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Sulcopyrenula H. Harada gen. nov. is described. It differs from other genera ofPyrenulaceae by having longitudinally sulcate spores. The genus is represented by two species: S. canellae-albae (Fée) H. Harada comb. nov. and S. staurospora (Tuck.) H. Harada comb. nov. Both species have been previously reported from N. and S. America, and the latter species is now reported from Asia.  相似文献   

MyeloconisP. M. McCarthy & Elix gen. nov. is described from the Neotropics and the eastern Paleotropics. Four new species,M. erumpens, M. fecunda, M. guyanenisandM. parva, are recognized. The genus is characterized by a medulla containing previously unknown yellow or orange pigments and perithecioid ascomata with a dark, dense, almost pseudostromatal wall, a basally anastomosing, but otherwise free, hamathecium, uniformly thin-walled asci and elongate, muriform ascospores. While its affinities are uncertain, the ascomata and their contents suggest a rather close relationship withPorinaMüll. Arg. andClathroporinaMüll. Arg. (Trichotheliaceae).  相似文献   

The genusJarmania, based on the single speciesJ. tristis, is described. The new genus is characterized by a byssoid-leprose thallus, immarginate apothecia, asci of theBacidia-type, strongly anastomosing paraphyses and septate, acicular ascospores. The new species is corticolous and is known only from cool temperate rainforest in Tasmania. 1996 The British Lichen Society  相似文献   

贾泽峰  赵遵田 《菌物学报》2005,24(2):162-163
本文报道了中国云南的肉疣衣属的一新种——亚莲座肉疣衣,新种有拉丁文简介并附图,模式标本保存于山东农业大学生命科学学院地衣标本室。  相似文献   

赵遵田  孙立彦 《菌物学报》2002,21(1):135-136
中国橙衣属 (Caloplaca Th. Fr.)地衣迄今仅见零星报道,尚无专门研究;作者从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中科院微生物所菌物标本馆地衣标本室的该属地衣标本进行了初步研究,发现了三个中国新记录种,现报道如下。 1 黄粉橙衣 Caloplaca chrysophthalma Degel., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 38: 56~57 (1944). 地衣体壳状,连续成薄膜状或浸入基物不明显,有时具疣突,灰黄色至灰色;下地衣体不明显;粉芽堆几乎覆盖整个地衣体,橙黄色,分离或丛生,斑点状或形状不规则。 子囊盘甚少见,直径可达1mm;托缘细薄,粉芽化,有时消失…  相似文献   

刘华杰  魏江春 《菌物学报》2003,22(4):531-533
本文描述了产于我国四川的胶衣属 (Collema) 两个新分类群:四川胶衣 (Collema sichuanense) 与短柄胶衣贡嘎山变种 (Collema substipitatum var. gonggashanense)。文中除了拉丁文特征提要以及英文描述以外,还附有新分类群的外形照片与孢子形态线条图。  相似文献   

中国鸡皮衣属地衣二新记录种*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵遵田  任强 《菌物学报》2003,22(4):669-670
中国鸡皮衣属Pertusaria DC.地衣迄今仅见零星报道,尚无专门研究;作者从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中国科学院微生物所菌物标本馆 (HMAS-L) 和荷兰CBS的标本室 (ABL) 的该属地衣标本进行了初步研究,发现了两个中国新记录种,现报道如下。 1无屑鸡皮衣 Pertusaria aberrans Müll. Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 42 (1893) 地衣体淡灰白色,龟裂成网块,表面光滑,具光泽;边缘不具环带;无粉芽和裂芽;果疣多而邻接,几乎覆盖整个地衣体表面,直径为0.8~1.0㎜,埋生或有时轻微凸起,顶端中央部位稍凹陷;每果疣具1~3个孔口,孔口黑…  相似文献   

在进行《中国地衣志》的编写中,作者从采自我国新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯湖附近的地衣标本中发现了北极小腊肠衣[Brodoaoroarctica(Krog)Goward](茶渍目,子囊菌门)。小腊肠衣属(BrodoaGoward)是中国新记录属,因而,也是中国地衣区系中已知的第234个属。本文对于该属、种在形态学、结构学、化学及地理分布等方面进行了描述与讨论。对于它和邻近属的区别也做了简要的对比。  相似文献   

本文报道了中国疱脐衣属四个新分类单位,其中包括三个新种:华东疱脐衣(Lasallia sinorientalis Wei),大理疱脐衣(L.daliensis Wei),苍山疱脐衣(L.caeonshanensis Wei)及东亚疱脐衣一新变种:樊净山变种(L.asiae-orientalis var.fanjingensis Wei)。此外,还从东亚疱脐衣的模式标本中首次发现了该种的子囊盘,并作了补充描述。作者认为,根据有关中国地衣区系的现有知识,迄今尚未发现分布于中国的疱脐衣(Lasallia pustulata(L.)Merat)。而华东疱脐衣可能是疱脐衣在亚洲的地理替代种。  相似文献   

Lecanora paramerae is described from Central-East Spain. At the only two known localities it grows on Juniperus thurifera trees in the ‘Serranía de Cuenca’ mountains. It is chemically characterized by the presence of 2′- O -methylperlatolic acid in addition to atranorin and psoromic acid. Anatomically, it can be recognized by the presence of large and irregular crystals in the amphithecium, a pulicaris -type epihymenium and broadly ellipsoid ascospores.  相似文献   

The diminutive speciesGyalidea praetermissais described from Central Sweden. At the only known locality it grows on the sheltered and shaded vertical north side of a large boulder in an open pine forest. The species is mainly characterized by the 4–5-septate spores. 1996 The British Lichen Society  相似文献   

果疣衣属地衣系子囊菌门Ascomycota,子囊菌纲Ascomycetes,茶渍衣亚纲Lecanoromycetidae,鸡皮衣目Pertusariales,鸡皮衣科Pertusariaceae的成员。由于粉色果疣衣Varicellariarhodocarpa在中国的首次发现,使中国地衣区系中新增添了一个属:果疣衣属Varicellaria。该属迄今已知仅含三种,即粉芽果疣衣V.kemensis,八孢果疣衣V.carneonivea及粉色果疣衣V.rhodocarpa。果疣衣属为壳状地衣,地衣体微薄,膜质;子囊盘茶渍型,单个或数个聚生于瘤状果疣中;类侧丝多分枝并呈网状缠绕;子囊内含单孢或八孢;子囊孢子大型(长度为200~400mm),双胞,无色透明,椭圆形;孢子壁厚达27mm;与鸡皮衣属不同之处在于前者子囊内含双胞孢子,后者子囊内含单胞孢子。由于该属在中国是首次被发现,为了进一步的研究,文中还提供了该属迄今已知的全部三种的分种检索表。粉色果疣衣以其地衣体基本无粉芽和遇Pd呈负反应而区别于粉芽果疣衣,以子囊内含单孢而区别于八孢果疣衣。通过薄板层析法首次从该种髓部检测出茶渍衣酸。其地理成分为北极高山种,主要分布于欧洲的挪威、瑞典、芬兰、阿尔卑斯山脉,喀尔巴阡山脉、苏格兰以及北美洲;在亚洲迄今只见于日本与中国。  相似文献   

简短回顾了砖孢发属地衣研究概况。在已知的8种亚洲砖孢发属地衣中,中国有七种,其中两种为台湾特有。根据150余份标本的形态与化学特征,承认中国大陆砖孢发属地衣5种,指出了个别异名,发现亚洲砖孢发(Okpogon asiaticus)存在两个化学型,提供了中国5种砖孢发地衣分布的新资料。研究结果表明,5种砖孢发地衣集中分布于我国云南、四川和西藏东部。作者认为中国西南地区是砖孢发属地衣在亚洲的一个分布中心。  相似文献   

Thelopsis foveolataRenob. & Barreno sp. nov., is described from Northern Spain. It appears to be very rare and easily overlooked, but has a well-defined ecology. It grows on limestone within sciaphilous and humidity-loving communities, such asGyalectetum leucaspidisandPetractinetum hypoleucae. The pycnidia and conidiogenous cells are described and illustrated, this being the first detailed account of these structures in the genusThelopsis. 1996 The British Lichen Society  相似文献   

Porina radicicolasp. nov. is described from Washington, U.S.A. and British Columbia, Canada.  相似文献   

Bacidia caesiovirensS. Ekman & Holien sp. nov. is described from Norway, and the British Isles. It occurs on trunks of deciduous trees in coastal forests. This species is usually sterile and is characterized by its conspicuously blue-green, granular thallus, which contains a bluish, N+ purple pigment. It is closely related toB. biatorina(Körb.) Vain., but differs from this species in a number of features apart from thallus pigmentation: the thallus granules are smaller, the amount of hyphal projections from the surface of the thallus granules is larger, and the internal pigmentation of the apothecia is different.Bacidia auerswaldii(Hepp ex Stizenb.) Mig. has a similarly granular thallus but differs fromB. biatorinaandB. caesiovirensin having wide, fusiform spores and smaller thallus granules.Bacidia absistens(Nyl.) Arnold has an internal apothecium pigmentation similar toB. caesiovirens, but differs in having a smooth thallus, and an abundance of minute crystals in the excipulum.  相似文献   

A fourth foliicolous species ofAnisomeridiumis described.Anisomeridium musaesporoideshas so far only been found in Guyana and Panama. It is characterized by applanate perithecia with a white marginal zone, large spores with a submedian septum and apical ostiole. A key to all known foliicolousAnisomeridiumspecies is provided.  相似文献   

Since Petalifera habei was described in the Proceedings, 34,1, 12–18, April 1960, I have received from Dr. K. Babaa short account of the same species in Publ. Seto. mar. biol.Lab. 7, 3, 337–338. December, 1959, under the title "Thegenus Petalifera and a new species, P. ramosa, from Japan".I was unaware that Dr. Baba intended to describe it. As hispaper antedates mine, his name, Petalifera ramosa, must replaceP. Habei.  相似文献   

在泛北极地区迄今已知的脐鳞属地衣共有三种:中国有记录的两种。本文报道了四种,其中之一为新种,另一种为中国新记录。此外,有一改级新组合。  相似文献   

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