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Variation in human male testosterone levels may reflect, and effect, differential behavioral allocation to mating and parenting effort. This proposition leads to the hypothesis that, among North American men, those involved in committed, romantic relationships will have lower testosterone levels than men not involved in such relationships. Our study is the first to examine whether being in such a relationship (rather than being married) is the meaningful predictor of male testosterone levels. To test this hypothesis, 122 male Harvard Business School students filled out a questionnaire and collected one saliva sample (from which testosterone level was measured). Results revealed that men in committed, romantic relationships had 21% lower testosterone levels than men not involved in such relationships. Furthermore, the testosterone levels of married men and unmarried men who were involved in committed, romantic relationships did not differ, suggesting that, at least for this sample, male pair bonding status is the more significant predictor of testosterone levels than is marital status.  相似文献   

The logic of inclusive fitness suggests that people should be attentive to the mating relationships of their kin—especially their genetically closest kin. This logic further suggests that people will be especially attentive to close kin members' relationships when a greater indirect fitness benefit is at stake. Three studies tested implications of this analysis. The primary results were that (a) people maintain greater vigilance over (and attempt greater influence on) the romantic relationships of genetically closer kin; (b) this effect is largely mediated by feelings of emotional closeness and perceptions of physical similarity; (c) women are more vigilant than men over their kin members' relationships; (d) people are more vigilant over the relationships of female kin, as compared to male kin, but only under conditions with especially clear implications for indirect fitness; and (e) people are more vigilant over kin members' long-term committed relationships, as compared to their casual relationships. These results indicate that a subtle form of nepotism is manifest in people's concern with their kin members' romantic relationships.  相似文献   

Romantic love is the catalyst behind the spread of the human life. The neurobiology of love embraces the hypothesis that what we call "romantic attachment" or "romantic love" may be at least in part the expression of biological factors. A corollary of this hypothesis states that it is possible to learn much about the nature of human love by studying the molecules involved in the expression of social and affiliative behaviours. Under this theoretical framework, we have investigated the changes in plasma neurotrophin levels in subjects with early stage romantic love. A positive association between the intensity of early romantic feelings and serum levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) has been identified. These findings link love with biologically relevant pathways for neuron survival and illuminate the biochemical correlates of such a complex feeling that so deeply affects our own lives. The progresses in the neurobiology of love suggest that this kind of research may open a new window onto our understanding of the very nature of human romantic bonding.  相似文献   

Mate preference research often focuses on traits that indicate a romantic partner's personal worth (e.g., their physical attractiveness, resource potential) rather than their tendency to leverage that worth for mutual vs. zero-sum benefit (i.e., their trustworthiness). No one has assessed the contribution of trustworthiness to perceived mate value relative to other personality dimensions. Here we examined the desirability of a partner's trustworthiness relative to five other personality indicators of mate quality during initial partner selection. Participants (n = 918) ranked multivariate partner profiles constructed from the HEXACO model of personality (i.e., honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience) and provided partner ratings for each trait. Using conjoint analysis, we found that honesty-humility influenced participants' ranking decisions substantially more than each other characteristic (all Cohen's ds > 0.62). This was true for both long- (i.e., committed) and short-term (i.e., purely sexual) partner evaluations, though honesty-humility was relatively more important for long- vs. short-term contexts. There were no sex differences. A different pattern, including sex differences, emerged for partner ratings. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that the challenge of avoiding romantic interpersonal predation may have been a relatively stronger selection pressure during the evolution of human mate preference than has the challenge of identifying other valuable partner traits.  相似文献   

Oxytocin and vasopressin are known to be important in affiliative behaviors. Although these peptides have been shown to be involved in monogamous pairing behavior in a few mammalian species, their role across monogamous species is not well understood. In particular, monogamy is most common in birds, yet the role of mesotocin and vasotocin (avian homologues of oxytocin and vasopressin) in pair relationships has not been established in any avian species. The goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of an oxytocin antagonist on pairing and pairing-related behaviors in the monogamous zebra finch. To accomplish this, we systemically administered one of three doses of an oxytocin antagonist (1 μg, 5 μg, or 10 μg) or a vehicle to adult male and female zebra finches (in separate experiments) with no prior pairing experience. Subjects were observed over three days and allowed to choose mates. We found that oxytocin antagonists increased the latency to pair and decreased pair formation in both sexes. The effects of these treatments on overall pairing behaviors were more pronounced in females than in males, suggesting sexually differentiated effects on motivation to contact conspecifics. Treatments also reduced courtship, as measured by directed singing, in males. These results suggest that nonapeptides play a key role in pair formation in zebra finches of both sexes, similar to findings in other monogamous species.  相似文献   

Buccal Oxytocin     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1964,2(5411):705-706

Cheng XR  Sun L  Du GH 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):253-255
神经元选择性易损性在多种神经系统疾病的发病过程中发挥重要作用。研究证明,神经元选择性易损的形成与多种因素有关,包括钙超载、兴奋性氨基酸毒性以及过氧化损伤等外源性因素,而且与神经元自身特点也有密切关系,主要包括不同区域神经元蛋白表达的差异、线粒体结构功能的不同以及胶质细胞特性的区域差异等。研究神经元易损性产生的机制和规律,对于研究和防治神经退行性疾病等有重要意义。  相似文献   

Oxytocin is a nonapeptide of the neurohypophyseal protein family that binds specifically to the oxytocin receptor to produce a multitude of central and peripheral physiological responses. Within the central nervous system oxytocin is expressed by the neurons of the hypothalamus that project into higher brain centres and the posterior pituitary gland, from where it enters the circulation by release into the portal capillaries. Centrally, it modulates, maternal, sexual, social and stress related behaviour. Peripheral actions of oxytocin are commonly associated with smooth muscle contraction, particularly within the female and male reproductive tracts. Local synthesis of oxytocin along with its receptor in these regions indicates the presence of local oxytocinergic systems. More sinister implications for oxytocin in autism, depression and several cancers have recently been identified. A greater understanding of the role of oxytocinergic mechanisms will determine the potential for targeting this regulatory peptide in the pharmacological management of these disorders.  相似文献   

The effect of oxytocin on collagen synthesis in the pregnant human cervix and lower uterine segment was studied in incubation experiments by measuring the incorporation of 3H-proline. Oxytocin had a concentration related inhibitory effect on the labelling with 3H-proline. Vasopressin in the corresponding concentrations had only a weak effect on the incorporation of 3H-proline. Addition of indomethacin did not influence the response to oxytocin indicating that the effect was probably not mediated by prostaglandins. These results suggest that oxytocin under in vitro experimental conditions influences cervical connective tissue metabolism which is in contrast to current clinical experience.  相似文献   

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