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Guinier analysis allows model-free determination of the radius of gyration (Rg) of a biomolecule from X-ray or neutron scattering data, in the limit of very small scattering angles. Its range of validity is well understood for globular proteins, but is known to be more restricted for unfolded or intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). We have used ensembles of disordered structures from molecular dynamics simulations to investigate which structural properties cause deviations from the Guinier approximation at small scattering angles. We find that the deviation from the Guinier approximation is correlated with the polymer scaling exponent ν describing the unfolded ensemble. We therefore introduce an empirical, ν-dependent, higher-order correction term, to augment the standard Guinier analysis. We test the new fitting scheme using all-atom simulation data for several IDPs and experimental data for both an IDP and a destabilized mutant of a folded protein. In all cases tested, we achieve an accuracy of the inferred Rg within ~ 3% of the true Rg. The method is straightforward to implement and extends the range of validity to a maximum qRg of ~ 2 versus 1.1 for Guinier analysis. Compared with the Guinier or Debye approaches, our method allows data from wider angles with lower noise to be used to analyze scattering data accurately. In addition to Rg, our fitting scheme also yields estimates of the scaling exponent ν in excellent agreement with the reference ν determined from the underlying molecular ensemble.  相似文献   

In this study, we have used the coarse-grained model developed for the intrinsically disordered saliva protein (IDP) Histatin 5, on an experimental selection of monomeric IDPs, and we show that the model is generally applicable when electrostatic interactions dominate the intra-molecular interactions. Experimental and theoretically calculated small-angle X-ray scattering data are presented in the form of Kratky plots, and discussions are made with respect to polymer theory and the self-avoiding walk model. Furthermore, the impact of electrostatic interactions is shown and related to estimations of the conformational ensembles obtained from computer simulations and “Flexible-meccano.” Special attention is given to the form factor and how it is affected by the salt concentration, as well as the approximation of using the form factor obtained under physiological conditions to obtain the structure factor.  相似文献   

Allosteric regulatory processes are implicated at all levels of biological function. Recent advances in our understanding of the diverse and functionally significant class of intrinsically disordered proteins have identified a multitude of ways in which disordered proteins function within the confines of the allosteric paradigm. Allostery within or mediated by intrinsically disordered proteins ensures robust and efficient signal integration through mechanisms that would be extremely unfavorable or even impossible for globular protein interaction partners. Here, we highlight recent examples that indicate the breadth of biological outcomes that can be achieved through allosteric regulation by intrinsically disordered proteins. Ongoing and future work in this rapidly evolving area of research will expand our appreciation of the central role of intrinsically disordered proteins in ensuring the fidelity and efficiency of cellular regulation.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) constitute a broad set of proteins with few uniting and many diverging properties. IDPs—and intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) interspersed between folded domains—are generally characterized as having no persistent tertiary structure; instead they interconvert between a large number of different and often expanded structures. IDPs and IDRs are involved in an enormously wide range of biological functions and reveal novel mechanisms of interactions, and while they defy the common structure-function paradigm of folded proteins, their structural preferences and dynamics are important for their function. We here discuss open questions in the field of IDPs and IDRs, focusing on areas where machine learning and other computational methods play a role. We discuss computational methods aimed to predict transiently formed local and long-range structure, including methods for integrative structural biology. We discuss the many different ways in which IDPs and IDRs can bind to other molecules, both via short linear motifs, as well as in the formation of larger dynamic complexes such as biomolecular condensates. We discuss how experiments are providing insight into such complexes and may enable more accurate predictions. Finally, we discuss the role of IDPs in disease and how new methods are needed to interpret the mechanistic effects of genomic variants in IDPs.  相似文献   

The translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) is a multifunctional protein that may interact with many other biomolecules, including itself. The experimental determinations of TCTP structure revealed a folded core domain and an intrinsically disordered region, which includes the first highly conserved TCTP signature, but whose role in the protein functions remains to be elucidated. In this work, we combined NMR experiments and MD simulations to characterize the conformational ensemble of the TCTP intrinsically disordered loop, in the presence or not of calcium ions and with or without the phosphorylation of Ser46 and Ser64. Our results show that these changes in the TCTP electrostatic conditions induce significant shifts of its conformational ensemble toward structures more or less extended in which the disordered loop is pulled away or folded against the core domain. Particularly, these conditions impact the transient contacts between the two highly conserved signatures of the protein. Moreover, both experimental and theoretical data show that the interface of the non-covalent TCTP dimerization involves its second signature which suggests that this region might be involved in protein–protein interaction. We also show that calcium hampers the formation of TCTP dimers, likely by favoring the competitive binding of the disordered loop to the dimerization interface. All together, we propose that the TCTP intrinsically disordered region is involved in remodeling the core domain surface to modulate its accessibility to its partners in response to a variety of cellular conditions.  相似文献   

Tubulin/FtsZ-like GTPase TubZ is responsible for maintaining the stability of pXO1-like plasmids in virulent Bacilli. TubZ forms a filament in a GTP-dependent manner, and like other partitioning systems of low-copy-number plasmids, it requires the centromere-binding protein TubR that connects the plasmid to the TubZ filament. Systems regulating TubZ partitioning have been identified in Clostridium prophages as well as virulent Bacillus species, in which TubZ facilitates partitioning by binding and towing the segrosome: the nucleoprotein complex composed of TubR and the centromere. However, the molecular mechanisms of segrosome assembly and the transient on–off interactions between the segrosome and the TubZ filament remain poorly understood. Here, we determined the crystal structure of TubR from Bacillus cereus at 2.0-Å resolution and investigated the DNA-binding ability of TubR using hydroxyl radical footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assays. The TubR dimer possesses 2-fold symmetry and binds to a 15-bp palindromic consensus sequence in the tubRZ promoter region. Continuous TubR-binding sites overlap each other, which enables efficient binding of TubR in a cooperative manner. Interestingly, the segrosome adopts an extended DNA–protein filament structure and likely gains conformational flexibility by introducing non-consensus residues into the palindromes in an asymmetric manner. Together, our experimental results and structural model indicate that the unique centromere recognition mechanism of TubR allows transient complex formation between the segrosome and the dynamic polymer of TubZ.  相似文献   

Photoreceptors play an important role in plants and bacteria by converting extracellular stimuli into intracellular signals. One distinct class are the blue-light-sensitive phototropins harboring a light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domain coupled to various effector domains. Photon absorption by the chromophore within the LOV domain results in an activation of the output domain via mechanisms that are hitherto not well understood. The photoreceptor YtvA from Bacillus subtilis is a bacterial analog of phototropins, consists of an LOV and a sulfate transporter/anti-sigma factor antagonist domain, and is involved in the response of the bacterium to environmental stress. We present here analytical ultracentrifugation studies and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments, showing that YtvA is a dimer. On the basis of these results, we present a low-resolution model of the dimer in the dark and the lit state of the protein. In addition, we show that YtvA does not change its oligomerization state or its overall shape upon light activation.  相似文献   

Membrane-less organelles are cellular structures which arise through the phenomenon of phase separation. This process enables compartmentalization of specific sets of macromolecules (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids), thereby regulating cellular processes by increasing local concentration, and modulating the structure and dynamics of their constituents. Understanding the connection between structure, material properties and function of membrane-less organelles requires inter-disciplinary approaches, which address length and timescales that span several orders of magnitude (e.g., Ångstroms to micrometer, picoseconds to hours). In this review, we discuss the wide variety of methods that have been applied to characterize the morphology, rheology, structure and dynamics of membrane-less organelles and their components, in vitro and in live cells.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(24):4959-4977
The rabies and Ebola viruses recruit the highly conserved host protein LC8 for their own reproductive success. In vivo knockouts of the LC8 recognition motif within the rabies virus phosphoprotein (RavP) result in completely nonlethal viral infections. In this work, we examine the molecular role LC8 plays in viral lethality. We show that RavP and LC8 colocalize in rabies infected cells, and that LC8 interactions are essential for efficient viral polymerase functionality. NMR, SAXS, and molecular modeling demonstrate that LC8 binding to a disordered linker adjacent to an endogenous dimerization domain results in restrictions in RavP domain orientations. The resulting ensemble structure of RavP-LC8 tetrameric complex is similar to that of a related virus phosphoprotein that does not bind LC8, suggesting that with RavP, LC8 binding acts as a switch to induce a more active conformation. The high conservation of the LC8 motif in Lyssavirus phosphoproteins and its presence in other analogous proteins such as the Ebola virus VP35 evinces a broader purpose for LC8 in regulating downstream phosphoprotein functions vital for viral replication.  相似文献   

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