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The coastal forests of Kenya are conservation priorities hosting high levels of biodiversity. Monitoring of biodiversity in these forests is therefore necessary to understand and reverse negative trends in good time. Using the Important Bird Area (IBA) monitoring framework, a participatory approach, state (habitat condition), pressure (threats) and response (conservation action) indicators of twelve coastal Kenya forest IBAs were assessed from 2004 to 2011. Trends for these indicators were assessed at six sites for which sufficient data existed: Arabuko‐Sokoke, Dakatcha Woodlands, Gede Ruins, Lower Tana River, Shimba Hills and Taita Hills, and baselines were described for remaining six. Changes were always small, but state deteriorated in Gede, Lower Tana and Shimba Hills, remained the same (unfavourable) in Arabuko‐Sokoke and Dakatcha, and improved in Taita Hills. Pressure reduced in Arabuko‐Sokoke, Dakatcha and Taita Hills, deteriorated in Lower Tana and Shimba Hills and remained the same (medium) in Gede. Response improved in Dakatcha, remained the same (medium) in Shimba Hills, and deteriorated in the rest. As there was an apparent overall deterioration in the forests assessed, improved management of the protected sites and increased conservation action through community engagement around protected areas and within the nonprotected IBAs are recommended.  相似文献   

Matiku, P.M., Bennun, L.A. & Nemeth, E. 2000. Distribution and population size of the threatened East Coast Akalat in Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Kenya. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 282–285.

The East Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis is one of six globally threatened bird species that occur in the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, the largest remnant of forest on the East African coast. The akalat has been little studied but appears to have a patchy distribution both between and within forests. From October 1995 to February 1996 we studied the akalat's status in Arabuko-Sokoke, carrying out transect counts and plot-based surveys to determine its distribution and population size. Playback of calls was used to stimulate the bird to reveal its presence. The akalat was present in two of the forest's main vegetation types, Cynometm woodland and Mixed forest. It was absent from the more open Brachystegia woodland, and from low-canopied intermediate Cynometra and Cynometra thicket. In Cynometra woodland, the akalats were evenly distributed at high densities (estimated at 87 pairs/km2). Within the Mixed forest distribution was patchy, and the akalats were absent from areas with high human disturbance. Where the species did occur, densities were lower (estimated at 12 pairs/km2) than in the Cynometra woodland. Arabuko-Sokoke may hold up to 9 000 pairs of this species, perhaps the largest single population in the world. Most of these are in the Cynometra woodland, which is also of crucial conservation importance for the threatened Sokoke Scops Owl Otus ireneae.  相似文献   

Estimates of population density and abundance are essential for the assessment of nonhuman primate conservation status, especially in view of increasing threats. We undertook the most extensive systematic primate survey yet of the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, an outstanding region for primate endemism and conservation in Africa. We used distance sampling to survey three arboreal monkey species, including the endangered and endemic Udzungwa red colobus (Procolobus gordonorum). Overall, we encountered 306 primate clusters over 287 km walked along 162 line transects. We found the lowest cluster densities for both red colobus and Angolan colobus (Colobus angolensis; 0.8 clusters/km2) in the least protected forest (Uzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, US), while we found the highest densities (3.2 and 2.6 clusters/km2 for red colobus; 3.2 and 2.7 clusters/km2for Angolan colobus) in two large and protected forests in the national park. Unexpectedly, Magombera, a small forest surrounded by plantations, had the highest densities of red colobus (5.0 clusters/km2), most likely a saturation effect due to the rapid shrinking of the forest. In contrast, Sykes’ monkey (Cercopithecus mitis monoides/moloneyi) had more similar densities across forests (3.1–6.6 clusters/km2), including US, suggesting greater resilience to disturbance in this species. For the endemic red colobus monkey, we estimated an abundance of 45–50,000 individuals across all forests, representing ca. 80% of the global population. Though this is a relatively high abundance, the increasing threats in some of the Udzungwa forests are of continued concern for the long-term survival of red colobus and other primates in the area.  相似文献   

Leon Bennun  Peter Njoroge 《Ostrich》2013,84(1-2):164-167
Bennun, L. & Njoroge, P. 2000. Important Bird Areas in Kenya. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 164–167.

The process of defining Important Bird Areas in Kenya has been underway since January 1995, with financial support from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. Literature review has proceeded in parallel with field surveys, which are still ongoing. Some 65 globally Important Bird Areas have so far been identified, and this total is likely to increase. Sites were intitially selected using the criteria of threatened species (37 sites) and congregatory species (15 sites). Additional sites were then identified for biome-restricted and restricted-range species, using information from the Bird Atlas of Kenya; these sites must form part of a regional set. Threatened species sites are concentrated in forests (on the coastal strip, in the central highlands and in western Kenya) and papyrus swamps. Congregatory-species sites are concentrated along the Rift Valley and the coast. The remaining sites are concentrated in semi-arid areas to the immediate north and east of the central plateau, and in highland forest on each side of the Rift Valley. No IBAs have yet been identified in the flat, arid north-eastern sector of the country. A large number of sites require additional protection and/or improved management. Particular priorities include several papyrus IBAs around Lake Victoria, among them Lake Kanyaboli and Yala and Sare Swamps, grassland pockets in Mungatsi and Nambale, Western Province; the Kakamega, South Nandi and North Nandi Forests; the increasingly fragmented coastal forests, including Arabuko-Sokoke Forest; and the Taita Hills. Information on the IBA process and its results is being distributed to decision-makers through a high-level IBA Advisory council, with encouraging intitial results.  相似文献   

Tropical forest ecosystems are the world's richest and most complex habitats and globally recognised for their importance in the human survival. Birds constitute an important component of tropical forests, not only in terms of their diversity, but also in terms of their role in the ecosystem. However, despite great advances made in our knowledge and protection of tropical forest birds, our efforts remain inadequate, particularly in Africa. African forests are being cut down by a very high rate (4 million hectare disappearing per year), putting at risk so many bird species, that the first challenge for research and conservation is to help managers in identifying priorities.

The relationship emphasised by the theme of the PAOC 9 “Birds, Habitats and People” is well examined during the symposium on the “Conservation of Forest Birds in Afiica”. The papers presented cover a wide range of topics. A broad scale analysis on the congruence between forest birds and mammals (Neil et al.) compares species richness and species endemism in the Afrotropical region. Larison et al. compare avian biodiversity of montane forest birds of northern Cameroon and Bioko island and evaluate their conservation potential based on species richness and human impacts and attitudes. A similar approach is done by Waiyaki and Bennun on birds of coastal forests in southern Kenya, while Math et al. examine the distribution the east Coast Akalat Sheppardia gunningi sokokensis in one single forest of Arabuko-Sokoke. The major threat to tropical forests today is the selective logging. The effect of this issue is presented by Dranzoa in a case study from Uganda's Kibale National Park.

Results of these papers show the necessity to take into account the particular requirements of all species in the management of the forest, the socio-cultural considerations in implementation of conservation measures, the necessity of policy changes in some cases and the necessity of further research.  相似文献   

Patterns of endemism of the eastern North American cave fauna   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Aim Over 250 species of obligate terrestrial cave‐dwelling animals (troglobionts) are known from single caves in the eastern United States. We investigate their geographical distribution, especially in relation to other troglobionts. We relate these patterns to taxonomic group, opportunities for dispersal and geographical location. Location Caves of the United States east of the Mississippi River. Methods We associated over 3000 records of more than 450 troglobiotic species and subspecies with hexagons of 1000, 5000 and 10,000 km2 in size. We calculated Moran's I, black–white joins and cubic regression of endemics on non‐endemics at all three spatial scales. For 5000 km2 hexagons, we modelled the spatial autocorrelation of the residuals of the cubic regression of endemics on non‐endemics. Results Differences among orders in percentage single‐cave endemism were not significant, except for Pseudoscorpionida, which was higher (69%) than any other order. At all three scales, Moran's I and black–white joins were significant, indicating a clumped distribution of both single‐cave endemics and other troglobionts. Spatial patterns were similar at all three scales and Moran's I was highest at 5000 km2. The cubic fit of endemics to non‐endemics was consistently better, with less systematic error or residuals, than were linear or quadratic models. Residuals showed a significant geographical pattern with excess endemics in more southerly locations. Main conclusions There was both a non‐spatial and spatial component to the pattern of single‐cave endemism. The non‐spatial component was the association of high levels of single‐cave endemism with areas of high diversity of non‐endemics. It may be that both are high because of high secondary productivity. Spatially, single‐cave endemism is high in central rather than peripheral areas and in the southern part of the range. It is not higher in areas of more dissected limestone, which would reduce migration rates; if anything endemism is lower. Regional spatial effects are important, indicating that cave communities cannot be understood (or protected) in isolation.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the influence of climatic extinction filtering during the last glacial maximum (LGM; c. 18,000 yr bp ) and of the subsequent recolonization of forest faunas on contemporary assemblage composition in southern African forests. Location South Africa, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zimbabwe. Methods Data comprised presence/absence by quarter‐degree grid cell for forest‐dependent and forest‐associated birds, non‐volant mammals and frogs. Twenty‐one forest subregions were assigned to one of three previously identified forest types: Afrotemperate, scarp, and Indian Ocean coastal belt. Differences among forest types were examined through patterns and gradients of species richness and endemism, assemblage similarity, species turnover, and coefficients of species dispersal direction. The influence of contemporary environment on assemblage composition was investigated using partial canonical correspondence analysis. Several alternative biogeographical hypotheses for the recolonization of forest faunas were tested. Results Afrotemperate faunas are relatively species‐poor, have low species turnover, and are unsaturated and infiltrated by generalist species. In northern and central regions, communities are supplemented by recolonization from scarp forest refugia, and among frogs by autochthanous speciation in localized refugia. Scarp faunas are relatively species‐rich, contain many forest‐dependent species, have high species turnover, and overlap with coastal and Afrotemperate faunas. Coastal forests are relatively species‐rich with high species turnover. Main conclusions Afrotemperate communities were affected most by climatic extinction filtering events. Scarp forests were Afrotemperate refugia during the LGM and are a contemporary overlap zone between Afrotemperate and coastal forest. Coastal faunas derive from post‐LGM colonization along the eastern seaboard from tropical East African refugia. The greatest diversity is achieved in scarp and coastal forest faunas in northern KwaZulu–Natal province. This historical centre of diversity has influenced the faunal diversity of nearly all other forests in South Africa. The response of vertebrate taxa to large‐scale, historical processes is dependent on their relative mobility: forest birds best illustrate patterns resulting from post‐glacial faunal dispersal, while among mammals and frogs the legacy of climatic extinction filtering remains stronger.  相似文献   

The Shimba Hills ecosystem along the south coast of Kenya is a key East African biodiversity hotspot.Historically, it is biogeographically assignable to the East African coastal biome. We examined the current Shimba Hills herpetofauna and their zoogeographical affinities to the coastal forests and nearby Eastern Arc Mountains biodiversity hotspots.The key studied sites included the Shimba Hills National Reserve, forest reserves, Kaya forests, and adjacent private land. Data on herpetofaunal richness were obtained from recent field surveys,literature, and specimens held at the National Museums of Kenya, Herpetology Section Collection,Nairobi. The Makadara, Mwele, and LongoMwagandi forests within the Shimba Hills National Reserve hosted the highest number of unique and rare species. Generally, the forest reserves and Kaya forests were important refuges for forestassociated species. On private land, Mukurumudzi Dam riparian areas were the best amphibian habitat and were host to three IUCN(Red List) EndangeredEN amphibian species, namely, Boulengerula changamwensis, Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus, and Afrixalus sylvaticus, as well as one snake species Elapsoidea nigra. Using herpetofauna as zoogeographic indicators, the Shimba Hills were determined to be at a crossroads between the coastal forests(13 endemic species) and the Eastern Arc Mountains(seven endemic species).Most of the Eastern Arc Mountains endemic species were from recent records, and thus more are likely to be found in the future. This 'hybrid' species richness pattern is attributable to the hilly topography of the Shimba Hills and their proximity to the Indian Ocean.This has contributed to the Shimba Hills being the richest herpetofauna area in Kenya, with a total of 89 and 38 reptile and amphibian species, respectively.Because of its unique zoogeography, the Shimba Hills ecosystem is undoubtedly a key biodiversity area for conservation investment.  相似文献   

Satoyama, the traditional agricultural landscape in Japan, has drawn much attention from the viewpoint of biodiversity conservation. It is composed of diverse vegetation types, including secondary forests, paddy fields and cultivated fields in a narrow area (ca. 1 km2). To clarify the characteristics of butterfly assemblage and the relative contribution of each vegetation type to butterfly diversity and endemism in satoyama, we conducted a line-transect survey along a 1.1-km route with five sections (two forest interior, one interior-edge, one edge-openland and one openland). Life history features (voltinism, host plant range and host plant type) and endemism of butterflies were discussed in relation to their abundance and vegetation association. Fifty-one species and 856 individuals were recorded. Species richness was highest in the two sections with edges, 32 and 36 species, respectively. Analysis of vegetation association of each butterfly species showed that 16 species were forest interior species, 24 forest edge species and 11 openland species, indicating that vegetation diversity enhanced butterfly diversity. However, the point is that forest interior and edge species contained many specialists sensitive to human impact (univoltine and/or oligophagous species) and many species within temperate East Asia including all endemic species. In contrast, most openland species were generalists (multivoltine and/or polyphagous species) feeding on herbs/grasses with the widest geographic range. Since secondary forests kept more butterfly diversity and specialists than openlands, and had all endemic species, they must be maintained without over fragmentation in order to avoid loss of specialists and endemics in satoyama.  相似文献   

Seventy-three forest patches were assessed to determine the effects of human and natural impact on native forests along the Lower Tana River flood plains in Kenya between January and March 2001. Seventeen of these forests were within the Tana River Primate National Reserve (TRPNR) while 56 were outside the protected area. Cultivation and dyke construction had the most devastating human impact, which involved partial or complete forest clearing resulting in further fragmentation of forest patches [Suleman MA, Wahungu GM, Mouria PK, Karere GM, Oguge N, Moinde NN (2001) Tana River primate census and forest evaluation. A report to Kenya Wildlife Services]. Natural impacts were either die back or flooding, which appeared to cause progressive degradation of forest structure and biodiversity. Overall, forest area in the Lower Tana significantly reduced by 34.5% (P < 0.001) over a 21-year period. Forest loss was greater outside the reserve (38%) than inside (29.2%) reiterating the significant role played by this protected area in habitat and species conservation. Continued forest loss increases extinction risks for the endemic primate species the Tana River Red Colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) and the Crested Mangabey sub-species (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus). Initiation of community conservation programmes outside the reserve and introduction of sustainable micro-economic projects were recommended to enhance sustainable livelihoods and the environment.  相似文献   

The Eastern Arc mountain chain and adjoining coastal forests of Tanzania and Kenya have been listed as world biodiversity hotspots. We report on an ongoing attempt to estimate amphibian diversity on the three best studied mountains of the Eastern Arc, the East Usambara, Uluguru and Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania, complemented by an estimate of diversity on the adjoining coastal lowland. This proves to be a complex task, which introduces a note of caution into evaluating global biodiversity estimates. Most amphibian species in eastern Tanzania occur on the coastal lowlands and are widely distributed, extending at least north or south of Tanzania and, to a variable extent, westwards to the elevated interior. Diversity patterns along the length of the lowlands are complex, with the presence of a Sahelian element in the extreme north. On the three Eastern Arc mountains studied, species turnover associated with rising altitude is greater than turnover associated with latitudinal distance between the mountain blocks, leading to greater altitudinal than latitudinal diversity in this equatorial region. A long-standing divergence is indicated between montane and lowland endemics. Although forest-associated species are not the largest contributor to the eastern Tanzanian total species diversity (some 48%), the uniqueness of these species both in lowland and montane forests, combined with their evident vulnerability to disturbance, makes them a subject for particular conservation concern, and justifies hotspot status for both montane and lowland forests.  相似文献   

Censuses of the Tana River red colobus (Colobus badius rufomitratus) and crested mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus), primate species endemic to riverine forests of the lower Tana River in eastern Kenya, showed significant population declines for both species between the mid-1970s and 1980s. Red colobus declined in terms of group size and number of groups per forest; the mangabey population declined only in numbers of groups per forest. There was no significant change in mean group age/sex composition between the two time periods for either species. Differences in the feeding and ranging ecology of the two species may explain why the mangabey population suffered a less severe decline than the red colobus. Similarities in census results over 3 years in the late 1980s suggest that the primate populations are no longer decreasing.  相似文献   

In February/March 1995 we collected land snails (including slugs) at 12 stations in eastern Tanzania. A total of 571 person-hours yielded 9174 snails assigned to 159 morpho-species. The richest two sites each (<4ha of uniform forest) had 50 species (Amboni Cave) and 48 species (near Amani, Usambaras), nearly as great as the most species-rich sites known in the world; sieving of litter and soil would probably yield more species. In lowland (coastal) forests, both diversity and endemism seemed to decrease from north to south. Most snail species were found within only one of four coastal or one montane geographic regions, indicating substantial regional endemism. Only one species (Achatina fulica) appeared in all five regions, and 84% of all other species were found in only one (61%) or two regions (23%). The predatory streptaxids comprised about half the species and a third of the individuals at the Usambara site, an extremely high ratio of carnivores. Small snails (< 5mm greatest adult shell dimension) – many of which are probably undescribed species – comprise a substantial proportion of Tanzanian molluscan diversity; more surveys are needed, especially because of human pressures on the few forest patches remaining.  相似文献   

The endangered golden‐rumped sengi are found only in Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest with 395.4 km2 of forest habitat, and perhaps in a few isolated forest and thicket fragments of total area less than 30 km2 all within central coastal Kenya. Understanding its habitat use is an important requirement to develop better conservation measures for the species and its remaining forest habitat. A more reliable method for monitoring its status is also needed. We used the Bayesian occupancy modelling with camera trap data and habitat mapping to characterise the species habitat use in the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest. The species uses 328 km2 (95% CI: 289–364 km2) of Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest habitat, and its site use increases with distance from forest edge, with the highest site use in the Cynometra thicket (0.93; 95% CI: 0.82–1). Its use of the mixed forest habitat has been significantly reduced following years of logging of Afzelia quanzensis. We recommend the use of modelled occupancy, interpreted as the proportion of area used by the species, to monitor the species status. Occupancy models account for detection probability, and heterogeneity in site use and detection can be incorporated. Estimated territory sizes can be combined to obtain abundance estimates.  相似文献   

Plant uses by the Pokomo and their influence on riverine forest structure and composition are examined in the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya. Of a total 98 plant species identified with one or more uses, 15 are used as food, 34 for construction material, 43 for technology, 23 for remedy, 2 for commerce, and 20 for other uses. The mean basal area of cut wood is 3.21 m2/ha, mostly from palms (1.96 m2/ha) and understory trees (1.20 m2/ha). Measured impacts on forest structure include the loss of large trees for canoes or beehives, lowered palm heights, and tree coppicing. Accessibility explains much of the spatial pattern of use. Extraction activities do not reduce forest area, and causal effects on productivity are complicated by the heterogeneous environment and past disturbances. In view of regional pressures on forests and cultural traditions, limited resource extraction offers incentives for local stewardship of a unique ecosystem.  相似文献   

The montane forests of northern Mozambique’s isolated massifs are inhabited by numerous range-restricted and threatened bird species, but until recently were extremely little-known. We report on a first avifaunal survey of the isolated montane habitats of Mt Mecula (1 442 m), Niassa National Reserve, notable as the only currently protected montane area in northern Mozambique. Mount Mecula’s moist forest is small (approximately 136 ha in total) and patchy, and although known botanically to have some montane affinities, was found to support an avifauna more typical of riparian forests of medium to low altitude. The only montane forest species recorded was Lemon Dove Aplopelia larvata. Other montane elements included Vincent’s Bunting Emberiza (capensis) vincenti, one of six species recorded new to the Niassa National Reserve list. Overall, it appears that despite its intermediate location, Mt Mecula does not represent a biogeographical ‘stepping stone’ for montane forest bird species. This probably owes to its remoteness from the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania to the north and the massifs of other parts of northern Mozambique, to the south and west.  相似文献   

Primate census and habitat evaluation in the Tana delta region, Kenya   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Nineteen indigenous forest patches in the Tana River delta region, Kenya were surveyed between October and November 2000 for primates and habitat disturbance. Special emphasis was placed on the endangered Tana River red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus Peters) and crested mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus Peters), both of which are endemic to the region. Habitat disturbances evident in the forests included cutting of trees, harvesting of thatching material, firewood collection, dyke construction, cultivation, palm wine tapping and charcoal burning. A total of 85 groups of five primate species were counted. These comprised eighteen, ten, 22, 31 and four groups of red colobus, crested mangabey, baboons (Papio cynocephalus L.), sykes monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis Wolf) and vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops L.), respectively. A wider distribution of red colobus and crested mangabeys than was documented previously was noted, implying that they are probably more abundant than hitherto reported. It is hypothesized that extensive studies on some fauna considered endangered world‐wide would probably redefine their conservation status. Future studies in the lower Tana River region should cover the previously unsurveyed forests and focus on ways of curbing forest destruction.  相似文献   

The Ngovayang Massif of southern Cameroon is a range of small hills near the Atlantic coast, in the Lower Guinea floristic region. This region is known to harbor forests with high levels of biodiversity and endemism, but this Massif is botanically poorly known. We assessed tree species diversity, floristic composition and level of endemism of the Ngovayang forest, comparing it with other sites in Central Africa. Five 1-ha permanent plots within old-growth lowland forests of the Ngovayang Massif were censused. A total of 2,658 individuals with dbh ≥ 10 cm were recorded, belonging to 293 species, 170 genera and 60 families. The mean number of stems was 532 ± 75 stems ha−1. Taking into account other data available, the list of vascular plants known in the Massif reaches a total of 450 species. We found 47 species of high conservation value, including Cameroon endemics and other rare and threatened species. Species richness and endemism are comparable to those of the richest known sites in Central African forests. The forests of Ngovayang were found to be particularly rich in Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae. Topographic heterogeneity, high precipitation and atmospheric humidity owing to the proximity of the ocean, and permanence of a forest cover during past geological times probably all contribute to explaining the Massif’s high tree diversity and endemism. This study highlights the botanical importance of the poorly studied Ngovayang forest within the Lower Guinea region, justifying efforts for improved assessment of this value and for the development of suitable national conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The distributions of 127 tree species, each with at least part of their range in the moist coastal forest of eastern Brazil, are analyzed. Of these, 53.5% are endemic to the coastal forest, 11.8% endemic to the coastal forest plus some part of the Planalto of Brazil, 7.8% disjunct with the Amazonian hylaea, and 26% widespread. This high endemism in the coastal forest of eastern Brazil, in view of its rapid destruction, emphasizes the need for increased preservation of the few remaining natural areas. In addition, this study supports the theory that there are at least two centers of endemism in the coastal forests, one centering around Rio de Janeiro and one in southern Bahia/Rio Doce, Espírito Santo. In order to protect the diverse flora of the coastal forests, preservation areas should be established intermittently along their entire length and especially in the centers of endemism.  相似文献   

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