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Schwann cells are one of the commonly used cells in repair strategies following spinal cord injuries. Schwann cells are capable of supporting axonal regeneration and sprouting by secreting growth factors 1,2 and providing growth promoting adhesion molecules 3 and extracellular matrix molecules 4. In addition they myelinate the demyelinated axons at the site of injury 5.However following transplantation, Schwann cells do not migrate from the site of implant and do not intermingle with the host astrocytes 6,7. This results in formation of a sharp boundary between the Schwann cells and astrocytes, creating an obstacle for growing axons trying to exit the graft back into the host tissue proximally and distally. Astrocytes in contact with Schwann cells also undergo hypertrophy and up-regulate the inhibitory molecules 8-13. In vitro assays have been used to model Schwann cell-astrocyte interactions and have been important in understanding the mechanism underlying the cellular behaviour.These in vitro assays include boundary assay, where a co-culture is made using two different cells with each cell type occupying different territories with only a small gap separating the two cell fronts. As the cells divide and migrate, the two cellular fronts get closer to each other and finally collide. This allows the behaviour of the two cellular populations to be analyzed at the boundary. Another variation of the same technique is to mix the two cellular populations in culture and over time the two cell types segregate with Schwann cells clumped together as islands in between astrocytes together creating multiple Schwann-astrocyte boundaries.The second assay used in studying the interaction of two cell types is the migration assay where cellular movement can be tracked on the surface of the other cell type monolayer 14,15. This assay is commonly known as inverted coverslip assay. Schwann cells are cultured on small glass fragments and they are inverted face down onto the surface of astrocyte monolayers and migration is assessed from the edge of coverslip.Both assays have been instrumental in studying the underlying mechanisms involved in the cellular exclusion and boundary formation. Some of the molecules identified using these techniques include N-Cadherins 15, Chondroitin Sulphate proteoglycans(CSPGs) 16,17, FGF/Heparin 18, Eph/Ephrins19.This article intends to describe boundary assay and migration assay in stepwise fashion and elucidate the possible technical problems that might occur.Download video file.(64M, mov)  相似文献   

Filifactor alocis is a gram positive anaerobe that is emerging as an important periodontal pathogen. In the oral cavity F. alocis colonizes polymicrobial biofilm communities; however, little is known regarding the nature of the interactions between F. alocis and other oral biofilm bacteria. Here we investigate the community interactions of two strains of F. alocis with Streptococcus gordonii, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, organisms with differing pathogenic potential in the oral cavity. In an in vitro community development model, S. gordonii was antagonistic to the accumulation of F. alocis into a dual species community. In contrast, F. nucleatum and the type strain of F. alocis formed a synergistic partnership. Accumulation of a low passage isolate of F. alocis was also enhanced by F. nucleatum. In three species communities of S. gordonii, F. nucleatum and F. alocis, the antagonistic effects of S. gordonii superseded the synergistic effects of F. nucleatum toward F. alocis. The interaction between A. actinomycetemcomitans and F. alocis was strain specific and A. actinomycetemcomitans could either stimulate F. alocis accumulation or have no effect depending on the strain. P. gingivalis and F. alocis formed heterotypic communities with the amount of P. gingivalis greater than in the absence of F. alocis. However, while P. gingivalis benefited from the relationship, levels of F. alocis in the dual species community were lower compared to F. alocis alone. The inhibitory effect of P. gingivalis toward F. alocis was dependent, at least partially, on the presence of the Mfa1 fimbrial subunit. In addition, AI-2 production by P. gingivalis helped maintain levels of F. alocis. Collectively, these results show that the pattern of F. alocis colonization will be dictated by the spatial composition of microbial microenvironments, and that the organism may preferentially accumulate at sites rich in F. nucleatum.  相似文献   

Mechanical and structural properties of K8/K18 and vimentin intermediate filament (IF) networks have been investigated using bulk mechanical rheometry and optical microrheology including diffusing wave spectroscopy and multiple particle tracking. A high elastic modulus G0 at low protein concentration c, a weak concentration dependency of G0 (G0c0.5±0.1) and pronounced strain stiffening are found for these systems even without external crossbridgers. Strong attractive interactions among filaments are required to maintain these characteristic mechanical features, which have also been reported for various other IF networks. Filament assembly, the persistence length of the filaments and the network mesh size remain essentially unaffected when a nonionic surfactant is added, but strain stiffening is completely suppressed, G0 drops by orders of magnitude and exhibits a scaling G0c1.9±0.2 in agreement with microrheological measurements and as expected for entangled networks of semi-flexible polymers. Tailless K8Δ/K18ΔT and various other tailless filament networks do not exhibit strain stiffening, but still show high G0 values. Therefore, two binding sites are proposed to exist in IF networks. A weaker one mediated by hydrophobic amino acid clusters in the central rod prevents stretched filaments between adjacent cross-links from thermal equilibration and thus provides the high G0 values. Another strong one facilitating strain stiffening is located in the tail domain with its high fraction of hydrophobic amino acid sequences. Strain stiffening is less pronounced for vimentin than for K8/K18 due to electrostatic repulsion forces partly compensating the strong attraction at filament contact points.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Studies of in vitro interactions between Plasmodium berghei sporozoites and peritoneal macrophages from mice and rats were performed. A videomicroscopic analysis was made of interactions observed by phase-contrast microscopy. Our results showed a diversity of dynamic interactions between sporozoites and macrophages that included no interaction, surface interaction without sporozoite interiorization, active sporozoite penetration, active penetration with subsequent sporozoite escape, macrophage destruction, and the formation of "tethers" or web-like structures by sporozoites that had actively invaded macrophages. Sporozoites are thus clearly capable of actively invading host macrophages and are not restricted to being phagocytosed for interiorization. The formation of "tethers" by the moving sporozoite might function in vivo by anchoring the sporozoite to the cells lining the lumen of the liver sinusoid. Active sporozoite motility appears to be a functional phenomenon involved in sporozoite invasion of host liver cells.  相似文献   

Is it possible to extract tethering forces applied on chromatin from the statistics of a single locus trajectories imaged in vivo? Chromatin fragments interact with many partners such as the nuclear membrane, other chromosomes or nuclear bodies, but the resulting forces cannot be directly measured in vivo. However, they impact chromatin dynamics and should be reflected in particular in the motion of a single locus. We present here a method based on polymer models and statistics of single trajectories to extract the force characteristics and in particular when they are generated by the gradient of a quadratic potential well. Using numerical simulations of a Rouse polymer and live cell imaging of the MAT-locus located on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III, we recover the amplitude and the distance between the observed and the interacting monomer. To conclude, the confined trajectories we observed in vivo reflect local interaction on chromatin.  相似文献   

Although Balamuthia mandrillaris was identified more than two decades ago as an agent of fatal granulomatous encephalitis in humans and other animals, little is known about its ecological niche, biological behavior in the environment, food preferences and predators, if any. When infecting humans or other animals, Balamuthia feeds on tissues; and in vitro culture, it feeds on mammalian cells (monkey kidney cells, human lung fibroblasts, and human microvascular endothelial cells). According to recent reports, it is believed that Balamuthia feeds on small amebae, for example, Acanthamoeba that are present in its ecological niche. To test this hypothesis, we associated Balamuthia on a one‐on‐one basis with selected protozoa and algae. We videotaped the behavior of Balamuthia in the presence of a potential prey, its ability to hunt and attack its food, and the time required to eat and cause damage to the target cell by direct contact. We found that B. mandrillaris ingested trophozoites of Naegleria fowleri, Naegleria gruberi, Acanthamoeba spp., Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes, Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites, and Giardia. However, it did not feed on Acanthamoeba cysts or algae. Balamuthia caused cytolysis of T. cruzi epimastigotes and T. gondii tachyzoites by direct contact. Balamuthia trophozoites and cysts were, however, eaten by Paramecium sp.  相似文献   

In this study, we have evaluated the interactions of zein microspheres with different class of drugs (hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and amphiphilic) using in vitro and in silico analysis. Zein microspheres loaded with aceclofenac, metformin, and promethazine has been developed by solvent evaporation technique and analyzed for its compatibility. The physical characterization depicted the proper encapsulation of hydrophobic drug in the microspheres. The in vitro release study revealed the sustaining ability of the microspheres in the following order: hydrophobic > hydrophilic > amphiphilic. In silico analysis also confirmed the better binding affinity and greater interactions of hydrophobic drug with zein. The above results revealed that zein is more suitable for hydrophobic drugs in the development of sustained drug delivery systems using solvent evaporation technique. The study therefore envisages a scope for identifying the most suitable polymer for a sustained drug delivery system in accordance with the nature of the drug.KEY WORDS: hydrophilic drugs, hydrophobic drugs, in silico analysis, protein-drug interactions, solvent evaporation, zein microspheres  相似文献   

We investigated the hypothesis that thallium (Tl) interactions with the glutathione-dependent antioxidant defence system could contribute to the oxidative stress associated with Tl toxicity. Working in vitro with reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GR) or glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in solution, we studied the effects of Tl+ and Tl3+ (1-25 μM) on: (a) the amount of free GSH, investigating whether the metal binds to GSH and/or oxidizes it; (b) the activity of the enzyme GR, that catalyzes GSH regeneration; and (c) the enzyme GPx, that reduces hydroperoxide at expense of GSH oxidation. We found that, while Tl+ had no effect on GSH concentration, Tl3+ oxidized it. Both cations inhibited the reduction of GSSG by GR and the diaphorase activity of this enzyme. In addition, Tl3+per se oxidized NADPH, the cofactor of GR. The effects of Tl on GPx activity depended on the metal charge: Tl+ inhibited GPx when cumene hydroperoxide (CuOOH) was the substrate, while Tl3+-mediated GPx inhibition occurred with both substrates. The present results show that Tl interacts with all the components of GSH/GSSG antioxidant defence system. Alterations of this protective pathway could be partially responsible for the oxidative stress associated with Tl toxicity.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that control the fidelity of DNA replication are being investigated by a number of approaches, including detailed kinetic and structural studies. Important tools in these studies are mutant versions of DNA polymerases that affect the fidelity of DNA replication. It has been suggested that proper interactions within the core of DNA polymerase III (Pol III) of Escherichia coli could be essential for maintaining the optimal fidelity of DNA replication (H. Maki and A. Kornberg, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:4389–4392, 1987). We have been particularly interested in elucidating the physiological role of the interactions between the DnaE (α subunit [possessing DNA polymerase activity]) and DnaQ ( subunit [possessing 3′→5′ exonucleolytic proofreading activity]) proteins. In an attempt to achieve this goal, we have used the Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid system to analyze specific in vivo protein interactions. In this report, we demonstrate interactions between the DnaE and DnaQ proteins and between the DnaQ and HolE (θ subunit) proteins. We also tested the interactions of the wild-type DnaE and HolE proteins with three well-known mutant forms of DnaQ (MutD5, DnaQ926, and DnaQ49), each of which leads to a strong mutator phenotype. Our results show that the mutD5 and dnaQ926 mutations do not affect the subunit-α subunit and subunit-θ subunit interactions. However, the dnaQ49 mutation greatly reduces the strength of interaction of the subunit with both the α and the θ subunits. Thus, the mutator phenotype of dnaQ49 may be the result of an altered conformation of the protein, which leads to altered interactions within the Pol III core.  相似文献   


Molecular models describing intermediates that may lead to proflavin-induced 1 bp deletions during in vitro polymerization by E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment are proposed. The models provide structural explanations for the fact that the induced frameshifts always occur opposite template bases that are adjacent to 5′ pyrimidines and are based on the underlying hypothesis that the deletions arise because the polymerase passes by a template base without copying it. Because the most frequent mutations are opposite Pu in the template sequence 5′ Py Pu 3′, a single-strand loop-out model was constructed for this sequence and proflavin was added, using structures found in crystalline oligonucleotides and their complexes with proflavin. The model seeks to rationalize the roles of the 5′ pyrimidine and proflavin in facilitating the bypass. Four potential roles for proflavin in mutagenesis are described: 1) stacking on the looped-out base; 2) stacking on the base pair immediately preceding the site of mutation; 3) hydrogen bonding with the 5′ pyrimidine; 4) hydrogen bonding with the phosphate backbone. These models point to the possibility that a number of proflavin-DNA interactions may be involved. In contrast, modeling does not suggest a role for classically intercalated proflavin in frameshift mutagenesis arising during in vitro DNA polymerization.  相似文献   



In patients with periodontitis, it is highly likely that local (progenitor) cells encounter pathogenic bacteria. The purpose of this in vitro study was to elucidate how human dental follicle stem cells (hDFSC) react towards a direct challenge with anaerobic periodontal pathogens under their natural oxygen-free atmosphere. HDFSC were compared to human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hBMSC) and differentiated primary human gingival fibroblasts (hGiF), as well as permanent gingival carcinoma cells (Ca9-22).

Methodology/Principal Findings

The different cell types were investigated in a co-culture system with Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) and Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleatum). The viability of the cells and pathogens under anaerobic conditions, as well as interactions in terms of adherence and internalization, were examined. Additionally, the release of pro-inflammatory interleukin-8 (IL-8) and anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 (IL-10) was quantified via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The bacteria adhered less efficiently to hDFSC compared to Ca9-22 (P. gingivalis: 0.18% adherence to hDFSC; 3.1% adherence to Ca9-22). Similar results were observed for host cell internalization (F. nucleatum: 0.002% internalization into hDFSC; 0.09% internalization into Ca9-22). Statistically significantly less IL-8 was secreted from hDFSC after stimulation with F. nucleatum and P. gingivalis in comparison with hGiF (F. nucleatum: 2080.0 pg/ml – hGiF; 19.7 pg/ml – hDFSC). The IL-10 response of the differentiated cells was found to be low in relation to their pro-inflammatory IL-8 response.


The results indicate that dental stem cells are less prone to interactions with pathogenic bacteria than differentiated cells in an anaerobic environment. Moreover, during bacterial challenge, the stem cell immune response seems to be more towards an anti-inflammatory reaction. For a potential future therapeutic use of hDFSC, these findings support the idea of a save application.  相似文献   


The interaction between (immuno)liposomes and different (target and nontarget) cells was investigated in vitro. Maleimidophenylbutyrate-phosphatidylethanolamine (MPB-PE)-containing reverse-phase evaporation vesicles (REV-MPB-PE) were used; Fab' (polyclonal) fragments against mouse red blood cells (RBC) were selected as the homing device. Unwanted, nonspecific interactions were observed. these could be overcome by blocking the free reactive maleimide group of MPB-PE after Fab' coupling with dithiothreitol (DTT), or by storing the immunoliposomes for a period of 1 week before use. the specific interaction between immunoliposomes and target cells was maintained during storage. Storage of MPB-PE liposomes before Fab' coupling to REV-MBP-PE, however, reduced the coupling capacity considerably.  相似文献   

This study investigated the regulation of 14-3-3β binding to PTPIP51 by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of PTPIP51. The tyrosine 176 residue is phosphorylated by c-Src. Up to now, nothing is known about the impact of such well-established phosphorylation events on the interaction profile of PTPIP51 with its partners of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In human keratinocytes the PTPIP51 phosphorylation was varied by inhibiting the phosphatase activity, thus enhancing the phosphorylation of PTPIP51. Differential blocking of Src kinase family members (despite c-Src) by PP2 increased the activity of c-Src and the tyrosine phosphorylation of PTPIP51 at position 176, which is the substrate of c-Src kinase. The amount of PTPIP51 interactions with 14-3-3β, Raf-1, PTP1B and c-Src was evaluated and the resulting data were compared to an untreated control group. The increased phosphorylation level resulted in a sharp drop of the 14-3-3β/PTPIP51 and 14-3-3β/Raf-1 interaction. Besides the 14-3-3 interaction of PTPIP51, the interaction with the two MAPK modulators, protein kinase A (PKA) and diacylglycerol kinase alpha (DAGKα), are also regulated by the tyrosine phosphorylation status of PTPIP51. Additional immunostaining experiments were done investigating the functional implication on these interactions of the phosphorylation in apoptotic processes. In the pervanadate- and PP2-treated HaCaT cells, higher amounts of apoptotic cells were not detected as compared to the control group. The presented data confirms a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent interaction of PTPIP51 with 14-3-3β and Raf-1 in vivo and a tyrosine-dependent interaction profile with DAGKα and PKA. The non-interaction of PTPIP51 with 14-3-3 is not sufficient for triggering apoptosis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trypanosoma congolense bloodstream forms preincubated with a high titer of anti-variant surface antigen (VSG)-specific antibody, a low amount of anti-VSG plus complement-active mouse serum (MS), MS alone, and trypsin were cocultivated with mouse peritoneal macrophages in vitro. Immunofluorescence as well as transmission and scanning electron microscopy revealed that upon attachment to the macrophages' surface, trypanosomes opsonized with anti-VSG/MS formed opsonized filopodia, which were rapidly internalized by the phagocytes. Although these cells attached as frequently as anti-VSG or trypsin-pretreated parasites, the rate of phagocytosis of anti-VSG/MS pretreated trypanosomes was reduced significantly. Trypanosomes pretreated with high antibody titers alone were lysed on the surface of the macrophages before phagocytosis was completed. Parasites opsonized with complement alone adhered only occasionally and were rarely phagocytosed. Trypsin-treated trypanosomes, which served as positive control cells, rapidly attached and remained intact until ingulfment by the macrophages was completed. Untreated control parasites did not attach to the macrophages and were not phagocytosed. Cocultivation of macrophages with anti-VSG/MS-opsonized trypanosomes caused internalization of the flagellum by membrane fusion. Filopodia formation by T. congolense is thus correlated with a marked reduction in phagocytosis even in the presence of only a sublytic antibody titer.  相似文献   

Maize produces a suite of allelopathic secondary metabolites, the benzoxazinoids. 2,4-Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one and 2,4-dihydroxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one reside as glucosides in plant tissue and spontaneously degrade to 6-methoxy-2-benzoxazolinone (MBOA) and 2-benzoxazolinone (BOA) upon plant cell disruption. Several maize-associated fungi in the genus Fusarium can metabolize MBOA and BOA. BOA tolerance levels in 10 species of Fusarium and in the maize endophytes Nigrospora oryzae, Acremonium zeae, and Periconia macrospinosa were characterized. BOA tolerance ranged from 0.25 to 1.10 mg/ml among species. The influence of substrate alteration by one species on the subsequent growth of another species was assessed in the presence and absence of BOA. The colony area of the secondary colonizer in heterospecific interactions was compared to that in autospecific interactions (one isolate follows itself). In the presence of BOA, four of six secondary colonizers had greater growth (facilitation) when primary colonizers had higher BOA tolerance than the secondary colonizer. When the primary colonizer had lower tolerance than the secondary, three of six secondary colonizers were inhibited (competition) and three not significantly affected. In BOA-free medium, the number of isolates that were facilitated or inhibited was the same regardless of the tolerance level of the primary colonizer. Two of six secondary colonizers were facilitated, two inhibited, and two not significantly affected. This study provides some support for facilitation in stressful conditions under the Menge-Sutherland model. The results are not consistent with the corresponding prediction of competition in the absence of stress. The hypothesis drawn from these data is that in the presence of a toxin, fungal species that detoxify their substrate can enhance the colonization rate of less tolerant fungi.  相似文献   

Globally, there are greater than 700,000 deaths per year associated with diarrheal disease. The flagellated intestinal parasite, Giardia lamblia, is one of the most common intestinal pathogens in both humans and animals throughout the world. While attached to the gastrointestinal epithelium, Giardia induces epithelial cell apoptosis, disrupts tight junctions, and increases intestinal permeability. The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of giardiasis, including the role lamina propria immune cells, such as macrophages, play in parasite control or clearance are poorly understood. Thus far, one of the major obstacles in ascertaining the mechanisms of Giardia pathology is the lack of a functionally relevant model for the long-term study of the parasite in vitro. Here we report on the development of an in vitro co-culture model which maintains the basolateral-apical architecture of the small intestine and allows for long-term survival of the parasite. Using transwell inserts, Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells and IC-21 macrophages are co-cultured in the presence of Giardia trophozoites. Using the developed model, we show that Giardia trophozoites survive over 21 days and proliferate in a combination media of Caco-2 cell and Giardia medium. Giardia induces apoptosis of epithelial cells through caspase-3 activation and macrophages do not abrogate this response. Additionally, macrophages induce Caco-2 cells to secrete the pro-inflammatory cytokines, GRO and IL-8, a response abolished by Giardia indicating parasite induced suppression of the host immune response. The co-culture model provides additional complexity and information when compared to a single-cell model. This model will be a valuable tool for answering long-standing questions on host-parasite biology that may lead to discovery of new therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

Abstract: The anthelmintic macrolide, ivermectin, enhances the binding of benzodiazepine agonist ([3H]-diazepam) and antagonist ([3H]β-carboline ethyl ester) ligands to rat cortical and cerebellar membrane preparations. Enhancement of benzodiazepine agonist binding is partially additive with that of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and is inhibited by etazolate, bicuculline, and the steroid GABA antagonist R5135. Ivermectin-stimulated benzodiazepine antagonist binding is enhanced by bicuculline and inhibited by GABA and etazolate. The modulatory effects of bicuculline are chloride-dependent. The stimulatory effects of ivermectin, while quantitatively different in cortex and cerebellum, are qualitatively similar in both brain regions and are reduced in the presence of chloride. Ivermectin effects on benzodiazepine ligand binding to the benzodiazepine receptor complex and the differences in the effects of GABA, bicuculline, and R5135 on ivermectin-stimulated agonist and antagonist binding may provide evidence for distinct differences in the recognition sites for the two classes of benzodiazepine receptor ligand and their interactions with other components of the receptor complex.  相似文献   

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