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Reproductive skew among males in a female-dominated mammalian society   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The purpose of this study was to document patterns of reproductiveskew among male spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta), a speciesin which many normal mammalian sex roles are reversed. We usedpaternity determined from 12 microsatellite markers togetherwith demographic and behavioral data collected over 10 yearsfrom a free-living population to document relationships among reproductive success (RS), social rank, and dispersal statusof male hyenas. Our data suggest that dispersal status andlength of residence are the strongest determinants of RS. Natalmales comprise over 20% of the adult male population, yet theysire only 3% of cubs, whereas immigrants sire 97%. This reproductiveadvantage to immigrants accrues despite the fact that immigrants are socially subordinate to all adult natal males, and it providesa compelling ultimate explanation for primary dispersal inthis species. High-ranking immigrants do not monopolize reproduction,and tenure accounts for more of the variance in male reproductivesuccess than does social rank. Immigrant male hyenas rarelyfight among themselves, so combat between rivals may be a relativelyineffectual mode of sexual selection in this species. Instead,female choice of mates appears to play an important role in determining patterns of paternity in Crocuta. Our data supporta "limited control" model of reproductive skew in this species,in which female choice may play a more important role in limitingcontrol by dominant males than do power struggles among males.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the reproductive success of dominant male meerkats   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Identifying traits that affect the reproductive success of individuals is fundamental for our understanding of evolutionary processes. In cooperative breeders, a dominant male typically restricts mating access to the dominant female for extended periods, resulting in pronounced variation in reproductive success among males. This may result in strong selection for traits that increase the likelihood of dominance acquisition, dominance retention and reproductive rates while dominant. However, despite considerable research on reproductive skew, few studies have explored the factors that influence these three processes among males in cooperative species. Here we use genetic, behavioural and demographic data to investigate the factors affecting reproductive success in dominant male meerkats (Suricata suricatta). Our data show that dominant males sire the majority of all offspring surviving to 1 year. A male's likelihood of becoming dominant is strongly influenced by age, but not by weight. Tenure length and reproductive rate, both important components of dominant male reproductive success, are largely affected by group size and composition, rather than individual traits. Dominant males in large groups have longer tenures, but after this effect is controlled, male tenure length also correlates negatively to the number of adult females in the group. Male reproductive rate also declines as the number of intra- and extra-group competitors increases. As the time spent in the dominant position and reproductive rate while dominant explain > 80% of the total variance in reproductive success, group composition thus has major implications for male reproductive success.  相似文献   

Male age-rank and tenure-rank relationships were studied for seven years in unprovisioned Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata fuscata) troop on Kinkazan Island, Japan. Males whose estimated ages were between 15 and 19 yr old monopolized the highest ranks, while older males whose estimated ages were ≥ 20 yr old tended to decline in rank, resulting in a humped age-rank curve. The ranks of males tended to rise as their tenure in the troop increased. The departure of higher-ranking males was the social mechanism for changes in rank, suggesting that the disappearance of higher-ranking males plays an important role in determining rank dominance.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy exists on the nature of the relationship between male dominance rank and reproductive activity. The nature of this relationship has important implications for understanding the manner in which males compete for access to limited resources. Behavioral data on mating patterns were collected over a four-year period from one social group of rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago. Correlations between dominance rank and reproductive activity were not stable over a four-year period, but changed yearly. Positive, significant correlations were present in the first two years of the study while non-significant correlations were found in the second two years. The variation found in the correlations between rank and mating activity could be accounted for by changes in the mating frequencies of different classes of males. The long-term resident males had declines in ejaculation frequencies over the duration of the study. Males who immigrated into the group had yearly increases in reproductive behavior over three consecutive years. Maturing natal males also increased their levels of reproductive activity from year-to-year. Combining these mating patterns over time resulted in shifting the proportions of matings away from the long-term residents and in favor of the new males. High-ranking males had an advantage in reproductive activity over the first two years of the study, as measured by both the total number of ejaculations and the mean number of ejaculation per male. New males, comprised of recent immigrants and maturing natal males, had a greater level of reproductive activity over the last two years. These results suggest that the effect of rank on reproductive activity is variable and that males utilize alternative tactics to attain access to limited resources. Simple one-factor models explaining the relationship between rank and reproductive activity must be replaced with models explaining how alternate strategies affect male competition and reproductive success in primates.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):554-562
In primates, the relationship between the ranks of parents and those of their sons has not been studied systematically, yet it has important implications for sociobiological theories. The influence of parents' ranks upon the ranks and reproductive success of their sons who remain and breed within their natal group was tested in two captive groups of rhesus macaques, Macaca mulatta. Paternity exclusion analyses revealed that both the rank and reproductive success of natal males were strongly associated with their mothers', but not their fathers', ranks. The ranks of natal males were also significantly correlated with their own reproductive success. However, this correlation was not nearly as strong as the correlation between the ranks and reproductive success of the fathers of these natal males. This difference was associated with a decline in reproductive success, but not in rank, of some founding males after natal males reached sexual maturity, and might result from an age bias in mating and/or the increase in the ratio of adult males to females. Although the reproductive advantage enjoyed by sons of high-ranking mothers prior to dispersal from their natal groups might be of evolutionary significance, it is important to determine whether or not this advantage persists after dispersal.  相似文献   

This paper reviews aspects of life history that influence the reproductive success of male rhesus monkeys. Recent theories propose that there is some optimum level of inbreeding for each population and that behaviors related to group transfer by males are the result of selection pressure toward such an optimum. Group changing by males is clearly linked to the effects of testosterone at sexual maturation. A male’s maternal genealogical rank is not consistently related to the age at which it leaves the natal group, but social interactions within the natal group may influence the age of departure. Choice of the new group is influenced by the operational sex ratio and the presence of maternal relatives. Rank in the new group is positively correlated with seniority. Seniority, in turn, is influenced by the rank of the male’s natal group, his mother’s genealogical rank, and the presence of male siblings in the new group. Much of this effect is due to the high mortality of males born to females and/or groups of low rank. Most studies show a positive association between male reproductive success and rank. Males from high-ranking groups and/or maternal genealogies that join groups containing brothers tend to remain in those groups longer, attain a higher rank, and probably achieve higher levels of reproduction than other males.  相似文献   

Male intertroop transfer among Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) often coincides with the mating season. However, no necessary connection exists between mating by newly arrived males and whether they join a troop—visitors often mate, and males that join troops may show little mating success. On the other hand, intertroop transfer often coincides with major events in the developmental and social life history of males, such as the attainment of sexual maturity and full adult body size or rise in dominance rank. Thus, intertroop transfer may reflect age-specific behavioral patterns in which males maintain a position in the age-rank structure of troops, where the rank acquired in a new troop is partially determined by age.  相似文献   

In chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), high-ranking males are expected to have high reproductive success and females typically emigrate upon reaching maturity. Although high average relatedness among males in the same social groups has been assumed, previous reports have indicated that relatedness among males is not necessarily significantly higher than that among females. The paternity of 11 offspring and the relatedness of 50 individuals in the M group of chimpanzees at Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, were investigated using DNA analyses. We determined the fathers of 10 offspring. Two different alpha males sired a total of five offspring, whereas the other males had low reproductive success. The proportion of paternal half-sibling pairs among the 10 offspring was 15.6%. The average relatedness among mature males was significantly higher than that among mature females. The existence of an old male and the long tenure of one alpha male may have contributed to this significant difference. The average dyadic relatedness among mature natal individuals was significantly higher than that in natal-immigrant pairs in which the individuals came from different groups. The average relatedness among immigrant females was similar to that in pairs of natal and immigrant females, suggesting that the immigrants came from various groups. Thus, female transfer acts to maintain low average relatedness within the group. A comparison of our results to those from other study sites suggests that although the average relatedness among adult males does not reach the level of half-siblings, under some circumstances it can exceed the relatedness of females.  相似文献   

In capital breeders, individual differences in body size and condition can impact mating effort and success. In addition to the collateral advantages of large body size in competition, large nutrient reserves may offer advantages in endurance rivalry and enable the high rates of energy expenditure associated with mating success. We examined the impacts of body reserves and dominance rank on energy expenditure, water flux, mating success, and breeding tenure in the adult male northern elephant seal, a polygynous, capital breeder. Adult males expended energy at a rate of 159 ± 49 MJ d (-1), which is equivalent to 3.1 times the standard metabolic rate predicted by Kleiber's equation. Despite high rates of energy expenditure and a long fasting duration, males spared lean tissue effectively, deriving a mean of 7% of their metabolism from protein catabolism. Body composition had a strong impact on the ability to spare lean tissue during breeding. When controlling for body size, energy expenditure, depletion of blubber reserves, and water efflux were significantly greater in alpha males than in subordinate males. Large body size was associated with increased reproductive effort, tenure on shore, dominance rank, and reproductive success. Terrestrial locomotion and topography appeared to strongly influence energy expenditure. Comparisons with conspecific females suggest greater total seasonal reproductive effort in male northern elephant seals when controlling for the effects of body mass. In polygynous capital breeding systems, male effort may be strongly influenced by physiological state and exceed that of females.  相似文献   

Access to sexually receptive baboon females has been linked to male dominance rank. An intensive 19-month field study of mate choice and mate competition among savanna baboons was undertaken in order to elucidate those factors influencing mating success. During this study, male agonistic rank was not correlated with male mating success among adult males. However, the inclusion of adolescent males into the analysis yielded significant correlations between rank and mating success. Examination of prior fieldwork revealed that no baboon field study has conclusively demonstrated a significant correlation between male rank and reproduction among adult males. Most studies reporting a correlation between male rank and reproduction have included subadult males in the analysis. It is concluded that male rank is an unreliable predictor of male reproductive activity among adult male baboons. A low agonistic rank need not reduce male mating success because adult male baboons utilize a variety of reproductive tactics in gaining access to consort females.  相似文献   

Paternity success of high-ranking primate males is affected by the number of males and the number of fertile females and their cycle synchrony. Female vervets in the wild show strong reproductive seasonality and do not advertise the ovulatory period with conspicuous signals or behavior. Because this makes it difficult for males to monopolize fertile females, it can be expected that male reproductive skew in this species is lower than in other cercopithecines living in multimale groups that advertise the ovulatory period. We assessed male reproductive success in a captive vervet group, initially consisting of 4 males and 12 unrelated females. Besides a general low reproductive skew, we predicted paternity success of the alpha males to be dependent on the overlap of synchronously fertile females, month into alpha male tenure, and housing conditions (the subjects were kept in a large park but had to be locked in a small indoor compartment during the winter months). Further, because the number of males reaching their prime increased over time, we predicted a decrease in reproductive success of the alpha male with increasing tenure length of the alpha male. To assess this we collected genetic samples from 27 of 32 offspring born into the group during 3 yr, using 7 polymorphic human microsatellite markers. Contrary to our predictions, reproductive success of the males occupying the alpha position during the study was among the highest found in cercopithecines, with the alpha males siring 78% of all offspring. The degree of overlapping fertile periods did not affect paternity success, nor did paternity success of the alpha male differ between the 2 housing conditions. Only the alpha male’s tenure length had an effect. Alpha male reproductive success decreased over time, which we attribute to either a shift in female mate choice toward younger males or to increased competition among the males in the later stage of the alpha male’s tenure. This study demonstrates the importance of assessing reproductive success of males throughout >1 season and should spawn more research into the role of female choice and postcopulatory mechanisms in this species.  相似文献   

Male spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) reach puberty at 24 months of age and then usually emigrate from their natal clans one to 52 months later. Recent work has shown that reproductive success is very low among adult males still residing in their natal groups, and it is similarly low among recent or "short-term" immigrants. Long-term immigrants father the vast majority of cubs born. Here we inquired whether these differences in reproductive success might be associated with variation among males in pituitary or gonadal function. In one free-living hyena population in Kenya, we compared baseline levels of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) among adult natal males, short-term immigrants, and long-term immigrants, and we also compared their pituitary and gonadal responses to GnRH challenge. Mean basal plasma LH values did not differ among groups, but mean basal T concentrations in long-term immigrants were higher than those in either natal males or short-term immigrants. Similarly, pituitary response to GnRH challenge did not vary significantly among groups, but testicular response to challenge was greater in long-term immigrants than in natal males or short-term immigrants. Thus adult natal and immigrant males exhibited similar pituitary function but testicular function was attenuated among adult males that had not yet left their natal groups and also among males attempting to become established in new social groups. This suggests that, like the act of emigration itself, the process of social integration during immigration may have important physiological consequences for male mammals transferring between groups.  相似文献   

There is wide interest in the effects of reproductive biology, mating partner preference, and rank on mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS) in primates. In particular, theory stresses importance on the mechanisms for attaining RS. Most theory hedges on competitive ability and priority of access to resources, whether they be food or estrous females. However, the majority of data used in favor of such hypotheses come from relatively short-term studies. We review these hypotheses based on long-term data from provisioned and unprovisioned populations of Japanese macaques. Neither MS nor RS were consistently attained by high-ranking males and females. For males, female choice and mating partner preference is seen to over-ride most male-male competitive behaviors likely to affect MS and RS through priority of access to estrous females. Long-term mating patterns driven largely by female partner preferences, results in decreasing MS and RS for older higher-ranking males. The long-term trend for females to prefer less familiar or novel partners results in higher MS and RS for younger, middle-ranking males. The effects of this vary according to troop size and the duration of male tenure. For females, no consistent trend was recognized for rank related RS in either provisioned or unprovisioned troops. Non-reproductive mating may provide differential benefit to high-ranking females for access to limited food resources in some habitats but overall the relationship was inconclusive. Distribution and defendability of food resource, rather than provisioning per se may be more important.  相似文献   

Male spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) reach puberty at 24 months of age and then invariably emigrate from their natal clans 1 to 38 months later. Thus there are two classes of reproductively mature males in everyCrocutaclan: adult natal males born in the clan and adult immigrant males born elsewhere. In one free-living hyena population in Kenya, these two groups of males were compared with respect to measures of aggression, social dominance, sexual behavior, and circulating hormone levels. Adult natal males engaged in higher hourly rates of aggression than did immigrants, won all fights with immigrants, and were socially dominant to immigrants. In addition, adult natal males engaged in far lower hourly rates of sexual behavior with resident females than did immigrants, and natal males were never observed to copulate with natal females. Mean basal plasma cortisol values did not differ between the two groups of adult males, but cortisol concentrations in immigrants were positively correlated with tenure in the clan and with immigrant male social rank. Adult natal males had plasma testosterone levels significantly lower than those of immigrants. Social rank and plasma testosterone values were positively correlated among immigrant males. Thus two different relationships appear to exist between circulating testosterone and social rank in maleCrocuta:one apparent in immigrants and the other in natal adult males. Our results suggest that dispersal might disinhibit testosterone secretion in postpubertal male hyenas.  相似文献   

Male–male competition for access to receptive females can take the form of nonrecurring fights and/or a sustained contest over mating opportunities. Male physical condition has been linked to dominance rank and reproductive success in species characterized by intrasexual fights for dominance and access to females. In group-living species characterized by endurance rivalry, however, factors contributing to male reproductive success are less well understood. In such species, particularly seasonally breeding ones with low sexual dimorphism and seniority-based rank, age and social factors other than rank may prove important. In the absence of genetic data, male mate guarding or consortship can serve as an indicator of male reproductive success. To evaluate the contribution of age and intragroup sociality to male consortship rate, I collected behavioral data during one nonmating and one mating season in two social groups of free-ranging rhesus macaques that experience no predation or food scarcity. Higher-ranking males, younger males, or males that exhibited lower rate of intrasexual aggression had higher consortship rates. Male–female dyads that groomed outside consortship did not form consortships as often as dyads that did not engage in nonconsort grooming. This is the first study to identify the significance of male–male aggression and male–female affiliation to male consortship rate in a species characterized by endurance rivalry, high male rank stability, and strong female mate choice. Social behaviors and male age may be particularly important in determining male reproductive success in populations experiencing high food availability and a lack of predation, which are typical of an increasing number of vertebrates in areas densely populated by humans.  相似文献   

Paternity insurance and dominance tenure length are two important components of male reproductive success, particularly in species where reproduction is highly skewed towards a few individuals. Identifying the factors affecting these two components is crucial to better understand the pattern of variation in reproductive success among males. In social species, the social context (i.e. group size and composition) is likely to influence the ability of males to secure dominance and to monopolize reproduction. Most studies have analyzed the factors affecting paternity insurance and dominance tenure separately. We use a long term data set on Alpine marmots to investigate the effect of the number of subordinate males on both paternity insurance and tenure of dominant males. We show that individuals which are unable to monopolize reproduction in their family groups in the presence of many subordinate males are likely to lose dominance the following year. We also report that dominant males lose body mass in the year they lose both paternity and dominance. Our results suggest that controlling many subordinate males is energetically costly for dominant males, and those unable to support this cost lose the control over both reproduction and dominance. A large number of subordinate males in social groups is therefore costly for dominant males in terms of fitness.  相似文献   

In most mammals, dispersal rates are higher in males than in females. Using behavioural and genetic data of individually marked bats, we show that this general pattern is reversed in the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata). Dispersal is significantly female biased and male philopatry in combination with rare male immigration causes a patrilineal colony structure. Female dispersal helps avoid father-daughter inbreeding, as male tenure exceeds female age at first breeding in this bat species. Furthermore, our data suggest that females may engage in extra-harem copulations to mate with genetically dissimilar males, and thus avoid their male descendants as mating partners. Acquaintance with the natal colony might facilitate territory takeover since male sac-winged bats queue for harem access. Given the virtual absence of male immigration and the possible lower reproductive success of dispersing males, we argue that enhancing the likelihood of settlement of male descendants could be adaptive despite local mate competition. We conclude that resource defence by males is important in promoting male philopatry, and argue that the potential overlap of male tenure and female first conception is the driving force for females to disperse.  相似文献   

Canines represent an essential component of the dentition for any heterodont mammal. In primates, like many other mammals, canines are frequently used as weapons. Hence, tooth size and wear may have significant implications for fighting ability, and consequently for social dominance rank, reproductive success, and fitness. We evaluated sources of variance in canine growth and length in a well-studied wild primate population because of the potential importance of canines for male reproductive success in many primates. Specifically, we measured maxillary canine length in 80 wild male baboons (aged 5.04–20.45 years) from the Amboseli ecosystem in southern Kenya, and examined its relationship with maturation, age, and social dominance rank. In our analysis of maturation, we compared food-enhanced baboons (those that fed part time at a refuse pit associated with a tourist lodge) with wild-feeding males, and found that food-enhanced males achieved long canines earlier than wild-feeding males. Among adult males, canine length decreased with age because of tooth wear. We found some evidence that, after controlling for age, longer canines were associated with higher adult dominance rank (accounting for 9% of the variance in rank), but only among relatively high-ranking males. This result supports the idea that social rank, and thus reproductive success and fitness, may depend in part on fighting ability mediated by canine size.  相似文献   

We analyzed male migration during a 20-year period in the free-ranging Barbary macaque population of Affenberg Salem. Most natal migrations occurred around puberty, but only one third of all males left the natal group. Secondary group transfers were rare. All males immediately transferred to other bisexual groups. Migration rates were highest during periods with high adult female/male ratios within social groups. Immigrants highly preferred groups with fewer males of their own age than in the natal group, and many males immigrated into groups that had no male their own age. These groups originated from a skewed distribution of resident males during group fissions. A comparison of emigrants with their natal peers supports the inbreeding avoidance hypothesis as cause of emigration rather than the male competition avoidance hypothesis. Emigrants had no lower individual rank position and did not come from lower-ranking matrilines. Emigrants had more female maternal relatives, especially sisters. Males without female relatives almost never emigrated. Conversely, there is virtually no indication that emigrants were evicted from the natal group. Emigrants had no increased mortality. Paternity data revealed that the reproductive success of emigrants and natal males is similar, indicating that emigration had no reproductive cost. Many similarities between emigrants and natal males that separated from female maternal kin during group fissions suggest that inner migration during fissions is an alternative way to avoid maternal inbreeding. The mating system resulted in a genetic structure within social groups that largely diminished the chances for paternal inbreeding even without recognizing paternal kin.  相似文献   

Theoretical models of the relationship between competition and differential reproduction in primates share the premise that agonistic dominance hierarchies determine differential access to those limited resources which are essential to reproduction. In particular, the priority-of-access-to-estrous-female model is based on the postulate that high rank in males enhances reproductive success. Tests for a correlation between rank and reproductive success in males have produced mixed results. Problems in measuring male reproductive success and in conceptualizing dominance systems are implicated in the diversity of conclusions reached. Other attributes which affect reproductive success have been proposed, and alternative models of mating systems, based on the concepts of reproductive strategies, social skills, and life histories have also been developed. Studies of differential reproduction in female primates are fewer, but have the advantage over male studies of directly measuring infant production and offspring survival. Research on the relationship between rank and reproductive success in females has shown that under conditions of low resource availability, subordinate females sometimes suffer reduced fecundity and infant survival as a result of restricted access to food and water. Under conditions of social stress, low-ranking females may suffer from disruption of their reproductive cycles, resulting in lowered fecundity. Dominant females may also incur reproductive costs as well as benefits for their social position. Better insights into the relationship between dominance and reproduction are potentially offered by improved genetic paternity measures, new models of social and demographic processes, and the recent availability of life history data from field studies.  相似文献   

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