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The mass radioisotope (32P) labelling of all tundra voles excreting Zeptospira, infected urine was carried out over the area of 1 ha, and the results of the experiment analyzed by the method of planar coherent graphs, showed the irregular (spotted) distribution of "infected spots", i. e. soil patches contaminated by Zeptospira. The borders of individual small foci of infection did not coincide with the outlines of soil and vegetational divisions of the area. The spatial structure of the "extraorganismic" part of the Zeptospira population was originally formed by the carriers and thus determined by their mobility, their manner of using the territory. Later this structure was changed by selective elimination under the influence of living conditions for Zeptospira in the soil. The "infected spots", subjected to such selection, seem to be capable of constantly sustaining Zeptospira; the presence of these organisms is also due to the fact that they are regularly added into the soil with urine excreted by the carriers visiting the same spots of their territory.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in vertical distribution of Scutigerella immaculata Newport in the soil were studied. In bare soil outdoors there were high surface numbers in spring, low in summer, with a second increase in autumn. The distribution pattern was similar in bare greenhouse soil, except that spring migrations to the surface soil occurred earlier, the summer exodus was more marked, and the autumn increase much reduced. Growing plants attracted Scutigerella immaculata to the surface even under adverse soil conditions but had no influence on Symphylella vulgaris Silvestri. The results are discussed in relation to other work.
Zusammenfassung Symphyliden dringen sehr tief in den Boden ein. Es wurden die jahreszeitlichen Vertikalwanderungen von zwei Arten durch Entnahme einer Anzahl von Tiefenproben in monatlichen Abständen untersucht. Dies waren Scutigerella immaculata, die phytophag ist, und Symphylella vulgaris, die saprophag lebt. Die Fortpflanzung findet das ganze Jahr über statt, doch traten Maximalpopulationen im Gewächshausboden im Frühjahr und im Freiland im Frühsommer auf. Im Freiland wanderten auf offenen Böden große Zahlen beider Arten im Frühling und Frühsommer an die Bodenoberfläche, kehrten im Hochsommer in geringere Tiefen zurück, und im Herbst entstand ein zweiter kleinerer Gipfel der Oberflächenzahlen.Ein ähnlicher jahreszeitlicher Verlauf zeigte sich in nacktem Gewächshausboden, außer daß die Frühjahrswanderung zur Bodenoberfläche zeitiger stattfand, der Sommerrückzug stärker betont war und im Herbst nur relativ wenige zur Bodenoberfläche zurückkehrten. Proben unter Pflanzen in Gewächshaus- und Feldböden zeigten größere Zahlen von Scutigerella immaculata zu den Zeiten, in denen die Pflanzen die größte Anzahl junger Wurzeln entwickelten. Das trat bei Sympbylella vulgaris nich auf. Es wird geschlossen, daß eine warme, feuchte Bodenoberfläche für hohe Oberflächenzahlen beider Arten am meisten geeignet ist, doch kommt Scutigerella immaculata sogar bei ungünstigen Bedingungen an die Oberfläche, wenn Nahrung vorhanden ist.

Eight methods were evaluated for assessment of the likely soil S-supply to a crop and in particular to identify likely deficiencies in this supply. Of the methods, only sulphate production from incubated soil amended both with a S-containing amino acid and elemental S correlated with field response of grass yield to S-fertilizer applications. Tissue S-concentrations in plants grown for a short-term bioassay also correlated with field S-fertilizer response. Neither sulphate extracted by 3 different salt extractions, nor sulphate production from unamended incubated soil, nor soil arylsulphatase activity, correlated with field fertilizer response.  相似文献   

We determined the number of large ribosomal RNA genes in five strains of Leptospira by hybridization of 15 restriction endonuclease digests of genomic DNA to the [32P]-labeled fragment of 23s rRNA gene. Almost all the restriction gels gave two radioactive bands. The conclusion from these results is that there are at least two rRNA genes in these leptospiral strains. Furthermore, the hybridization patterns of L. icterohaemorrhagiae strains Ictero No. I and RGA are almost identical. The number of rRNA genes and taxonomic relationships of these leptospires were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Dihydrogen phosphate ion activity (H2PO4) and phosphate potential were measured in the saturation extracts of 14 representative Red Mediterranean soils (Alfisols) of Greece, estimating the ionic strength from a) measured ionic concentrations b) actual ionic concentrations and c) electrical conductivity measurements. The values of (H2PO4) and phosphate potential thus obtained were correlated with P-uptake by rye-grass in a pot experiment. The correlation coefficients did not differ significantly (p≤0.001) from one another and from those of (H2PO4) and phosphate potential measured in 0.01M CaCl2 extracts.  相似文献   

Aim The analysis of diversity across multiple scales is hampered by methodological difficulties resulting from the use of different sampling methods at different scales and by the application of different definitions of the communities to be sampled at different scales. It is our aim to analyse diversity in a nested hierarchy of scales by applying a formalized sampling concept used in population ecology when analysing population structure. This concept involved a precise definition of the sampled vegetation type by the presence of a target species, in our case Hornungia petraea. We compared separate indices of inventory diversity (i.e. number of species) and differentiation diversity (i.e. extent of change in species composition or dissimilarity) with indices derived from species accumulation curves and related diversity patterns to topographical plot characteristics such as area and distance. Location Ten plots were established systematically over a distance of 100 km each in the distribution centre of H. petraea in Italy (i.e. Marche and Umbria) and in a peripheral exclave in Germany (i.e. Thuringia and Saxony‐Anhalt). Methods We used a nested sampling design of 10 random subplots within plots and 10 systematically placed plots within regions. Internal α‐diversity (species richness) and internal β‐diversity (dissimilarity) were calculated on the basis of subplots, α‐, β‐ and γ‐diversity on the basis of plots in Italy and Germany. In addition, indices of inventory diversity and differentiation diversity were derived by fitting species accumulation curves to the Michaelis–Menten equation. Results There was no significant difference in the internal α‐diversity between German and Italian plots but the α‐ and γ‐diversity were higher in Italy than in Germany. In Germany, the internal β‐diversity and β‐diversity were lower than in Italy. The differentiation diversity increased with increasing scale from subplots over plots to regions. The same results were obtained by calculating species accumulation curves. Significant positive correlations were encountered between the internal α‐diversity and α‐diversity in both countries, while the internal β‐diversity and internal α‐diversity showed a correlation only for the Italian plots. Similarity decay was found for German plots with respect to inter‐plot distance and for Italian plots with respect to altitudinal difference and to a smaller degree to distance between plots. Main conclusions The design chosen and the consistent analysis of species accumulation curves by the Michaelis–Menten equation yielded consistent results over different scales. The specific therophyte vegetation type in this study reflected diversity patterns also observed in other studies, e.g. a greater differentiation diversity in central than in peripheral habitats and a trend of increasing species richness towards lower altitudes. No asymptotic saturation of species richness between different scales was observed. Indications were found that the absolute level of inventory diversity at a particular scale and the completeness of the sampling procedure are the main clues for explaining the relationship between inventory and differentiation diversity at this particular scale.  相似文献   

Abstract: Changes in hydrocarbon content in soils resulted in characteristic shifts of the substrate utilization patterns as tested with the Biolog system. The altered patterns of substrate utilization corresponded to similar changes in abundance of hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria and the occurrence of specific bacterial groups in the soils. Substrate utilization patterns as recorded with the Biolog system are suitable for rapidly assessing dynamics of autochthonous soil communities and evaluating their biodegradative potential.  相似文献   

Current challenges for the study of population ecology of microtine rodents are reviewed. Comparisons with other taxonomic groups (other mammals, birds and insects) are given throughout. A major challenge is to link patterns and processes (i.e. mechanisms) better than is the case today. Other major challenges include the furthering of our understanding of the interaction between deterministic and stochastic processes, and as part thereof, the interaction between density-dependent and density-independent processes. The applicability of comparative studies on populations exhibiting different temporal dynamical patterns is, in this connection, emphasized. Understanding spatiotemporal dynamical patterns is another major challenge, not the least from a methodological point of view. Long-term and large-scale ecological data on population dynamics (in space and time) are critical for this purpose. Looking for consistency between hypothesized mechanisms and observed patterns is emphasized as a good platform for further empirical and theoretical work. The intellectual feedback process between different approaches to the study of microtine population ecology (observational studies, experimental manipulative studies, statistical modeling and mathematical modeling) are discussed. We recommend a pluralistic approach (involving both observational and experimental as well as theoretical studies) to the study of small rodent ecology.  相似文献   

We used the predictions of the ideal free and ideal despoticdistributions (IFD and IDD, respectively) as a basis to evaluatethe link between spatial heterogeneity, behavior, and populationdynamics in a Caribbean coral reef fish. Juvenile three-spotdamselfish (Stegastes planifrons) were more closely aggregatedin patch reef habitat than on continuous back reef. Agonisticinteractions were more frequent but feeding rates were lowerin the patch versus the continuous reef habitat. Growth rateswere lower in patch reef habitat than on the continuous reef,but mortality rates did not differ. A separate experiment usingstandard habitat units demonstrated that the patterns observedin natural habitat were the result of the spatial distributionof the habitat patches rather than resource differences between habitats. Our results do not follow the predictions of simpleIFD or IDD models. This deviation from IFD and IDD predictionsmay be the result of a number of factors, including lack ofperfect information about habitat patches, high movement costs,and higher encounter rates of dispersed patches. Our resultsdemonstrate that behavioral interactions are an integral partof population dynamics and that it is necessary to considerthe spatial organization of the habitat in both behavioraland ecological investigations.  相似文献   

Distribution of the genus Leptospira in soil and water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of the aerobic spirochetes Leptospira in surface waters, soil, and aquatic animals was investigated. Isolates from water and soil exhibited physiological characteristics common to members of the "biflexa complex," none were capable of infecting experimental animals, and leptospires could not be isolated from the eight genera of aquatic animals examined. The isolation frequencies from surface waters were: stream, 100%; lake, 65%; spring, 28%; bog lake, 5%; and marsh, 0%. With the exception of the stream, more isolations were obtained from the soil adjacent to the water than from the water. Leptospires were most frequently associated with soils of high moisture and organic matter content.  相似文献   

From 1981 through 1989, serum samples from 855 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from Ossabaw Island, Georgia (USA), were tested for antibodies to bluetongue virus (BTV) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV). During this period, prevalence of precipitating antibodies to BTV and EHDV as determined by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) tests decreased from 74% to 3% and from 34% to 1%, respectively. Antibodies were detected in serum samples from 0.5-yr-old deer only during 1981, 1982, and 1983, and with few exceptions, positive serological results after 1983 were restricted to older age classes. A decrease in prevalence of precipitating antibodies to BTV and EHDV in age classes exposed during 1981 indicates that AGID results from white-tailed deer populations underestimate the extent of previous exposure to these viruses. Serum neutralization test results from AGID-positive deer indicated that BTV 11 was the principal serotype responsible for infections during 1981. Since 1983, this serotype has been replaced by BTV 13; however, there has been a low level of transmission within the herd. Infection with EHDV 2 appeared most prevalent during 1982; as with BTV 13, there has been limited transmission in this high density deer population since 1983.  相似文献   

In a previous study, 50 of 132 soil samples collected throughout Japan were found to be Leptospira‐positive. In the present study, three strains identified in the collected specimens, three, E8, E18 and YH101, were found to be divergent from previously described Leptospira species according to 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis. These three strains have a helical shape similar to that of typical Leptospira and were not re‐isolated from experimental mice inoculated with the cultured strains. Upon 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequence analysis, E8 was found to belong to the intermediate Leptospira species clade and E18 and YH101 to belong to the saprophytic Leptospira species clade. Based on analyses of genome‐to‐genome distances and average nucleotide identity in silico using whole genome sequences and DNA–DNA hybridization in vitro, these isolates were found to be distinct from previously described Leptospira species. Therefore, these three isolates represent novel species of the genus Leptospira for which the names Leptospira johnsonii sp. nov., (type strain E8 T, = JCM 32515 T = CIP111620 T), Leptospira ellinghausenii sp. nov., (type strain E18 T, = JCM 32516 T = CIP111618 T) and Leptospira ryugenii sp. nov., (type strain YH101 T, = JCM 32518 T = CIP111617 T) are proposed.  相似文献   

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