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Retinoic acid (a possible morphogen), its biological precursor retinol, and certain synthetic derivatives of retinol profoundly change junctional intercellular communication and growth (saturation density) in 10T 1/2 and 3T3 cells and in their transformed counterparts. The changes correlate: growth decreases as the steady-state junctional permeability rises, and growth increases as that permeability falls. Retinoic acid and retinol exert quite different steady-state actions on communication at noncytotoxic concentrations in the normal cells: retinoic acid inhibits communication at 10(-10)-10(-9) M and enhances at 10(-9)-10(-7) M, whereas retinol only enhances (10(-8)-10(-6) M). In v-mos-transformed cells the enhancement is altogether lacking. But regardless of the retinoid or cell type, all growth responses show essentially the same dependence on junctional permeability. This is the expected behavior if the cell-to-cell channels of gap junctions disseminate growth-regulating signals through cell populations.  相似文献   

We propose classifying surfactants with respect to their effect on membrane order, which is derived from the time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of DPH. This may help in understanding why certain surfactants, including biosurfactants such as antimicrobial lipopeptides and saponins, often show a superior performance to permeabilize and lyse membranes and/or a better suitability for membrane protein solubilization. Micelle-forming surfactants induce curvature stress in membranes that causes disordering and, finally, lysis. Typical detergents such as C(12)EO(8), octyl glucoside, SDS, and lauryl maltoside initiate membrane lysis after reaching a substantial, apparently critical extent of disordering. In contrast, the fungicidal lipopeptides surfactin, fengycin, and iturin from Bacillus subtilis QST713 as well as digitonin, CHAPS, and lysophosphatidylcholine solubilize membranes without substantial, overall disordering. We hypothesize they disrupt the membrane locally due to a spontaneous segregation from the lipid and/or packing defects and refer to them as heterogeneously perturbing. This may account for enhanced activity, selectivity, and mutual synergism of antimicrobial biosurfactants and reduced destabilization of membrane proteins by CHAPS or digitonin. Triton shows the pattern of a segregating surfactant in the presence of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Transformation and ultrastructure of erythrocytes have been investigated in 58 white non-inbred rats on the 1st, 2nd, 3d days after birth and at the age of 1.5, 3, 8, 20 months. The transformation index of the erythrocytes drops by the 8th month of life and further it rises in old animals. In newborn rats echino-poikiloid forms predominate; they are mainly presented as reticulocytes with remnants of nuclei, mitochondria and other organells. During first three days of life cells of the erythroid line actively free themselves from the nucleus by means of its pyknosis and chromatinolysis. In newborn rats erythrocytes have folds of plasmolemma of linear and spotted form on their surface; their number sharply decreases in mature animals. The least changes in form and ultrastructure of erythrocytes are noticed in 3-8-month-old animals.  相似文献   

A factorial culture experiment was designed to investigate the influence of light regimes and of some metal chelators on the accumulation of cadmium by Lemna gibba L. The plants were grown in a complete nutrient solution containing Cd2+ concentrations ranging from 0 to 27 μ M with or without EDTA, ethylenediamine-N,N'- bis -( o -hydroxyphenylacetic acid) (EDDHA) or salicylic acid. Each experiment was run for eight days in 18 h:6 h light:dark or continuous light. An increase in the Cd2+ concentration in plants and a simultaneous drop in accumulation efficiency (ratio of Cd2+ concentration in plants to the initial Cd2+ concentration in the nutrient solution) with increasing ambient Cd2+ levels was best represented by regression power curves. At the lowest Cd2+ concentration which caused a significant decrease in the relative growth rate of duckweed, there was a decrease in manganese and zinc and an increase in the iron level in the plants. EDDHA and EDTA protected in some cases against the toxic action of cadmium without preventing its uptake by plants. It was thus observed that 9 μ M or higher levels of Cd2+ were toxic to Lemna gibba depending on the chelator and light regime. Duckweed grown in continuous light produced, in general, more dry matter and hence accumulated more cadmium.  相似文献   

生态型多样性对存在盐分胁迫和不存在盐分胁迫下浮萍生长的重要性淡水生态系统受到的污染正在威胁着全世界淡水植物物种的多样性。浮萍(Lemna minor)等淡水植物对新出现的逆境条件具有潜在的敏感性。为了测试生态型的多样性是否可以增强这类植物对逆境的抗性,本研究使用了7个浮萍种群,并沿着一个生态型多样性梯度对存在和不存在中度盐分胁迫时的种群生长速率进行了测量。这些浮萍种群在92个实验围隔中生长了5个月,其中有生态型单一栽培,也有在5或3个同种生态型(23种独特组合)中混合栽培。在无扰条件下生长一段时间(阶段1)后,这些浮萍栽培物将被置于中等盐分胁迫(50 mmol/L NaCl)条件下数周时间(阶段2)。实验进行时存在着与不同生态型伴生的天然表观微生物群落(epimicrobial community)。在阶段2中,这些藻类的一部分受到了随机二次胁迫。这些生态型表现出了不同的生长速率,其中最快的生长速率是其它生态型的两倍。多样性的环境进一步影响了生态型的生长速率,生态型混合栽培的植株在实验结束时具有更高的丰度,因此,随着时间的推移,环境逐渐恶化,生态型的多样性也将变得更为重要。上述研究结果表明,种内生长速率的差异体现了生态型多样性对种群丰度的正向影响。在中等盐度水平下的暴露并未显著影响浮萍的生长速率,尽管这种效应可能被盐性环境中更小的藻类压力所掩盖。  相似文献   

Cook J 《Radiation research》2001,155(2):304-310
The cell cycle effects, alteration in radiation response, and inherent cytotoxicity of the metal chelators mimosine, desferrioxamine (DFO), N,N'-bis(o-hydroxybenzyl)-ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetic acid (HBED), and deferiprone (L1) were studied in exponentially growing Chinese hamster V79 cells. Incubation of cells with 200-1000 microM mimosine for 12 h reduced clonogenic survival to 50-60%, while incubation for 24 h reduced survival further to 0.5%. Mimosine treatment resulted in cell cycle blocks at the G(1)/S-phase border and in S phase. Pulse labeling with 5-bromodeoxyuridine indicated that the S-phase cells ceased to actively replicate DNA after only 2 h of mimosine treatment and were unable to replicate DNA for extended periods. Treatment of V79 cells with 600 microM mimosine for 12 h resulted in radiosensitization, yielding a sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) of 2.7 +/- 0.3 at the 10% survival level. To study the kinetics of the sensitization, V79 cells were incubated with mimosine for various times up to 12 h and irradiated with a single 10-Gy dose of X rays. It was found that the radiosensitization increased continually up to 8 h (from a 3- to a 100-fold difference in survival) and then reached a plateau after 8 h. Mimosine also equally radiosensitized human lung cancer cells having either a normal or mutated TP53 gene, suggesting a TP53-independent mechanism. To test whether iron binding by mimosine was responsible for the observed radiosensitization, additional experiments were performed using the iron chelators DFO, HBED and L1. V79 cells treated with 500 microM of these agents for 8 h followed by various doses of X rays gave SERs similar to that for mimosine (2.0-2.7). These studies indicate that metal chelators are potent radiosensitizers in V79 and human cells. Importantly, when the DFO was preloaded together with Fe(3+) [Fe(III)-DFO], the radiosensitizing effect was lost. These preliminary findings warrant further studies for the possible application of metal chelators as radiation sensitizers in radiation oncology.  相似文献   

Structure and function of metal chelators produced by plants   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Plants produce a range of ligands for cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn). Cd- and Zn-citrate complexes are prevalent in leaves, even though malate is more abundant. In the xylem sap moving from roots to leaves, citrate and histidine are the principal ligands for Cu, Ni, and Zn. Phosphorus-rich globular bodies in young roots are probably Zn-phytate. Metallothioneins (MTs) are cysteine (Cys)-rich ligands. Plants produce class II MTs (MT-IIs) which differ from the archetypal mammalian MT-I in the location and number of Cys. The Ec protein from wheat embryos has Cys in three domains, binds Zn, and disappears with seedling development. The first 59 amino acids have been sequenced for the protein. Fifty-eight genes for MT-IIs, from a range of plants and tissues, predict proteins with Cys in two domains. Most of the predicted proteins have not been isolated, and their metal binding is poorly documented. Three protein bands, corresponding to six MT genes, have been isolated fromArabidopsis, and the amino acids sequenced for nine fragments. The MT-IIIs are atypical, nontranslationally synthesized polypeptides with variously repeating γ-glutamylcysteine units. Of the five families known, those with carboxy-terminal glycine are the most widespread among plants, algae, and certain yeasts. A heterogeneous grouping of these molecules form Cd-binding complexes with tetrahedral coordination and a Cd-sulfur interatomic distance of 2.52 Å. One complex is cytosolic, the dominant one is vacuolar. Together, they can bind a large proportion of cellular Cd; other ligands may also function. Little is known about the counterpart situation for Cu and Zn.  相似文献   

Differential effects of metal chelators on Na plus, K plus-ATPase activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentrations of EDTA greater than 1 mm inhibited the enzymatic activity of a Na+, K+-ATPase preparation isolated from beef brain by competing with ATP for Mg2+. EGTA, which does not chelate Mg2+ significantly at pH 7.4, had no such effect. Low concentrations of either EDTA or EGTA stimulated enzymatic activity. This effect was maximal at 5–6 μm of chelator. Stimulation of the reaction was observed only if the chelator was added to the incubation medium before initiation of the reaction by the addition of enzyme. If low concentrations of the chelators were added after enzyme, i.e., after the turnover cycle had begun, no effect was seen.  相似文献   

Aspartate ammonia-lyase activity ofEscherichia alcalescens was positively affected by the composition of the culture medium and by a higher intensity of aeration. By using the supernatant obtained from autolyzed baker’s yeast, the aspartate ammonia-lyase activity increased two-fold (about 90 μkat/g wet biomass) as compared to commercial yeast autolyzates. The authors thank Mr. J. Tomíček (Food Industry Research Institute, Prague) for a sample of the yeast autolyzate of the Kolín type.  相似文献   

Deinococcus species exhibit an extraordinary ability to withstand ionizing radiation (IR). Most of the studies on radiation resistance have been carried out with exponential phase cells. The studies on radiation resistance of Deinococcus radiodurans R1 with respect to different phases of growth showed that late stationary phase cells of D. radiodurans R1 were fourfold more sensitive to IR and heat as compared with exponential or early stationary phase cells. The increased sensitivity of D. radiodurans R1 to IR in the late stationary phase was not due to a decrease in the intracellular Mn/Fe ratio or an increase in the level of oxidative protein damage. The resistance to IR was restored when late stationary phase cells were incubated for 15 min in fresh medium before irradiation, indicating that replenishment of exhausted nutrients restored the metabolic capability of the cells to repair DNA damage. These observations suggest that stress tolerance mechanisms in D. radiodurans R1 differ from established paradigms.  相似文献   

Effects of juglone on seedling growth of cucumber (Cucumis sativus cv. Beith Alpha) with respect to physiological and anatomical parameters were investigated. Growth parameters (seedling elongation, fresh and dry weights) were reduced by 1 mM juglone. Juglone also decreased chlorophyll a and b contents and reduced some anatomical tissues (xylem vessel and bundle radius of stem, stomata length and stomata number of the cotyledons). The anatomical changes in stem and cotyledon of the seedlings were related to growth inhibiting effect of juglone. On the other hand, increase in catecholase and tyrosinase activities by the effect of juglone were also recorded.  相似文献   

Human GH isoforms were separated by anion-exchange chromatography using a linear NaCl gradient in the presence and absence of EDTA and EGTA. SDS–PAGE showed that glycosylated 24-kDa hGH did not appreciably separate from other hGH variants in the absence of metal chelators. However, in the presence of metal chelators, glycosylated 24-kDa hGH separated from the bulk of the hGH isoforms. Human GH isoforms were also separated by size-exclusion chromatography in the presence and absence of metal chelators. Glycosylated 24-kDa hGH eluted with the bulk of the hGH isoforms in both separations. The inclusion of metal chelators in chromatographic buffers to alter the charge and/or size of proteins by stripping their metals may be a generally useful strategy in their fractionation.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Although life cycle assessment is frequently used in scientific studies of product comparison, many practitioners are looking for improvements in the normalisation, grouping and weighting of life cycle inventory results. Local conditions, which are well known to local experts, are very important to these steps. The goal of this work was to develop a computer-based decision support system for classifying wood products according to their influence on the environment in their whole life cycle. The model specifically addresses local conditions in the Republic of Slovenia and was developed by Slovenian experts.  相似文献   

Nine out of seventeen strains of bacteria with a pronounced effect on seed germination and on seedling growth, isolated from root surfaces and rhizosphere soil of maize, were selected for a study on the formation of biologically active substances. β-Indole acetic acid (45–72 μg/1.000 ml) was produced by four strains, gibberelline-like substances (1.0–60.0 μg/1.000ml) by all strains, biotin and pantothenic acid by the majority of strains and nicotinic acid by five strains. Amino acids were formed by all strains but in low amounts. Four strains produced growth inhibitors. The highest amounts of biologically active substances were found in cultures ofPseudomonas fluorescens andBacillus brevis. The various cultures ofPseudomonas fluorescens differed in their capability to produce biologically active substances. The majority of bacterial cultures or their supernatants significantly stimulated the germination of seeds and some of them significantly affected the growth of plants. Inoculation of maize seeds with strainsPseudomonas fluorescens andChromobacterium violaceum significantly increased the yield of dry matter of plants.  相似文献   

A reciprocal inhibition exist in vitro between the anticomplementary activity of protamine and heparin like substances. The concentration required for inhibition is approximately of the same order for the both groups of substances.  相似文献   

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