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Traditional classification concepts in lichenology are often, but not always, supported by molecular results. Molecular data should be compared and correlated with micro-morphological and ultrastructural information before systematic rearrangements are undertaken. Visualization of the distribution of morphological and other characters in specified groups is considered as a desirable resultper se, but it is also important to discover whether correlating characters are dependent on each other or not; and if not, whether their distribution in a group might support existing classification concepts. A data set for lecanoralean and other lichenized and lichenicolous genera, comprising 90—mostly multi-state—characters was used to store morphological, chemical and ecological data, and to test character correlations. Several examples of such analyses are presented. The following pairs of characters show some degree of dependence: ascospore septation and number per ascus, ascospore wall type and pigmentation, ascospore and epihymenium pigmentation. Several authors postulated that ascus types are good phylogenetic markers. Ascus types have been widely used for classification concepts of the Lecanorales. Two-dimensional correlation queries of ascus types with the following morphologcal characters were made: substratum preference, thallus growth form and ascospore septation. These correlations supply characteristic profiles for the various ascus types, which have to be compared with forthcoming phylogenetic hypotheses based on molecular data.  相似文献   

岩芋属Remusatia(Araceae)是一个特征鲜明的属,共含三种,即R. vivipara(Lodd. )Schott,R. hookeriana Schott,R. ornata(Schott)H. Li et Q.F.Guo。Gonatanthus (?) ornatus Schott中的 (?) 这类植物转入Remusatia属,其名应为秀丽岩芋Remusatia ornata(Schott)H. Liet Q. F. Guo. Gonatanthuc ornatus 的模式标本是Hooker f.s.n.采自印度喀西山,现只有Schott绘制的模式图照片;Schlagintweit n.313,亦采自喀西山,是Krause(1920)补充描述本种的重要凭证标本,现只有遗图。R. hookeriana Schott(1857)的模式标本Hooker f.s.n.产锡金,Krause(1920)发表的图和描述的大部分可作为该种的凭证,是一个不同于R. ornata的好种。Rao et Verma(1968)所描述的Gonatanthus ornatus应是Remusatia hookeriana。  相似文献   

四种菊头蝠染色体组型分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分析了皮氏菊头蝠(R. pearsoni chinensis),鲁氏菊头蝠(R.rouxi sinicus),角菊头蝠(R.cornutus pumilus)及中菊头蝠(R.affinis)的常规核型,现报道如下。  相似文献   

鲤科七种鱼的银染核型研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周密  康杨  李渝成  周暾 《动物学研究》1988,9(3):225-229
对鲤科七种鱼的银染核型进行了比较研究。这七种鱼均有4个NORs。其中鲴亚科五种鱼的Ag-NORs彼此特征相似;鮈亚科的似刺鳊鮈sm_3染色体上的NORs与次缢痕的位置、形态一致;雅罗鱼亚科的鳡鱼sm_6同源染色体上的一对NORs显示相对大小异形。结合以前的工作,本文以NORs为指标,讨论了有关雅罗鱼亚科几种鱼的亲缘关系及亚科鱼类染色体进行保守等问题。  相似文献   

The abundance, life span, growth and production of the mud snailsHydrobia minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa in a semi-naturallagoon system were studied by taking monthly samples at threesites during 1991 and 1992. The most abundant species, H. minoricensisoccurred at mean densities of 12834 to 26264 snails m–2(10.7 to 25.8g dry weigh m–2), depending on the site.The least abundant species, H. ulvae, occurred at mean densitiesof 185 to 353 snails m–2 (3.2 to 2.2g dry weight m–2).The numerical abundance and biomass of the three Hydrobia specieswere positively related to the biomass of benthic macroalgae(P<0.01). Although H. ulvae egg capsules were recorded throughoutthe year, newly hatched snailsof this species were not observed,in contrast to the other two species. The early spring and summercohorts of H. minoricensis and H. ventrosa seemed to be themost numerous. The average life spans of these two species wereestimated to be about 18 and 13 months respectively. Annualproduction estimates for the whole lagoon system were 29.0 (6.3),5.5 (0.8) and 5.2 (1.0)g dry weight (ash-free dry weight) m–2yr–1 for H. minoricensis, H. ulvae and H. ventrosa respectively.The annual P/B ratio was about 2 for H. minoricensis and H.ventrosa. (Received 5 July 1994; accepted 5 October 1994)  相似文献   

网翅蝗科九种蝗虫的酯酶同工酶研究(直翅目:蝗总科)   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对网翅蝗科Arcypteridae3属9种蝗虫进行了酯酶同工酶的研究,研究结果表明,同一属分类单元中各个种间的酯酶同工酶谱带相似程度明显高于不同属分类单元种间相似程度,较高分类单元之间酯酶谱带椒似程度低于较低分类单元之间的相似程度。  相似文献   

三种沙蜥核型的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文报道了白条沙蜥Phrynocephalus albolineatus,东疆沙蜥P.grumgrizimaloi及西藏沙蜥P.theobaldi的核型,西藏沙蜥2n=22I+26m,NF=48,其余二者2n=22I+24m,NF=46。与同属已知其它的核型进行了比较。沙蜥属中至少存在2b=46和2n=48两种核型类群,二者可能与“沙蜥属物种形成的两个起源中心”的假说相关。讨论了沙蜥属中的核型演化  相似文献   

In order to establish a growth curve for the life-span, agedetermination based on shell-ring analysis was undertaken ina population of the cockle Cerastoderma edule located in theMundaca Estuary (Basque Country, North Spain). Mean values ofheight at shell rings showed non-significant differences betweengenerations, meaning absence of interannual variations in growthrate. Frequent sampling and shell measurements over a 20 monthperiod allowed determination of the seasonal pattern of shellgrowth, which was subsequently incorporated into a growth curve. An attempt has been made to relate growth rates to latitudefor different populations of C. edule, using both data fromthe literature and the results of this study. The highly significantcorrelation found (P<0.01) confims the existence of a latitudinaltrend, with growth rates increasing southwards. Low rates ofgrowth recorded for cockles from Mundaca, by camparison withpupulations of similar latitude, are interpreted in terms ofnutritional restrictions associated with both the high tidalposition of the population and poor productivity conditionswithin this particular estuary. (Received 24 March 1989; accepted 20 June 1989)  相似文献   

庄剑云 《菌物学报》1989,8(Z1):175-198
本文报告了寄生在中国百合目植物(薯祯科,鸢尾科,灯心草科和百合科)上的柄锈菌共2I种。其中有2个新种,它们是刘氏柄锈(Puccinia lioui J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.)和胀柄柄锈(Puccinia oedopoda J.Y. Zhuang sp. nov.),均寄生在菝葜属(Smilax)植物上。每个种都作了详细描述并附图。对百合科植物上的种附加了检索表。本文所引证的标本均保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

对蝽科Pentatomidae4属5种——广二星蝽Stollia ventralis(Westwood)、黒腹二星蝽Stollia guttiger(Thunberg)、西北麦蝽Aelia sibirica(Reuter)、紫翅果蝽Carpocoris purpureipennis(De Geer)、赤条蝽Graphosoma rubrolineata(Westwood)昆虫减数分裂各期染色体形态结构及行为进行分析。结果表明:蝽科5种进行交叉减数分裂。花束期5种昆虫染色质变化相似,形态种间有差异。中期染色体排列方式相似,核型种间差异大。精子形态相似,弯曲度大小种间有差异。双线期、终变期染色体交叉形态、频率及历程长短反映物种进化程度。紫翅果蝽X染色体碎斑化。  相似文献   

四种蝽科昆虫的染色体研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郑乐怡  张虎芳 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):234-240
研究了4种中国蝽科昆虫的核型和染色体的减数分裂行为, 并首次在半翅目中采用核型分析软件对第一次减数分裂中期的染色体进行核型分析。结果表明: 4个种均为2n=14和X-Y性别决定机制; 减数分裂行为比较一致, 但在中期 I 常染色体和性染色体的排列方式各不相同; 核型分析后的结果表现出了种的特异性, 可为蝽科昆虫的形态分类及系统发育提供有用的证据。  相似文献   

若干铁杉属植物核型的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初   《广西植物》1988,(4):324-328
本文首次报道了我国特产的重点保护植物南方铁杉的核型,全由中部和近中部着丝点染色体构成,核型公式为K(2n)=2x=24=20m+4sm,属“ 2A”类型。染色体的相对长度组成为2n=24=12M_2+10M_1+2S。通过比较。发现东亚的南方铁杉的核型与台湾铁杉甚为相似而略具进化的趋势,但北美东部的卡罗来纳铁杉的核型比它们进化得多。本文支持Florin认为铁杉属至少在早第三纪存在一条从欧亚大陆经过白令海峡到达北美洲的迁移路线的意见。  相似文献   

比较研究了锯天牛亚科4族10属20种(亚种)的雌性生殖器特征。研究结果表明:雌性生殖器特征在锯天牛亚科族级、属级和种级均具有分类学意义。此研究对传统外部形态分类特征进行了补充。  相似文献   

中国景天属一些种的订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对国产景天属的6种植物进行了分类订正。归并了7种1亚种和2变种,同时对中国植物志中景天属存疑种Sedum phyllanthum Levl.et Vant.和S.subtile Miq.的范围及其分类地位进行了讨论。根据对S.hsinganicum Chu ex S.H.Fu的模式标本以及S.floriferum Praeger模式标本图和模式产地标本的研究,确认二者所具性状均在S.aizoon L.的性状变异范围内,故予归并。S.onychopetalumFrod.,S.grammophyllum Frod以及S.anhuiense S.H.Fu et X.W.Wang经研究均被作为S.lineareThunb.的异名处理。S.formosanum N.E.Br.在《中国植物志》中被并入S.alfredii Hance,现恢复为独立的种。此外还报道了一个中国新记录种S.hakonense Makino。  相似文献   


赖草属七个种同工酶研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘芳  孙根楼   《广西植物》1997,17(2):169-173
用聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳法对赖草属7个种的幼根、幼叶进行了酯酶、过氧化物酶同工酶分析,结果表明:无论从相同器官进行不同的同工酶分析,还是从不同器官进行相同的同工酶分析,这7个种的酶谱在各带区存在相似酶带,但更多的是相异酶带。从酯酶、过氧化物酶这两种酶分析结果来看,酯酶比过氧化物酶分离效果好些;从幼根和幼叶这两个器官的酶谱来看,幼根比幼叶酶带多些,分离效果也好些。同时也表明这7个种的酶谱变化与染色体倍性变化无关  相似文献   

Structure of the gynoecium is described in two species of Bakeridesia, subgenus Bakeridesia (Malvaceae, tribe Malveae). The dorsal wall of each carpel bears a winglike projection with a marginal pair of pubescent, bluntly dentate wings. The projection arises as a single, solid ridge of tissue after the ovules are initiated and after the ventral carpellary margins are fused with the receptacle. Two multiseriate layers of fiber-sclereids line each locule and continue into the winglike projection where they are separated by parenchyma. Gynoecial vascularization is described in detail. The richly vascularized carpels are supplied by five traces: a median dorsal trace, which bifurcates into two dorsal bundles; two lateral traces; and two ventral traces. Adjacent ventral traces, lateral traces, and septal bundles are fused—i.e., they are held in common by neighboring carpels. The presence of lateral carpellary traces may be a primitive character in the tribe Malveae.  相似文献   


《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1939,1(4073):168-169

八种大鼠染色体银染核仁组织者的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈志平  王应祥 《兽类学报》1992,12(4):280-286
本文对我国大鼠属(Rattus)8种鼠类的银染核仁组织者(NORs)进行了比较研究,结果表明:8种大鼠银染核仁组织者(Ag-NORs)的数目和分布均存在一定的差异,它们的NORs都呈现比较显著的多态性,并观察到了Ag-NORs的联合现象和异形现象。此外,将其银染核型差异数量化,通过模糊聚类分析,得到8种大鼠的聚类分析分支图,并结合它们的地理分布等对其分类地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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