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Three HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2) common ("HSV-type common") and three HSV-1 specific CTL clones, which were CD3+, CD4+, CD8-, 4B4+, and 2H4-, were established. These clones proliferated in response to stimulation with HSV in the presence of autologous APC. The HSV type specificity of the proliferative response was identical with that of the cytotoxic activity of the clones. The cytotoxic activity and the proliferative response were both inhibited by addition of anti-HLA-DR mAb to the culture. After culture of these CTL clones with autologous B cells and macrophages followed by HSV Ag stimulation, anti-HSV antibody was detected in the culture supernatant. The HSV type specificity of the helper function for antibody production was identical with that of the cytotoxicity, i.e., HSV-type common clones, upon stimulation with either HSV-1, or HSV-2, and HSV-1-specific clones, upon stimulation with HSV-1 but not with HSV-2, showed helper activity for anti-HSV antibody production by autologous B cells. Moreover, it was found that these clones produced humoral factors which help autologous B cells to produce antibody. The helper factors were produced by T cell clones in an HSV-type-specific manner. These data suggest that some CD4+ T cells can simultaneously manifest both specific cytotoxicity and helper activity for Ag-specific antibody production by B cells, and that these multifunctional T cells might play an important role in protection against viral infection.  相似文献   

Growth of vesicular stomatitis virus in mosquito cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目前肿瘤治疗主要使用放疗、药物化疗,具有很大的毒、副作用,研发肿瘤靶向性药物是未来发展趋势.成人T细胞白血病(adult T cell leukemia,ATL)是一种由HTLV-1病毒引起的人恶性CD4 T淋巴细胞白血病,目前尚无有效治疗方法.溶瘤性水泡性口炎病毒(vesicular stomatitis virus,VSV)是一种肿瘤治疗病毒载体,利用HIV-1囊膜蛋白gp160对野生型VSV病毒进行假型化改造,研制了具备人CD4受体靶向性的重组VSV病毒(VSV-△G-gp160G),在对ATL病人肿瘤细胞进行的体外杀伤实验(ex vivo)中,显示出良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

The virion-associated RNA polymerase activity of vesicular stomatitis virus is inhibited by protamine at a concentration as low as 10?7M. The inhibition is reversible, appears to be at the level of initiation and competitive with respect to ATP. Histone IIA and IV are also inhibitory whereas other fractions are not. The endogenous protein kinase activity is significantly inhibited by protamine. Virion-associated RNA or DNA polymerases of several animal viruses are also inhibited by protamine.  相似文献   

In vitro reassembly of vesicular stomatitis virus skeletons.   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

We have evaluated the efficacy of mitogen (LPS/DxSO4)-activated B cells (B lymphoblasts) to function as antigen-presenting cells (APC) for vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Our studies revealed that B lymphoblasts induced potent cytotoxic thymus (T)-derived lymphocyte (CTL) activity in VSV-immune splenic T cells depleted of adherent accessory cells. Dose-response curves indicated that B lymphoblasts were approximately 15-20 times more efficient APC than spleen cells for CTL induction against VSV. There was little evidence of reprocessing of viral antigens by the responder population because only CTL activity restricted to the parental haplotype of the B lymphoblast was generated following stimulation of VSV-immune F1 T cells. B lymphoblasts activated VSV-specific memory CTL which expressed the Lyt-1-23+, AsGM1+ phenotype without activating natural killer and/or lymphokine-activated killer cells. The ability of B lymphoblasts to function as efficient APC was not related to enhanced viral replication in these cells because potent VSV-specific proliferative and class I-restricted CTL responses were induced by B lymphoblasts infected with VSV rendered noninfectious by exposure to ultraviolet (uv) light. This indicates that activated B cells can efficiently process and present input virion protein. Purified splenic B cells that were not activated by mitogen stimulation did not function as APC for VSV even at high multiplicities of infection. The failure of B cells to function as APC for VSV was related to inefficient uptake of VSV and their inability to provide accessory cell signals required for T-cell proliferation; both these functions developed following mitogen stimulation. These data suggest that activated B cells may function as a potent APC population for virus independent of the specificity of their immunoglobulin antigen receptor.  相似文献   

The smallest size class of mRNA (12S) synthesized in vitro by the virion-associated RNA polymerase of vesicular stomatitis virus contains two mRNA species of similar molecular weight that code for the viral M and NS proteins. The resolution of these mRNA species was achieved by converting them to duplexes by annealing with the genome RNA, followed by RNase T2 treatment and separation in a polyacrylamide gel. Using this separation technique, the mRNA's were identified by comparing the relative resistance of their syntheses to UV irradiation of the virus. The molecular weights of these two mRNA species calculated as duplex RNAs were smaller than expected. The possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

We used vesicular stomatitis virus to test the effect of complementation on the relative fitness of a deleterious mutant, monoclonal antibody-resistant mutant (MARM) N, in competition with its wild-type ancestor. We carried out competitions of MARM N and wild-type populations at different multiplicities of infection (MOIs) and initial ratios of the wild type to the mutant and found that the fitness of MARM N relative to that of the wild type is very sensitive to changes in the MOI (i.e., the degree of complementation) but depends little, if at all, on the initial frequencies of MARM N and the wild type. Further, we developed a mathematical model under the assumption that during coinfection both viruses contribute to a common pool of protein products in the infected cell and that they both exploit this common pool equally. Under such conditions, the fitness of all virions that coinfect a cell is the average fitness in the absence of coinfection of that group of virions. In the absence of coinfection, complementation cannot take place and the relative fitness of each competitor is only determined by the selective value of its own products. We found good agreement between our experimental results and the model predictions, which suggests that the wild type and MARM N freely share all of their gene products under coinfection.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) forms pseudotypes with envelope components of reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV). The VSV pseudotype possesses the limited host range and antigenic properties of REV. Approximately 70% of the VSV, Indiana serotype, and 45% of VSV, New Jersey serotype, produced from the REV strain T-transformed chicken bone marrow cells contain mixed envelope components of both VSV and REV. VSV pseudotypes with mixed envelope antigens can be neutralized with excess amounts of either anti-VSV antiserum or anti-REV antiserum.  相似文献   

Human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones directed against herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells were generated after stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2). These CTL clones were studied with regard to HSV type specificity and with regard to whether they also express helper cell activity. Some clones, generated after stimulation with HSV-1, were cytotoxic for autologous cells infected with either HSV-1 or HSV-2 ("HSV type common clones"), whereas other clones lysed HSV-1-infected cells only ("type-specific clones"). Similarly, after HSV-2 stimulation, both HSV-2 specific and HSV type common clones were obtained, indicating the heterogeneity of human cytotoxic T cells to HSV. All CTL clones tested were found to be bifunctional in that they also proliferated in response to stimulation with HSV. The HSV type specificity of the proliferative response was identical to that of the cytotoxic activity of the clones. An HSV type common clone, when stimulated with either HSV-1 or HSV-2, and an HSV-1 specific clone, when stimulated with HSV-1 but not with HSV-2, produced a factor, presumably interleukin 2 (IL 2), which induced proliferation of CTLL, an IL 2-dependent T cell line, providing evidence that our HSV-directed CTL clones also express helper cell activity. CTL clones that we previously reported were restricted in cytotoxic activity by HLA class II DR-1 or MB-1 antigens were found, in this study, to be restricted in proliferative response to HSV by these same HLA antigens. These results suggest that our bifunctional T cell clones directed against HSV may recognize the same viral antigenic determinants and the same HLA antigens for both cytotoxic and virus-induced proliferative activities. This is the first demonstration of human HSV type specific and HSV type common T cell clones and HSV specific T cell clones with both cytotoxic and helper cell activities.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes from mice infected with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) are H-2 restricted and virus specific for the Indiana and New Jersey strains of VSV. VSV-Indiana-immune T cells can lyse target cells infected with the temperature sensitive (ts) mutant ts 045 about 30 times better when target cell infection occurs at the permissive rather than the non-permissive temperature. Since this mutant fails to express the glycoprotein at the cell surface when grown at the nonpermissive temperature, our results support the view that the viral glycoprotein is involved in defining the major target antigen for VSV-specific T cells. However, the tl 17 mutant that expresses a mutant glycoprotein at the cell surface was lysed, suggesting that the expressed mutated glycoprotein can cross-react with Indiana wild-type glycoprotein. Targets infected at the nonpermissive temperature with VSV ts G31 (mutant in the matrix protein) are still susceptible to T cell-mediated lysis but at a lower level of sensitivity. These results are compatible with the interpretation that for VSV-specific T cell lysis of infected target cells, the viral glycoprotein is a major target antigen and must be expressed, and that the matrix protein plays a lesser role, probably by indirectly influencing glycoprotein configuration at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) and T-helper-cell responses in various mouse strains were monitored. Protective CTL responsiveness against three proteins of vesicular stomatitis virus was H-2 linked and inducible only in half of the 15 combinations tested (each of five H-2 haplotypes combined with each of three viral proteins), whereas biologically relevant T-helper-cell responses were inducible in all. This suggests that vesicular stomatitis virus exhibits more T-helper-cell than CTL epitopes.  相似文献   

The induction of an in vitro T cell response against tumour-associated antigens with subsequent expansion of the individual cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones still is not routine and the only tumour-associated antigen that has been found to easily induce the establishment of CTL clones is the MART-1/Melan-A antigen. In this paper, we describe a new approach for in vitro immunization based on the use of preselected melanoma cell clones. The human melanoma cell subline FM3.P was cloned and the immunological properties of individual clones were compared. Melanoma cell clone FM3.29, having a high level of expression of melanoma differentiation antigens, as well as high levels of the HLA class I and class II antigens and adhesion molecules, was used for the establishment of a CTL line that was subsequently cloned. For optimization of the conditions of growth of established CTL clones, a particular melanoma subline FM3.D/40 was selected for supporting the proliferation of CTL clones. The majority of the established CTL clones recognized the melanoma-associated differentiation antigens gp100 and MART-1/Melan-A. Epitope analysis indicated that two different epitopes derived from gp100 (154-162 and 280-288) and a single epitope from MART-1/Melan-A (27 35) were recognized by these CTL clones. The gp100-specific CTL clones were found to be significantly more sensitive to the culture conditions than the MART-1/Melan-A-specific CTL clones. In addition, the presence of excess peptide in the culture medium induced autokilling of the gp100-specific, but not the MART-1/Melan-A-specific CTL clones. Taken together, these results demonstrate that, by careful preselection of melanoma cell lines and clones both for the induction of CTL line from patients' peripheral blood lymphocytes and subsequent cloning, it is possible to obtain a large number of stable CTL clones even against such an inherently "difficult" differentiation antigen as gp100.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is an animal virus that based on electron microscopy and its dependence on acidic cellular compartments for infection is thought to enter its host cells in a clathrin-dependent manner. The exact cellular mechanism, however, is largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the entry kinetics of VSV and elucidated viral requirements for host cell factors during infection in HeLa cells. We found that endocytosis of VSV was a fast process with a half time of 2.5 to 3 min and that acid activation occurred within 1 to 2 min after internalization in early endosomes. The majority of viral particles were endocytosed in a clathrin-based, dynamin-2-dependent manner. Although associated with some of the surface-bound viruses, the classical adaptor protein complex AP-2 was not required for infection. Time-lapse microscopy revealed that the virus either entered preformed clathrin-coated pits or induced de novo formation of pits. Dynamin-2 was recruited to plasma membrane-confined virus particles. Thus, VSV can induce productive internalization by exploiting a specific combination of the clathrin-associated proteins and cellular functions.  相似文献   

The requirements for viral and host protein synthesis in the generation of target antigens for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) was evaluated by using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) inactivated by UV irradiation (UV-VSV). EL4 target cells incubated with UV-VSV were recognized and lysed by anti-VSV CTL, indicating that de novo synthesis of viral proteins was not required for the generation of antigens recognized by antiviral CTL. Anti-VSV CTL from H-2b mice primarily recognize determinants derived from the VSV N protein bound to the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen H-2Kb. Comparison of a cloned CTL line representing this specificity and a heterogeneous population of anti-VSV CTL showed that determinants other than that recognized by the cloned CTL were generated more efficiently from UV-VSV. By using vaccinia virus recombinants that express deletion fragments of the N protein, it was shown that these additional determinants were probably derived from VSV proteins other than the N protein. The protein synthesis inhibitor emetine was used to determine whether newly synthesized host proteins were required for antigen generation. The addition of emetine to target cells prior to or at the time of the addition of UV-VSV inhibited lysis by anti-VSV CTL. This inhibition could be due to depletion of newly synthesized MHC molecules from intracellular membranes. This hypothesis was supported by using brefeldin A to delay membrane protein transport in target cells during the time of incubation with emetine and UV-VSV, which resulted in partial reversal of the effect of emetine. These results suggest that newly synthesized class I MHC molecules are required for the generation of antigens recognized by anti-VSV CTL.  相似文献   

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