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Derivation of a mouse model for conditional inactivation of Pax9   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pax9 is required for the formation of a variety of organs during mouse development. The function of Pax9 at postnatal stages is unknown since homozygosity of the null allele (Pax9(lacZ)) causes neonatal lethality. Recently, we have generated a hypomorphic Pax9 allele, Pax9(neo), which contains a removable neomycin resistance cassette (neo) and loxP sites flanking the first two exons of Pax9. Here we show that FLP-mediated in vivo excision of neo generates phenotypically normal Pax9(flox) mice. Crossing Pax9(flox) mice to PGK-Cre mice leads to efficient recombination of loxP sites and neonatal lethality in the resulting Pax9(del/del) offspring. Inactivation of Pax9 using Wnt1-Cre mice causes cleft secondary palate and tooth agenesis and reveals that the Pax9 expressing mesenchymal cells of the nose, palate, and teeth are derived from neural crest cells. The conditional Pax9 allele will be a valuable tool to study Pax9 function in specific tissues of adult mice.  相似文献   

Type I IFNs, like IFN-alpha, are major immune response regulators produced and released by activated macrophages, dendritic cells, and virus-infected cells. Due to their immunomodulatory functions and their ability to induce cell death in tumors and virus-infected cells, they are used therapeutically against cancers, viral infections, and autoimmune diseases. However, little is known about the adverse effects of type I IFNs on nondiseased tissue. This study examined the effects of IFN-alpha on cell death pathways in renal proximal tubular cells. IFN-alpha induced apoptosis in LLC-PK1 cells, characterized by the activation of caspase-3, -8, and -9, DNA fragmentation, and nuclear condensation. IFN-alpha also caused mitochondrial depolarization. Effector caspase activation was dependent on caspase-8 and -9. In addition to apoptosis, IFN-alpha exposure also decreased renal epithelial barrier function, which preceded apoptotic cell death. Caspase inhibition did not influence permeability regulation while significantly attenuating and delaying cell death. These results indicate that IFN-alpha causes programmed cell death in nondiseased renal epithelial cells. IFN-alpha-induced apoptosis is directed by an extrinsic death receptor signaling pathway, amplified by an intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Caspase-dependent and -independent apoptotic mechanisms are involved. These findings reveal a novel aspect of IFN-alpha actions with implications for normal renal function in immune reactions and during IFN-alpha therapy.  相似文献   

Conditional inactivation of individual genes in mice using site-specific recombinases is an extremely powerful method for determining the complex roles of mammalian genes in developmental and tissue-specific contexts, a major goal of post-genomic research. However, the process of generating mice with recombinase recognition sequences placed at specific locations within a gene, while maintaining a functional allele, is time consuming, expensive and technically challenging. We describe a system that combines gene trap and site-specific DNA inversion to generate mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell clones for the rapid production of conditional knockout mice, and the use of this system in an initial gene trap screen. Gene trapping should allow the selection of thousands of ES cell clones with defined insertions that can be used to generate conditional knockout mice, thereby providing extensive parallelism that eliminates the time-consuming steps of targeting vector construction and homologous recombination for each gene.  相似文献   

Context: The role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) in diabetic kidney damage remains controversial.

Objective: To test the hypothesis that high glucose levels activate pathways related to HGF and its receptor Met and that this could participate in glucose-induced renal cell damage.

Materials and methods: HK2 cells, a human proximal tubule epithelial cell line, were stimulated with high glucose for 48?hours. Levels of pMet/Met, pEGFR/EGFR, pSTAT3/STAT3, pAkt/Akt and pERK1/2/ERK1/2 were studied by immunoblotting. Absence of HGF was verified by qRT-PCR and ELISA.

Results: High glucose level activated Met and its downstream pathways STAT3, Akt and ERK independently of HGF. High glucose induced an integrin ligand fibronectin. HGF-independent Met phosphorylation was prevented by inhibition of integrin α5β1, Met inhibitor crizotinib, Src inhibitors PP2 and SU5565, but not by EGFR inhibitor AG1478. High glucose increased the expression of TGFβ-1, CTGF and the tubular damage marker KIM-1 and increased apoptosis of HK2 cells, effects inhibited by crizotinib.

Conclusion: High glucose activated Met receptor in HK2 cells independently of HGF, via induction of integrin α5β1 and downstream signaling. This mode of Met activation was associated with tubular cell damage and apoptosis and it may represent a novel pathogenic mechanism and a treatment target in diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Targeted disruption of the mouse Hus1 cell cycle checkpoint gene results in embryonic lethality and proliferative arrest in cultured cells. To investigate the essential functions of Hus1, we developed a system for the regulated inactivation of mouse Hus1 in primary fibroblasts. Inactivation of a loxP site-flanked conditional Hus1 allele by using a cre-expressing adenovirus resulted in reduced cell doubling, cell cycle alterations, and increased apoptosis. These phenotypes were associated with a significantly increased frequency of gross chromosomal abnormalities and an S-phase-specific accumulation of phosphorylated histone H2AX, an indicator of double-stranded DNA breaks. To determine whether these chromosomal abnormalities occurred randomly or at specific genomic regions, we assessed the stability of common fragile sites, chromosomal loci that are prone to breakage in cells undergoing replication stress. Hus1 was found to be essential for fragile site stability, because spontaneous chromosomal abnormalities occurred preferentially at common fragile sites upon conditional Hus1 inactivation. Although p53 levels increased after Hus1 loss, deletion of p53 failed to rescue the cell-doubling defect or increased apoptosis in conditional Hus1 knockout cells. In summary, we propose that Hus1 loss leads to chromosomal instability during DNA replication, triggering increased apoptosis and impaired proliferation through p53-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

The structure of allotransplanted kidneys (AK) from human cadavers that remained in the recipient's body for a long time (4 months-6 years) has been studied. AK that preserved good function up to the patient's death not consequent on the transplant insufficiency showed a weak immunocellular connective tissue, with the epithelium of proximal canaliculi being cytologically reconstructed. The reconstruction lay in formation of numerous polykaryocytes having a hypertrophied brush-like outline. This phenomenon ("proximal polykaryocytosis") is assessed as a manifestation of regeneratory potencies of the epithelium of AK proximal tubules in late periods after transplantation. Chronic moderate hypoxia of AK was conducive to reconstruction of the epithelium of the nephron proximal part. Inadequate function of AK was related to the development of chronic rejection resistant to the treatment, and AK demonstrated an intensive immunocellular reaction and developed gross sclerosis that produced atrophy of most AK tubular.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years, several Pex genes have been knocked out in the mouse with the purpose to generate models to study the pathogenesis of peroxisome biogenesis disorders and/or to investigate the physiological importance of the Pex proteins. More recently, mice with selective inactivation of a Pex gene in particular cell types were created. The metabolic abnormalities in peroxisome deficient mice paralleled to a large extent those of Zellweger patients. Several but not all of the clinical and histological features reported in patients also occurred in peroxisome deficient mice as for example hypotonia, cortical and cerebellar malformations, endochondral ossification defects, hepatomegaly, liver fibrosis and ultrastructural abnormalities of mitochondria in hepatocytes. Although the molecular origins of the observed pathologies have not yet been resolved, several new insights on the importance of peroxisomes in different tissues have emerged.  相似文献   

Proliferative processes were studied in the epithelium of skin grafts from mice of strain CC57 Brown and that of the skin surrounding the grafts in mice of CBA strain. The chart (Fig 1) illustrates cortisone action on normalization of DNA synthesis in the epithelial cells of the allotransplant. Throughout the experiment in operated animals which received no cortisone (Fig. 2, a and 3, a) a high proliferative activity was observed in the recipient's skin epithelium while it was sharply decreased in the epithelium of the allograft. Repeated cortisone injections gave a reverse picture: inhibition of proliferative processes in the recipient's epithelium and their intensification in the epithelium of the allotransplant.  相似文献   

T cells using the gamma delta T cell receptor (TCR) are abundant in mucosal and epidermal tissues in mice. Most studies of mucosal gamma delta T cells, however, have examined cells from the intestinal mucosa, whereas little is known about the presence or function of gamma delta T cells in the oral cavity. To better understand the involvement of oral gamma delta T cells in immunity, we have characterized TCR variable gamma-gene usage in the buccal epithelium from normal mice, and from mice challenged locally with a non-replicating antigen (bovine serum albumin [BSA]) or by influenza-virus infection as a replicating antigen. Our findings demonstrate a restricted use of V gamma genes by buccal gamma delta T cells, consisting primarily of V gamma 1.2, V gamma 3, and V gamma 5, with minimal use of V gamma 2 and V gamma 4 genes. Of particular interest, 3-4 days post-antigen challenge with BSA, there was a precipitous drop in the level of expression of V gamma 1.2, V gamma 3, and V gamma 5 genes, and to a lesser extent for the V gamma 2 gene, whereas V gamma 4 gene expression increased between days 1 and 2 post-priming. In influenza-infected mice, a similar pattern was observed for the V gamma 2 and V gamma 5 genes, but not other V gamma genes. The immune-modulating effects of oral antigen exposure on buccal gamma delta T cells suggest that these cells are functionally involved in the local immune response to both replicating and non-replicating antigens in oral mucosal surfaces.  相似文献   

Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is thought to arise from the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE); however, the molecular events underlying this transformation are poorly understood. Germline mutations in the BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene result in a significantly increased risk of developing EOC and a large proportion of sporadic EOCs display some sort of BRCA1 dysfunction. Using mice with conditional expression of Brca1, we inactivated Brca1 in the murine OSE and demonstrate that this inactivation results in the development of preneoplastic changes, such as hyperplasia, epithelial invaginations, and inclusion cysts, which arise earlier and are more numerous than in control ovaries. These changes resemble the premalignant lesions that have been reported in human prophylactic oophorectomy specimens from women with BRCA1 germline mutation. We also report that inactivation of Brca1 in primary cultures of murine OSE cells leads to a suppression of proliferation due to increased apoptosis that can be rescued by concomitant inactivation of p53. These observations, along with our finding that these cells display an increased sensitivity to the DNA-damaging agent cisplatin, indicate that loss of function of Brca1 in OSE cells impacts both cellular growth control and DNA-damage repair which results in altered cell behavior manifested as morphological changes in vivo that arise earlier and are more numerous than what can be attributed to ageing.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uniformity and speed of inactivation of mouse brain adenylate cyclase, guanylate cyclase and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase were measured after 6 kW microwave irradiation (MWR). Inactivation of enzymes was uniform throughout the brain during heating and 100% loss of activity was evident after 300 ms. MWR. For comparison of effects of inactivation times on levels of cyclic nucleotides measured in regional brain areas, cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were estimated after 1.5 kW MWR requiring 4 s of heating and 6 kW MWR requiring 300 ms. Except for corpus striatum, uniformly lower levels of cyclic AMP were measured following 300 ms vs. 4s MWR . There was no change in cyclic GMP levels in regional brain areas after 4s vs. 300 ms MWR . Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP were measured from the same regional brain tissue samples after 300 ms and ratios calculated. The finding of much lower cyclic AMP:cyclic GMP ratios than had previously been reported suggests that slow inactivation times provide for the measurement of regional brain cyclic nucleotide values which are not consistent with the in-vivo state.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells have the potential to differentiate into various progenitor cells. Here we investigated the capacity of mouse ES cells to differentiate into renal tubular cells both in vitro and in vivo. After stably transfecting Wnt4 cDNA to mouse ES cells (Wnt4-ES cells), undifferentiated ES cells were incubated by the hanging drop culture method to induce differentiation to embryoid bodies (EBs). During culturing of the EBs derived from the Wnt4-ES cells, aquaporin-2 (AQP2) mRNA and protein were expressed within 15-20 days. The expression of AQP2 in Wnt4-EBs was enhanced in the presence of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and activin A. We next performed in vivo experiments by transplanting the Wnt4-EBs into the mouse renal cortex. Four weeks after transplantation, some portions of the EB-derived cells expressing AQP2 in the kidney assembled into tubular-like formations. In conclusion, our in vitro and in vivo experiments revealed two new findings: first, that cultured Wnt4-EBs have an ability to differentiate into renal tubular cells; and second, that Wnt4, HGF, and activin A may promote the differentiation of ES cells to renal tubular cells.  相似文献   

The Birt-Hogg-Dubé (BHD) disease is a genetic cancer syndrome. The responsible gene, BHD, has been identified by positional cloning and thought to be a novel tumor suppressor gene. BHD mutations cause many types of diseases including renal cell carcinomas, fibrofolliculomas, spontaneous pneumothorax, lung cysts, and colonic polyps/cancers. By combining Gateway Technology with the Ksp-Cre gene knockout system, we have developed a kidney-specific BHD knockout mouse model. BHD(flox/flox)/Ksp-Cre mice developed enlarged kidneys characterized by polycystic kidneys, hyperplasia, and cystic renal cell carcinoma. The affected BHD(flox/flox)/Ksp-Cre mice died of renal failure at approximate three weeks of age, having blood urea nitrogen levels over tenfold higher than those of BHD (flox/+)/Ksp-Cre and wild-type littermate controls. We further demonstrated that these phenotypes were caused by inactivation of BHD and subsequent activation of the mTOR pathway. Application of rapamycin, which inhibits mTOR activity, to the affected mice led to extended survival and inhibited further progression of cystogenesis. These results provide a correlation of kidney-targeted gene inactivation with renal carcinoma, and they suggest that the BHD product FLCN, functioning as a cyst and tumor suppressor, like other hamartoma syndrome-related proteins such as PTEN, LKB1, and TSC1/2, is a component of the mTOR pathway, constituting a novel FLCN-mTOR signaling branch that regulates cell growth/proliferation.  相似文献   

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