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This study reports the activity of crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide (pure compound) obtained from Tanacetum parthenium against two forms of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Feverfew is a traditional herbal medicine that has been used for the treatment of migraine, fever and arthritis. Activity against epimastigote forms was observed for crude extracts, fractions and parthenolide, and a progressive increase in the antitrypanosomal effect was observed in the course of the purification process. The pure compound showed IC50/96h and IC90/96h of 0.5 microg/ml and 1.25 microg/ml, respectively. The cytotoxic effect of parthenolide in LLMCK2 cells was 3.2 microg/ml (CC50/96h) and the selectivity index was 6.4. No hemolysis was detected for the pure compound. The internalization index of T. cruzi in LLMCK2 cells was reduced almost 51% at the concentration of 2 microg/ml of parthenolide, and 96.6% at 4 microg/ml. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy permitted observation of morphological modifications and ultrastructural alterations.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Tanacetum argyrophyllum (C. Koch) Tvzel. var. argyrophyllum and T. parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip. were hydro-distilled to produce the oils in the yields of 0.78% (v/w) and 0.43% (v/w), respectively. The oils were analysed by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-two and twenty-three components were identified representing 94.2% and 90.1% of the oils, respectively. The main compounds of T. argyrophyllum were cis-thujone (69.9%), trans-thujone (5.6%) and 1,8-cineole (3.2%), whereas camphor (56.9%), camphene (12.7%) and p-cymene (5.2%) were the major constituents of T. parthenium.  相似文献   

Antioxidant polyphenolic acids in the medicinal herb feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) were isolated through in vitro bioassay-orientated antioxidant tests in response to 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH*) free radical scavenging and Fe(2+)-chelating activities. Purification of the active compounds and their structural elucidation involved a variety of techniques including open-column chromatography, HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS and NMR. Major compounds with potent DPPH* scavenging activities were characterised as 3,5-, 4,5- and 3,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acids (DCQAs). This is the first report of DCQAs found in feverfew.  相似文献   

Cellulase reaction product was localized cytochemically at the ultrastructural level in the cell wall of disc cells, the secretory cavity and in the subcuticular wall of glands inCannabis. Cellulase reaction product was evident in the less dense region of the disc cell wall prior to secretory cavity formation. Reactivity in this region was associated with separation of an outer zone, forming the subcuticular wall, from the inner wall zone adjacent to the plasma membrane of the disc cells. Reaction product was associated with the disc cell wall and fibrillar matrix extending from it into the secretory cavity. Reactivity remained evident over the subcuticular wall throughout enlargement of the secretory cavity. Reaction product also was present over fibrillar matrix in the secretory cavity associated with both the inner wall and the subcuticular wall. The distribution of cellulase reaction product supports an interpretation that cellulase is involved in formation of the secretory cavity and subsequent redistribution of wall products to form the subcuticular wall during development of the secretory cavity.  相似文献   

Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir. ) Sch.Bip. ) is a plant species endemic to the east Adriatic coast. The bioactive substance of Dalmatian pyrethrum is a natural insecticide, pyrethrin, a mixture of six active components (pyrethrins I and II, cinerins I and II, and jasmolins I and II). The insecticidal potential of pyrethrin was recognized decades ago, and dried and ground flowers have traditionally been used in Croatian agriculture and households. A total of 25 Dalmatian pyrethrum populations from Croatia were studied to determine the pyrethrin content and composition, and to identify distinct chemotypes. The total pyrethrin content ranged from 0.36 to 1.30% (dry flower weight; DW) and the pyrethrin I/pyrethrin II ratio ranged from 0.64 to 3.33%. The statistical analyses revealed that the correlations between the percentage of pyrethrin I and of all the other components were significant and negative. The total pyrethrin content was positively correlated with the percentage of pyrethrin I and negatively correlated with cinerin II. The multivariate analysis of the chemical variability enabled the identification of five chemotypes among 25 Dalmatian pyrethrum populations. The chemical characterization of indigenous Dalmatian pyrethrum populations may serve as a good background for future breeding and agricultural exploitation.  相似文献   

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) localization in glandular trichomes and bracteal tissues of Cannabis, prepared by high pressure cryofixation-cryosubstitution, was examined with a monoclonal antibody-colloidal gold probe by electron microscopy (EM). The antibody detected THC in the outer wall of disc cells during the presecretory cavity phase of gland development. Upon formation of the secretory cavity, the immunolabel detected THC in the disc cell wall facing the cavity as well as the subcuticular wall and cuticle throughout development of the secretory cavity. THC was detected in the fibrillar matrix associated with the disc cell and with this matrix in the secretory cavity. The antibody identified THC on the surface of secretory vesicles, but not in the secretory vesicles. Gold label also was localized in the anticlinal walls between adjacent disc cells and in the wall of dermal and mesophyll cells of the bract. Grains were absent or detected only occasionally in the cytoplasm of disc or other cells of the bract. No THC was detected in controls. These results indicate THC to be a natural product secreted particularly from disc cells and accumulated in the cell wall, the fibrillar matrix and surface feature of vesicles in the secretory cavity, the subcuticular wall, and the cuticle of glandular trichomes. THC, among other chemicals, accumulated in the cuticle may serve as a plant recognition signal to other organisms in the environment.  相似文献   

Phytochemistry Reviews - Pyrethrin is a potent biopesticide, a natural mixture of six compounds (pyrethrin I and II, cinerin I and II, and jasmolin I and II), biosynthesized in plants of Dalmatian...  相似文献   

Secretory cells were isolated from the monoterpene-producing glandular trichomes (peltate form) of peppermint as clusters of eight cells each. These isolated structures were shown to be non-specifically permeable to low-molecular-weight, water-soluble cofactors and substrates. Short incubation periods with the polar dye Lucifer yellow iodoacetamide (Mr=660) resulted in a uniform staining of the cytoplasm, with exclusion of the dye from the vacuole. The molecular-weight exclusion limit for this permeability was shown to be less than approx. 1800, based on exclusion of fluorescein-conjugated dextran (Mr 1800). Intact secretory cell clusters very efficiently incorporated [3H]geranyl pyrophosphate into monoterpenes. The addition of exogenous cofactors and redox substrates affected the distribution of monoterpenes synthesized from [3H]geranyl pyrophosphate, demonstrating that the cell clusters were permeable to these compounds and that the levels of endogenous cofactors and redox substrates were depleted in the isolated cells. When provided with the appropriate cofactors, such as NADPH, NAD+, ATP, ADP and coenzyme A, the isolated secretory cell clusters incorporated [14C]sucrose into monoterpenes, indicating that these structures are capable of the de-novo biosynthesis of monoterpenes from a primary carbon source, and that they maintain a high degree of metabolic competence in spite of their permeable nature.Abbreviations GLC gas liquid chromatography - LSCM laser scanning confocal microscopy - LY-IA Lucifer yellow iodoacetamide This investigation was supported in part by U.S. Department of Energy Grant DE-FG0688ER13869 and by Project 0268 from the Washington State University Agricultural Research Center. Light microscopy was carried out in the Plant Biology Light Microscopy and Image Analysis Facility (WSU) funded by the National Science Foundation (DIR9016138). We thank Greg Wichelns for growing the plants and Stephen Pfeiffer (BioRad Microsciences Division, Cambridge, Mass, USA), for help acquiring the confocal images.  相似文献   

The lipophilic flavonoids in leaf and flower of Tanacetum parthenium and T. vulgaris have been compared. While those of T. parthenium are methyl ethers of the flavonols 6-hydroxykaempferol and quercetagetin, the surface flavonoids of T. vulgare are methyl ethers of the flavones scutellarein and 6-hydroxyluteolin. Apigenin and two flavone glucuronides are surprisingly present in glandular trichomes on the lower epidermis of the ray florets of T. parthenium. The opportunity has been taken to revise the structures of the four 6-hydroxyflavonol methyl ethers of T. parthenium based on NMR measurements. These are now shown to be uniformly 6- rather than 7-O-methylated. Tanetin, previously thought to be a new structure, is now formulated as the known 6-hydroxykaempferol 3,6,4'-trimethyl ether. The vacuolar flavonoids of both plants are dominated by the presence of apigenin and luteolin 7-glucuronides; nine other glycosides were present, including the uncommon 6-hydroxyluteolin 7-glucoside in T. vulgare. When the major flavonol and flavone methyl ethers of the two plants were tested pharmacologically, they variously inhibited the major pathways of arachidonate metabolism in leukocytes. There were significant differences in potency, with the tansy 6-hydroxyflavones less active than the feverfew 6-hydroxyflavonols as inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase.  相似文献   

 Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Schultz-Bip.) produces environmentally benign pesticides, the pyrethrins, and tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.) lower terpenes of variable biological effectiveness. As an approach to improve the oil content and composition of tansy for enhanced biological activity, a somatic hybridization technique between tansy and pyrethrum was established. About 1×106 of leaf-mesophyll protoplasts of both species were mixed and fused with a solution containing 15% polyethylene glycol. Light-green and yellowish calli developed from the fusion experiments. The fusion-derived calli grew vigorously on MS medium supplemented with 6.4 mg l-1 of BAP, 0.8 mg l-1 of NAA, and 30–40 g l-1 of glucose. Nuclear DNA content, RAPD patterns, and volatile compounds were analyzed to determine the hybridity of the calli. The nuclear DNA content of the tansy and pyrethrum genotypes, and the protoplast-derived calli of tansy were 6.41, 7.39, 13.84, and 8.11 pg, respectively. The nuclear DNA content of individual calli derived from the protoplast fusion between tansy +tansy ranged from 8.84 (F43A) to 19.59 pg (F43C) while those of the tansy+pyrethrum fusions were 10.66 (F46A) and 31.87 pg (F46B). Using four 10-mer primers a total of 56 RAPD-PCR fragments were produced. The distance matrices of fragments were calculated by average linkage cluster analysis. Two visually separated clusters were observed. One cluster consisted of the two tansy genotypes and the fusion-derived callus F43A; the other consisted of pyrethrum and fusion-derived calli F46B and F46C. Volatile compounds, such as decadienal, artedouglasia oxide, heptadecane, syringaldehyde and coniferyl alcohol, analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry, were found only in the protoplast fusion-derived calli F43A and F46B. Several less volatile compounds were also detected only in fusion calli. Hexadecanoic and linoleic acids were common to fusion-derived calli and tansy, and one unknown compound to fusion-derived calli and pyrethrum. Pyrethrins I and II were detected from pyrethrum, but not from the fusion-derived calli. The additive nuclear DNA content of protoplast fusion-derived calli and the results of the RAPDs suggest that interspecific fusions had occurred. The small number of volatile compounds detected from both the fusion calli and from the donor species indicates that the unorganized callus tissue is unable to produce tissue-specific volatile compounds. Received: 4 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   

The morphology, anatomy and distribution of glandular trichomes on the aerial organs of Salvia smyrnea L. endemic to Turkey have been investigated with light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This species is evaluated in endangered (EN) category. Two morphologically distinct types of glandular trichomes were determined. Various types of capitate glandular trichomes consist of a 1–4 celled base, a 1–8 stalk celled or no stalk and a uni- or bicellular head.  相似文献   

The disc cell wall facing the secretory cavity in lipophilic glands of Cannabis was studied for origin and distribution of hyaline areas, secretory vesicles, fibrillar matrix and particulate material. Secretions evident as light areas in the disc cell cytoplasm pass through modified regions in the plasma membrane and appear as hyaline areas in the cell wall. Hyaline areas, surrounded with a filamentous outline, accumulate near the wall surface facing the secretory cavity where they fuse to form enlarged hyaline areas. Fibrillar matrix is related to and may originate from the dense outer layer of the plasma membrane. This matrix becomes distributed throughout the wall material and contributes in part to the composition of the surface feature of secretory vesicles. Thickening of the cell wall is associated with secretions from the disc cells that facilitates movement of hyaline areas, fibrillar matrix and other possible secretions through the wall to form secretory vesicles and intervesicular materials in the secretory cavity. The outer wall of disc cells in aggregate forms the basilar wall surface of the secretory cavity which facilitates the organization of secretory vesicles that fill the secretory cavity.  相似文献   

Plants cope with cadmium (Cd) stress by complexation with phytochelatins (Pc), metallothioneins and glutathione and sequestration within vacuoles. Especially glutathione was found to play a major role in Cd detoxification as Cd shows a high binding affinity towards thiols and as glutathione is a precursor for Pc synthesis. In the present study, we have used an immunohistochemical approach combined with computer-supported transmission electron microscopy in order to measure changes in the subcellular distribution of glutathione during Cd-stress in mesophyll cells and cells of different glandular trichomes (long and short stalked) of Cucurbita pepo L. subsp. pepo var. styriaca Greb. Even though no ultrastructural alterations were observed in leaf and glandular trichome cells after the treatment of plants with 50 µM cadmium chloride (CdCl2) for 48 h, all cells showed a large decrease in glutathione contents. The strongest decrease was found in nuclei and the cytosol (up to 76%) in glandular trichomes which are considered as a major side of Cd accumulation in leaves. The ratio of glutathione between the cytosol and nuclei and the other cell compartments was strongly decreased only in glandular trichomes (more than 50%) indicating that glutathione in these two cell compartments is especially important for the detoxification of Cd in glandular trichomes. Additionally, these data indicate that large amounts of Cd are withdrawn from nuclei during Cd exposure. The present study gives a detailed insight into the compartment-specific importance of glutathione during Cd exposure in mesophyll cells and glandular trichomes of C. pepo L. plants.  相似文献   

The effects of heat shock (HS) on the ultrastructure and calcium distribution of Lavandula pinnata secretory trichomes are examined using transmission electron microscopy and potassium antimonate precipitation. After 48-h HS at 40°C, plastids become distorted and lack stroma and osmiophilic deposits, the cristae of the mitochondria become indistinct, the endoplasmic reticulum acquires a chain-like appearance with ribosomes prominently attached to the lamellae, and the plasma and organelle membranes become distorted. Heat shock is associated with a decrease in calcium precipitates in the trichomes, while the number of precipitates increases in the mesophyll cells. Prolonged exposure to elevated calcium levels may be toxic to the mesophyll cells, while the lack of calcium in the glands cell may deprive them of the normal protective advantages of elevated calcium levels. The inequality in calcium distribution may result not only from uptake from the transpiration stream, but also from redistribution of calcium from the trichomes to the mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to evaluate the stability of parthenolide in feverfew solution state and powdered feverfew (solid state), and explore the compatibility between commonly used excipients and parthenolide in feverfew. Feverfew extract solution was diluted with different pH buffers to study the solution stability of parthenolide in feverfew. Powdered feverfew extract was stored under 40 degrees C/0% approximately 75% relative humidities (RH) or 31% RH/5~50 degrees C to study the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the stability of parthenolide in feverfew solid state. Binary mixtures of feverfew powered extract and different excipients were stored at 50 degrees C/ 75% RH for excipient compatibility evaluation. The degradation of parthenolide in feverfew solution appears to fit a typical first-order reaction. Parthenolide is comparatively stable when the environmental pH is in the range of 5 to 7, becoming unstable when pH is less than 3 or more than 7. Parthenolide degradation in feverfew in the solid state does not fit any obvious reaction model. Moisture content and temperature both play important roles affecting the degradation rate. After 6 months of storage, parthenolide in feverfew remains constant at 5 degrees C/31% RH. However, approximately 40% parthenolide in feverfew can be degraded if stored at 50 degrees C/31% RH. When the moisture changed from 0% to 75% RH, the degradation of parthenolide in feverfew increased from 18% to 32% after 6-month storage under 40 degrees C. Parthenolide in feverfew exhibits good compatibility with commonly used excipients under stressed conditions in a 3-week screening study.  相似文献   

Tanacetum L. species traditionally used for insecticidal purposes as well as in folk medicine for their antitumor, antimicrobial, antifungal activities. In our previous study a novel sesquiterpene lactone and triterpene lactone together with 12 known flavonoids, coumarin and a triterpene were isolated from T. chiliophyllum var. oligocephalum and T. chiliophyllum var. monocephalum extracts which have insecticidal and antimicrobial activity. In this study, cytotoxic, antimicrobial activities and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibitory effects of pure compounds isolated from these plants were investigated. The tested compounds showed AChE and BChE inhibition which ranged between 7.20–80.37% and 9.19%–76.99% respectively. The highest AChE and BChE inhibition was observed for ulubelenolide which afforded 80.37% and 76.99% inhibition respectively. The cytotoxic effect of the compounds ranged between 22.34–49.77 μg/mL IC50 values. Highest cytotoxic activity was observed against MCF-7 and HEK 293 cell line by 5–hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxy flavone and 5-hydroxy-3′,4′,6,7-tetramethoxyflavone that produced 25.80 ± 0.17 and 22.34 ± 0.70 IC50 values respectively. Compounds eupatilin, cirsilineol, 5–hydroxy-3′,4′,7-trimethoxy flavone and ulubelenolide showed significant antimicrobial effect on C. albicans with 7.8 μg/mL MIC. The new compound ulubelenolide afforded high AChE and BChE inhibition as well as high antifungal activity. In our opinion activity of this substance should be evaluated further against other fungal species.  相似文献   

To introduce useful characteristics such as fragrance into Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) and to expand the variation, we conducted crosses using A. frutescens as the seed parent and Chamaemelum nobile (L.) All. as the pollen parent. All the tested cross combinations between the three strains of A. frutescens and one strain of C. nobile produced embryos, and healthy plants were obtained by ovule culture. The obtained plantlets had a white ray floret, and the leaf shape was intermediate to those of the parents. The individuals obtained from this cross were subjected to two methods to determine hybridity: flow cytometry analyses and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. For the CAPS marker, we selected the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, which is highly variable among the genera, as the region to be amplified. We selected restriction enzymes BmgT120 I and Afl II, which selectively cut common sequences in the genus Argyranthemum, based on the sequence analysis of one parent strain each of A. frutescens and C. nobile and alignment with known sequences of related species. Flow cytometry analyses and CAPS markers revealed that the individuals obtained from the cross between A. frutescens and C. nobile are intergeneric hybrids. In addition, these established methods were capable of quickly and reliably identifying hybrids between A. frutescens and C. nobile. This report shows for the first time that crossbreeding between A. frutescens (seed parent) and C. nobile (pollen parent) is possible, and further development of Argyranthemum breeding, such as the expansion of variation by intergeneric crosses, is expected.  相似文献   

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