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It is commonly argued that inbred individuals should be more sensitive to environmental stress than are outbred individuals, presumably because stress increases the expression of deleterious recessive alleles. However, the degree to which inbreeding depression is dependent on environmental conditions is not clear. We use two populations of the seed-feeding beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, to test the hypotheses that (a) inbreeding depression varies among rearing temperatures, (b) inbreeding depression is greatest at the more stressful rearing temperatures, (c) the degree to which high or low temperature is stressful for larval development varies with inbreeding level, and (d) inbreeding depression is positively correlated between different environments. Inbreeding depression (δ) on larval development varied among temperatures (i.e., there was a significant inbreeding-environment interaction). Positive correlations for degree of inbreeding depression were consistently found between all pairs of temperatures, suggesting that at least some loci affected inbreeding depression across all temperatures examined. Despite variation in inbreeding depression among temperatures, inbreeding depression did not increase consistently with our proxy for developmental stress. However, inbreeding changed which environments are benign versus stressful for beetles; although 20°C was not a stressful rearing temperature for outbred beetles, it became the most stressful environment for inbred larvae. The finding that inbreeding-environment interactions can cause normally benign environments to become stressful for inbred populations has important consequences for many areas of evolutionary genetics, artificial breeding (for conservation or food production), and conservation of natural populations.  相似文献   

More than 800 G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) genes have been discovered in the human genome. Towards the next step in GPCR research, we performed a knowledge-driven analysis of orphan class-A GPCRs that may serve as novel targets in drug discovery. We examined the relationship between 61 orphan class-A GPCR genes and diseases using the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database and the DDSS tool. The OMIM database contains data on disease-related variants of the genes. Particularly, the variants of GPR101, GPR161, and GPR88 are related to the genetic diseases: growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma 2, pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (not confirmed), and childhood-onset chorea with psychomotor retardation, respectively. On the other hand, the Drug Discovery and Diagnostic Support System (DDSS) tool suggests that 48 out of the 61 orphan receptor genes are related to diseases, judging from their co-occurrences in abstracts of biomedical literature. Notably, GPR50 and GPR3 are related to as many as 25 and 24 disease-associated keywords, respectively. GPR50 is related to 17 keywords of psychiatric disorders, whereas GPR3 is related to 11 keywords of neurological disorders. The aforementioned five orphan GPCRs were characterized genetically, structurally and functionally using the structural life science data cloud VaProS, so as to evaluate their potential as next targets in drug discovery.  相似文献   

Systems biology is an approach to explain the behaviour of a system in relation to its individual components. Synthetic biology uses key hierarchical and modular concepts of systems biology to engineer novel biological systems. In my opinion the next step in biology is to use molecule-to-phenotype data using these approaches and integrate them in the form a periodic table. A periodic table in biology would provide chassis to classify, systematize and compare diversity of component properties vis-a-vis system behaviour. Using periodic table it could be possible to compute higher-level interactions from component properties. This paper examines the concept of building a bio-periodic table using protein fold as the fundamental unit.  相似文献   

Social status has been associated with health consequences, although the mechanisms by which status affects health are relatively unknown. At the physiological level, many studies have investigated the potential relationship between social behaviour/rank and physiological stress, with a particular focus on glucocorticoid (GC) production. GCs are of interest because of their experimentally established influence on health-related processes such as metabolism and immune function. Studies in a variety of species, in both naturalistic and laboratory settings, have led to complex outcomes. This paper reviews findings from primates and rodents and proposes a psychologically and physiologically relevant framework in which to study the relationship between social status and GC function. We (i) compare status-specific GC production between male and female primates, (ii) review the functional significance of different temporal patterns of GC production, (iii) propose ways to assess these temporal dynamics, and (iv) present novel hypotheses about the relationship between social status and GC temporal dynamics, and potential fitness and health implications. To understand whether GC production mediates social status-related fitness disparities, we must consider social contest conditions and the temporal dynamics of GC production. This framework will provide greater insights into the relationship between social status, physiological stress and health.  相似文献   

The association between mandibular robusticity, postcanine megadontia, and canine reduction in hominins has led to speculation that large and robust jaws might be required to spatially accommodate large canine and molar teeth in hominins and other primates. If so, then variations in mandibular form that are generally regarded as biomechanical adaptations to masticatory demands might instead be incidental effects of functional requirements of tooth support. While the association between large teeth and deep, robust jaws in hominins is well known, the relationship between tooth size and jaw size has not been systematically evaluated in a comparative sample of primates. We evaluate the relationships between molar tooth size, canine tooth size, and mandibular corpus and symphyseal dimensions in a sample of adult anthropoids in interspecific (n=84 species) and intraspecific (n=36 species) contexts. For intraspecific comparisons, tooth size and jaw size are correlated, but for a majority of species this is a function of sexual size dimorphism. Interspecific comparisons lend little direct support to the hypothesis that jaw breadth directly covaries with molar tooth breadth, but they do support the hypothesis that mandibular depth is associated with canine tooth size in males. The latter observation suggests that if there is a causal association between canine size and mandibular depth, it is subject to a threshold effect. In contrast, neither corpus nor symphyseal robusticity, measured as a shape index of breadth/height, are correlated with tooth size. Our results suggest that further studies of the relationship between tooth size and corpus morphology should focus on tooth root size and corpus bony architecture, and that species-specific factors should have a strong impact on such relationships.  相似文献   

Craniofacial remains (the most abundant identifiable remains in the fossil record) potentially offer important information about body size dimorphism in extinct species. This study evaluates the scaling relationships between body mass dimorphism and different measures of craniofacial dimorphism, evaluating taxonomic differences in the magnitude and scaling of craniofacial dimorphism across higher taxonomic groups. Data on 40 dimensions from 129 primate species and subspecies demonstrate that few dimensions change proportionally with body mass dimorphism. Primates show general patterns of greater facial vs. neurocranial and orbital dimorphism, and greater dimorphism in lengths as opposed to breadths. Within any species, though, different craniofacial dimensions can yield very different reconstructions of size dimorphism. There are significant taxonomic differences in the relationships between size and craniofacial dimorphism among primate groups that can have a significant impact on reconstructions of body mass dimorphism. Hominoids tend to show lower degrees of facial dimorphism proportional to size dimorphism than other primates. This in turn implies that strong craniofacial dimorphism in Australopithecus africanus could imply very strong body size dimorphism, conflicting with the relatively modest size dimorphism inferred from postcrania. Different methods of estimating the magnitude of size dimorphism from craniofacial measurements yield similar results, and yield comparatively low percent prediction errors for a number of dimensions. However, confidence intervals for most estimates are so large as to render most estimates highly tentative.  相似文献   

Patterns of glucocorticoid (GC) hormone regulation exhibit considerable inter-individual variation that is often examined relative to individual traits and fitness measures. Although stress-induced GC concentrations are repeatable within an individual in captive populations, this assumption remains untested in wild animals in their natural environment across longer time periods. We assessed the repeatability of baseline and post-stress GC concentrations in a wild teleost fish. Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were captured and subjected to a standard stress protocol and then stocked into a small research lake. Upon recapture by angling up to 1?year later (n?=?26), fish were re-sampled following identical methods. After controlling for a strong effect of water temperature, we confirmed repeatability of post-stress cortisol concentrations despite stress presumed to accompany relocation. We documented no consistency in baseline GC concentrations. This study serves as an important validation for the use of post-stress cortisol concentrations as an individual trait. However, the effect size of repeatability was lower than that found in other taxa. Results also bring forth the reality that environmental variables such as temperature must be considered in studies where these factors can vary, such as when sampling wild animals at liberty.  相似文献   

As a result of the time- and context-dependency of gene expression, gene regulatory and signaling pathways undergo dynamic changes during development. Creating a model of the dynamics of molecular interaction networks offers enormous potential for understanding how a genome orchestrates the developmental processes of an organism. The dynamic nature of pathway topology calls for new modeling strategies that can capture transient molecular links at the runtime. The aim of this paper is to present a brief and informative, but not all-inclusive, viewpoint on the computational aspects of modeling and simulation of a non-static molecular network.  相似文献   

The tree shrews are non-rodent, primate-like, small animals. There is increasing interest in using them to establish animal models for medical and biological research. This review focuses on the use of the tree shrews in in vivo studies on viral hepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), myopia, and psychosocial stress. Because of the susceptibility of the tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) and their hepatocytes to infection with human hepatitis B virus (HBV) in vivo and in vitro, these animals have been used to establish human hepatitis virus-induced hepatitis and human HBV- and aflatoxin B1-associated HCC models. As these animals are phylogenetically close to primates in evolution and have a well-developed visual system and color vision in some species, they have been utilized to establish myopia models. Because dramatic behavioral, physiological, and neuroendocrine changes in subordinate male tree shrews are similar to those observed in depressed human patients, the tree shrews have been successfully employed to experimentally study psychosocial stress. However, the tree shrews holds significant promise as research models and great use could be made of these animals in biomedical research.  相似文献   

Fruit and insects are two of the major components of primate diets. Previous investigators have often assumed that the consumption of fruit by primates was unassociated with the consumption of insects. We contend that much of what has been termed fruit-eating by primates involves a significant and deliberate ingestion of insects. The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

The mere presence of elevated plasma levels of corticosterone is generally regarded as evidence of compromised well-being. However, environmental stimuli do not necessarily need to be of a noxious or adverse nature to elicit activation of the stress response systems. In the present study, the physiological and neuroendocrine responses to repeated social stimuli that can be regarded as emotional opposites, i.e. social defeat and sexual behavior, were compared. Similar corticosterone responses were observed in animals confronted for the first time with either a highly aggressive male intruder or a receptive female, but a decrease was noticed in defeated rats tested during a third interaction. Only if animals are being physically attacked does the corticosterone response remain similar to the one observed during sexual behavior. In addition, the number of activated cells in the parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, as visualized by c-Fos immunocytochemistry, shows no difference between rats 1h after the third exposure to defeat or sex. Finally, biotelemetric recordings of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity show a robust response to both social stimuli that is generally, however, higher in animals being confronted with a receptive female. The data clearly indicate that acute plasma corticosterone levels are not reflecting the emotional valence of a salient stimulus. The magnitude of the response seems to be a direct reflection of the behavioral activity and hence of the metabolic requirements of activated tissues. Next to its direct metabolic role, acute increases in plasma corticosterone will have neurobiological and behavioral effects that largely depend on the neural circuitry that is activated by the stimulus that triggered its release.  相似文献   

The Efe are short-statured specialized hunger-gatherers living in the moist tropical forest in northeast Zaire. They live in small mobile groups averaging 18 individuals and practice viripatrilocal residence — what primatologists refer to as male philopatry and female dispersal. This study uses methods commonly employed by primatologists to study the social relationships of Efe men. It compares their association and affiliation patterns with those of two nonhuman primate species that show male philopatry and female transfer. The analyses of 376 hr of focal behavior observations on 16 Efe men reveal that the majority of their associations were with other adult men. Men associated preferentially with kin over non-kin, and with close kin more than with distant kin. Men's close relationships, or companionships,sensu Smuts' (1985) friendships among anubis baboons, were predominantly with other adult men; however, each man who cohabited with a woman had his strongestcompanionship by far with that woman. These quantitative measures of affinity are consistent with the Efe's pattern of viripatrilocal residence, where-by males remain in their natal group with their close male kin and females join or are recruited from other patriclans. The social relationships of Efe men are similar in some respects to those of hamadryas and chimpanzees; however, Efe men's social networks are larger and more fluid. We speculate that the explanation proposed for male philopatry and female dispersal among nonhuman primates also applies to the Efe.  相似文献   

Shiu SH  Borevitz JO 《Heredity》2008,100(2):141-149
Microarray technology is one of the key developments in recent years that has propelled biological research into the post-genomic era. With the ability to assay thousands to millions of features at the same time, microarray technology has fundamentally changed how biological questions are addressed, from examining one or a few genes to a collection of genes or the whole genome. This technology has much to offer in the study of genome evolution. After a brief introduction on the technology itself, we then focus on the use of microarrays to examine genome dynamics, to uncover novel functional elements in genomes, to unravel the evolution of regulatory networks, to identify genes important for behavioral and phenotypic plasticity, and to determine microbial community diversity in environmental samples. Although there are still practical issues in using microarrays, they will be alleviated by rapid advances in array technology and analysis methods, the availability of many genome sequences of closely related species and flexibility in array design. It is anticipated that the application of microarray technology will continue to better our understanding of evolution and ecology through the examination of individuals, populations, closely related species or whole microbial communities.  相似文献   

The difficulties in measuring total fitness of individuals necessitate the use of fitness surrogates in ecological and evolutionary studies. These surrogates can be different components of fitness (e.g. survival or fecundity), or proxies more uncertainly related to fitness (e.g. body size or growth rate). Ideally, fitness would be measured over the lifetime of individuals; however, more convenient short-time measures are often used. Adult lifetime reproductive success (adult LRS) is closely related to the total fitness of individuals, but it is difficult to measure and rarely included in fitness estimation in experimental studies. We explored phenotypic correlations between female adult LRS and various commonly used fitness components and proxies in a recently founded laboratory population of Drosophila littoralis. Noting that survival is usually higher in laboratory conditions than in nature, we also calculated adjusted adult LRS measures that give more weight to early reproduction. The lifetime measures of fecundity, longevity, and offspring viability were all relatively highly correlated with adult LRS. However, correlations with short-time measures of fecundity and offspring production varied greatly depending on the time of measurement, and the optimal time for measurement was different for unadjusted compared to adjusted adult LRS measures. Correlations between size measures and adult LRS varied from weak to modest, leg size and female weight having the highest correlations. Our results stress the importance of well-founded choice of fitness surrogates in empirical research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the association between hepatic heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) and the glucocorticoid receptor in rainbow trout that were exposed to heat stress, cortisol, and beta-naphthoflavone. This study is the first to document that the glucocorticoid receptor complex in rainbow trout hepatic tissues contains hsp70. Heat stress significantly increased levels of total cellular hsp70, and by discerning the association of hsp70 with the glucocorticoid receptor, we demonstrated that heat stress significantly increased the amount of hsp70 not bound to the glucocorticoid receptor, while significantly decreasing the amount of hsp70 bound to the glucocorticoid receptor. By calculating the ratio of hsp70 bound to the glucocorticoid receptor, to the total number of glucocorticoid receptors, stress (heat stress and cortisol-treatment) promoted the association of hsp70 with the glucocorticoid receptor. These findings demonstrate a functional and structural link between hsp70 and the glucocorticoid receptor in rainbow trout, and raise questions regarding the existence of a complex, interrelated stress response that spans all levels of biological organization within the whole animal.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for reliable preclinical models and to reduce, refine and, if possible, replace animal studies have brought forth the development of complex tissue cultures in different research areas, including the musculoskeletal field. In this paper, we review the literature within last 10 years on the state of progress for in vitro models of osteochondral tissue cultures, taking into account the clinical relevance of the management and treatment of osteochondral lesions. According to the selected research criteria, 35 works, 27 of which with animal tissues and 8 with human tissues, resulted to be relevant for the purposes of this review. Data analyzed revealed a great heterogeneity among the proposed tissue culture models. The anatomical harvesting sites resulted to be mainly the knee stifle joint, both for animal (prevalently bovines) and human tissues derived from joint replacement surgery, and significant heterogeneity among culture conditions and media were found. To date, very few papers have focused on the set up of a reproducible in vitro model, applicable to a variety of studies, thus suggesting a relevant gap to fill in the development of advanced three-dimensional osteochondral culture models.  相似文献   

Short-term elevation of glucocorticoids (GCs) is one of the major physiological mechanisms by which vertebrates cope with challenging environmental or social factors (stressors). However, when exposure to stressors occurs repeatedly or over a prolonged period of time, animals may experience chronic elevation of GCs, which reduces the immune response efficiency and can lead to higher intensity of parasitic infection. Here, we used invasive gray squirrels Sciurus carolinensis introduced in Northern Italy and their 2 most prevalent gastrointestinal parasites, the nematode Strongyloides robustus and coccidia of the genus Eimeria, as a model to investigate relationships among macroparasite infection and concentrations of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGMs), an integrated measure of circulating GCs. Our results revealed an association of FGMs with infection by St. robustus, but not with coccidia. Individuals with higher FGMs appear to be responsible for the greatest St. robustus egg shedding within gray squirrel populations, thus possibly acting as superspreaders. However, FGMs were negatively associated with adult St. robustus, suggesting that the abundance of adults of this nematode species does not induce elevation in FGMs, but is only affected by it through immune-mediated effects on its fecundity. Finally, the relationship between St. robustus (both eggs and adult parasites) and FGMs was not linear, suggesting that only high levels of physiological stress influence parasite infection. Our findings highlight that the direction and magnitude of the stress–infection relationship may depend not only on the specific host–parasite system, but also on the different life stages of the same parasite.  相似文献   

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