplogroup frequencies. Within a given haplogroup, however, the HVS I sequences from the four Muskogean-speaking populations appear relatively similar to one another, providing evidence for close relationships among them and for reduced diversity within haplogroups in the Southeast. Given additional archaeological, linguistic, and ethnographic evidence, these results suggest that a genetic bottleneck associated with the historical population decline is the most plausible explanation for such patterns of mtDNA variation.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the complete mitochondrial genome of the donkey, Equus asinus, was determined. The length of the molecule is 16,670 bp. The length, however, is not absolute due to pronounced heteroplasmy caused by variable numbers of two types of repetitive motifs in the control region. The sequence of the repeats is (a) 5′-CACACCCA and (b) 5′-TGCGCGCA, respectively. The order of (a) and (b) can be expressed as {n[2(a)+(b)]+m(a)}. In 32 different clones analyzed the number of n and m ranged from 0 to 9 and 1 to 7. The two rRNA genes, the 13 peptide-coding genes, and the 22 tRNA genes of the donkey and the horse, Equus caballus, were compared in detail. Total nucleotide difference outside the control region was 6.9%. Nucleotide difference between peptide-coding genes ranged from 6.4% to 9.4% with a mean of 8.0%. In the inferred protein sequences of the 13 peptide-coding genes the amino acid difference was 0.2–8.8%, and the mean for the 13 concatenated amino acid sequences was 1.9%. In the 22 tRNA genes, the mean difference was 3.5%, and that in the two rRNA genes was 4.1%. The mtDNA differences between the donkey and the horse suggest that the evolutionary separation of the two species occurred ≈9 million years ago. Analyses of differences among the mtDNAs of three other species-pairs, harbor seal/grey seal, fin whale/blue whale, and Homo/common chimpanzee, showed that the relative evolutionary rate of individual peptide-coding genes varies among different species-pairs and modes of comparison. The findings show that the superimposition of sequence data of one lineage for resolving and dating evolutionary divergences of other lineages should be performed with caution unless based on comprehensive data. Received: 15 October 1995 / Accepted: 15 April 1996  相似文献   

In the present work, DNA was extracted from 63 skeletal samples recovered at the Neolithic site of San Juan ante Portam Latinam (SJAPL) (Araba, Basque Country). These samples have proved useful as genetic material for the performance of population studies. To achieve this it was necessary to overcome the methodological problems arising when working with damaged DNA molecules. We succeeded in performing an amplification and restriction analysis of the polymorphisms present in the mtDNA. Ninety seven percent of the samples were classified as belonging to one of the nine mtDNA haplogroups described in Caucasians. This work shows that restriction analysis is a useful methodological tool to perform reliable population genetic analysis on archaeological remains. Tha analysis of ancient and modern haplogroup distribution can shed more light on the genetic evolution of human populations. Moreover, a more exhaustive data on prehistoric populations will allow to build stronger hypothesis on the genetic relationships among human populations.  相似文献   

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