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Despite their low relative abundance, subordinate plant species may have larger impacts on ecosystem functioning than expected, but their role in plant communities remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to test how subordinate plant species influence the functioning of a species-rich semi-natural grasslands. A plant removal experiment was set-up in the mountain grasslands of the Jura Mountains (Switzerland) to test the impact of subordinate plant species on soil microbial communities and ecosystem functioning. The experiment included three treatments: removal of all subordinate species, partial biomass removal of dominant species, and a no biomass removal control. After 2 years of treatments, we determined soil microbial community (bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi) by T-RFLP analysis and measured litter decomposition, soil respiration, soil inorganic nitrogen (DIN) availability and throughout above-ground biomass production as measures of ecosystem function. The removal of subordinate plant species strongly affected bacterial and weakly influenced mycorrhizal fungi communities and decreased rates of plant litter decomposition, soil respiration and DIN availability with larger effects than the partial loss of dominant biomass. The removal of subordinate plant species did not modify plant community structure, but it did reduce total above-ground biomass production compared to the control plots. Collectively, our findings indicate that the loss of subordinate species can have significant consequences for soil microbial communities and ecosystem functions, suggesting that subordinate species are important drivers of ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss, trophic skew and ecosystem functioning   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
Experiments testing biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning have been criticized on the basis that their random‐assembly designs do not reflect deterministic species loss in nature. Because previous studies, and their critics, have focused primarily on plants, however, it is underappreciated that the most consistent such determinism involves biased extinction of large consumers, skewing trophic structure and substantially changing conclusions about ecosystem impacts that assume changing plant diversity alone. Both demography and anthropogenic threats render large vertebrate consumers more vulnerable to extinction, on average, than plants. Importantly, species loss appears biased toward strong interactors among animals but weak interactors among plants. Accordingly, available evidence suggests that loss of a few predator species often has impacts comparable in magnitude to those stemming from a large reduction in plant diversity. Thus, the dominant impacts of biodiversity change on ecosystem functioning appear to be trophically mediated, with important implications for conservation.  相似文献   

Important Escherichia coli O157 outbreaks in England and Scotland since 1982-83 are reviewed. The scientific lessons learned from them are described and their legal consequences outlined. The light shed by them on relationships between law and science is discussed, and questions of blame are analysed in the context of Reason's 'resident pathogen' metaphor and Vaughan's study of the 1986 Challenger Space Shuttle disaster.  相似文献   

Aging of the immune system is associated with a dramatic reduction in responsiveness as well as functional dysregulation. This deterioration of immune function with advancing age is associated with an increased incidence of cancer. Although there is a plethora of reports evaluating the effect of immunotherapy in stimulating antitumor immune responses, the majority of these studies do not pay attention to the effect aging has on the immune system. Studies from our group and others indicate that immunotherapies could be effective in the young, are not necessarily effective in the old. To optimally stimulate an antitumor immune response in the old, it is necessary to (1) identify and understand the intrinsic defects of the old immune system and (2) use relevant models that closely reflect those of cancer patients, where self-tolerance and aging are present simultaneously. The present review summarizes some defects found in the old immune system affecting the activation of antitumor immune responses, the strategies used to activate stronger antitumor immune response in the old and the use of a tolerant animal tumor model to target a self-tumor antigen for the optimization of immunotherapeutic interventions in the old.  相似文献   

In the past two decades, a large number of studies have investigated the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, most of which focussed on a limited set of ecosystem variables. The Jena Experiment was set up in 2002 to investigate the effects of plant diversity on element cycling and trophic interactions, using a multi-disciplinary approach. Here, we review the results of 15 years of research in the Jena Experiment, focussing on the effects of manipulating plant species richness and plant functional richness. With more than 85,000 measures taken from the plant diversity plots, the Jena Experiment has allowed answering fundamental questions important for functional biodiversity research.First, the question was how general the effect of plant species richness is, regarding the many different processes that take place in an ecosystem. About 45% of different types of ecosystem processes measured in the ‘main experiment’, where plant species richness ranged from 1 to 60 species, were significantly affected by plant species richness, providing strong support for the view that biodiversity is a significant driver of ecosystem functioning. Many measures were not saturating at the 60-species level, but increased linearly with the logarithm of species richness. There was, however, great variability in the strength of response among different processes. One striking pattern was that many processes, in particular belowground processes, took several years to respond to the manipulation of plant species richness, showing that biodiversity experiments have to be long-term, to distinguish trends from transitory patterns. In addition, the results from the Jena Experiment provide further evidence that diversity begets stability, for example stability against invasion of plant species, but unexpectedly some results also suggested the opposite, e.g. when plant communities experience severe perturbations or elevated resource availability. This highlights the need to revisit diversity–stability theory.Second, we explored whether individual plant species or individual plant functional groups, or biodiversity itself is more important for ecosystem functioning, in particular biomass production. We found strong effects of individual species and plant functional groups on biomass production, yet these effects mostly occurred in addition to, but not instead of, effects of plant species richness.Third, the Jena Experiment assessed the effect of diversity on multitrophic interactions. The diversity of most organisms responded positively to increases in plant species richness, and the effect was stronger for above- than for belowground organisms, and stronger for herbivores than for carnivores or detritivores. Thus, diversity begets diversity. In addition, the effect on organismic diversity was stronger than the effect on species abundances.Fourth, the Jena Experiment aimed to assess the effect of diversity on N, P and C cycling and the water balance of the plots, separating between element input into the ecosystem, element turnover, element stocks, and output from the ecosystem. While inputs were generally less affected by plant species richness, measures of element stocks, turnover and output were often positively affected by plant diversity, e.g. carbon storage strongly increased with increasing plant species richness. Variables of the N cycle responded less strongly to plant species richness than variables of the C cycle.Fifth, plant traits are often used to unravel mechanisms underlying the biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationship. In the Jena Experiment, most investigated plant traits, both above- and belowground, were plastic and trait expression depended on plant diversity in a complex way, suggesting limitation to using database traits for linking plant traits to particular functions.Sixth, plant diversity effects on ecosystem processes are often caused by plant diversity effects on species interactions. Analyses in the Jena Experiment including structural equation modelling suggest complex interactions that changed with diversity, e.g. soil carbon storage and greenhouse gas emission were affected by changes in the composition and activity of the belowground microbial community. Manipulation experiments, in which particular organisms, e.g. belowground invertebrates, were excluded from plots in split-plot experiments, supported the important role of the biotic component for element and water fluxes.Seventh, the Jena Experiment aimed to put the results into the context of agricultural practices in managed grasslands. The effect of increasing plant species richness from 1 to 16 species on plant biomass was, in absolute terms, as strong as the effect of a more intensive grassland management, using fertiliser and increasing mowing frequency. Potential bioenergy production from high-diversity plots was similar to that of conventionally used energy crops. These results suggest that diverse ‘High Nature Value Grasslands’ are multifunctional and can deliver a range of ecosystem services including production-related services.A final task was to assess the importance of potential artefacts in biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships, caused by the weeding of the plant community to maintain plant species composition. While the effort (in hours) needed to weed a plot was often negatively related to plant species richness, species richness still affected the majority of ecosystem variables. Weeding also did not negatively affect monoculture performance; rather, monocultures deteriorated over time for a number of biological reasons, as shown in plant-soil feedback experiments.To summarize, the Jena Experiment has allowed for a comprehensive analysis of the functional role of biodiversity in an ecosystem. A main challenge for future biodiversity research is to increase our mechanistic understanding of why the magnitude of biodiversity effects differs among processes and contexts. It is likely that there will be no simple answer. For example, among the multitude of mechanisms suggested to underlie the positive plant species richness effect on biomass, some have received limited support in the Jena Experiment, such as vertical root niche partitioning. However, others could not be rejected in targeted analyses. Thus, from the current results in the Jena Experiment, it seems likely that the positive biodiversity effect results from several mechanisms acting simultaneously in more diverse communities, such as reduced pathogen attack, the presence of more plant growth promoting organisms, less seed limitation, and increased trait differences leading to complementarity in resource uptake. Distinguishing between different mechanisms requires careful testing of competing hypotheses. Biodiversity research has matured such that predictive approaches testing particular mechanisms are now possible.  相似文献   

Metabolic research has, like most areas of research in the life sciences, been affected dramatically by the application of transgenic technologies. Within the specific area of bioenergetics it has been thought that transgenic approaches in mice would provide definitive proof for some longstanding metabolic theories and assumptions. Here we review a number of transgenic approaches that have been used in mice to address theories of mitochondrial efficiency. The focus is largely on genes that affect the coupling of energy substrate oxidation to ATP synthesis, and thus, mice in which the uncoupling protein (Ucp) genes are modified are discussed extensively. Transgenic approaches have indeed provided proof-of-concept in some instances, but in many other instances they have yielded results that are in contrast to initial hypotheses. Many studies have also shown that genetic background can affect phenotypic outcomes, and that the upregulated expression of genes that are related to the modified gene often complicates the interpretation of findings.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation continues to be regarded as one of the most important post-translational modifications found in eukaryotes and has been implicated in key roles in the development of a number of human diseases. In order to elucidate roles for the 518 human kinases, phosphorylation has routinely been studied using the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model system. In recent years, a number of technologies have emerged to globally map phosphorylation in yeast. In this article, we review these technologies and discuss how these phosphorylation mapping efforts have shed light on our understanding of kinase signaling pathways and eukaryotic proteomic networks in general.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, school districts have been required to develop comprehensive emergency management plans designed to effectively coordinate resources to respond during a range of crisis situations. Although many school systems have implemented school safety plans, few have systematically evaluated the short-term or long-term effectiveness of the plans.This study proposes a model for planning, executing, and evaluating a multiagency mock drill. METHOD: A school-based mock drill was conducted to examine a systematic process of planning, executing, and evaluating a multiagency mock drill exercise, and to evaluated the ability of one school district's administrators to respond during a crisis situation. More than 500 people participated in the drill from local, state, and federal agencies, and 26 district and school administrators took part in the study. RESULTS: All local and federal agencies received positive evaluations based on their ability to secure both students and staff in the event of a crisis. The results show differences between written procedures and actual practices used during the mock drill. CONCLUSIONS: Notwithstanding the positive benefits of the mock drill, feedback from participating school personnel demonstrated a need to strengthen communication and coordination between school personnel and outside agencies so that future crisis events are handled more effectively.  相似文献   

Estimates of hybrid fitness have been used as either a platform for testing the potential role of natural hybridization in the evolution of species and species complexes or, alternatively, as a rationale for dismissing hybridization events as being of any evolutionary significance. From the time of Darwin's publication of The Origin, through the neo-Darwinian synthesis, to the present day, the observation of variability in hybrid fitness has remained a challenge for some models of speciation. Yet, Darwin and others have reported the elevated fitness of hybrid genotypes under certain environmental conditions. In modern scientific terminology, this observation reflects the fact that hybrid genotypes can demonstrate genotype × environment interactions. In the current review, we illustrate the development of one plant species complex, namely the Louisiana Irises, into a 'model system' for investigating hybrid fitness and the role of genetic exchange in adaptive evolution and diversification. In particular, we will argue that a multitude of approaches, involving both experimental and natural environments, and incorporating both manipulative analyses and surveys of natural populations, are necessary to adequately test for the evolutionary significance of introgressive hybridization. An appreciation of the variability of hybrid fitness leads to the conclusion that certain genetic signatures reflect adaptive evolution. Furthermore, tests of the frequency of allopatric versus sympatric/parapatric divergence (that is, divergence with ongoing gene flow) support hybrid genotypes as a mechanism of evolutionary diversification in numerous species complexes.  相似文献   

Bacterivorous protozoa and bacteria have been in co-existence since the origin of life. This co-existence has led unequivocally to the evolution of many different co-interactions. Most bacteria are ingested and digested, but many escape ingestion for various reasons. Others are ingested but evade digestion, and a few, notoriously Legionella pneumophila , even have the capacity of multiplying within the protozoan host. The aims of this study were to elucidate the interactions of various multi-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains, Listeria monocytogenes sv4b, and Escherichia coli K12 with the amoeba, Acanthamoeba polyphaga . To evaluate the interactions, we set up co-cultures in Neffs' amoebic saline, at a multiplicity of invasion (MOI) of 1:100 of amoeba to bacteria, and a temperature of 37°C, although the effects of MOI and temperature were also assessed. Survival of bacteria and amoeba was checked at regular intervals, coupled with microscopy. It was discovered under our test conditions, that E. coli was ingested and digested by A. polyphaga , but in contrast, L. monocytogenes , had the capacity to flourish in the presence of A. polyphaga . We also report, for the first time, that all six MRSA isolates tested, survived and replicated in association with A. polyphaga , in comparison to conditions where amoebae were absent. Indeed, we also have evidence suggesting that increases in MRSA, in the presence of A. polyphaga , may be attributable to intracellular survival and replication. These findings have profound implications for the hospital environment, where Acanthamoeba sp., are also commonly isolated. In conclusion, this study illustrates the significance of protozoa as vehicles augmenting the survival of MRSA and L. monocytogenes in the environment.  相似文献   

Budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has proven to be a valuable model organism for studying fundamental cellular processes across the eukaryotic kingdom including man. In this respect, complementation assays, in which the yeast protein is replaced by a homologous protein from another organism, have been very instructive. A newer trend is to use the yeast cell factory as a toolbox to understand cellular processes controlled by proteins for which the yeast lacks functional counterparts. An increasing number of studies have indicated that S. cerevisiae is a suitable model system to decipher molecular mechanisms involved in a variety of neurodegenerative disorders caused by aberrant protein folding. Here we review the current knowledge gained by the use of so-called humanized yeasts in the field of Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica, a Gram-negative bacterium, causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, and is an excellent model to study bacterial pathogenesis and cellular immune responses. With the development of powerful new technologies, there has been a fusion of research on immunology, molecular biology and cellular microbiology of S. enterica infections. This multidisciplinary research will enhance our understanding of the basic mechanisms of bacterial infections and immunity; it also provides new approaches towards therapeutic and control measures.  相似文献   

In nervous system assembly, Eph/ephrin signaling mediates many axon guidance events that shape the formation of precise neuronal connections. However, due to the complexity of interactions between Ephs and ephrins, the molecular logic of their action is still being unraveled. Considerable advances have been made by studying the innervation of the limb by spinal motor neurons, a series of events governed by Eph/ephrin signaling. Here, we discuss the contributions of different Eph/ephrin modes of interaction, downstream signaling and electrical activity, and how these systems may interact both with each other and with other guidance molecules in limb muscle innervation. This simple model system has emerged as a very powerful tool to study this set of molecules, and will continue to be so by virtue of its simplicity, accessibility and the wealth of pioneering cellular studies.  相似文献   

The continuing AIDS epidemic coupled with increased usage of immunosuppressive drugs to prevent organ rejection or treat autoimmune diseases has resulted in an increase in individuals at risk for acquiring fungal diseases. These concerns highlight the need to elucidate mechanisms of inducing protective immune responses against fungal pathogens. Consequently, several experimental models of human mycoses have been developed to study these diseases. The availability of transgenic animal models allows for in-depth analysis of specific components, receptors, and signaling pathways that elicit protection against fungal diseases. This review focuses on recent advances in our understanding of immune responses to fungal infections gained using animal models.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is a common disease with strong genetic control. We performed an autosomal linkage scan in a large pedigree-based sample of 4,498 subjects for a composite osteoporosis phenotype that combines osteoporotic fracture (OF) and low bone mineral density (BMD). All of the subjects were U.S. Caucasians recruited in the Omaha area of Nebraska. Sex-specific linkage analyses and autosomal imprinting analyses were also conducted. For conventional linkage analyses in the total sample, we identified suggestive linkage on chromosomes 14q32 (LOD = 2.61), 7p14 (LOD = 2.42), and 11q25 (LOD = 2.09). In female subjects a significant linkage signal was detected on chromosome 14q22 (LOD = 3.53) and another two peaks were detected on chromosomes 7p14 (LOD = 3.07) and 9p21 (LOD = 2.29). Suggestive evidence of imprinted loci was found with paternally derived alleles on chromosomes 1q42 (LOD = 2.12) and 9q34 (LOD = 1.88). Some evidence of linkage to maternally derived alleles was found on chromosome 7q22 (LOD = 1.67). Our study provides new clues to osteoporosis genetic research and for the first time suggests that genomic imprinting effects may play a role in the etiology of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

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