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Various hormones, including sex steroids and neuropeptides, have been implicated in aggression. In this study we examined (1) sex differences in intrasexual aggression in na?ve prairie voles; (2) the effects of developmental manipulations of oxytocin on intrasexual aggression; and (3) changes in patterns of intrasexual aggression after brief exposure to an animal of the opposite sex. Within 24 h of birth, infants were randomly assigned to receive either an injection of oxytocin (OT) or oxytocin antagonist (OTA) or to one of two control (CTL) groups receiving either isotonic saline or handling without injection. As adults, animals were tested twice in a neutral arena; before (Test 1) and 24 h after (Test 2) a 4-h exposure to an animal of the opposite sex. In Test 1, CTL males were more likely to show aggressive and less likely to show social behavior than CTL females. No significant treatment differences were observed within either sex in Test 1. In Test 2, after brief exposure to a male, females treated with OT became more aggressive and less social than OTA or CTL females. Male aggressive behavior did not change after exposure to a female. An increase in aggression and decline in social behavior toward other females, seen here in OT-treated females, is typically observed only following several days of female-male cohabitation. These findings demonstrate a sex difference in intrasexual aggression and suggest that neonatal exposure to OT may facilitate the onset of the mate-guarding component of pair bonding in female prairie voles.  相似文献   

In reproductively naive female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) direct contact with male urine or housing in a male-soiled cage, in the absence of physical contact, resulted in increased uterine weights, but did not reliably elicit behavioral estrus (defined by lordosis). Physical contact with an unfamiliar male, for 1 hr or more, followed by 30 or 48 hr of continuous access to a male-soiled cage, induced lordosis in approximately two-thirds of the females tested. When females were physically exposed to a male for 18 hr and tested 6 hr later, 70% showed lordosis. However, when females receiving either 1 or 18 hr of male contact were removed from the presence of the male and placed in a clean cage for 24 hr, only 29-37% of the females subsequently showed lordosis. These results suggest that direct physical contact with the male or chemical stimuli from the male may be necessary to induce and maintain behavioral estrus in female prairie voles.  相似文献   

The effects of removing the stud male have not been controlled in many studies relating pregnancy block to the presence of an unfamiliar male. We examined the effects of removing the male on pregnancy success in prairie voles and meadow voles, two species that differ in degree of paternal investment. Whereas prairie vole males provide extensive care to offspring and accelerate pup development, meadow vole males display little or no care and delay development of pups. We predicted that removal of the stud male would decrease pregnancy success in prairie voles and either have no effect or increase success in meadow voles. In experiment 1, females were in male-induced estrus, and their mates were either left with them or were removed 4 h, 1 day, 2 days, or 8 days after mating. In experiment 2, females were in postpartum estrus, and their mates were either left with them or were removed 1 day, 2 days, or 8 days after birth of their first litter. Removal of the male soon after mating in postpartum estrus decreased pregnancy success in prairie voles and increased success in meadow voles. Thus, although removal of the stud male influenced litter production, the direction of the effect varied with species.  相似文献   

Adult male prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) were housed for 10 wk and exposed to long (16L:8D) or short (8L:16D) photoperiods at 21 degrees or 5 degrees C. Maintenance in short day lengths reduced testicular, epididymal, and seminal vesicle mass and also significantly depressed spermatogenic activity. Cold ambient temperature further suppressed gonadal size in voles exposed to short days. Several pelage characteristics were affected by photoperiod, but not by temperature. Increased fur density, fur depth, and length of guard hair and underhair were observed in voles exposed to short days. Intrascapular brown fat and gonadal fat pad mass as well as body mass were significantly less in voles housed in cold temperatures than in voles exposed to warm ambient temperatures; photoperiod did not affect these parameters. Approximately 30% of the male voles exposed to short days maintained their reproductive systems, yet they clearly processed photoperiodic information; all short-day males, regardless of reproductive condition, had comparable winter pelage development. Our results suggest that in prairie voles, photoperiod may be a predictive cue for reproductive function in nature; however, it appears that pelage development is a more obligatory response to photoperiod than is reproduction.  相似文献   

Estrogen elicited lordosis in ovariectomized female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB) was particularly effective if administered as multiple injections. Very high dose levels were not, in general, any more effective than lower doses. Individual animals typically showed lordosis within 24 to 48 hr following the onset of EB treatment and prolonged treatments did not increase the percentage of females responding to EB. Castrated male prairie voles did not respond with lordosis to repeated daily injections of 10 micrograms EB given for a period of 15 consecutive days.  相似文献   

Prairie voles are induced ovulators that mate frequently in brief bouts over a period of approximately 24 h. We examined 1) impact of mating duration on ovulation and embryo number, 2) incidence of fertilization, 3) temporal pattern of embryo development, 4) embryo progression through the reproductive tract over time, and 5) embryo development in culture. Mating was videotaped to determine first copulation, and the ovaries were examined and the reproductive tracts flushed at 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h and 2, 3, and 4 days after first copulation. The number of mature follicles and fresh corpora lutea and the number and developmental stage of embryos were quantified. One, two-, and four-cell embryos were cultured in Whitten's medium. Mature follicles were present at the earliest time examined (6 h). Thirty-eight percent of females that had been paired for < 12 h after the first copulation ovulated, whereas all females paired >/= 12 h after the first copulation ovulated. Virtually all (> 99%) oocytes recovered from females paired for >/= 12 h after first copulation were fertilized. Pairing time after first copulation and mean copulation-bout duration were significant (p < 0.05) determinants of embryo number. Embryos entered the uterine horns and implanted on Days 3 and 4, respectively, after first copulation (Day 0). Embryos cultured in vitro underwent approximately one cell division per day, a rate similar to that in vivo. We conclude that prairie voles ovulate reliably after pairing for >/= 12 h, although some females showed exceptional sensitivity not predicted by the variables quantified. Prolonged mating for longer than 12 h increased the total embryos produced. This mechanism likely has adaptive significance for increasing offspring number.  相似文献   

Prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) exhibit a monogamous mating system characterized by long-term pair bonds between mates. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of cohabitation time and sexual experience on the development of pair bond formation in female prairie voles. Females that were allowed to cohabit for 24 hr or more, with or without mating, exhibited a strong social preference for a familiar partner versus a strange male. Females that cohabited and mated for 6 hr showed strong preferences for a familiar partner, while cohabitation for less than 24 hr, without mating, did not result in preferences for the familiar male. These results indicate that mating was not essential for partner preference formation; however, preferences developed more rapidly when mating occurred.  相似文献   

In the socially monogamous prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), the development of a social bonding is indicated by the formation of partner preference, which involves a variety of environmental and neurochemical factors and brain structures. In a most recent study in female prairie voles, we found that treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) facilitates the formation of partner preference through up-regulation of oxytocin receptor (OTR) and vasopressin V1a receptor (V1aR) genes expression in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc). In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that TSA treatment also facilitates partner preference formation and alters OTR and V1aR genes expression in the NAcc in male prairie voles. We thus observed that central injection of TSA dose-dependently promoted the formation of partner preference in the absence of mating in male prairie voles. Interestingly, TSA treatment up-regulated OTR, but not V1aR, gene expression in the NAcc similarly as they were affected by mating — an essential process for naturally occurring partner preference. These data, together with others, not only indicate the involvement of epigenetic events but also the potential role of NAcc oxytocin in the regulation of partner preference in both male and female prairie voles.  相似文献   

In prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), most virgin females are infanticidal. To determine the onset of maternal responsiveness, female prairie voles were tested for maternal behavior as virgins and at different times throughout pregnancy. Female voles that were infanticidal as virgins by and large remained infanticidal throughout pregnancy. In contrast, about 30% of voles that were maternal as virgins became infanticidal during pregnancy. To test whether events associated with parturition facilitate the onset of maternal behavior, females had their litters delivered by Caesarean section within a day of expected delivery or were allowed to give birth naturally with sham surgery occurring shortly before or after birth. Females that gave birth naturally were fully maternal and did not attack unrelated pups, but females subjected to artificial delivery remained infanticidal. This suggests that events closely related to parturition are crucial for full development of maternal behavior in female prairie voles.  相似文献   

We conducted a field experiment that manipulated landscapes by mowing so that the amount of unfavorable habitat (low cover) for prairie voles ( Microtus ochrogaster ) increased while the number and size of favorable patches (high cover) remained constant. Distance between favorable patches increased as the amount of unfavorable habitat increased, so we could test two current hypotheses concerning the effect of habitat fragmentation on local populations: 1) increased distance between favorable habitat patches reduces successful per capita dispersal (emigration and immigration) because dispersers suffer greater exposure to predators (the predation hypothesis); and 2) per capita dispersal is inversely density dependent in voles because increased aggression at higher density inhibits movements (the social fence hypothesis). As predicted by the predation hypothesis, increased distance between favorable habitat patches led to decreased successful dispersal among patches and increased per capita mortality, particularly among subadult and adult males (the categories of voles most likely to emigrate). As predicted by the social fence hypothesis, dispersal was inversely density dependent, and dispersing voles displayed a greater frequency of wounding (an indication of increased aggressive interactions) than did residents. The amount of wounding in general did not increase with density, however, and, as distance between patches increased to 60 m, successful dispersal became rare and erratic. Nevertheless, our overall results supported current hypotheses regarding the effects of increased habitat fragmentation on patterns of dispersal and mortality. Examining the impact of these effects on local population dynamics within different landscapes will require longer periods of observation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) is an emerging animal model for biomedical research because of its rich sociobehavioral repertoire. Recently, lentiviral transgenic technology has been used to introduce the gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP) into the prairie vole germline. However, the efficiency of transgenesis in this species is limited by the inability to reliably produce large numbers of fertilized embryos. Here we examined several factors that may contribute to variability in superovulation success including, age and parentage of the female, and latency to mating after being placed with the male. METHODS: Females produced from 5 genetically distinct breeder lines were treated with 100 IU of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and immediately housed with a male separated by a perforated Plexiglas divider. Ovulation was induced 72 hr later with 30IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and 2 hrs later mating was allowed. RESULTS: Superovulation was most efficient in young females. For example, females aged 6-11 weeks produced more embryos (14 +/- 1.4 embryos) as compared to females aged 12-20 weeks (4 +/- 1.6 embryos). Females aged 4-5 weeks did not produce embryos. Further, females that mated within 15 min of male exposure produced significantly more embryos than those that did not. Interestingly, there was a significant effect of parentage. For example, 12 out of 12 females from one breeder pair superovulated (defined as producing 5 or more embryos), while only 2 out of 10 females for other lines superovulated. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this work suggest that age and genetic background of the female are the most important factors contributing to superovulation success and that latency to mating is a good predictor of the number of embryos to be recovered. Surprisingly we found that cohabitation with the male prior to mating is not necessary for the recovery of embryos but is necessary to recover oocytes. This information will dramatically reduce the number of females required to generate embryos for transgenesis in this species.  相似文献   

Individuals of numerous species limit energy expenditure during winter by inhibiting reproduction and other nonessential functions. To time these adaptations appropriately with the annual cycle, animals rely on environmental cues that predict, well in advance, the onset of winter. The most commonly studied environmental factor that animals use to time reproduction is photoperiod. Rodents housed in short photoperiods in the laboratory or in naturally declining day lengths exhibit pronounced alterations in reproductive function concomitant with alterations in the hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuronal system. Because animals in their natural environment use factors in addition to photoperiod to time reproduction, the present study sought to determine the independent effects of photoperiod and temperature, as well as the interaction between these factors, on reproductive parameters and the GnRH neuronal system. Male prairie voles were housed in either long (LD 16:8) or short (LD 8:16) day lengths for 10 weeks. Animals in each photoperiod were further subdivided into groups housed in either mild (i.e., 20 degrees C) or low (i.e., 8 degrees C) temperatures. As shown with immunohistochemistry, voles that underwent gonadal regression in response to short photoperiods and long-day voles housed in low temperatures (and maintained large gonads) exhibit higher GnRH-immunoreactive (GnRH-ir) neuron numbers in the preoptic area/anterior hypothalamus (POA/AH) relative to all other groups. In addition, voles that underwent gonadal regression in response to both short days and low temperatures did not exhibit an increase in GnRH-ir neuron numbers compared to long-day, mild-temperature controls. These data suggest that photoperiod and temperature interact to influence reproductive function potentially by alterations of the GnRH neuronal system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the expression of the protein product of the immediate early gene c-fos in the brains of female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) in association with pregnancy and postparturient activities including maternal behavior, lactation and postpartum estrus. Fos expression was assessed in female voles that were late in pregnancy, nonpregnant or at one of three different times postpartum (0-8, 12-24, and 24-48 h, respectively). A significant increase in the number of cells displaying Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was observed during the 0-8 h and 12-24 h postpartum time periods in the accessory olfactory bulbs, medial preoptic area, hypothalamus (specifically, the supraoptic nucleus, ventro-medial hypothalamus, and paraventricular nucleus), lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and primary somatosensory area of the brain. The number of Fos-ir cells decreased after 24 h postpartum. There were no significant changes in Fos-ir cell numbers in the primary olfactory bulbs, hippocampus, or caudate putamen. The neural activation of the medial preoptic area, accessory olfactory bulbs, hypothalamus, and bed nucleus is consistent with reports in rats of Fos induction associated with the onset of maternal behavior. In voles postpartum estrous behavior begins and ends 0-12 h after parturition. Maternal behavior, including lactation, is initiated at the same time but persists for several weeks. The highest Fos-ir cell numbers reported here coincide with the timing of postpartum estrous behavior in this species.  相似文献   

Summary The weight-specific oxygen consumption ( ) of prairie voles caught in winter is 24% higher at 27.5° C and 29% higher at 7.5° C than that of summer animals, thus affording a higher weight-specific thermogenesis in winter than in summer which may allow tolerance to lower thermal exposures. Coincident with the increase in weight-specific rates of oxygen consumption is a decrease in body weight. When total energetic cost to maintain an animal per unit time is calculated, the cost at 27.5° C is the same for both summer and winter animals. Further, the cost to maintain an animal at 7.5° C is less in winter than in summer. Arguments are presented suggesting that prairie voles compensate for increased weight-specific thermogenesis in winter by lowering body weight. The responses to thermal acclimation are quite different in summer and winter animals, thus implying different sorts of metabolic organization. Acclimation to 5° C effects a 26% increase in at 27.5° C of winter voles, and acclimation to 30° C does not change . In contrast, at 27.5° C of summer animals is unaffected by 5° C acclimation, and depressed 20% by 30° C acclimation. Thus, the animals are capable of considerable physiological adjustment to varying thermal conditions in different seasons.  相似文献   

已往的研究对于实验室应用的各种啮齿类动物,如大鼠和小鼠骨骼肌蛋白表达的特性已有报道.然而,至今不清楚其它啮齿类动物如野生鼠骨骼肌蛋白的表达或性双态性的特征,而这些野生鼠的行为学、形态学及生理学特点均已有报道.已知骨骼肌的肌球蛋白重链(MHC)成分与其功能特性有关.我们研究了草原田鼠的肱三头肌、胫骨前肌、腓肠肌和比目鱼肌MHC蛋白表达的性别特性.应用SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法测定MHC Ⅰ型、Ⅱa型、Ⅱd/x和Ⅱb型的蛋白表达相对含量.结果表明:与雌鼠相比,雄鼠的比目鱼肌湿重较大,胫骨前肌的MHC Ⅱa蛋白量表达较高.未见骨骼肌重量及MHC蛋白表达含量在雌雄鼠间的性别差异.血中睾酮的浓度差异可能不影响外周骨骼肌蛋白的表达特性.然而,与过去在大鼠、兔和小鼠中的已报道的结果相比,草原田鼠骨骼肌MHC的表达显示了更多异质性.推测这可能与草原田鼠和其它小型哺乳类动物生存的自然环境和功能需要有关.  相似文献   

在美国伊利诺伊州中东部地区对橙腹田鼠(Microtus ochrogaster) 进行的广泛研究基础上, 我们对该鼠的社会组织和婚配制度进行了总结。橙腹田鼠的基本社会组织由最初的雌雄配偶或者单一的雌鼠(常为一对配偶的幸存者) 与留居的后代和非亲缘成体的同居群组成。留居的后代占了原始繁殖单位之外的70%。另外, 直到至少两个留居后代达到成年后, 多数(80%) 的非亲缘个体才加入家族群。因此, 同居群的形成是以高水平的留居为基础的。雌雄配偶表现出与行为单配制有关的特征, 包括共享一个巢穴和家域, 雄性保卫配偶, 以及双亲行为(修饰, 拥抱和衔回幼鼠)。同居群的成员也保卫领域。  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the role of photoperiod in the regulation of seasonal breeding in the prairie vole. Adult male voles maintained in short (8L:16D) as compared to long (16L:8D) photoperiods for 10 wk had reduced testicular and seminal vesicle weights, but fertility was not impaired. Male prairie voles reared from birth until 35 days of age in short as compared to long photoperiods also had reduced testicular and seminal vesicle weights, as well as diminished fertility. The incidence of pregnancy did not differ between long- and short-day female voles paired for 6 days with long- or short-day males (93%, 86%, 89%, and 88%, respectively). Photoperiod did not affect the incidence or the timing of postpartum pregnancies in long- or short-day females paired with long-day males through the birth of several litters. Adult male prairie voles retain only marginal sensitivity to short photoperiods, maturing males are highly responsive to short days, and adult females are insensitive to photoperiod. These data suggest that termination of the breeding season in the autumn may be due to the lack of fecund males in the population.  相似文献   

To determine whether socio-sexual interactions with females influence the male prairie vole's cognitive processing, three groups of males were simultaneously exposed to sensory stimuli of a control and a focal female then tested for their behavioral and neuronal responsiveness to the female cues. From the control female, all males received distal cues. From the focal female, the Unmated males received distal cues, the Unmated-Contact males received all cues but did not mate with her, and the Mated-Contact males received all cues and mated with her. Males were tested for their attentiveness to enclosures holding each female and for their memory of the females’ previous location. Males’ brains were then examined to localize activated regions following exposure to the odor of familiar versus unfamiliar focal females. The Mated-Contact males spent more time in the cage of the control female attending to her enclosure than in the cage of the focal female. Exposure to odors of unfamiliar focal females activated the cingulate cortex of Unmated-Contact males. There was a negative correlation between the level of neuronal activation in the retrosplenial cortex of males that were exposed to the odors of a familiar focal female and their attentiveness to the enclosure of the control female. The data suggest that the effect of socio-sexual interactions with a female on males’ cognition depends on the type of sensory signals males receive from females and how individual males perceive those signals.  相似文献   

Sporulated oocysts and free sporocysts of a Sarcocystis sp. were isolated from the feces of a southern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix) collected in Arkansas (USA). Twenty sporocysts measured 11.2 by 8.5 microns, lacked a Stieda body, and had four sporozoites and a granular sporocyst residuum. Sarcocysts similar to those of Sarcocystis montanaensis were present in the tongues of prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) inoculated orally with 800 sporocysts 128 days previously. Sarcocysts were thin-walled, divided into compartments by septa, and had electron dense projections (0.14 microns) on the primary cyst wall. Infection was not pathogenic for prairie voles under the conditions of this study. No infections were observed in ICR strain laboratory mice (Mus musculus) or white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) following oral inoculation of 800 sporocysts.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》2002,63(2):331-338
Self-grooming in response to the odours of an opposite-sex conspecific may reflect sexual motivation on the part of the actor. We tested the hypothesis that meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, and prairie voles,M. ochrogaster , both self-groom at different rates when exposed to the odours of their siblings as compared to those of nonsiblings. This prediction was studied under the context of social memory for siblings and the effects of isolation on memory for siblings. The hypothesis explains the self-grooming responses of meadow voles isolated from their siblings for 10 days and of prairie voles isolated from their siblings for 20 days. However, 20 days of isolation for male and female meadow voles, and 30 days of isolation for male prairie voles were sufficient to induce these animals to self-groom at a similar rate to both sibling and nonsibling odours, suggesting that after isolation these animals no longer recognized their opposite-sex siblings. Female prairie voles isolated for 30 days self-groomed more in response to the odours of male nonsiblings than to those of male siblings, suggesting that female prairie voles still recognize their male siblings after isolation. This study is the first to provide empirical evidence that, in the context of sibling recognition, self-grooming behaviour is directed at unfamiliar opposite-sex conspecifics, and that the communicative function of self-grooming (sexual motivation) is associated with social memory for siblings. Differences in the self-grooming behaviour of meadow voles and prairie voles may be associated with several aspects of their life history characteristics.  相似文献   

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