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DNA methylation is a crucial epigenomic mechanism in various biological processes. Using whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) technology, methylated cytosine sites can be revealed at the single nucleotide level. However, the WGBS data analysis process is usually complicated and challenging.


To alleviate the associated difficulties, we integrated the WGBS data processing steps and downstream analysis into a two-phase approach. First, we set up the required tools in Galaxy and developed workflows to calculate the methylation level from raw WGBS data and generate a methylation status summary, the mtable. This computation environment is wrapped into the Docker container image DocMethyl, which allows users to rapidly deploy an executable environment without tedious software installation and library dependency problems. Next, the mtable files were uploaded to the web server EpiMOLAS_web to link with the gene annotation databases that enable rapid data retrieval and analyses.


To our knowledge, the EpiMOLAS framework, consisting of DocMethyl and EpiMOLAS_web, is the first approach to include containerization technology and a web-based system for WGBS data analysis from raw data processing to downstream analysis. EpiMOLAS will help users cope with their WGBS data and also conduct reproducible analyses of publicly available data, thereby gaining insights into the mechanisms underlying complex biological phenomenon. The Galaxy Docker image DocMethyl is available at https://hub.docker.com/r/lsbnb/docmethyl/.

EpiMOLAS_web is publicly accessible at http://symbiosis.iis.sinica.edu.tw/epimolas/.


A novel algorithm, GS-Aligner, that uses bit-level operations was developed for aligning genomic sequences. GS-Aligner is efficient in terms of both time and space for aligning two very long genomic sequences and for identifying genomic rearrangements such as translocations and inversions. It is suitable for aligning fairly divergent sequences such as human and mouse genomic sequences. It consists of several efficient components: bit-level coding, search for matching segments between the two sequences as alignment anchors, longest increasing subsequence (LIS), and optimal local alignment. Efforts have been made to reduce the execution time of the program to make it truly practical for aligning very long sequences. Empirical tests suggest that for relatively divergent sequences such as sequences from different mammalian orders or from a mammal and a nonmammalian vertebrate GS-Aligner performs better than existing methods. The program and data can be downloaded from http://pondside.uchicago.edu/~lilab/ and http://webcollab.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~biocom.  相似文献   

Efficient and accurate quantitation of metabolites from LC-MS data has become an important topic. Here we present an automated tool, called iMet-Q (intelligent Metabolomic Quantitation), for label-free metabolomics quantitation from high-throughput MS1 data. By performing peak detection and peak alignment, iMet-Q provides a summary of quantitation results and reports ion abundance at both replicate level and sample level. Furthermore, it gives the charge states and isotope ratios of detected metabolite peaks to facilitate metabolite identification. An in-house standard mixture and a public Arabidopsis metabolome data set were analyzed by iMet-Q. Three public quantitation tools, including XCMS, MetAlign, and MZmine 2, were used for performance comparison. From the mixture data set, seven standard metabolites were detected by the four quantitation tools, for which iMet-Q had a smaller quantitation error of 12% in both profile and centroid data sets. Our tool also correctly determined the charge states of seven standard metabolites. By searching the mass values for those standard metabolites against Human Metabolome Database, we obtained a total of 183 metabolite candidates. With the isotope ratios calculated by iMet-Q, 49% (89 out of 183) metabolite candidates were filtered out. From the public Arabidopsis data set reported with two internal standards and 167 elucidated metabolites, iMet-Q detected all of the peaks corresponding to the internal standards and 167 metabolites. Meanwhile, our tool had small abundance variation (≤0.19) when quantifying the two internal standards and had higher abundance correlation (≥0.92) when quantifying the 167 metabolites. iMet-Q provides user-friendly interfaces and is publicly available for download at http://ms.iis.sinica.edu.tw/comics/Software_iMet-Q.html.  相似文献   

Method for identifying transcription factor binding sites in yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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