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Parental care has been demonstrated to have important effects on offspring behavioral development. California mice (Peromyscus californicus) are biparental, and correlational evidence suggests that pup retrieving by fathers has important effects on the development of aggressive behavior and extra-hypothalamic vasopressin systems. We tested whether retrievals affected these systems by manipulating paternal retrieval behavior between day 15 and 21 postpartum. Licking and grooming behavior affect behavioral development in rats, so we also experimentally reduced huddling and grooming behavior by castrating a subset of fathers. Experimentally increasing the frequency of paternal pup retrieving behavior decreased attack latency in resident-intruder in both male and female adult offspring, whereas experimental reduction of huddling and grooming had no effect. In a separate group of male offspring, we examined vasopressin immunoreactivity (AVP-ir) in two regions of the posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST): the dorsal fiber tracts (dBNST) and the ventral cell body-containing region (vBNST). Experimentally increasing retrievals led to an apparent shift in AVP-ir distribution. Specifically, offspring from the high retrieval group had more AVP-ir than offspring from the sham retrieval group in the dBNST, whereas the opposite was observed in the vBNST. Experimental reduction of paternal grooming was associated with increased AVP-ir in the paraventricular nucleus and also increased corticosterone and progesterone, similar to observed effects of maternal grooming on HPA function. This study provides further evidence that paternal behavior influences the development of aggression and associated neural substrates.  相似文献   

Capsule: Male White-throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus are more likely and quicker to respond to the playback of song than females, but both sexes are more likely to respond before the onset of breeding than after.

Aims: Territoriality and the function of song in female birds have rarely been studied outside of the tropics or Australasia. We investigated territoriality and song function in males and females of a Northern temperate species, the White-throated Dipper.

Methods: We conducted playback trials on established pairs and compared the responses of males and females according to the sex of the simulated intruder and the timing of playback relative to the onset of breeding. A response was classified as movement towards the speaker, singing or both.

Results: Males were significantly more likely and quicker to respond to playback than females, but neither sex responded differently to the playback of male and female song. Both sexes were more likely to respond to playback before breeding had begun than after.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that both males and females are territorial but that males take the dominant role in defence. Female song appears to elicit a similar response to male song and may play a role in territoriality or mate defence.  相似文献   

Highly efficient gene conversion systems have the potential to facilitate the study of complex genetic traits using laboratory mice and, if implemented as a “gene drive,” to limit loss of biodiversity and disease transmission caused by wild rodent populations. We previously showed that such a system of gene conversion from heterozygous to homozygous after a sequence targeted CRISPR/Cas9 double-strand DNA break (DSB) is feasible in the female mouse germline. In the male germline, however, all DSBs were instead repaired by end joining (EJ) mechanisms to form an “insertion/deletion” (indel) mutation. These observations suggested that timing Cas9 expression to coincide with meiosis I is critical to favor conditions when homologous chromosomes are aligned and interchromosomal homology-directed repair (HDR) mechanisms predominate. Here, using a Cas9 knock-in allele at the Spo11 locus, we show that meiotic expression of Cas9 does indeed mediate gene conversion in the male as well as in the female germline. However, the low frequency of both HDR and indel mutation in both male and female germlines suggests that Cas9 may be expressed from the Spo11 locus at levels too low for efficient DSB formation. We suggest that more robust Cas9 expression initiated during early meiosis I may improve the efficiency of gene conversion and further increase the rate of “super-mendelian” inheritance from both male and female mice.

This study shows that while Cas9 expression during meiosis I promotes genotype conversion - the mechanism underlying CRISPR ’gene drive’ - in both male and female mice, timing and high levels of Cas9 protein are critical to achieve robust efficiency.  相似文献   

Paternal care during early development influences pup survivorship in the monogamous and biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Moreover, paternal pup retrievals impact development of adult offspring aggression and the neuropeptide vasopressin, yet little is known about the underlying mechanisms of these developmental changes. Because testosterone can increase arginine vasopressin and aggression, we hypothesized that paternal pup retrievals increase testosterone levels in prepubertal male P. californicus pups. Male pups were assigned to one of three groups: hormonal baseline, nonretrieval control, or retrieval. On postnatal days 18-21, all pups and the mother were removed from the cage, and the focal male pup was placed either outside of the nest to elicit paternal retrievals (retrieval group) or in the nest to discourage paternal retrievals (nonretrieval group). Testosterone was elevated at 45-min, but not 90-min, post-manipulation in retrieved compared to nonretrieved pups. Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between pup retrievals and testosterone in the 45-min group. This rapid testosterone rise in response to paternal retrievals may facilitate an increase in aggression and vasopressin in adult offspring. Therefore, this period of development previously viewed as hormonally quiescent may be more active in response to paternal behavior than previously thought.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicts that increased phenotypic plasticity can facilitate adaptation as traits respond to selection. When genetic adaptation alters the social environment, socially mediated plasticity could cause co‐evolutionary feedback dynamics that increase adaptive potential. We tested this by asking whether neural gene expression in a recently arisen, adaptive morph of the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus is more responsive to the social environment than the ancestral morph. Silent males (flatwings) rapidly spread in a Hawaiian population subject to acoustically orienting parasitoids, changing the population's acoustic environment. Experimental altering crickets’ acoustic environments during rearing revealed broad, plastic changes in gene expression. However, flatwing genotypes showed increased socially mediated plasticity, whereas normal‐wing genotypes exhibited negligible expression plasticity. Increased plasticity in flatwing crickets suggests a coevolutionary process coupling socially flexible gene expression with the abrupt spread of flatwing. Our results support predictions that phenotypic plasticity should rapidly evolve to be more pronounced during early phases of adaptation.  相似文献   

1.?When parasitized, both vertebrates and invertebrates can enhance the immune defence of their offspring, although this transfer of immunity is achieved by different mechanisms. In some insects, immune-challenged males can also initiate trans-generational immune priming (TGIP), but its expressions appear qualitatively different from the one induced by females similarly challenged. 2.?The existence of male TGIP challenges the traditional view of the parental investment theory, which predicts that females should invest more into their progeny than males. However, sexual dimorphism in life-history strategies and the potential costs associated with TGIP may nevertheless lead to dissymmetric investment between males and females into the immune protection of the offspring. 3.?Using the yellow mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, we show that after parental exposure to a bacterial-like infection, maternal and paternal TGIP are associated with the enhancement of different immune effectors and different fitness costs in the offspring. While all the offspring produced by challenged mothers had enhanced immune defence, only those from early reproductive episodes were immune primed by challenged fathers. 4.?Despite the fact that males and females may share a common interest in providing their offspring with an immune protection from the current pathogenic threat, they seem to have evolved different strategies concerning this investment.  相似文献   

C. Campagna    B. J. Le Boeuf    M. Lewis    C. Bisioli 《Journal of Zoology》1992,226(4):551-561
Sex ratio theory predictions concerning differential parental investment in offspring by sex were tested on southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , breeding at Península Valdés, Argentina. Females invested equally in sons and daughters, as reflected by the similar mass at birth (mean ± 1 S.D.) of 14 males (44.1 ± 6.5 kg) and 14 females (43.4 ± 3.8 kg), and similar mass at weaning of 52 males (131.5 ± 22.4 kg) and 38 females (131.4 ± 18.3 kg). There were also no sex differences in the rate of mass gain during nursing (males = 4.0 ± 0.9 kg/day; females = 3.9 ± 0.8 kg/day), rate of mass loss during the first month of post-weaning fast (males = 0.85 ± 0.19 kg/day; females = 0.92 ± 0.15 kg/day), mean age at weaning (males = 22.3 ± 1.6 days; females = 22.7 ± 1.7 days), and female nursing behaviour. Mother's size accounted for most of the variation in mass of pups at weaning. Mothers ranked as small, medium and large, weaned pups with a mean mass of 102, 130 and 145 kg, respectively. The sex ratio of weanlings did not differ from unity. These data are consistent with Fisher's (1930) sex ratio theory.  相似文献   

J Parízková 《Acta anatomica》1979,104(4):382-387
The microstructure of the cardiac muscle in eight subgroups of female and male rats was investigated: exercised (EE) and control (EC) offspring of exercised mothers, and exercised (CE) and control (CC) offspring of control, inactive mothers. The differences between subgroups were subjected to variance analysis and multiple-range tests according to Duncan. There were no marked differences in total body weight and weight of the heart related to total body weight. A significant difference (highest values) was shown in the density of muscle fibers and capillaries in the offspring of exercised mothers, which was further potentiated by the additional exercise during postnatal life. Diffusion distance was significantly longer in CC animals; the other subgroups did not differ significantly. There were no significant differences in the reaction of female and male offspring both due to prenatal and postnatal exercise.  相似文献   

The incidence of morphologically abnormal foetuses in the litters of cyclophosphamide (CP)-treated male mice was investigated and compared with control values. In two experiments (100 mg/kg) CP was shown to increase the incidence of grossly abnormal foetuses over that seen in the controls, although neither was statistically significant in isolation. When the probabilities from the two tests of significance were combined using the method of Fisher the result was significant (P = 0.02). These results suggest that an acute exposure to a mutagen in male mice can cause genetic damage that results in an increased incidence of phenotypically abnormal offspring. However, the large numbers of animals required and the variable control level of abnormalities, indicate that this dosing regimen is an inefficient method of studying the genetic mechanisms responsible for the effects seen.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease later in life. Vascular dysfunction occurs in adult offspring from animal models of IUGR including maternal undernutrition, but the influence of reduced fetal oxygen supply on adult vascular function is unclear. Myogenic responses, essential for vascular tone regulation, have not been evaluated in these offspring. We hypothesized that 7-mo-old offspring from hypoxic (12% O(2); H) or nutrient-restricted (40% of control; NR) rat dams would show greater myogenic responses than their 4-mo-old littermates or control (C) offspring through impaired modulation by vasodilators. Growth restriction occurred in male H (P < 0.01), male NR (P < 0.01), and female NR (P < 0.02), but not female H, offspring. Myogenic responses in mesenteric arteries from males but not females were increased at 7 mo in H (P < 0.01) and NR (P < 0.05) vs. C offspring. There was less modulation of myogenic responses after inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (P < 0.05), prostaglandin H synthase (P < 0.005), or both enzymes (P < 0.001) in arteries from 7-mo male H vs. C offspring. Thus reduced vasodilator modulation may explain elevated myogenic responses in 7-mo male H offspring. In contrast, there was increased modulation of myogenic responses in arteries from 7-mo female H vs. C or NR offspring after inhibition of both enzymes (P < 0.05). Thus increased vasodilator modulation may maintain myogenic responses in female H offspring at control levels. In summary, vascular responses in adult offspring from adverse intrauterine environments are impaired in a gender-specific, age-dependent, and maternal insult-dependent manner, with males more profoundly affected.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Costs of parental care can include increased physical, physiological, and behavioral demands and reduced prospects for future reproduction. Therefore, animals may benefit from...  相似文献   

Female investment in offspring size and number has been observed to vary with the phenotype of their mate across diverse taxa. Recent theory motivated by these intriguing empirical patterns predicted both positive (differential allocation) and negative (reproductive compensation) effects of mating with a preferred male on female investment. These predictions, however, focused on total reproductive effort and did not distinguish between a response in offspring size and clutch size. Here, we model how specific paternal effects on fitness affect maternal allocation to offspring size and number. The specific mechanism by which males affect the fitness of females or their offspring determines whether and how females allocated differentially. Offspring size is predicted to increase when males benefit offspring survival, but decrease when males increase offspring growth rate. Clutch size is predicted to increase when males contribute to female resources (e.g. with a nuptial gift) and when males increase offspring growth rate. The predicted direction and magnitude of female responses vary with female age, but only when per-offspring paternal benefits decline with clutch size. We conclude that considering specific paternal effects on fitness in the context of maternal life-history trade-offs can help explain mixed empirical patterns of differential allocation and reproductive compensation.  相似文献   

Obesity is a major public health problem, and its prevalence is progressively increasing worldwide. In addition, accumulating evidence suggests that diverse nutritional and metabolic disturbances including obesity can be transmitted from parents to offspring via transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. The previous reports have shown that paternal obesity has profound impacts on the development and metabolic health of their progeny. However, little information is available concerning the effects of paternal high-fat diet (HFD) exposure on triglyceride metabolism in the offspring. Therefore, we investigated the effects of paternal HFD on triglyceride metabolism and related gene expression in male mouse offspring. We found that paternal HFD exposure significantly increased the body weight, liver and epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) weights, and liver triglyceride content in male offspring, despite consuming control diet. In addition, paternal HFD exposure had induced changes in the mRNA expression of genes involved in lipid and triglyceride metabolism in the liver and eWAT. These findings indicate transgenerational inheritance from the paternal metabolic disturbance of triglyceride and support the effects of paternal lifestyle choices on offspring development and health later in life.  相似文献   

Tamoxifen is capable of preserving bone mass in gonadectomized rodents as well as intact female mice; however, a detailed 3D quantitative analysis of the structural changes produced in the growing skeleton of intact mice of both genders by this agent is lacking. Employing quantitative microcomputed tomography (muCT), we assessed the effects of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (OHT) on the femora of C57BL/6J mice administered this agent either for 12 (males and females) or 2 (females) weeks. In mice of either gender, but especially in females, 12 weeks of OHT exposure led to dramatic increases in both cortical and trabecular bone. Females exposed to OHT for either 2 or 12 weeks demonstrated significantly increased cortical wall thickness, trabecular bone volume, connectivity, and number, as well as decreased trabecular separation. Significant increases in several of these parameters were also evident in males after 12 weeks of OHT administration. In view of the expanding use of OHT to induce Cre-mediated recombination events, our findings suggest that care should be exercised when interpreting the skeletal phenotypes of mice exposed this agent, particularly in situations where the effects of OHT might synergize with the phenotypic outcome of a specific genetic alteration.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(15):3250-3256.e4
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Female assessment of male attractiveness and how preferred qualities impact reproductive success is central to the study of mate choice. Male attractiveness may depend on traits beneficial to the reproductive success (RS) of any female, termed ‘universal quality’, and/or on behavioral and biological interactions between potential mates that reflect ‘compatibility’. The steroid hormone testosterone (T) often underlies male attractiveness in rodents and is associated with enhanced paternal care in the monogamous and biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus). We hypothesized that (1) T-characteristics are universally attractive to female California mice and that (2) if reproductive success is higher for females mated with preferred males, then females mated with males preferred by other females will also have higher reproductive success. Alternatively, we speculated that pair compatibility, based on emergent pair qualities, is important for a species with coordinated offspring care. We assessed individual T-characteristics in three ways: (1) T-response to GnRH challenges (2) baseline T-level and (3) T-response to a female. Testosterone-response did not predict female preference, but females spent more time investigating males with higher baseline T (accounting for only 9.6% of the variation in investigation time). None of the T-measures was associated with RS. Females paired with males they preferred produced litters more quickly and had higher RS than females paired with their non-preferred males. Naïve females who did not undergo preference tests had equivalent RS regardless of whether their mate was preferred or non-preferred by another female. These data suggest that higher male T elicits investigation, but female preference in the California mouse is more strongly linked with compatibility because individual preference was a better predictor of RS than any T measure.  相似文献   

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