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Gene expression analysis by means of microarrays is based on the sequence-specific binding of RNA to DNA oligonucleotide probes and its measurement using fluorescent labels. The binding of RNA fragments involving sequences other than the intended target is problematic because it adds a chemical background to the signal, which is not related to the expression degree of the target gene. The article presents a molecular signature of specific and nonspecific hybridization with potential consequences for gene expression analysis. We analyzed the signal intensities of perfect match (PM) and mismatch (MM) probes of GeneChip microarrays to specify the effect of specific and nonspecific hybridization. We found that these events give rise to different relations between the PM and MM intensities as function of the middle base of the PM, namely a triplet-like (C > G approximately T > A > 0) and a duplet-like (C approximately T > 0 > G approximately A) pattern of the PM-MM log-intensity difference upon binding of specific and nonspecific RNA fragments, respectively. The systematic behavior of the intensity difference can be rationalized on the level of basepairings of DNA/RNA oligonucleotide duplexes in the middle of the probe sequence. Nonspecific binding is characterized by the reversal of the central Watson-Crick (WC) pairing for each PM/MM probe pair, whereas specific binding refers to the combination of a WC and a self-complementary (SC) pairing in PM and MM probes, respectively. The Gibbs free energy contribution of WC pairs to duplex stability is asymmetric for purines and pyrimidines of the PM and decreases according to C > G approximately T > A. SC pairings on the average only weakly contribute to duplex stability. The intensity of complementary MM introduces a systematic source of variation which decreases the precision of expression measures based on the MM intensities.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays that are used as end-point detectors for PCR assays are typically composed of short (15-25 mer) oligonucleotide probes bound to glass. When designing these detectors, we have frequently encountered situations where a probe would not hybridize to its complementary, terminally labeled PCR amplicon. To determine if failures could be explained by general phenomenon such as secondary structure, we designed a microarray to detect eight regions of the Escherichia coli 16S rDNA gene. We then amplified eight amplicons of different lengths using a biotin conjugated, antisense primer. Amplicons were then hybridized to the microarray and detected using a combination of signal amplification and fluorescence. In most cases, probe sequences complementary to the 5' region of the amplified products (sense orientation) did not hybridize to their respective amplicon. We tested for positional bias and showed that a biotin conjugated sense primer mirrored the same probe failures. Nick translated products, however, hybridized to all probes. Because nick translation generates many labeled fragments of random length, we concluded that this method disrupted secondary structure that otherwise prevented the amplicons from hybridizing to their respective probes. We also show that nick translation does not compromise detector sensitivity even when used with long PCR amplicons (ca. 1.5 kbp). Despite the increased cost of the nick translation, we concluded that this labeling strategy will reduce the time needed to design new assays as well as avoid possible false negatives during field applications. Alternative labeling strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reuse of materials in DNA hybridization-based methods has been known since the advent of Southern membranes. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization is essentially Southern hybridization with multiple probes immobilized on a solid surface. We show that comparative genomic hybridization microarrays fabricated with maskless array synthesizer technology can be used up to four times with the application of 1,3-dimethylurea as an array-stripping agent. We reproducibly detected chromosomal aberrations (0.6-22.4Mb in size) in four hybridization rounds using regenerated microarray slides. We also demonstrated that regenerated arrays can detect smaller alterations (16-200kbp), such as common copy number variants, as well as complex aberration profiles in tumor DNA.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays represent a powerful technology whose use has been hampered by the uncertainty of whether the same principles, established on a scale typical for membrane hybridizations, apply when using the smaller, rigid support of microarrays. Our goal was to understand how the number and position of base pair mismatches, probe length and their G+C content affect the intensity and specificity of the hybridization signal. One set of oligonucleotides (50-mers) based on three regions of the Bacillus thuringiensis cry1Aa1 gene possessing 30%, 42%, and 56% G+C content, a second set with similar G+C content (37% to 40%) but different lengths (30 to 100 bases), and finally amplicon probes (101 to 3000 base pairs) with G+C contents of 37% to 39%, were used. Probes with mismatches distributed over their entire length were the most specific, while those with mismatches grouped at either the 3' or 5'-end were the least specific. Hybridizations done at 8 to 13 degrees C below the calculated T(m) of perfectly matched probes, as compared to the widely used lower temperatures of 20 to 25 degrees C, enhanced probe discrimination. Longer probes produced higher fluorescent hybridization signals than shorter ones. These results should help to optimize the design of oligonucleotide-based DNA microarrays.  相似文献   

Fabrication of DNA microarrays using unmodified oligonucleotide probes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Call DR  Chandler DP  Brockman F 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):368-72, 374, 376 passim
Microarrays printed on glass slides are often constructed by covalently linking oligonucleotide probes to a derivatized surface. These procedures typically require relatively expensive amine- or thiol-modified oligonucleotide probes that add considerable expense to larger arrays. We describe a system by which unmodified oligonucleotide probes are bound to either nonderivatized or epoxy-silane-derivatized glass slides. Biotinylated PCR products are heat denatured, hybridized to the arrays, and detected using an enzymatic amplification system. Unmodified probes appear to detach from the slide surface at high pH (> 10.0), suggesting that hydrogen bonding plays a significant role in probe attachment. Regardless of surface preparation, high temperature (up to 65 degrees C) and low ionic strength (deionized water) do not disturb probe attachment; hence, the fabrication method described here is suitable for a wide range of hybridization stringencies and conditions. We illustrate kinetics of room temperature hybridizations for probes attached to nonderivatized slides, and we demonstrate that unmodified probes produce hybridization signals equal to amine-modified, covalently bound probes. Our method provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional attachment strategies that is particularly suitable for genotyping PCR products with nucleic acid microarrays.  相似文献   

The effect of target size on microarray hybridization efficiencies and specificity was investigated using a set of 166 oligonucleotide probes targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Escherichia coli. The targets included unfragmented native rRNA, fragmented rRNA ( approximately 20 to 100 bp), PCR amplicons (93 to 1,480 bp), and three synthetic single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (45 to 56 bp). Fluorescence intensities of probes hybridized with targets were categorized into classes I (81 to 100% relative to the control probe), II (61 to 80%), III (41 to 60%), IV (21 to 40%), V (6 to 20%), and VI (0 to 5%). Good hybridization efficiency was defined for those probes conferring intensities in classes I to IV; those in classes V and VI were regarded as weak and false-negative signals, respectively. Using unfragmented native rRNA, 13.9% of the probes had fluorescence intensities in classes I to IV, whereas the majority (57.8%) exhibited false-negative signals. Similar trends were observed for the 1,480-bp PCR amplicon (6.6% of the probes were in classes I to IV). In contrast, after hybridization of fragmented rRNA, the percentage of probes in classes I to IV rose to 83.1%. Likewise, when DNA target sizes were reduced from 1,480 bp to 45 bp, this percentage increased approximately 14-fold. Overall, microarray hybridization efficiencies and specificity were improved with fragmented rRNA (20 to 100 bp), short PCR amplicons (<150 bp), and synthetic targets (45 to 56 bp). Such an understanding is important to the application of DNA microarray technology in microbial community studies.  相似文献   

DNA/DNA duplex formation is the basic mechanism that is used in genome tiling arrays and SNP arrays manufactured by Affymetrix. However, detailed knowledge of the physical process is still lacking. In this study, we show a free energy analysis of DNA/DNA duplex formation these arrays based on the positional-dependent nearest-neighbor (PDNN) model, which was developed previously for describing DNA/RNA duplex formation on expression microarrays. Our results showed that the two ends of a probe contribute less to the stability of the duplexes and that there is a microarray surface effect on binding affinities. We also showed that free energy cost of a single mismatch depends on the bases adjacent to the mismatch site and obtained a comprehensive table of the cost of a single mismatch under all possible combination of adjacent bases. The mismatch costs were found to be correlated with those determined in aqueous solution. We further demonstrate that the DNA copy number estimated from the SNP array correlates negatively with the target length; this is presumably caused by inefficient PCR amplification for long fragments. These results provide important insights into the molecular mechanisms of microarray technology and have implications for microarray design and the interpretation of observed data.  相似文献   

The design of microarrays is currently based on studies focusing on DNA hybridization reaction in bulk solution. However, the presence of a surface to which the probe strand is attached can make the solution‐based approximations invalid, resulting in sub‐optimum hybridization conditions. To determine the effect of surfaces on DNA duplex formation, the authors studied the dependence of DNA melting temperature (Tm) on target concentration. An automated system was developed to capture the melting profiles of a 25‐mer perfect‐match probe–target pair initially hybridized at 23°C. Target concentrations ranged from 0.0165 to 15 nM with different probe amounts (0.03–0.82 pmol on a surface area of 1018 Å2), a constant probe density (5 × 1012 molecules/cm2) and spacer length (15 dT). The authors found that Tm for duplexes anchored to a surface is lower than in‐solution, and this difference increases with increasing target concentration. In a representative set, a target concentration increase from 0.5 to 15 nM with 0.82 pmol of probe on the surface resulted in a Tm decrease of 6°C when compared with a 4°C increase in solution. At very low target concentrations, a multi‐melting process was observed in low temperature domains of the curves. This was attributed to the presence of truncated or mismatch probes. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

In this study, we present a portable and generic DNA bioassay system based on in situ oligonucleotide synthesis followed by hybridization based detection. The system include two main parts, an oligonucleotide synthesizer and a fluorescence detection system. The oligonucleotide synthesizer is based on microfluidic technology and capable of synthesizing any desired oligonucleotide which can be either used as a primer for PCR based detection (external) or a probe for hybridization based detection (integrated) of a target DNA analyte. The oligonucleotide sequence can be remotely sent to the system. The integrated fluorescence detection system is based on a photodiode to detect Texas Red fluorophore as low as 0.5 fmol. The complete system, integrating the oligonucleotide synthesizer and fluorescence detection system, was successfully used to distinguish DNA from two different bacteria strains. The presented generic portable instrument has the potential to detect any desired DNA target sequence in the field. Potential applications are for homeland security and fast responses to emerging bio-threats.  相似文献   

An oligonucleotide hybridization approach to DNA sequencing   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
We have proposed a DNA sequencing method based on hybridization of a DNA fragment to be sequenced with the complete set of fixed-length oligonucleotides (e.g., 4(8) = 65,536 possible 8-mers) immobilized individually as dots of a 2-D matrix [(1989) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 303, 1508-1511]. It was shown that the list of hybridizing octanucleotides is sufficient for the computer-assisted reconstruction of the structures for 80% of random-sequence fragments up to 200 bases long, based on the analysis of the octanucleotide overlapping. Here a refinement of the method and some experimental data are presented. We have performed hybridizations with oligonucleotides immobilized on a glass plate, and obtained their dissociation curves down to heptanucleotides. Other approaches, e.g., an additional hybridization of short oligonucleotides which continuously extend duplexes formed between the fragment and immobilized oligonucleotides, should considerably increase either the probability of unambiguous reconstruction, or the length of reconstructed sequences, or decrease the size of immobilized oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Hu Z  Troester M  Perou CM 《BioTechniques》2005,38(1):121-124
Recently, long oligonucleotide (60- to 70-mer) microarrays for two-color experiments have been developed and are gaining widespread use. In addition, when there is limited availability of mRNA from tissue sources, RNA amplification can and is being used to produce sufficient quantities of cRNA for microarray hybridization. Taking advantage of the selective degradation of RNA under alkaline conditions, we have developed a method to "strip" glass-based oligonucleotide microarrays that use fluorescent RNA in the hybridization, while leaving the DNA oligonucleotide probes intact and usable for a second experiment. Replicate microarray experiments conducted using stripped arrays showed high reproducibility, however, we found that arrays could only be stripped and reused once without compromising data quality. The intraclass correlation (ICC) between a virgin array and a stripped array hybridized with the same sample showed a range of 0.90-0.98, which is comparable to the ICC of two virgin arrays hybridized with the same sample. Using this method, once-stripped oligonucleotide microarrays are usable, reliable, and help to reduce costs.  相似文献   



Gene expression microarray technology continues to evolve and its use has expanded into all areas of biology. However, the high dimensionality of the data makes analysis a difficult challenge. Evaluating measurements and estimating the significance of the observed differences among samples remain important issues that must be addressed for each technology platform. In this work we use a consecutive sampling method to characterize the dispersion patterns of data generated from Illumina fiberoptic bead-based oligonucleotide arrays.  相似文献   

We demonstrated a novel application of transient coulostatic pulse technique for the detection of label free DNA hybridization on nm-sized gold interdigitated ultramicroelectrode arrays (Au-IDA) made in silicon technology. The array consists of eight different positions with an Au-IDA pair at each position arranged on the Si-based Biochip. Immobilization of capture probes onto the Au-IDA was accomplished by self-assembling of thiol-modified oligonucleotides. Target hybridization was indicated by a change in the magnitude of the time dependant potential relaxation curve in presence of electroactive Fe(CN)(6)(3-) in the phosphate buffer solution. While complementary DNA hybridization showed 50% increase in the relaxation potential, the non-complementary DNA showed a negligible change. A constant behaviour was noted for all positions. The dsDNA specific intercalating molecule, methylene blue, was found to be enhancing the discrimination effect. The changes in the relaxation potential curves were further corroborated following the ELISA like experiments using ExtraAvidine alkaline phosphatase labelling and redox recycling of para-aminophenol phosphate at IDAs. The coulostatic pulse technique was shown to be useful for identifying DNA sequences from brain tumour gene CK20, human herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus and M13 phage. Compared to the hybridization of short chain ONTs (27 mers), the hybridization of long chain M13 phage DNA showed three times higher increase in the relaxation curves. The method is fast enough to monitor hybridization interactions in milli or microsecond time scales and is well suitable for miniaturization and integration compared to the common impedance techniques for developing capacitative DNA sensors.  相似文献   

Wang D  Gao H  Zhang R  Ma X  Zhou Y  Cheng J 《BioTechniques》2003,35(2):300-2, 304, 306 passim
Efficiencies of mismatch discrimination using size-varied capture probes were examined at various hybridization temperatures. The probes were 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, and 7 nucleotides long and contained single-base mismatches at their 3' ends. The optimal signal intensity and efficiency of base stacking hybridization on mismatch discrimination were observed for capture probes with a melting temperature (Tm) value of 36 degrees C, in the detection of DNA sequence variations at 40 degrees C. We employed asymmetric PCR to prepare single-stranded target DNA labeled with a fluorescent dye, and the PCR product was hybridized on the DNA microarray with no further purification. Our efforts have enhanced the sensitivity and simplified the procedures of base stacking hybridization on mismatch discrimination. As a model experiment, this improved technology was used to identify plasmid templates of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A alleles 2601, 2902, and 0206 on oligonucleotide microarrays. It is now possible to apply this simple, rapid, sensitive, and reliable base stacking hybridization technology to detect DNA sequence variations on microarrays in clinical diagnosis and other applications.  相似文献   

Hybridization kinetics were found to be significantly different for specific and non-specific binding of labeled cRNA to surface-bound oligonucleotides on microarrays. We show direct evidence that in a complex sample specific binding takes longer to reach hybridization equilibrium than the non- specific binding. We find that this property can be used to estimate and to correct for the hybridization contributed by non-specific binding. Useful applications are illustrated including the selection of superior oligonucleotides, and the reduction of false positives in exon identification.  相似文献   

The experimental data on hybridization in DNA microarrays can be presented in form of Hybridization Energy Isotherms (HEI)—relation between the level of saturation of microarray cells with target molecules and the free energy of formation of the target-probe duplex (ΔG). The study of HEI is important for optimization of the design of biological microarrays to expand its effective range of target concentrations. The effect of vertical shift of HEI with increase of concentration of the targets was found previously in experiment. We analyzed the behavior of HEI and introduced a model explaining the experimental data and the shift effect.  相似文献   

To promote the application of DNa microarrays for clinical diagnosis, the problems of cross-hybridization and low signal intensity in the hybridization processes has been addressed. We tested a new hybridization protocol for low-density diagnostic DNA microarrays, by skipping the purification step during sample labeling, while elevating the hybridization temperature from 42°C to 52°C, adding a step of distilled water rinsing immediately after hybridization and before the low stringency washing steps. It was found that the modified hybridization protocol works well in our study, which increased detection sensitivity and eliminated nonspecific signals.  相似文献   

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