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Georgiady MS  Whitkus RW  Lord EM 《Genetics》2002,161(1):333-344
The evolution of inbreeding is common throughout the angiosperms, although little is known about the developmental and genetic processes involved. Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (currant tomato) is a self-compatible species with variation in outcrossing rate correlated with floral morphology. Mature flowers from inbreeding and outcrossing populations differ greatly in characters affecting mating behavior (petal, anther, and style lengths); other flower parts (sepals, ovaries) show minimal differences. Analysis of genetic behavior, including quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, was performed on representative selfing and outcrossing plants derived from two contrasting natural populations. Six morphological traits were analyzed: flowers per inflorescence; petal, anther, and style lengths; and lengths of the fertile and sterile portions of anthers. All traits were smaller in the selfing parent and had continuous patterns of segregation in the F(2). Phenotypic correlations among traits were all positive, but varied in strength. Quantitative trait locus mapping was done using 48 RFLP markers. Five QTL total were found involving four of the six traits: total anther length, anther sterile length, style length, and flowers per inflorescence. Each of these four traits had a QTL of major (>25%) effect on phenotypic variance.  相似文献   

Androgenesis is an important technique to generate double haploid plants. Anther and microspore cultures are the methods to induce haploid embryogenesis. For culture initiation, it is necessary to select anthers with the appropriate developmental stage of microspores. For lupins, limited reports about the establishment of initial cultures for androgenesis are available. In this study, different parameters of anther culture of three genotypes of Lupinus angustifolius were investigated. For all genotypes, a considerable correlation was observed between the buds and the anthers, depending on their location in the inflorescences. Buds from the central segment of inflorescences had yellowish green anthers that contained the maximum number of microspores at uninucleate stage. Cytological investigation shows that the anthers containing these microspores were the most responsive to induction. Two types of developmental pathways were observed for microspores. In case of cold pre-treated and untreated inflorescences, microspores developed into multicellular and embryo-like structures, respectively. Effects of different factors showed significant differences among: genotypes, pre-treatment, growth regulators (GRs) and genotypes × GRs interaction. Among three genotypes, Emir showed the highest number of multicellular and embryo-like structures on MS medium + 2.0 mg/l 2,4 D + 0.5 mg/l Kinetin (Kin). For all genotypes, anthers produced calli on MS medium containing 2.0 mg/l 2,4 D + 0.5 mg/l Kin. These calli continued their growth on regeneration medium (MS + 2.0 mg/l BA + 0.5 mg/l NAA) and produced roots. Taken together, these results provide a good basis for further research towards the development of haploid plants for L. angustifolius.  相似文献   

Investigations of the growth of anthers and ontogeny of pollen grains of Oryza sativa (rice) IR-30 were undertaken for the purpose of 1) providing a set of growth measurements and 2) describing stable cytological features of anther and pollen development. Correlations exist between elongation of the floret and growth parameters of the anther such as its length, width, fresh and dry weights and cytological stage of pollen development. In the early ontogeny of the anther, hypodermal archesporial initials divide periclinally to form primary parietal cells and primary sporogenous cells. Each of the latter divides twice mitotically to generate four microspore mother cells, which undergo meiosis. The anther wall is formed by anticlinal and periclinal divisions of the primary parietal cells as well as of cells surrounding the primary sporogenous cells. Subsequent cytological features in the development of anther and pollen grains of rice have much in common with anther and pollen developmental biology of other members of Gramineae.  相似文献   

The morphology, ontogeny, and vascular anatomy of the staminate inflorescences and florets of seven species of Allocasuarina are described. The generally terminal but open-ended inflorescences occur on monoecious or staminate dioecious trees and consist of whorls of bracts, each subtending a sessile axillary floret. Each floret consists of one terminal stamen with a bilobed, tetrasporangiate anther enclosed typically by cuculliform appendages, commonly considered bracteoles, an inner median pair and an outer lateral pair. The mature stamen is exerted, the anther is basifixed and is extrorsely dehiscent. In early development of a male inflorescence very little internodal elongation occurs and enclosing cataphylls appear. The inflorescence apex is a low dome with a uniseriate tunica and a small group of central corpus cells. Bract primordia are initiated by periclinal divisions of C1 followed by further divisions of the corpus and anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The bracts are epinastic and become gamophyllous except apically by cell divisions in both sides of each primordium. Stomata are restricted to the axis furrows and the abaxial tips of the bracts. The axillary florets arise in acropetal succession initiated by periclinal divisions in C1 accompanied by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. The lateral floral appendages are also initiated by C1 followed by anticlinal divisions in the tunica. They become adnate basally later with the subtending bract. The median sterile appendages are initiated in a manner similar to the initiation of the outer appendages. The stamen is initiated by divisions in the outer layers of the corpus and in the tunica, and then develops first by apical growth followed by intercalary growth. The vascular system of the inflorescence is identical to that of the vegetative stem. Each floret is supplied by a single bundle that has its source in a branch from each of the two traces supplying a bract. Six bundles arise from the floral bundle; four of these terminate in the base of the stamen and two form an amphicribal bundle that supplies the anther. Pollen is binucleate, 3- to 7-porate. The exine is tegillate.  相似文献   

Embryoid Formation in Pollen Grains of Nicotiana tabacum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Anthers of Nicotiana tabacum (n = 24) were cultured on nutrientagar and examined at intervals for pollen embryoids. Embryoidswere formed in anthers of varying developmental stage, the youngestof which coincided with the liberation of free microspores fromtetrads, and the oldest with the formation of bicellular grains.This period in the development of the anther occupied 4–5days. Older anthers within this range were more successful thanyounger anthers. The first mitosis of the pollen was typicallyasymmetric and resulted in the formation of unequal generativeand vegetative cells. Some of the grains then went into a lagphase for at least 5–6 days, after which the mitotic conditionwas restored. Embryoids were formed by repeated division ofthe vegetative cell. If the generative cell divided, it didso only once or twice. Occasionally the first mitosis was symmetricand gave rise to equal cells, and in these instances both cellsprobably participated in embryoid formation. The youngest anthersexamined were probably less successful because fewer grainssurvived to enter mitosis. The number of embryoids produced varied considerably from oneanther to another both within the same bud and between differentbuds: values ranging from less than 400 to 10 000 per antherwere encountered. Most of these degenerated after the firstfew divisions, partly because they burst prematurely from thepollen grain wall. Embryoids which continued to develop formedplantlets and/or callus. The largest number of plantlets obtainedfrom one anther was 32. Haploid plantlets were also regeneratedfrom callus by transferring it to a low-sugar medium withoutauxin. The behaviour of grains not forming embryoids was also noted.  相似文献   

Ishii HS  Hirabayashi Y  Kudo G 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):341-350
Pollen dispersal by pollinators is governed by the extent to which diverse effects on pollinator behaviour act independently or augment or moderate each other. Using artificial inflorescences, we assessed the behavioural responses of bumble bees to inflorescence architecture (raceme, panicle, and umbel), inflorescence size (7 or 13 flowers), inter-inflorescence distance and the proportion of empty flowers per inflorescence. The advantage of large inflorescences in terms of attractiveness was larger for racemes and umbels than for panicles, whereas the effect of inter-inflorescence distance on the number of successive probes was smaller for racemes than for panicles and umbels. The number of flowers probed per visit increased almost proportionally with display size when fewer flowers were empty, whereas the number increased less when many flowers were empty. Our results suggest that display size and the spatial arrangement of flowers and nectar within inflorescences can contribute to efficient pollination by affecting pollinator behaviour interactively.  相似文献   

Summary The development of sporogenous and tapetal cells in the anthers of male-fertile and cytoplasmic male-sterile sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants was studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. In general, male-sterile anthers showed a much greater variability in developmental pattern than male-fertile anthers. The earliest deviation from normal anther development was observed to occur in sterile anthers at meiotic early prophase: there was a degeneration or irregular proliferation of the tapetal cells. Other early aberrant events were the occurrence of numerous small vesicles in the microspore mother cells (MMC) and a disorganized chromatin condensation. Deviations that occurred in sterile anthers at later developmental stages included: (1) less distinct inner structures in the mitochondria of both MMC and tapetal cells from middle prophase onwards. (2) dilated ER and nuclear membranes at MMC prophase, in some cases associated with the formation of protein bodies. (3) breakdown of cell walls in MMCs and tapetal cells at late meiotic prophase. (4) no massive increase in tapetal ER at the tetrad stage. (5) a general dissolution of membranes, first in the MMC, then in the tapetum. (6) abortion of microspores and the occurrence of a plasmodial tapetum in anthers reaching the microspore stage. (7) no distinct degeneration of tapetal cells after microspore formation. Thus, it seems that the factors that lead to abortive microsporogenesis are structurally expressed at widely different times during anther development. Aberrant patterns are not restricted to the tetrad stage but occur at early prophase.  相似文献   

对绵竹(Bambusa intermedia Hsueh et Yi)花器官的形态结构进行解剖观察,其花序属于无限花序,每个假小穗基部都生有潜伏芽。小花类型为开放型,基本结构包括内、外稃各1枚,浆片3枚,雄蕊6枚,雌蕊1枚,柱头羽毛状三分叉。小花中各结构的发育顺序为外稃→内稃→浆片→雄蕊→雌蕊。小穗中小花的发育顺序是由基部向顶部。子房1室,胚珠倒生,侧膜胎座,双珠被。药壁具4层细胞,有大量的败育情况出现。  相似文献   

The morphology and development of the flowers of Ceratiosicyos laevis (Achariaceae) were investigated. Plants are monoecious and the inflorescence is a thyrse composed of a single female flower and two male cymose partial inflorescences. The sympetalous flowers of both sexes have an unusual urceolate shape. In young buds the free parts of the petals are postgenitally united. Before anthesis the fusion is ruptured but the petals remain coherent due to marginal cilia. Nectary-like bodies situated at the floral base seem to stabilize the shape of the flower additionally. The anthers are coherent by interlocking epidermal cells and form a narrow tube. They lack an endothecium. In anthesis only the style and the anther tube respectively protrude out of the flower. The synorganization of the anthers, the powdery pollen and the lack of an endothecium are suggestive of a buzz pollination syndrome. Some characters point to an affinity of Achariaceae with Cucurbitaceae. However, the family seems to be more closely related to Passifloraceae.  相似文献   

In this study, distribution of polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins in the developing anthers of Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. was examined from sporogenous cell stage to mature pollen, using cytochemical methods. To detect the distribution and dynamic changes of insoluble polysaccharides, lipid bodies, and proteins in the anthers through progressive developmental stages, semi-thin sections of anthers at different developmental stages were stained with periodic-acid-Schiff (PAS) reagent, Sudan black B, and Coomassie brilliant blue, respectively, and examined under light microscope. Ultrastructural observations with TEM were also carried out to determine the storage form of starch in the connective tissue, and storage form of lipids in the tapetal cells. In sporogenous cell stage, anther wall contains numerous insoluble polysaccharides. However, from the sporogenous cell stage to the vacuolated microspore stage, the amount of insoluble polysaccharides in the anther wall decreases gradually. At bicellular pollen stage, tapetum degenerates completely and polysaccharides are not seen in the anther wall. Lipid bodies are observed in the cytoplasm of both middle layer and tapetal cells at tetrad stage, whereas they disappear in the vacuolated microspore stage. Compared with polysaccharides, proteins are limited in the anther wall at early stages of development. During pollen development, polysaccharides, proteins, and lipid bodies are scarce in the cytoplasm of sporogenous cells, but their amount increases at premeiotic stage. From tetrad stage to bicellular pollen stage, microspore cytoplasm contains variable amount of insoluble polysaccharide grains, lipid and protein bodies. At bicellular pollen stage, plentiful amount of starch granules are stored in the cytoplasm of the pollen grains. Proteins and lipid bodies are also present in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

To clarify the time and cause of pollen abortion, differences on the microsporogenesis and tapetum development in the anthers of male fertile maintainer line and cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line pepper were studied using transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that CMS line anthers appeared to have much greater variability in developmental pattern than male fertile maintainer line ones. The earliest deviation from normal anther development occurred in CMS line anthers at prophase I was cytomixis in some microspore mother cells (MMCs), and vacuolisation in tapetal cells. Then, MMCs in CMS line anthers developed asynchronously and a small part of ones at the different stage degenerated in advance appearing to have typical morphological features of programmed cell death (PCD). Most MMCs could complete the meiosis, but formed non-tetrahedral tetrad microspores with irregular shape and different size and uncertain number of nuclei, and some degenerated ahead of time as well. Tapetal cells in CMS line anther degenerated during meiosis, and were crushed at the tetrad stage, which paralleled the collapse of pollens. Pollen abortion in CMS line anthers happened by PCD themselves, and the premature PCD of tapetal cells were closely associated with male sterility.  相似文献   


Backgrounds and Aims

Conceptual and terminological conflicts in inflorescence morphology indicate a lack of understanding of the phenotypic diversity of inflorescences. In this study, an ontogeny-based inflorescence concept is presented considering different meristem types and developmental pathways. By going back to the ontogenetic origin, diversity is reduced to a limited number of types and terms.


Species from 105 genera in 52 angiosperm families are investigated to identify their specific reproductive meristems and developmental pathways. Based on these studies, long-term experience with inflorescences and literature research, a conceptual framework for the understanding of inflorescences is presented.

Key Results

Ontogeny reveals that reproductive systems traditionally called inflorescences fall into three groups, i.e. ‘flowering shoot systems’ (FSS), ‘inflorescences’ sensu stricto and ‘floral units’ (FUs). Our concept is, first, based on the identification of reproductive meristem position and developmental potential. The FSS, defined as a seasonal growth unit, is used as a reference framework. As the FSS is a leafy shoot system bearing reproductive units, foliage and flowering sequence play an important role. Second, the identification of two different flower-producing meristems is essential. While ‘inflorescence meristems’ (IMs) share acropetal primordia production with vegetative meristems, ‘floral unit meristems’ (FUMs) resemble flower meristems in being indeterminate. IMs produce the basic inflorescence types, i.e. compound and simple racemes, panicles and botryoids. FUMs give rise to dense, often flower-like units (e.g. heads). They occur solitarily at the FSS or occupy flower positions in inflorescences, rendering the latter thyrses in the case of cymose branching.


The ontogenetic concept differs from all existing inflorescence concepts in being based on meristems and developmental processes. It includes clear terms and allows homology statements. Transitional forms are an explicit part of the concept, illustrating the ontogenetic potential for character transformation in evolution.  相似文献   

邓琳  黄玲  初彩华  王茜  詹卉  王曙光 《植物研究》2019,39(6):801-807
棉花竹(Fargesia fungosa)是箭竹属重要经济竹种,有关其花器官的形态与解剖结构研究至今尚无报道。本文通过对棉花竹花器官的形态与解剖结构进行观察和分析,结果显示棉花竹花序为“混合花序”,小穗基部具潜伏芽,由单个叶片形成的“佛焰苞”包裹多枚小穗。小穗单次发生,均长3.05±0.390 cm,每枚小穗具有3~7朵小花,小花均长1.85±0.167 cm,颖片2枚。每朵小花皆具有内、外稃各1片,3枚浆片,雄蕊3枚,雌蕊1枚组成。未成熟花药具有4药室,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层。花药成熟后纵裂散粉。成熟花粉粒为2或3细胞型,且具有1个萌发孔。子房1室,上位,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,雌蕊具2分叉羽毛状柱头。花药发育异常,导致出现大量败育现象。  相似文献   

The selection of candidate plus trees of desirable phenotypes from tropical forest trees and the rapid devastation of the natural environments in which these trees are found have created the need for a more detailed knowledge of the floral and reproductive biology of tropical tree species. In this article, the organogenic processes related to unisexual flower development in tropical mahogany, Swietenia macrophylla , are described. Mahogany inflorescences at different developmental stages were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy or optical microscopy of histological sections. The unisexual flowers of S. macrophylla are usually formed in a thyrse, in which the positions of the female and male flowers are not random. Differences between male and female flowers arise late during development. Both female and male flowers can only be structurally distinguished after stage 9, where ovule primordia development is arrested in male flowers and microspore development is aborted in female flower anthers. After this stage, male and female flowers can be distinguished by the naked eye as a result of differences in the dimensions of the gynoecium. The floral characteristics of S. macrophylla (distribution of male and female flowers within the inflorescence, and the relative number of male to female flowers) have practical implications for conservation strategies of this endangered species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 529–535.  相似文献   

采用解剖观测和石蜡切片技术,对朱顶红品种‘圣诞快乐’花芽生长情况、花器官分化和性细胞分化过程进行了研究,以明确朱顶红花芽分化特征,为其花发育、花期调控、杂交育种和系统分类研究提供理论依据。结果表明:‘圣诞快乐’朱顶红每年产生2个花序芽,在第2年完成其内花芽花器官分化,经过低温作用后于第3年盛开,其中第2个花序偶有败育发生;花器官分化过程包括花原基分化期、外花被原基分化期、内花被原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、心皮原基分化期,对应的花芽大小分别约为0.02、0.05、0.1、0.2、0.3 cm,所有花器官均为螺旋状向心式发生;朱顶红花药4室,花药壁从外至内由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层组成,绒毡层类型为分泌型,小孢子减数分裂类型为连续型,四分体排列方式为十字交叉型,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型;朱顶红雌蕊3心皮,下位子房,中轴胎座,3心室,每室两列倒生胚珠,胚珠为双珠被,厚珠心,具葱型胚囊。  相似文献   

Cao G  Xue L  Li Y  Pan K 《Annals of botany》2011,107(8):1413-1419

Background and Aims

Allocation of resources to floral traits often declines distally within inflorescences in flowering plants. Architecture and resource competition have been proposed as underlying mechanisms. The aim of the present study is to assess the relative importance of resource competition and architectural effects in pollen and ovule production on racemes of Hosta ventricosa, an apomictic perennial herb.


Combinations of two defoliation treatments (intact and defoliated) and two fruit-set treatments (no-fruit and fruit) were created, and the roles of architecture and resource competition at each resource level were assessed.

Key Results

Pollen and ovule number per flower increased after defoliation, but pollen to ovule ratio per flower did not change. Pollen, ovules and the pollen to ovule ratio per flower declined distally on racemes at each resource level. In the intact treatment, fruit development of early flowers did not affect either pollen or ovule number of late flowers. In the defoliated treatment, fruit development of early flowers reduced both pollen and ovule numbers of late flowers due to over-compensation caused by defoliation. Late flowers on defoliated fruit racemes produced less pollen than intact fruit racemes but the same number of ovules; therefore, the reduction in pollen number was not caused by over-compensation. In addition, the fruit-set rate of early flowers during flowering was higher in intact racemes than in defoliated racemes.


In flowering plants, the relative importance of architecture and resource competition in allocation to pollen and ovules may vary with the resource pools or the overall resource availability of maternal plants.  相似文献   

印度蛇菰[Balanophora indica(Arn.)Griff.]隶属于蛇菰科蛇菰属,是一种寄生植物。根状茎黄橙色到棕色,表面粗糙并具有星状疣;分枝近球形,直径0.5~5.6 cm,很少圆筒状。雄花序红色,卵球形椭圆形,(5~10)cm×(2~6)cm。雄花:略带红色,辐射对称,每朵被一个粗壮的截形苞片包围。花被裂片4~6,椭圆形披针形,(3~7)mm×(1~2.5)mm,聚药雄蕊椭圆形卵形,长2.5~5 mm,具柄;花药4或5,U形,纵向开裂。雌花序球状,直径3~5 cm。花期10~12月。  相似文献   

Two widespread assumptions underlie theoretical models of the evolution of sex allocation in hermaphroditic species: (1) resource allocations to male and female function are heritable; and (2) there is an intrinsic, genetically based negative correlation between male and female reproductive function. These assumptions have not been adequately tested in wild species, although a few studies have detected either genetic variation in pollen and ovule production per flower or evidence of trade-offs between male and female investment at the whole plant level. It may also be argued, however, that in highly autogamous, perfect-flowered plant taxa that exhibit genetic variation in gamete production, strong stabilizing selection for an efficient pollen:ovule ratio should result in a positive correlation among genotypes with respect to mean ovule and mean pollen production per flower. Here we report the results of a three-generation artificial selection experiment conducted on a greenhouse population of the autogamous annual plant Spergularia marina. Starting with a base population of 1200 individuals, we conducted intense mass selection for two generations, creating four selected lines (high and low ovule production per flower; high and low anther production per flower) and a control line. By examining the direct and correlated responses of several floral traits to selection on gamete production per flower, we evaluated the expectations that primary sexual investment would exhibit heritable variation and that resource-sharing, variation in resource-garnering ability, or developmental constraints mold the genetic correlations expressed among floral organs. The observed direct and correlated responses to selection on male and female gamete production revealed significant heritabilities of both ovule and anther production per flower and a significant negative genetic correlation between them. When plants were selected for increased ovules per flower over two generations, ovule production increased and anther production declined relative to the control line. Among plants selected for decreased anthers per flower, we observed a decline in anther production and an increase in ovule production relative to the control line. In contrast, the lines selected for low ovules per flower and for high anthers per flower exhibited no evidence for significant genetic correlations between male and female primary investment. Correlated responses to selection also indicate a genetically based negative correlation between the production of normal versus developmentally abnormal anthers (staminoid organs); a positive correlation between the production of ovules versus staminoid organs; and a positive correlation between the production of anthers and petals. The negative relationship between male versus female primary investment supports classical sex allocation theory, although the asymmetrical correlated responses to selection indicate that this relationship is not always expressed.  相似文献   

通过野外观测及光学解剖,观察了斗竹(Oligostachyum spongiosum)开花林相、开花动态、花器官构造、结实情况,以及花后林相更新等生物学特性,采用光学显微技术结合石蜡制片,对斗竹的大、小孢子的发生及雌、雄配子体的发育过程进行研究。结果表明:(1)斗竹为一次性整体开花竹类,花期为4月下旬~5月下旬,花期约持续45 d,成花量大。(2)花序为圆锥状混合花序,每花序由4枚小穗构成;小穗细长,每枚小穗由5~17枚小花组成;小花为颖花,顶部小花不发育,外稃、内稃各1枚;浆片3枚,卵圆形;雄蕊4~6枚(多为6),每枚花药具有4个花粉囊,花药壁发育为基本型,绒毡层为腺质型,小孢子四分体为左右对称型,成熟花粉粒为2 细胞型,球形,表面纹饰颗粒状,具单个萌发孔,花粉发育过程中部分花药出现异常收缩及空腔的败育花粉粒;雌蕊1枚,柱头3叉,羽毛状,子房1室,胚珠倒生,厚珠心,胚囊为蓼型,成熟胚囊结构及发育过程均正常;雌雄同熟,异花授粉,果实为颖果。(3)斗竹花后全林死亡,结实率低,自然条件下结实率为8.1%。研究结果为研究竹子系统分类、开花机制,开展杂交育种及竹林更新复壮工作等提供基础性资料。  相似文献   

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