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Wirenia argentea and Genitoconia rosea feed on Cnidaria like most representatives of the molluscan taxon Solenogastres (Aplacophora, Neomeniomorpha sensu Scheltema). The structure and histochemistry of the foregut are described based on histologic, semithin, and ultrathin section series. The ultrastructure was analyzed by means of transmission electron microscopy. There are two sets of unicellular glands: a narrow row of preoral gland cells opening to the preoral area, and pharyngeal gland cells in high numbers. Preoral gland cells produce serous secretions in W. argentea, but mucosubstances in G. rosea, whereas pharyngeal gland cells are similar in structure and histochemistry in both species. Based on the size and electron density of gland vesicles, five distinct types of pharyngeal gland cells can be defined. In contrast to earlier assumptions, all types of pharyngeal gland cells produce serous secretions, most probably representing digestive ferments, but no mucosubstances.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ultrastructure of the ciliary apparatus of multiciliated epidermal cells of the trochophore of Epimenia babai and the adult of Strophomenia scandens was studied. The trochal cirri of E. babai consists of long cilia with unspecialized tips. The surfaces between the trochs are sparsely covered with shorter cilia of similar structure except for length. In the adult of S. scandens , the foot is covered by a dense mat of cilia with blunt electron-dense tips. In both E. babai and S. scandens , all cilia have two perpendicularly orientated rootlets. This condition is similar to that of the Chaetodermomorpha (=Caudofoveata) and Polyplacophora. In other molluscs studied to date, the cilia of multiciliated epidermal cells have a single rootlet or a derivative thereof. The presence of two ciliary rootlets likely represents the basal plesiomorphic state for the Bilateria. The existence of this character in the Neomeniomorpha, Chaetodermomorpha, and Polyplacophora is congruent with the hypothesis of a basal position of these taxa within the Mollusca.  相似文献   

In the molluscan class Solenogastres, different types of foregut glands vary in number, structure, and location within the foregut. The present article describes their anatomy and cytology and intends to clarify their confused terminology. Pharyngeal glands, esophageal glands, and the more complex dorsal and ventrolateral foregut glands can be distinguished. The ventrolateral foregut glands (ventral foregut glandular organs, ventral salivary glands of auct.), in the literature subdivided previously into four types, are revisited here in the context of current vertebrate gland terminology. The results of recent investigations are added to earlier ones, and a classification system for these multicellular glands is proposed. This system is based on cytological characters of glandular cells (intra- or extraepithelial), characters of the associated musculature (inner or outer musculature), location of the gland relative to the pharynx epithelium (endoepithelial or exoepithelial), characters of the gland openings (paired or unpaired), morphology of the gland duct (simple or branched), and some additional features like the arrangement of glandular cells along the gland ducts. Gross morphology and anatomy of ventrolateral foregut glands constitute useful taxonomic characters in determining higher taxa (family level), and finer details of the anatomy and cytology are useful in determining lower levels (genus and species). Possible pathways for the evolution of the different gland types of Solenogastres in relation to foregut glands present in the other molluscan clades are presented. The importance of ventrolateral foregut gland characters for phylogenetic considerations within the Solenogastres is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Species of Helicoradomenia are constantly found at hydrothermal vent sites of the eastern and western Pacific Ocean. The digestive tract of 2 species of the genus was investigated with special focus on the ultrastructure and histochemistry of epithelia and glandular organs. The preoral cavity and foregut epithelia are composed of microvillous main cells, secretory cells producing protein-rich substances, and sensory cells with specialized cilia. The foregut bears a pair of glands with 3 types of extremely long-necked glandular cells surrounded by musculature. Each glandular cell opens directly into the radula pocket without a gland duct. The large radula apparatus consists of pairs of denticulated bars resting on a flexible radular membrane without elaboration of a subradular membrane. The midgut has a narrow, mid-dorsal tract of ciliary cells, but most of the epithelium is composed of digestive cells with a highly developed lysosomal system. The hindgut is lined by ciliated cells and free of glands. The foregut and radula seem to be highly efficient in the capture of relatively large, motile prey. Food contents within the midgut lumen and within some of the large secondary lysosomes indicate a triploblastic metazoan prey of non-cnidarian origin. The digestive tract is not adapted to microvory and there is no indication of a symbiosis with chemoautotrophic bacteria.  相似文献   

The mouth, pharynx and oesophagus of Calicotyle are lined by syncytial epithelia, and there are numerous unicellular glands associated with the oesophagus. An infolding of unmodified external tegument lines the mouth cavity and is connected by discrete cytoplasmic processes to subjacent perikarya. It contains two types of secretory body and its luminal surface is invested with a finely filamentous coating. The pharynx and oesophagus are lined by irregularly-folded epithelia that are interconnected by a septate desmosome. Membranous inclusions distinguish the pharynx epithelium and there is a well developed basal lamina for insertion of the pharyngeal muscles. The oesophagus epithelium is perforated by the openings of the oesophageal glands. These lie in the surrounding parenchyma and produce a dense, membrane-bound secretion which is conveyed by duct-like extensions of the glands to the oesophagus lumen. The ducts are supported in places by microtubules and are anchored to the oesophageal epithelium by septate desmosomes. A septate desmosome also marks the junction between the epithelium and the gut caeca.  相似文献   

The innervation of the salivary gland of the cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea (Olivier) has been investigated with the use of light and scanning electron microscopy. Light microscopy of methylene blue stained glands reveals the presence of a dual innervation arising from the ventral nerve cord and the stomodeal nervous system; the principal innervation is that from the ventral nerve cord which passes to the gland via the reservoir ducts. Branches of these nerves form a plexus on the acinar surface, the axons of which exhibit swelling at irregular intervals. The presence of this surface plexus and the axonal swellings was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy both in normal glands and in those in which the basal lamina had been removed by means of an HCl-collagenase digestion method. No acinar plexus was seen to be formed by branches of the stomatogastric nerve that were associated with the gland. However, other branches of this nerve were clearly connected with a complex network of multipolar neurones on the surfaces of the anterior regions of both salivary reservoirs.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the labellar epidermis of 13 species of Maxillaria and one hybrid was examined using low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The labellum may be homogeneous and glabrous or papillose, comprising one type of cell only, or heterogeneous with papillae, uniseriate trichomes and/or glands in various combinations. The trichomes are unbranched and multicellular with pointed or truncated tips. Moreover, in some taxa, moniliform trichomes occur, and these are thought to fragment with the formation of pseudopollen. Homogeneous and heterogeneous labellar organization may represent separate evolutionary lines. Preliminary results suggest that labellar features may provide additional taxonomic characters allowing determination of intrageneric affinities.  相似文献   

用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜观察了扩张莫尼茨绦虫节间腺形成过程的精细结构及一些组化变化。结果表明:节间腺是扩张莫尼茨绦虫皮层的特化部分,由节片后缘的皮层及其邻近细胞体向绦虫实质组织中陷入开始其形成过程,随着虫体发育的进行,新的陷入不断形成,原陷入的部分不断脱离皮层形成簇状腺体结构。节间腺的数目随着体节的发育不断增加,幼节中仅有少数几个(6~9个),而远端的孕节中多于100个。电镜下可见腺细胞体由细胞质管与腺皮层相联,簇状腺体结构为一合胞体形态,腺细胞体围绕并开口于椭球体或不规则形状的皮层腔中。离腺皮层远的腺细胞体电子密度高并含有与腺皮层相应的典型分泌颗粒,而靠近腺皮层的腺细胞体电子密度低,所含分泌颗粒较少。扩张莫尼茨绦虫节间腺的组化性质尚不完全清楚。糖与蛋白质等组化结果不稳定,随染液pH值及染色时间的变化等多种因素而改变。基于我们的研究及其他研究者的观察表明,节间腺可能参与外源基质形成虫卵的转运,同时他们可能在虫体节片脱落及虫卵溢出时起作用。  相似文献   

Summary The cellular localization of an aminopeptidase N homologous to the brush-border intestinal enzyme and that of human blood group A-substances were investigated using the immunofluorescence technique on thin frozen sections (200 nm) of the digestive tract and associated glands of A+ and A rabbits. Aminopeptidase N was found to be a common specific marker of both the apical region of plasma membrane of acinar cells in submaxillary and parotid glands and pancreas and the brush border of jejunum and colon absorbing cells. In hepatocytes, the enzyme was localized in the sinusoidal domains. Soluble A-substances were present in mucus secretory granules of intestinal goblet cells and those of stomach and gall bladder mucous cells. In contrast, the mucous acini of sublingual and submaxillary glands were devoid of A-antigenicity. The columnar cells of striated ducts of these glands exhibited A-antigenicity. Soluble A-substances were also found in zymogen granules of parotid and pancreas acinar cells and those of stomach chief cells. Moreover, in all cells secreting A-substances, and in the non-secreting absorbing intestinal cells, the glycoproteins of the plasma membrane bore A-determinants. Aminopeptidase N was one of the membrane-bound glycoproteins that bore A-determinants in cells that expressed A-antigenicity.  相似文献   

Osteopontin is a multifunctional protein secreted by epithelial cells of various tissues. Its expression in the adult rat major salivary glands has not yet been studied. We examined osteopontin expression by immunohistochemistry using a well characterized monoclonal antibody. Submandibular glands of young adult male rats (70–100 days old) showed specific expression in secretion granules of granular duct cells but also in cells of the striated ducts and excretory duct. In the major sublingual as well as the parotid gland expression was found solely in the duct system. In addition, a few interstitial-like cells exhibiting very strong immunostaining for osteopontin could be found in either organ. Expression could neither be seen in acinar cells nor in cells of the intercalated ducts. Moreover, in submandibular glands of more aged rats (6- to 7-month old) which show well developed granular convoluted tubules, there was almost exclusive expression of osteopontin in granular duct cells as well as in some interstitial-like cells, but barely in the striated/excretory duct system. Western blot analysis of the submandibular gland showed a specific band migrating at approximately 74 kDa, detectable at both age stages. Osteopontin secreted fom granular duct cells may influence the compostion of the saliva, e.g. thereby modulating pathways affecting sialolithiasis. Its expression in striated duct cells may also hint to roles such as cell–cell attachment or cell differentiation. The cell-specific expression detected in the rat major salivary glands differs in part from that reported in mice, human and monkey.Nicholas Obermüller and Nikolaus Gassler contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The predatory stinkbug Podisus nigrispinus has been utilized in biological control programs. Its midgut is anatomically divided into anterior, middle and posterior regions, which play different roles in the digestive process. We describe the midgut ultrastructure and the secretion of digestive enzymes in the midgut of P. nigrispinus. Midguts were analyzed with transmission electron microscopy and the digestive enzymes amylase, cathepsin L, aminopeptidase and α-glucosidase were immunolocalized. The ultrastructural features of the digestive cells in the anterior, middle and posterior midgut regions suggest that they play a role in digestive enzyme synthesis, ion and nutrient absorption, storage and excretion. The digestive enzymes have different distribution along the midgut regions of the predator P. nigrispinus. Amylase, aminopeptidase and α-glucosidase occur in three midgut regions, whereas cathepsin L occurs in the middle and posterior midgut regions. The anterior midgut region of P. nigrispinus seems to play a role in water absorption, the middle midgut may be involved in nutrient absorption and the posterior midgut region is responsible for water transport to the midgut lumen.  相似文献   

We examined Ixodes ricinus embryos between 18 and 28 days of development with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The differences in inner structure attested to establish three successive developmental stages: days 18–20, day 23, and days 26–28. Between 18 and 20 days the embryos are at early stages of organogenesis. Salivary glands cannot be identified at that stage. In 23-day-old embryos salivary glands are already outlined but the structure of alveoles is still different from that in larvae in which the embryonic development has been completed. Gland cells start to form alveoles and become active between 26 and 28 days of the development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The oesophagus and crop epithelium of Aplysia depilans consist in a single layer of columnar cells with apical microvilli, and some of them also possess cilia. Cell membrane invaginations, small vesicles, multivesicular bodies and many dense lysosomes were observed in the apical region of the cytoplasm. In most cells, a very large lipid droplet was observed above the nucleus and a smaller one was frequently found below the nucleus; glycogen granules are also present. Considering these ultrastructural features, it seems that these cells collect nutritive substances from the lumen by endocytosis, digest them in the apical lysosomes and store the resulting products. The cell bodies of mucus secreting flask-shaped cells are subepithelial in the oesophagus and intraepithelial in the crop. Histochemistry methods showed that the secretion stored in these cells contains acidic polysaccharides. Secretory vesicles with thin electron-dense filaments scattered in an electron-lucent background fill most of these cells, and the basal nucleus is surrounded by dilated rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae containing small tubular structures. Considering the relatively low number of secretory cells, mucus production cannot be high. Moreover, since protein secreting cells were not observed in either oesophagus or crop, extracellular digestion in the lumen of these anterior segments of the digestive tract most probably depend on the enzymes secreted by the salivary and digestive glands.  相似文献   

The digestive system of the sea hare, Aplysia depilans , includes a pair of ribbon-shaped salivary glands. A central duct and a large blood vessel run close to each other along the length of these glands and both are surrounded by a layer of muscle cells. Three cell types form the glandular epithelium: granular cells, vacuolated cells and mucocytes. The granular cells possess cilia and spherical secretion granules, located primarily in the apical region. The granules of immature cells have a low electron density and are mainly formed by neutral polysaccharides with small amounts of proteins. The granules of mature cells are larger, have a high electron density and are mainly formed by proteins with lower amounts of neutral polysaccharides. Transition stages between immature and mature granular cells are observed. The vacuolated cells are large and frequently pyramidal in shape, but after the application of histochemical techniques almost all vacuoles remain uncoloured. The numerous vacuoles contain flocculent material in a clear background and the mitochondria possess large crystalline structures in the matrix. A pyramidal shape is also typical of the mucocytes, which are filled with vesicles containing granular masses surrounded by a network of secretion material. These large cells are strongly stained by Alcian blue, revealing the presence of acidic mucopolysaccharides. This is the first ultrastructural study of the salivary glands in opisthobranch gastropods.  相似文献   

Wedge biopsy of the caudal borders of the parotid or submandibular salivary glands of rhesus monkeys avoids major nerves, ducts, and blood vessels. This is a minor surgical procedure that provides adequate material for in vitro studies and causes no significant postoperative complications. Gross and light microscopic anatomy of the rhesus and human salivary glands are similar. We have concluded that rhesus monkeys are good models for human salivary diseases, including radiation sialoadenitis.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) stimulates secretion of tick salivary gland proteins via a phosphoinositide signaling pathway and mobilization of intracellular Ca(2+) (). Highly conserved intracellular SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptors) complex proteins are associated with the mechanism of protein secretion in vertebrate and invertebrate neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Proteins in the salivary glands of partially fed female lone star ticks cross-react individually with antibodies to synaptobrevin-2 (vesicle (v)-SNARE), syntaxin-1A, syntaxin-2 and SNAP-25 (target (t)-SNAREs), cytosolic alpha/beta SNAP and NSF (N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein), Ca(2+) sensitive synaptotagmin, vesicle associated synaptophysin, and regulatory cell trafficking GTPases Rab3A and nSec1. V-SNARE and t-SNARE proteins form an SDS-resistant, boiling sensitive core complex in the salivary glands. Antibodies to SNARE complex proteins inhibit PGE(2)-stimulated secretion of anticoagulant protein in permeabilized tick salivary glands. We conclude that SNARE and cell trafficking regulatory proteins are present and functioning in the process of PGE(2)-stimulated Ca(2+) regulated protein secretion in tick salivary glands.  相似文献   


Tonnoideans are marine carnivorous caenogastropods that prey on different invertebrates, namely polychaetes, sipunculids, bivalve and gastropod molluscs, and echinoderms. The morphology of the digestive system of 20 species from five families of the Tonnoidea was examined (for most of these species for the first time), and the salivary glands of six of them were studied using serial histological sections. Most of the studied families are rather similar anatomically, except Personidae (Distorsio), which differs both in proboscis morphology and the structure of the salivary glands. In most tonnoideans the salivary glands are split morphologically and functionally into anterior and posterior lobes, the latter synthesising strong sulfuric acid. The ducts of the posterior lobes are lined with non-ciliated epithelium and receive usually paired ciliated ducts from the anterior lobes to form a non-ciliated common duct, opening into the buccal cavity. In Personidae, the salivary glands are not separated into lobes, but are instead composed of ramifying tubules that are histologically different in the proximal and distal parts. Radulae of Tonnoidea are rather variable, with different patterns of interlocking teeth, both in the transverse and longitudinal rows, which may be related to particular feeding mechanisms. Due to the peculiarities of Personidae, the close relationship between that family and the rest of the Tonnoidea is questioned.  相似文献   

Because of the medical and veterinary importance of ticks and the wide use of synthetic chemical substances such as permethrin (active ingredient of Advantage® Max3 – Bayer)for their control, this study evaluated the effects of different concentrations (206, 1031 and 2062 ppm) of the acaricide on the salivary glands of Rhipicephalus sanguineus semi-engorged females. Results showed that permethrin is a potent substance that acts morpho-physiologically in the tick glandular tissue, causing changes in the acini shape intense vacuolation in acinar cells, and disruption of the tissue by cell death process, with subsequent formation of apoptotic bodies, especially at higher concentrations, thus precluding the accurate identification of different types of acini. Importantly, it is demonstrated that permethrin acts on salivary gland tissue, as well as affecting the nervous system, accelerating the process of glandular degeneration, and interfering with the engorgement process of female ticks, preventing them from completing the feeding process.  相似文献   

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