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The development of microsatellite markers can be a time-consuming process, especially in species such as conifers where many microsatellites have been shown to be associated with the repetitive fraction of the genome and to produce complex banding patterns following electrophoresis. Therefore, procedures to eliminate this fraction from further processing are sought. In this paper, we report on the development of 53 dinucleotide SSR markers in Norway spruce, 35 of which (66%) produce simple, polymorphic patterns. This high efficiency is obtained by introducing a dot-blot selection against high copy number sequences, performed on the microsatellite-containing clones. The resulting markers turned out to be polymorphic and useful for population genetic studies and for linkage mapping. Seven additional markers that were not subject to the dot-blot selection are also presented.  相似文献   

Diversity and differentiation among three populations representing the geographical domains commonly recognized within the natural distribution area of Picea abies were analysed by using a set of 292 AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism), SSR (single sequence repeat) and ESTP (expressed sequence tags polymorphism) markers. As usually observed in forest trees, results showed high within-population diversity (H(S) reaching 0.79) and low among-population differentiation (G(ST) approximately 2%). The genomic organization of differentiation was then investigated on the basis of a subsample of 150 AFLP, SSR and ESTP mapped markers. The number of the loci differentiating the Baltico-Nordic from the central European populations (25 loci) and, within the central European populations, the Alpine from the Hercyno-Carpathian populations (12 loci), were different. These 37 differentiated loci, with individual G(ST) values ranging from 0.008 to 0.20, were evenly distributed on all linkage groups and mostly followed the neutral expectations, suggesting genome-wide effects on differentiation. Nine of them however behave as 'outlier' loci indicating possible locus-specific selective effects. Contribution of ongoing evolutionary forces and historical effects to the geographical differentiation of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic callus developed in 55% of the mature embryo explants of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) growing on a LP medium minus the amino acids and sugars (except sucrose). This is the highest reported yield of embryogenic callus from mature embryos of P. abies that has ever been reported. Callus induction from either the middle or the end of the hypocotyl of the embryos began after 2–3 weeks. Three types of calli were recovered: (a) globular, (b) light green-compact, (c) white mucilaginous. Only the white mucilaginous calli were embryogenic. The globular and light green-compact calli never become embryogenic, even after several subcultures. The development of somatic embryos was accomplished on half-strength macro-elements of NSIII medium containing 1 M -naphthaleneacetic acid, 1 M abscisic acid, and 3% sucrose. The addition of 10–7 M buthionine sulfoximine to the medium increased the development of somatic embryos by three fold. These results suggest that there is a great potential for increasing the frequency and development of somatic embryos in P. abies. Careful selection of the genotype and modification of the culture medium is required.  相似文献   

Three stands ofPicea abies [L.] Karst. with different density in the Harz Mountains (Lower Saxony, Germany) were characterized at 4 microsatellite loci. An excess of homozygotes was observed in all 3 stands at 1 simple sequence repeat (SSR) locus, suggesting the presence of null alleles. To test for the segregation of a null allele, 24 openpollinated seeds (haploid megagametophytes and embryos) from apparently homozygous mother trees were analyzed. For 1 of 3 trees that could be identified as heterozygous for a null allele, no significant deviation from the expected 1∶1 segregation into marker absence (null allele) and marker presence of the second maternal allele could be observed in the haploid megagametophyte. Concordantly, the numbers of embryos heterozygous for the null allele and for the other maternal allele were not significantly different from each other. Inheritance analyses in seedlings and corresponding megagametophytes of gymnosperms were used as a direct experimental verification of microsatellite null alleles in single-tree progeny. Microsatellites with an abundance of null alleles should be discarded from further analysis because inclusion of these loci results in incorrect estimation of allele frequencies.  相似文献   

Embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) varying in growth habit and morphology were compared as regards profiles of extracellular proteins. Similar proteins were detected in the culture medium by SDS PAGE and in vivo labeling experiments, indicating that the proteins were secreted. Approximately 20 protein bands could be detected in the medium of each cell line. Three of the bands represented glycosylated proteins, as revealed by Concanavalin A staining. Some of the secreted proteins were similar for all tested embryogenic lines of Norway spruce, others were either specific for a group of cell lines or for individual cell lines. A correlation was observed between the morphology of the somatic embryos in a cell line and the presence of secreted proteins. The embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce can be divided into two main groups. A and B, where A is characterized by somatic embryos with dense embryoheads and B by somatic embryos with loosely aggregated cells in their embryoheads. When proteins secreted from a cell line belonging to group A were added to cell lines belonging to group B, the somatic embryos of the B type developed further and became more similar in morphology to A-type embryos. These observations indicate that cell lines belonging to group A secrete certain proteins to the culture medium that are essential for the development of somatic embryos of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

In northern boreal forests, the diversity of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) species is much greater than that of their host trees. This field study investigated the role of individual trees in shaping the ECM community. We compared ECM communities of eight Norway spruce (Picea abies) clones planted in a clear-cut area in 1994 with a randomized block design. In 2003, the ECM fungi were identified from randomly sampled root tips using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence similarity. ECM diversity varied among clone groups, showing twofold growth differences. Moreover, according to detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), ECM community structure varied not only among but also within slow-growing or fast-growing clones. Results suggest that ECM diversity and community structure are related to the growth rate or size of the host. A direct or indirect influence of host genotype was also observed, and we therefore suggest that individual trees are partly responsible for the high diversity and patchy distribution of ECM communities in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Summary Fumigation with 100 g/m3 and 200 g/m3 ozone in closed-top fumigation chambers induced starch accumulation in chloroplasts of Norway spruce. This accumulation was probably due to a partial inhibition of the starch translocation at night. The intensity of the effect was dependent on the season and the age of the needles. The accumulation was reversed in winter. It is therefore unlikely that such an effect has much significance for plant health.  相似文献   

At the timberline in the Central Alps, climatic conditions during winter frequently cause excessive drought stress (frost drought, 'Frosttrocknis'), which we hypothesized to induce cavitation in trees. We investigated the extent of winter-embolism in Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) growing near the timberline and analysed adaptations in vulnerability and anatomy. We found conductivity losses of up to 100% at the highest elevation (2020 m) correlated with low water potentials down to − 4.0 MPa. Vulnerability thresholds (50% loss in conductivity) decreased from − 3.39 MPa at 800 m to − 3.88 MPa at 1600 m corresponding to a decrease in tracheid cross-sectional area as well as pit and pit pore diameters. These thresholds were lower than potentials measured in embolized twigs near the timberline at the sampling dates probably due to lower potentials and/or a role of freeze-thaw events earlier in winter. Data indicated refilling processes, which may be of particular relevance for trees at the timberline, since adaptations in drought-induced vulnerability failed to prevent winter-embolism.  相似文献   

Schleppi  Patrick  Tobler  Leonhard  Bucher  Jürg B.  Wyttenbach  Armin 《Plant and Soil》2000,219(1-2):251-262
Twenty-four chemical elements were analysed by INAA, ICP-AES and CN in needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Branches were sampled from 54 trees on eight sites in Switzerland and South Germany. From each tree, twigs were sorted into the most recent four or five age classes and their needles analysed separately. All measured concentrations could be considered as log-normally distributed and statistical analyses were, therefore, performed on logarithms. Variance components were estimated by maximum likelihood and compared between elements. Non-essential elements varied more than essential nutrients (Mn was an exception). The sites and the age of the needles were the most important sources of variance. The interaction between site and age, the individual tree, the sampled branch and the residual variance were usually much smaller sources of variance. The effects of the most significant factors – site and age – were further described by principal components and cluster analyses. Mineral elements either increased or decreased with the age of the needles according to their mobility in the phloem. Two different components were identified in the effect of the sites: a geochemical component linked to soil pH and a climate component linked to altitude, temperature and precipitation. Multivariate statistics are discussed as a tool for the interpretation of complex interaction patterns between element concentrations in plants.  相似文献   

Freezing stress and membrane injury of Norway spruce (Picea abies) tissues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of sub-zero temperatures (−5 to −35°C) on the tissues of needles, buds and shoots of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] were studied. The freezing caused increased efflux of cellular electrolytes. Freezing injury of the primordial shoots and 1-year-old shoots was the result of the spontaneous freezing of a deep supercooled cellular water. The crystallization injures the cellular membranes leading to the loss of semipermeability and to the drastic efflux of K+. In the needles there was no deep supercooling of water and two patterns of changes in the membranes, depending upon the range of the applied temperatures, could be distinguished. At 0 to – 25°C, which do not kill the cells, we observed a disturbance in the membrane semipermeability as monitored by electrolytes efflux within a few hours after thawing of the needles. At lower temperatures (−35°C) we observed irreversible loss of the membrane semipermeability, and death of the tissue. Those changes occurred 10 h after thawing and were probably caused by the released lytic enzymes and some toxic compounds, which acted on the cellular membranes.  相似文献   

A Norway spruce (Picea abies K.) cDNA library obtained from vegetative bud tissue was screened for the presence of (AG)n and (AC)n microsatellite repeats. Ten (AG)n and six (AC)n microsatellites were found, with an average length of 25.5 repeat units. Most of the microsatellites are simple perfect repeats. The microsatellite distribution within the clones is clearly non-random, with different classes of repeats lying in different positions relative to the coding region and in a highly conserved orientation. An estimate of the frequency of dinucleotide microsatellites in expressed regions was obtained, showing that SSRs (simple sequence repeats) are found in genes about 20 times less frequently than in random genomic clones, with (AG)n repeats more frequent than (AC)n repeats. Potential applications of these sequences as expressed region-based molecular markers are shown by developing six SSR markers for the detection of natural variation in Norway spruce populations and testing two of them for the identification of illegitimate progenies from a mapping population.  相似文献   

Summary The mycorrhizal activity of spruce in a mixed-wood forest was monitored over 1 year by measuring biochemical characters in fine roots of six canopy trees and of a regrowth stand. The concentration of adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP), a measure of living biomass, showed two peaks per year, one at bud break and one after main shoot growth. The concentration of storage polysaccharides in mycorrhizae showed the same cycles even more pronouncedly. It is proposed that these changes reflect growth and senescence of mycorrhizae and that the timing of the cycles is controlled by translocation of assimilates from the shoot. Differences between mycorrhizae collected from canopy trees and the regrowth stand were small and not significant. Characters known to be related to fungal activity of the mycorrhizal symbiosis (concentration of trehalose, glucose uptake, respiration) also varied little among the six canopy trees. Large differences among fine-root samples from different canopy trees, however, were detected in the concentrations of ATP and storage polysaccharides, measures which seemed to be physiologically integrated within trees. If low concentrations in roots precede losses of foliage from trees, these two symptoms could be used as early indicators of growth decline in individual spruce trees.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) genes and cDNA sequences have so far been isolated from a broad range of angiosperm but not from gymnosperm species. We constructed a cDNA library from seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and identified cDNAs coding for PEPC. A full-length PEPC cDNA was sequenced. It consists of 3522 nucleotides and has an open reading frame (ORF) that encodes a polypeptide (963 amino acids) with a molecular mass of 109 551. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed a higher similarity to the C3-form PEPC of angiosperm species (86–88%) than to the CAM and C4 forms (76–84%). The putative motif (Lys/Arg-X-X-Ser) for serine kinase, which is conserved in all angiosperm PEPCs analysed so far, is also present in this gymnosperm sequence. Southern blot analysis of spruce genomic DNA under low-stringency conditions using the PEPC cDNA as a hybridization probe showed a complex hybridization pattern, indicating the presence of additional PEPC-related sequences in the genome of the spruce. In contrast, the probe hybridized to only a few bands under high-stringency conditions. Whereas this PEPC gene is highly expressed in roots of seedlings, a low-level expression can be detected in cotyledons and adult needles. A molecular phyiogeny of plant PEPC including the spruce PEPC sequence revealed that the spruce PEPC sequence is clustered with monocot and dicot C3-form PEPCs including the only dicot C4 form characterized so far.  相似文献   

Bioindication can be carried out at different hierarchical levels, eg. cell, organism, and ecosystem. While the monitoring of damage by visible criteria (e.g. loss of needles) is connected with the organism as a whole, the monitoring of damage by biochemical indicators is above all connected with cell metabolism.
The degree of vitality of a tree can be ascertained through the integration of a number of biochemical parameters. Furthermore, a differential diagnosis of a particular stress pattern can be carried out because of the feedback pattern of several biochemical indicators. In order to describe and interpret biochemical or physiological changes that have been caused by a number of factors, multivariate statistical methods are being used more frequently. Apart from cluster and discriminant analysis, it is especially factor analysis which provides a helpful tool when dealing with problems in the field of environmental analysis. Factor analysis can be used for an integrating as well as a differentiating assessment.
Within the framework of forest damage research, numerous changes at the level of cell metabolism have been detected to which a bioindicative character can be attached. A number of physiological and biochemical parameters with bioindicative character concerning Norway spruce are presented.  相似文献   

As part of a long-term study of the chemical defenses of Norway spruce (Picea abies) against herbivores and pathogens, a phytochemical survey of the phenolics in the bark was carried out. Eight stilbene glucoside dimers, designated as piceasides A-H (1a-4b), were isolated as four 1:1 mixtures of inseparable diastereomers. Their structures were determined by extensive spectroscopic means including 1D (1H and 13C) and 2D NMR (1H-1H COSY, HSQC, HMBC, ROESY) spectra, and were supported by enzymatic hydrolysis and computational analysis.  相似文献   

Bacterial endophytes from seeds of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endophytic bacteria from wooden plants and especially seed-associated endophytes are not well studied. Fresh seeds collected from four Norway spruce trees (Picea abies) from different locations in the Slovene subalpine region were surface-sterilised and dissected into a seed coat, embryo and endosperm. The presence of endophytes was detected by culturing methods and by direct amplification of the eubacterial 16S rDNA gene. Both approaches identified bacteria from genera Pseudomonas and Rahnella in the Norway spruce seeds. Both are known plant-associated bacteria with growth-promoting properties and biological control potential. We suggest that plant seeds could serve as a vector for transmission of beneficial bacteria.  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules in germinated pollen of the conifer Picea abies (Norway spruce, Pinaceae) was examined using primarily confocal microscopy. Pollination in conifers differs from angiosperms in the number of mitotic divisions between the microspore and the sperm and in the growth rate of the pollen tube. These differences may be orchestrated by the cytoskeleton, and this study finds that there are important functional differences in microtubule organization within conifer pollen compared to the angiosperm model systems. Pollen from P. abies contains two degenerated prothallial cells, a body cell, a stalk cell, and a vegetative cell. The body cell produces the sperm. In the vegetative cell, microtubules form a continuous network from within the pollen grain, out through the aperture, and down the length of the tube to the elongating tip. Within the grain, this network extends from the pollen grain wall to the body and stalk cell complex. Microtubules within the body and stalk cells form a densely packed array that enmeshes amyloplasts and the nucleus. Microtubule bundles can be traced between the body and stalk cells from the cytoplasm of the body cell to the adjoining cell wall and into the cytoplasm of the stalk cell. Body and stalk cells are connected by plasmodesmata. The organization of microtubules and the presence of plasmodesmata suggest that microtubules form a path for intercellular communication by projecting from the cytoplasm to interconnecting plasmodesmata. Microtubules in the elongating tube form a net axial array that ensheathes the vegetative nucleus. Microtubules are enriched at the elongating tip, where they form an array beneath the plasma membrane that is perpendicular to the direction of tube growth. This enriched region extends back 20 μm from the tip. There is an abrupt transition from a net perpendicular to a net axial organization at the edge of the enriched region. In medial sections, microtubules are present in the core of the elongating tip. The organization of microtubules in the tip differs from that seen in angiosperm pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Summary Dark respiration and photosynthetic carbon dioxide refixation in purple and green Picea abies cones were investigated from budbreak to cone maturity. The rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight and CO2 refixation capacity decreased during cone maturation. At the beginning of the growing season, photosynthetic CO2 refixation could reduce the amount of CO2 released by respiration in green and purple cones by 50% and 40%, respectively. The seasonal performance of the components of the cone carbon balance was calculated using information on the seasonal course of respiration, refixation capacity and the light response curves of cone photosynthesis, as well as the actual light and temperature regime in the field. The daily gain of CO2 refixation reached 28%–34% of respiration in green and 22%–26% in purple cones during the first month of their growth, but decreased later in the season. Over the entire growth period refixation reduced carbon costs of cone production in both cone colour polymorphs by 16%–17%.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that (1) the above-ground structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L] Karst.) is derivable from the functional balance theory, and that (2) crown ratio is a key source of structural variation in trees of different age and social position. Twenty-nine trees were measured in three stands (young, middle-aged, and mature), with three thinning treatments (unthinned, normal, and intensive) in the two older stands. There was a strong linear relationship between the total cross-sectional area of branches and that of stem at crown base. Foliage mass was linearly related with stem basal area at crown base. Also an allometric relationship was found between foliage mass and crown length. The mean length (weighted by basal area) of branches obeyed an exponential function of crown length. The parameters of most of these relationships were independent of slenderness (tree height/breast height diameter) and tree age However, total branch cross-sectional area per stem cross-sectional area in the young trees was greater than in the older trees. The young trees also had slightly shorter branches than predicted by the mean branch length equation. This was probably caused by branch senescence which had not yet started in the young stand. The older trees had a relatively long lower crown segment which was growing slowly and senescing. It was proposed that a segmented crown structure is characteristic of shade tolerant tree species, and that the structural model could be further developed by making the two segments explicit.  相似文献   

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