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Fibrosis leads to destruction of organ architecture accompanied by chronic inflammation and loss of function. Fibrosis affects nearly every organ in the body and accounts for ∼45% of total deaths worldwide. Over the past decade, tremendous progress has been made in understanding the basic mechanisms leading to organ fibrosis. However, we are limited with therapeutic options and there is a significant need to develop highly effective anti-fibrotic therapies. Recent advances in sequencing technologies have advanced the burgeoning field of epigenetics towards molecular understanding at a higher resolution. Here we provide a comprehensive review of the recent advances in chromatin regulatory processes, specifically DNA methylation, post-translational modification of histones, and chromatin remodeling complexes in kidney, liver and lung fibrosis. Although this research field is young, we discuss new strategies for potential therapeutic interventions for treating organ fibrosis.  相似文献   

In the First German-Catalan Workshop on Epigenetics and Cancer held in Heidelberg, Germany (June 17–19, 2013), cutting-edge laboratories (PEBC, IMPPC, DKFZ, and the Collaborative Research Centre Medical Epigenetics of Freiburg) discussed the latest breakthroughs in the field. The importance of DNA demethylation, non-coding and imprinted genes, metabolic stress, and cell transdifferentiation processes in cancer and non-cancer diseases were addressed in several lectures in a very participative and dynamic atmosphere.

The meeting brought together leading figures in the field of cancer epigenetics to present their research work from the last five years. Experts in different areas of oncology described important advances in colorectal, lung, neuroblastoma, leukemia, and lymphoma cancers. The workshop also provided an interesting forum for pediatrics, and focused on the need to improve the treatment of childhood tumors in order to avoid, as far as possible, brain damage and disruption of activity in areas of high plasticity. From the beginning, the relevance of “omics” and the advances in genome-wide analysis platforms, which allow cancer to be studied in a more comprehensive and inclusive way, was very clear. Modern “omics” offer the possibility of identifying metastases of uncertain origin and establishing epigenetic signatures linked to a specific cluster of patients with a particular prognosis. In this context, invited speakers described novel tumor-associated histone variants and DNA-specific methylation, highlighting their close connection with other processes such as cell-lineage commitment and stemness.  相似文献   

Xu F  Wang HJ  Ma D 《遗传》2012,34(3):253-259
耳聋是一种常见的人类感觉系统缺陷,新生儿发病率可达1/1000~3/1000。耳蜗感觉神经上皮毛细胞的结构或功能异常可导致耳聋,遗传因素在其中起重要作用。虽然一些与遗传性耳聋相关的基因及染色体位点已经被定位或克隆,仍有很多耳聋的病因尚不清楚。人们发现,除了常见的热点基因突变(GJB2、SLC26A4、线粒体DNA C1494T和A1555G等)外,一些表观遗传学的改变也在耳聋的发生中起重要作用。例如,miR-96突变会导致人和小鼠的渐进性失聪,异常的CpG岛甲基化与一些耳聋综合征的发生有关等。文章着重对表观遗传学在耳聋领域的研究现状和进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Berdasco M  Esteller M 《Aging cell》2012,11(2):181-186
Aging is a complex process that results in compromised biological functions of the organism and increased susceptibility to disease and death. Although the molecular basis of aging is currently being investigated in many experimental contexts, there is no consensus theory to fully explain the aging process. Epigenetic factors, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, and microRNA expression, may play central roles in controlling changes in gene expression and genomic instability during aging. In this Hot Topic review, we first examine the mechanisms by which these epigenetic factors contribute to aging in diverse eukaryotic species including experimental models of yeasts, worms, and mammals. In a second section, we will emphasize in the mammalian epigenetic alterations and how they may affect human longevity by altering stem cell function and/or somatic cell decline. The field of aging epigenetics is ripe with potential, but is still in its infancy, as new layers of complexity are emerging in the epigenetic network. As an example, we are only beginning to understand the relevance of non-coding genome to organism aging or the existence of an epigenetic memory with transgenerational inheritance. Addressing these topics will be fundamental for exploiting epigenetics phenomena as markers of aging-related diseases or as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

许飞  王慧君  马端 《遗传》2012,34(3):253-259
耳聋是一种常见的人类感觉系统缺陷, 新生儿发病率可达1/1000~3/1000。耳蜗感觉神经上皮毛细胞的结构或功能异常可导致耳聋,遗传因素在其中起重要作用。虽然一些与遗传性耳聋相关的基因及染色体位点已经被定位或克隆, 仍有很多耳聋的病因尚不清楚。人们发现, 除了常见的热点基因突变(GJB2、SLC26A4、线粒体DNA C1494T和A1555G等)外, 一些表观遗传学的改变也在耳聋的发生中起重要作用。例如, miR-96 突变会导致人和小鼠的渐进性失聪, 异常的CpG岛甲基化与一些耳聋综合征的发生有关等。文章着重对表观遗传学在耳聋领域的研究现状和进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Bossdorf O  Zhang Y 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(8):1572-1574
Until a few years ago, epigenetics was a field of research that had nothing to do with ecology and that virtually no ecologist had ever heard of. This is now changing, as more and more ecologists learn about epigenetic processes and their potential ecological and evolutionary relevance, and a new research field of ecological epigenetics is beginning to take shape. One question that is particularly intriguing ecologists is to what extent epigenetic variation is an additional, and hitherto overlooked, source of natural variation in ecologically important traits. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Herrera & Bazaga (2011) provide one of the first attempts to truly address this question in an ecological setting. They study variation of DNA methylation in a wild population of the rare, long-lived violet Viola cazorlensis, and they use these data to explore interrelations between environmental, genetic and epigenetic variation, and in particular the extent to which these factors are related to long-term differences in herbivore damage among plants. They find substantial epigenetic variation among plant individuals. Interestingly, this epigenetic variation is significantly correlated with long-term differences in herbivory, but only weakly with herbivory-related DNA sequence variation, which suggests that besides habitat, substrate and genetic variation, epigenetic variation may be an additional, and at least partly independent, factor influencing plant–herbivore interactions in the field. Although the study by Herrera & Bazaga (2011) raises at least as many new questions as it answers, it is a pioneering example of how epigenetics can be incorporated into ecological field studies, and it illustrates the value and potential novel insights to be gained from such efforts.  相似文献   

The complexity of the mammalian genome is regulated by heritable epigenetic mechanisms, which provide the basis for differentiation, development and cellular homeostasis. These mechanisms act on the level of chromatin, by modifying DNA, histone proteins and nucleosome density/composition. During the last decade it became clear that cancer is defined by a variety of epigenetic changes, which occur in early stages of disease and parallel genetic mutations. With the advent of new technologies we are just starting to unravel the cancer epigenome and latest mechanistic findings provide the first clue as to how altered epigenetic patterns might occur in different cancers. Here we review latest findings on chromatin related mechanisms and hypothesize how their impairment might contribute to the altered epigenome of cancer cells.  相似文献   

DNA测序技术是现代生命科学研究的重要工具之一,而高通量测序技术在全基因组的研究中发挥着越来越重要的作用。简要回溯DNA测序技术的产生与发展,着重从PCR扩增测序和单分子测序两个方面全面描述了高通量测序中众多代表性的技术及直接测序技术,并从DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA调控等方面阐述了高通量测序技术在表观遗传学上的运用。  相似文献   

The Second German-Catalan Workshop on Epigenetics and Cancer was held in Barcelona on November 19–21, 2014. The workshop brought together, for the second time, scientists from 2 German and 2 Catalan research institutions: the DKFZ, from Heidelberg, the CRCME, from Freiburg, and the IMPPC and PEBC/IDIBELL, both from Barcelona. The German-Catalan Workshops are intended to establish the framework for building a Research School to foster collaborations between researchers from the different institutions. Exchange programs for graduate students are among the activities of the future School. The topics presented and discussed in 33 talks were diverse and included work on DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin biology, characterization of imprinted regions in human tissues, non-coding RNAs, and epigenetic drug discovery. Among novel developments from the previous Workshop are the report of the epigenetics angle of the Warburg effect and the long-range trans-acting interaction of DNA methylation and of nucleosome remodeling. A shift in the view on DNA methylation became apparent by the realization of the intertwined interplay between hyper- and hypo-methylation in differentiation and cancer.  相似文献   

Cells are under constant assault by endogenous and environmental DNA damaging agents. DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) sever entire chromosomes and pose a major threat to genome integrity as a result of chromosomal fragment loss or chromosomal rearrangements. Exogenous factors such as ionizing radiation, crosslinking agents, and topoisomerase poisons, contribute to break formation. DSBs are associated with oxidative metabolism, form during the normal S phase, when replication forks collapse and are generated during physiological processes such as V(D)J recombination, yeast mating type switching and meiosis. It is estimated that in mammalian cells ∼10 DSBs per cell are formed daily. If left unrepaired DSBs can lead to cell death or deregulated growth, and cancer development. Cellular response to DSB damage includes mechanisms to halt the progression of the cell cycle and to restore the structure of the broken chromosome. Changes in chromatin adjacent to DNA break sites are instrumental to the DNA damage response (DDR) with two apparent ends: to control compaction and to bind repair and signaling molecules to the lesion. Here, we review the key findings related to each of these functions and examine their cross-talk.  相似文献   

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) still constitutes the most common cancer-related cause of death worldwide. All efforts to introduce suitable treatment options using chemotherapeutics or targeted therapies have, up to this point, failed to exhibit a substantial effect on the 5-year-survival rate. The involvement of epigenetic alterations in the evolution of different cancers has led to the development of epigenetics-based therapies, mainly targeting DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) and histone-modifying enzymes. So far, their greatest success stories have been registered in hematologic neoplasias. As the effects of epigenetic single agent treatment of solid tumors have been limited, the investigative focus now lies on combination therapies of epigenetically active agents with conventional chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or kinase inhibitors. This review includes a short overview of the most important preclinical approaches as well as an extensive discussion of clinical trials using epigenetic combination therapies in NSCLC, including ongoing trials. Thus, we are providing an overview of what lies ahead in the field of epigenetic combinatory therapies of NSCLC in the coming years.  相似文献   

Interpreting the language of histone and DNA modifications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A major mechanism regulating the accessibility and function of eukaryotic genomes are the covalent modifications to DNA and histone proteins that dependably package our genetic information inside the nucleus of every cell. Formally postulated over a decade ago, it is becoming increasingly clear that post-translational modifications (PTMs) on histones act singly and in combination to form a language or ‘code’ that is read by specialized proteins to facilitate downstream functions in chromatin. Underappreciated at the time was the level of complexity harbored both within histone PTMs and their combinations, as well as within the proteins that read and interpret the language. In addition to histone PTMs, newly-identified DNA modifications that can recruit specific effector proteins have raised further awareness that histone PTMs operate within a broader language of epigenetic modifications to orchestrate the dynamic functions associated with chromatin. Here, we highlight key recent advances in our understanding of the epigenetic language encompassing histone and DNA modifications and foreshadow challenges that lie ahead as we continue our quest to decipher the fundamental mechanisms of chromatin regulation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Molecular mechanisms of histone modification function.  相似文献   

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