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Bilateral eyestalk ablation in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium lanchesteri results in high mortality, while unilateral eyestalk ablated prawns exhibited a high survival rate. There was marked increase in the growth of bilateral eyestalk-ablated prawns (47.70 mg/prawn) as compared to those that were unilaterally ablated (19.19 mg/prawn).  相似文献   

The acetylcholinesterase activity in selected tissues of prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros showed a significant inhibition during commercial (CgC) and technical (TgC) grade carbaryl exposure. The rate of inhibition of AChE in nervous and non-nervous tissues is more under CgC over TgC exposure, suggests the involvement of emulsifier system for easy penetration of CgC molecule, which is absent in TgC. A progressive recovery of AChE activity from TgC and CgC induced inhibition was in the tissues within 10 days after the transfer of prawns to toxicant free water i.e., recovery or reclamation period. From the study, it has been observed that the inhibition of AChE activity is still persists evenafter 10 days of reclamation period, gives the idea of carbaryl accumulation at the cellular level or the reclamation period is not sufficient for the restoration of normalcy of AChE activity.  相似文献   

The nervous tissue AChE, BUChE and glutaminase activity levels were significantly inhibited, whereas glutamine synthetase activity, acetylcholine and glutamine contents were increased significantly following the sublethal exposure of prawn, Metapenaeus, monoceros to methylparathion and malathion. During OPI exposure ammoniagenesis was triggered by increased deamination of purines and oxidative deamination of glutamate. This results in the hyperammonemia. As a consequence of hyperammonemia, the OPI exposed prawn tissue have adopted the suitable mechanisms to detoxity the ammonia by enhancing the synthesis of urea and glutamine. From the study, it has been observed that 10 days of reclamation period is not enough but the prawn nervous tissue showed efficient mechanisms for the detoxification or biodegradation of OPI molecules, which will pave way for the successful survival prawns.  相似文献   

Changes in oxidative metabolism of hepatopancreas and muscle tissues of penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros was studied, following its exposure to selected organophosphorous insecticides phosphamidon, dichlorovos and methylparathion. The OPI are found to inhibit the activity levels of acetylcholinesterase, succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, pyruvate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and cytochrome-c-oxidase and cause accumulation of acetylcholine in the hepatopancreas and muscle tissues. These changes in the activity levels of selected oxidative enzymes during insecticide exposure in these tissues of prawn indicates the shift in the metabolic emphasis from aerobic to anaerobic conditions and is interpreted as a functional adaptation to insecticide induced metabolic stress. These observed changes at cellular level pave way for successful survival of prawns in insecticide polluted environ.  相似文献   

Changes in midgut gland and muscle tissue glycolytic potentials of penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros following exposure to methylparathion, carbaryl and aldrin were studied. A decrease in total carbohydrates, glycogen and pyruvate and an increase in lactate levels were observed. An increase in phosphorylase 'a' and aldolase activity levels suggested increased formation of trioses during selected insecticide toxicity. The decrease in the lactate dehydrogenase activity levels and an increase in the lactate content indicative of reduced mobilization of pyruvate into the citric acid cycle. During selected insecticide exposure, the prawn tissues adopting some sort of regulatory pathways such as enhanced glycolysis and a shift of metabolic emphasis from aerobiosis to anaerobiosis. All the above mentioned changes were more pronounced in the midgut gland compared to muscle tissue. The per cent decrease or increase are more under aldrin exposure followed by carbaryl and methylparathion exposure. The selected insecticides in the present investigation, though belongs to different representative groups, but appears to be neurotoxic leading to disturbances in the carbohydrate catabolism.  相似文献   

Data furnished here concern with the role of eyestalk hormone in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in Parapenaeopsis hardwickii. Bilateral eyestalk ablation has brought about a significant (P < 0.01) fall and rise in the glycogen content in the midgut gland and abdominal muscle respectively. Although eyestalk ablation resulted in a significant (P < 0.01) depletion of fat in midgut gland, n0 significant (P > 0.05) change was observed in the abdominal muscle. Eyestalk extract administration in eyestalk-less prawns has significantly (P < 0.05) restored the glycogen and fat metabolites in the midgut gland. There was an obvious change in the glycogen content of the midgut gland and abdominal muscle of normal prawns when injected with eyestalk extracts from prawns in different molting stages. Eyestalk extract from intermolt prawns caused a significant (P < 0.05) decrease and increase in the glycogen quantity in the midgut gland and abdominal muscle respectively. Eyestalk extract from premolt and postmolt prawns has, although not significantly (P > 0.05), decreased and increased the utilization of glycogen respectively in the midgut gland. The physiological significance of these findings are discussed briefly.Paper forms part IV of the series

The stocks of shrimps Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Metapenaeus dobsoni in the fishery of two areas of Kerala coast in India have been studied using length frequency data. The average annual stocks of the two species have been indicated. The present status of fishery shows a differential fishing pressure for males and females of P. stylifera, resulting in favourable recruitment of the species in the fishery, while this is not so in the case of M. dobsoni. The study suggests the necessity for reduction in the fishing pressure in order to maintain MSY levels.  相似文献   

The effects of both crude extracellular products (ECP) and a partially purified protease of Vibrio alginolyticus on the plasma components of kuruma prawn ( Penaeus japonicus ) and tiger prawn ( P. monodon ) were studied using crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE). A component of the plasma, tentatively identified as coagulogen, apparently disappeared after incubation with the ECP, while the amount of a component tentatively identified as haemocyanin decreased. The coagulogen and an unknown component (component 1) in the penaeid plasma showed an increased migration rate after incubation with a partially purified 33 kDa protease of the bacterium. In contrast, incubation with protease had no detectable effect on the amount of haemocyanin. These events may significantly contribute to the pathogenicity of Vibrio alginolyticus in penaeids.  相似文献   

Activity levels of acid phosphatase (ACPase) in midgut gland and muscle tissues of penaeid prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros were studied after exposure to selected sublethal concentrations of phosphamidon after acute and chronic exposure. Phosphamidon was found to elevate the activity levels of ACPase in the selected tissues. The rate of elevation of ACPase is dose-dependant and is more at higher concentrations. Acute and chronic exposure to phosphamidon creates disturbances in the normal functioning at the cellular level in the tissues of prawn, M. monoceros.  相似文献   

Muscle extract of prawn (Metapenaeus brevicornis) expressed high azocoll lytic activity compared to extracts of many other prawn varieties; the activity was also inhibited to a small extent by dithiothreitol. Ammonium sulphate precipitation, subsequent extraction at pH 5.6 and chromatography revealed the occurrence of two types of azocoll lytic activities: one, high molecular weight (630 kDa) and the other low molecular weight (< 30 kDa) enzyme. The former was stimulated by dithiothreitol whereas the latter was inhibited. SDS PAGE of high molecular weight preparation did not show homogeneity but the profile was similar to that of the low molecular weight fraction. Gel filtration of high molecular weight enzyme following incubation at high pH revealed the formation of low molecular weight fractions having activity towards azocoll. Chymotrypsin-like activity associated with high molecular weight enzyme was also susceptible to dissociation by high pH. Azocoll lytic activity of both enzymes was strongly inhibited by 1,10-phenanthroline.  相似文献   

The target enzymes, acetylcholinesterase (for phosphamidon and carbaryl) and Mg2+ ATPase (for DDT and fenvalerate) have been assayed during exposure and reclamation of these insecticides in M. monoceros. Toxicity of these insecticides are in the order: fenvalerate greater than DDT greater than carbaryl greater than phosphamidon. Reclamation studies show that fenvalerate is rapidly degradable while DDT is slowly degradable. It is suggested that pyrethroid, organophosphate and carbamate insecticides may be preferred over organochlorine compounds in farm operations.  相似文献   


The present study describes the effect of bilateral eyestalk ablation (BESA) on reproduction and moulting of spiny lobster Panulirus homarus females in their early and late intermoult stages. The lobsters obtained from the wild were conditioned for the experiment. The experiments were conducted at the Calicut research centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India. Eyestalk ablation of females was done by ligation. The responses of the bilaterally eyestalk-ablated lobsters were statistically analysed. BESA conducted on the early and late intermoult stages resulted in the simultaneous acceleration of the somatic growth and reproductive processes with higher emphasis for oogenesis in lobsters ablated in the early intermoult phase and comparatively lower activity in those ablated in the late intermoult phase. Ablation in late intermoult phase resulted in faster entry into the premoult stage compared to the control.  相似文献   

Migration of Metapenaeus affinis (H. Milne-Edwards) from the Arabian Gulf to nursery grounds in the inland waters of Iraq extends from May/June to January/February. Shrimp ranging in size from 3–125 mm total length were found in inland waters. In the shallow waters of the Al-Assaflya small-sized shrimp only were caught, while in the Marshes large-sized shrimp were abundant. Maximum numbers of recruits were recorded when temperatures reached 23–25 °C. However, the discharge of the Shatt Al-Arab may also be an important factor regulating recruitment.The growth rates of small shrimp were higher than those of large ones. There mostly was, a preponderance of females over males. Spawning at sea appears to occur immediately after emigration. Gonad development was not observed. Commercial landings, at the two main fish markets at Basrah, during September–November 1985 averaged 1000 kg day–1.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis is a major determinant of growth and yet little is known about the environmental factors that influence protein synthesis rates in farmed freshwater prawns. To this end, post-larvae and juveniles of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were exposed to various salinities (0, 14, 30‰) to determine whole-animal rates of fractional protein synthesis (ks) and oxygen uptake. In the post-larvae that migrate upstream from brackish to freshwater areas, whole-animal ks was unaffected by salinity, but rates of oxygen uptake were significantly lower at 14‰. In the freshwater juveniles, a different response was observed, as mean ks was significantly higher at 14‰ compared with 0‰, but rates of oxygen uptake remained unchanged. Such differences are thought to be related to the energetic costs of osmoregulation and to the ability to maintain osmotic gradients in freshwater. In an additional experiment, acclimation temperature (20, 26, 30 °C) had a direct effect on ks in juveniles held at 0‰. In all cases, changes in ks resulted from alterations in RNA activity at constant RNA capacity. In juveniles at least, whole-animal rates of protein synthesis were highest at 14‰ and 30 °C which corresponds to the optimal salinity and temperature recommended for the growth and culture of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythmicity in the behaviour of the marine prawn, Metapenaeus monoceros (Fab) and its substratum preference has been observed under laboratory conditions. In the morning at 9. a.m. 80% prawns remain buried and in the afternoon at 3 p.m. 60% burrowing was observed. A contrasting situation was observed in the night i.e. 17% burrowing at 9 p.m. and 30% burrowing at 3 a.m. was registered. In the second set of experiments juveniles were subjected to four types of substrata viz. mud, black fine sand, white coarse sand and stones. It was noted that M. monoceros showed more affinity towards the mud and less preference to other substrata. The obtained results are discussed to provide clues for prawn fishing.This work was supported by I.C.A.R., New Delhi through a project on Reprod. Endocr. Edible prawns.  相似文献   

Four species of penaeid prawn cultured in Australia (Penaeus monodon, Penaeus esculentus, Marsupenaeus japonicus and Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) were injected with a virulent preparation of gill-associated virus (GAV). P. monodon (average weight = 8.9, 13.9 and 19.2 g), P. esculentus (average weight = 19.5 g), F. merguiensis (average weight = 10.5 g), and small (average weight = 5.8 g) M. japonicus displayed overt signs of disease and mortalities which reached 82 to 100% within 23 d post-injection. Cumulative mortalities in P. esculentus and F. merguiensis were significantly lower than for P. monodon of the same size class. Medium (average weight = 13.0 g) M. japonicus also developed overt signs of disease but cumulative mortalities were not significantly higher than uninfected controls. Large (average weight = 20.3 g) M. japoncius did not display symptoms of disease and there were no significant mortalities up to 23 d post-injection.  相似文献   

The movement of individual post-larvae of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) among horizontally-juxtaposed salinity layers of 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28%. was observed during 135-min test periods. The time that post-larvae spent in each salinity was measured at 20, 27, and 34 °C with prawns acclimated to 0, 14, and 28%. salinity.

The young prawns generally moved readily into salinities lower than the acclimation salinity at 27°C, and less frequently into higher salinities. At both 27 and 34°C, post-larvae tended to spend more time in lower salinities than in the salinities to which they were acclimated. Post-larvae acclimated to fresh water rarely reentered saline waters.

Temperature effects on activity resulted in little movement of the prawns at 20°C. High temperature shortened the range of salinities post-larvae occupied for significant periods of time.  相似文献   

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