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Summary The central projections of the frontal organ of Rana pipiens are more widespread, and more similar to those of the epiphysis, than previously realized. Fibers labeled with horseradish peroxidase were traced to the amygdala, the epiphysis, the pretectal region, and several nuclear areas of the mesencephalic and diencephalic central gray. When peroxidase reaction product was carefully distinguished from neuromelanin by means of polarization microscopy, no unequivocally labeled cell bodies of centrifugal fibers could be found.Supported by NIH grants GM-09181, EY-02083, and by BRSG RR-05357 awarded by the Biomedical Research Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, N.I.H.  相似文献   

After injection of horseradish peroxidase into the frontal organ of Rana temporaria, labeled perikarya were found in the medial part of the amygdala, the preoptic area, the nucleus rotundus, the pretectal area, and the lateral parts of the midbrain central griseum.  相似文献   

Van der Velde  G.  Hüsken  F.  Van Welie  L. 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):279-286
The tolerance of adult specimens of Dugesia lugubris and D. polychroa for 13 different chlorinities ranging from 15.0–3.8 and for two temperatures, viz. 4 and 23 °C, was tested.At chlorinities of 7.5 and lower, the survival time of both species was considerably longer than at higher chlorinities (a few hours at 7.5, one to several days at 6.6 and lower concentrations). It is assumed that this is determined by the osmoregulatory capacity of the planarians.It was found that at low chlorinities combined with a high temperature D. polychroa survived longer than D. lugubris, while at the same chlorinities the opposite was true for a low temperature. The effect of temperature on survival at low chlorinities was more drastic for D. lugubris than for D. polychroa.The results correlate with data on the distribution of both species in The Netherlands. Outside areas with an average chlorinity below 2 the two species were rarely found.  相似文献   

Frontal eyes of crustaceans (previously called nauplius eye and frontal organs) are usually simple eyes that send their axons to a medial brain centre in the anterior margin of the protocerebrum. Investigations of a large number of recent species within all major groups of the Crustacea have disclosed four kinds of frontal eyes correlated with taxonomic groups and named after them as the malacostracan, ostracod-maxillopodan, anostracan, and phyllopodan frontal eyes. The different kinds of eyes have been established using the homology concept coined by Owen [Owen, R., 1843. Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the invertebrate animals. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, London] and the criteria for homology recommended by Remane [Remane, A., 1956. Die Grundlagen des natürlichen Systems, der vergleichenden Anatomie und der Phylogenetik. 2nd ed. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Geest und Portig, Leipzig]. Common descent is not used as a homology criterion. Frontal eyes bear no resemblance to compound eyes and in the absence of compound eyes, as in the ostracod-maxillopodan group, frontal eyes develop into complicated mirror, lens-mirror, and scanning eyes. Developmental studies demonstrate widely different ways to produce frontal eyes in phyllopods and malacostracans. As a result of the studies of recent frontal eyes in crustaceans, it is concluded by extrapolation that in crustacean ancestors four non-homologous frontal eye types evolved that have remained functional in spite of concurrent compound eyes.  相似文献   

Summary The present ultrastructural study deals with the lateral cephalic nerve plexus of Sphaeroma serratum, a neurohemal organ joined to the Y organ (ecdysial gland). This plexus acts as a storage centre for neurosecretory products from two sources: the two autochtonous cells (plexus cells) within the plexus itself, and the neurosecretory cells in various parts of the central nervous system, particulary the mandibular ganglion (A-cells).In prepuberal animals, plexus cells and subesophageal A-cells produce neurosecretory granules of two types measuring 1550±50Å and 1570±40Å respectively. Five categories of axon terminals were distinguished in the plexus. The granules found in two of these terminal types are believed to come from the plexus cells and from the mandibular ganglion A-cells.Cessation of production of neurosecretory granules in these A cells and plexus cells was observed in puberal animals, in the plexus with concomitant depletion and disappearance of different granule categories. The first axon terminals affected by this process are the two categories containing granules originating in the plexus and mandibular ganglion A-cells. Degeneration of the ecdysial gland in male Sphaeroma serratum might be connected with the cessation of granule formation in these two types of cell.
Résumé Chez Sphaeroma serratum, la mue de puberté est suivie d'une dégénérescence de l'organe Y (glands de mue). Le plexus nerveux céphalique latéral, organe neurohémal accolé à cette glande a été l'objet de la présente étude ultrastructurale. Cet organe représente un centre de stockage de neurosécrétions qui proviennent d'une part, de deux cellules autochtones (cellules plexales) situées au sein même de ce plexus, d'autre part, de cellules neurosécrétrices situées dans le ganglion mandibulaire (cellules de type A).Chez les individus pubères, les cellules plexales et les cellules A du ganglion sous-oesophagien synthétisent des granules de neurosécrétion dont la taille est respectivement 1550±50Å et 1570±40Å. Il a été reconnu au sein du plexus 5 catégories de terminaisons dont les granules proviendraient pour deux d'entre elles des cellules plexales et des cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. Chez les animaux pubères on observe un arrêt de la synthèse des granules de neurosécrétion au sein des cellules plexales et des cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. Simultanément on enregistre dans le plexus la raréfaction puis la disparition des divers types de granules. Ce processus atteint en premier les terminaisons correspondant aux cellules plexales et aux cellules A du ganglion mandibulaire. La dégénérescence de la glande de mue chez les mâles pourrait être en relation avec l'arrêt de synthèse de ces cellules.

Summary The sensory cells of the vomero-nasal organ in reptiles and mammals do not develop cilia. In several species they contain centrioles together with cilium-structure precursor bodies measuring 400–700 Å in diameter. These structures resemble axonemal precursor bodies which are known to occur in developing ciliated cells. They are enclosed in a fibrogranular matrix. The precursor bodies are resistant to pepsin digestion in Araldite sections. In Tupaia precursor bodies may join periodically in a row. In the vomero-nasal receptor cells the precursor bodies can be considered stabilized with a corresponding reduction of cilia. The periodically arranged precursor bodies could represent a special storage form.  相似文献   

The nauplius eye in Cyclestherida, Laevicaudata and Spinicaudata (previously collectively termed Conchostraca) consists of four cups of inverse sensory cells separated by a pigment layer and a tapetum layer. There are two lateral and two medial cups, a ventral medial cup and a posterior medial cup. The pigment and tapetum layers contain two different kinds of pigment granules, the inner pigment layer relatively large, dark (and electron dense) granules, and the outer tapetum layer light, reflective pigment granules. The presence of four cups and two different kinds of pigment granules are interpreted as autapomorphies of Phyllopoda. The position and shape of the nauplius eye in Spinicaudata is very distinct and herein interpreted as an autapomorphy of this taxon.Additional frontal eyes might be present dorsally or ventrally in varying proximity to the nauplius eye, but they have separate nerves from their sensory cells to the nauplius eye centre in the protocerebrum. Rhabdomeric structures are present in all these frontal eyes, evidencing their light sensitivity. In Lynceus biformis and L. tatei (Laevicaudata), two pairs of frontal eyes were found. In Cyclestheria hislopi (Cyclestherida), an unpaired ventral frontal eye is present. We did not find additional frontal eyes in Limnadopsis parvispinus and Caenestheriella sp. (Spinicaudata).  相似文献   

Abstract. The functional morphology and the topographic distribution of tissues in the reproductive system of specimens of Dugesia leporii , an endemic Sardinian free-living planarian, are investigated. Data are provided on the nature of epithelial and glandular secretions, spermatophores, and cocoons by histochemistry, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. All secreting epithelial cells produce strongly acidic sulfated glycoproteins. Glandular cells secrete strongly acidic sulfated glycoproteins or keratohyalin-like material in the penis bulb, and prekeratin-like material in atrial glands. Secretions of the bursa copulatrix may be involved in the activation of sperm while material produced by the bursa canal and oviducts probably serves to propel spermatophores or sperm and eggs. Mucous secretion of the seminal vesicle may serve to dilute and activate sperm before copulation. The viscous secrete of the ejaculatory duct and vasa deferentia may play a protective role to maintain sperm viability. Materials produced by the penis papilla and atrium probably lubricate the epithelial surface. The bilayered wall of spermatophore made of keratohyalin-like material and strongly acidic sulfated glycoproteins is produced by two gland types of the penis bulb. The bilayered shell of cocoon made of prekeratin-like and keratohyalin-like materials is secreted by both atrial glands and vitelline cells. The cocoon stalk is made of keratohyalin-like material produced by cement glands. Shell glands, producing GAG, are not involved in cocoon formation, but they may be implicated in the dilution and activation of seminal material to favor sperm movement toward the oviducts.  相似文献   

Gonadotropic hormones play an important role in the regulation of emotion. Previous studies have demonstrated that estrogen can modulate appetitive (approach/positive) and aversive (avoidance/negative) affective behaviors during the menstrual cycle. Frontal alpha asymmetry (a measure of relative difference of the alpha power between the two anterior hemispheres) has been associated with the trait and state reactivity of different affective styles. We studied the pattern change of frontal alpha asymmetry across the menstrual cycle. 16 healthy women participated in this resting magneto-encephalographic (MEG) study during the peri-ovulatory (OV) and menstrual (MC) phases. Our results showed significant interaction of resting MEG alpha activity between hemispheric side and menstrual phases. Difference in spontaneous frontal alpha asymmetry pattern across the menstrual cycle was also noted. Relatively higher right frontal activity was found during the OV phase; relatively higher left frontal activity was noted during the MC phase. The alteration of frontal alpha asymmetry might serve a sub-clinical correlate for hormonal modulation effect on dynamic brain organization for the predisposition and conceptualization of different affective styles across the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

Summary Electron-microscopic comparison of K+-stimulated and unstimulated crab sinus glands reveals significant differences in neurosecretory terminal morphology. Sinus glands exposed to elevated K+ saline for increasing periods of time show increasing numbers of exocytotic release profiles, vacuoles, and multilamellate bodies, and a decrease in the number of microvesicles within 10 m of release sites. These morphological changes are well correlated with secretion of red-pigment-concentrating hormone, as determined by bioassay of perfusate from the individual preparations.  相似文献   

The maxillary organ of Scutigera coleoptrata was investigated using light microscopy, electron microscopy, and maceration techniques. Additionally, we compared the maxillary organ of S. coleoptrata with those of two other notostigmophoran centipedes, Parascutigera festiva and Allothereua maculata, using SEM. The maxillary organ is located inside the posterior coxal lobes of the first maxillae and extends posteriorly as sac-like pouches. The narrow epidermis of the maxillae is differentiated to form the epithelium of the maxillary organ. Two types of epithelia are distinguishable: a simple cuboidal epithelium of different height and differentiation (types I, II, IV) and a pseudostratified columnar epithelium (type III). These epithelia are covered by a highly specialized cuticle. The pseudostratified epithelium is the most prominent feature of the maxillary organ. It is covered with hundreds of setae, protruding deep into the maxillary organ. Two different types of setae can be distinguished, filiform and fusiform. The maxillary organ communicates with the oral cavity, the maxillary organ gland, the maxillary nephridium, and with a large number of epidermal glands that secrete into the maxillary organ. Epithelium III allows the extension of the maxillary organ when its pouches are filled with secretion. The maxillary organ is a complex multifunctional organ. The organ probably stores excretion from the maxillary nephridia and secretory fluid from the maxillary organ gland and other epidermal glands. The fluid is primarily required as preening fluid. The ammonia of the excretory fluid is thought to evaporate via the setae and the wide opening of the maxillary organ. It is likely that parts of the fluid can be reabsorbed by the animal via the oral cavity.  相似文献   

Summary The ventricular surface of the subfornical organ of the frog is made up of ependymal cells with numerous apical microvilli, occasional cytoplasmic protrusions and many vacuoles projecting into the lumen of the third ventricle. Between these cells dendrites of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons reach the ventricle to terminate in bulbous enlargements. In addition, flask-shaped encephalo-chromaffin cells, containing granulated vesicles and aggregates of filaments in their cytoplasm, project into the cerebrospinal fluid. Surrounding the centrally located capillaries are enlarged dendrites and axons of heterogeneous morphology, some of which appear to originate within the subfornical organ, intermingled with dendrites and axons of normal structure. The glial cells in this region, especially the microglial cells, often contain large lipofuscin inclusions, suggestive of degeneration and subsequent phagocytosis of some of the enlarged dendrites and axons. The normally scarce neurosecretory peptidergic axons become more evident and form typical Herring bodies in stalk-transected animals. Neuronal perikarya of varying morphology are predominantly located peripheral to the region of enlarged dendrites and axons. Supraependymal macrophages are particularly numerous on the subfornical organ.Abbreviations used CSF cerebrospinal fluid - SEM scanning electron microscope, scanning electron microscopy - SFO subfornical organ - TEM transmission electron microscope, transmission electron microscopy Supported, in part, by NIH grant NB 07492The skillful technical assistance of J.G. Linner and the secretarial assistance of Ann Gerdom are gratefully acknowledged. The SEM studies were made possible through a grant from the Graduate College of Iowa State University and the use of the SEM facility in the Department of Botany  相似文献   

Mechanoreceptor organs occur in great diversity in insect legs. This study investigates sensory organs in the leg of atympanate cave crickets (Troglophilus neglectus KRAUSS, 1879) by neuronal tracing. Previously, the subgenual and the intermediate organs were recognised in the subgenual organ complex, lacking the tympanal membranes present for example in the tibial hearing organs of Gryllidae and Tettigoniidae. We document the presence of the accessory organ in T. neglectus. This scolopidial organ is located in the posterior tibia close to the subgenual organ and can be identified by position, innervation and orientation of the dendrites of sensory neurons. The main motor nerve in the leg innervates a part of the subgenual organ and the accessory organ. The dendrites of sensory neurons in the accessory organ are characteristically bent in proximo‐dorsal direction, while the subgenual organ dendrites run distally along the longitudinal axis of the leg. The accessory organ contains 6–10 scolopidial sensilla, and no differences in neuroanatomy occur between the three thoracic leg pairs. Hence, the subgenual organ complex in cave crickets is more complex than previously known. The wider taxonomic distribution of the accessory scolopidial organ among orthopteroid insects is inconsistent, indicating its repeated losses or convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Flatworms generally are simultaneous hermaphrodites that exhibit various kinds of mating behavior. Here we report on the mating behavior and reproductive biology of the planarian Paucumara falcata. We recognized three phases in its mating behavior: a courtship, copulation, and postcopulatory phase. During the last‐mentioned phase, the partners showed a unique and very characteristic behavior in which their bodies intertwined, forming a spiral. Histological study of partners in copula revealed that the sclerotic tip of the musculo‐parenchymatic organ pierces the body wall of the partner and then becomes lodged in its parenchyma, suggesting that this organ may act as an anchor, thus stabilizing the worms during copulation. Similar organs in other species of marine triclad may also perform a stabilizing role during copulation. During copulation in individuals of P. falcata, sperm transfer was reciprocal or only unilateral. Copulation duration ranged 13–35 min (average 20 ± 5 min), irrespective of whether the mating was successful (i.e., resulted in the production of fertile cocoons). The spiraling phase lasted on average 10 min; some worms did not show the postcopulatory spiraling phase during their mating behavior. After successful copulation, an individual worm produced 1–12 fertile cocoons over a period of 1–17 days; from a cocoon hatched either one young (in 70% of the cases), or two young worms.  相似文献   

Two types of rhythmic foregut movements are described in fifth instar larvae of the moth, Manduca sexta. These consist of posteriorly-directed waves of peristalsis which move food toward the midgut, and synchronous constrictions of the esophageal region, which appear to retain food within the crop. We describe these movements and the muscles of the foregut that generate them.The firing patterns of a subset of these muscles, including a constrictor and dilator pair from both the esophageal and buccal regions of the foregut, are described for both types of foregut movement.The motor patterns for the foregut muscles require innervation by the frontal ganglion (FG), which lies anterior to the brain and contains about 35 neurons. Eliminating the ventral nerve cord, leaving the brain and FG intact, did not affect the muscle firing patterns in most cases. Eliminating both the brain and the ventral nerve cord, leaving only the FG to innervate the foregut, generally resulted in an increased period for both gut movements and muscle bursts. This manipulation also produced increases in burst durations for most muscles, and had variable effects on the phasing of muscle activity. Despite these changes, the foregut muscles still maintained a rhythmic firing pattern when innervated by the FG alone.Two nerves exit the FG to innervate the foregut musculature: the anteriorly-projecting frontal nerve, and the posteriorly-directed recurrent nerve. Cutting the frontal nerve immediately and irreversibly stopped all muscle activity in the buccal region, while cutting the recurrent nerve immediately stopped all muscle activity in the pharyngeal and esophageal regions. Recordings from the cut nerves leaving the FG showed that the ganglion was spontaneously active, with rhythmic activity continuing within the nerves. These observations indicate that all of the foregut muscle motoneurons are located within the FG, and the FG in isolation produces a rhythmic firing pattern in the motoneurons. We have identified several motoneurons within the FG, by cobalt backfills and/or simultaneous intracellular recordings and fills from putative motoneurons and their muscles.Abbreviations BC Buccal Constrictor - BC1 buccal constrictor motoneuron 1 - BC2 buccal constrictor motoneuron 2 - BD Buccal Dilator - BD1 buccal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC Esophageal Dilator - EC1 esophageal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC2 esophageal dilator motoneuron 2 - EC3 esophageal dilator motoneuron 3 - ejp excitatory junction potential - FG frontal ganglion - psp postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

Summary There are three types of cells in the vomero-nasal organ of Lacerta sicula and Natrix natrix: receptor cells, supporting cells and basal cells. The receptor cells bear microvilli and no cilia. In Lacerta centrioles are lacking, indicating that the ciliary apparatus can have no essential significance in the transducer process. In Natrix centrioles occur in the deeper dendritic region. The structural constituents of the dendrites are mitochondria, microtubules and characteristic vesicles the properties of which are described. The perikarya which have uniform structure send off axons of about 0.2 diameter. The supporting cells show signs of a very moderate secretory activity, which is different among the species investigated. The microvilli of the supporting cells are not distinguishable from those of the receptor cells. The dendrites of the latter are completely isolated by the apical parts of the supporting cells. The sheet-like processes of the supporting cells contain strands of tonofilaments and do not cover the perikarya of the receptor cells completely. Thus adjacent sensory cells or dendrites and sensory cells are separated among themselves only by the normal intercellular space. The ratio of sensory cells to supporting cells is about 71. The basal cells resemble the supporting cells and replace these in the lower portion of the epithelium. The typical cellular junctions between sensory cells and supporting cells are described. There are no true tight junctions in the vomero-nasal sensory epithelium, and they are most probably absent from the nasal mucosa too. This absence would seem to indicate special conditions for cellular communication and the accessibility of the intercellular space for certain molecules. There is no sign of regeneration of sensory cells. Both immature blastema cells and degenerating receptor cells are not discernible.  相似文献   

Walker  G. 《Cell and tissue research》1974,152(4):449-465
Cell and Tissue Research - The frontal filaments comprise two regions, the internal vesicles and the external filaments. Dendrites of extra-optic protocerebral origin pass ventrally from the brain,...  相似文献   

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