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The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a rapid, simple, and often extremely efficient gene editing method. This method has been used in a variety of organisms and cell types over the past several years. However, using this technology for generating gene-edited animals involves a number of obstacles. One such obstacle is mosaicism, which is common in founder animals. This is especially the case when the CRISPR/Cas9 system is used in embryos. Here we review the pros and cons of mosaic mutations of gene-edited animals caused by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system in embryos. Furthermore, we will discuss the mechanisms underlying mosaic mutations resulting from the CRISPR/Cas9 system, as well as the possible strategies for reducing mosaicism. By developing ways to overcome mosaic mutations when using CRISPR/Cas9, genotyping for germline gene disruptions should become more reliable. This achievement will pave the way for using the CRISPR technology in the research and clinical applications where mosaicism is an issue.  相似文献   


We developed an approach to genome editing of the white koji fungus, Aspergillus luchuensis mut. kawachii using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 system. Co-transformation of AMA1-based Cas9 and gRNA expression plasmids achieved efficient gene knockout in A. kawachii. The plasmids were easily lost when selective pressure was removed, allowing for successive rounds of genome editing.  相似文献   

The Streptococcus pyogenes CRISPR/Cas9 (SpCas9) system is now widely utilized to generate genome engineered mice; however, some studies raised issues related to off-target mutations with this system. Herein, we utilized the Campylobacter jejuni Cas9 (CjCas9) system to generate knockout mice. We designed sgRNAs targeting mouse Tyr or Foxn1 and microinjected into zygotes along with CjCas9 mRNA. We obtained newborn mice from the microinjected embryos and confirmed that 50% (Tyr) and 38.5% (Foxn1) of the newborn mice have biallelic mutation on the intended target sequences, indicating efficient genome targeting by CjCas9. In addition, we analyzed off-target mutations in founder mutant mice by targeted deep sequencing and whole genome sequencing. Both analyses revealed no off-target mutations at potential off-target sites predicted in silico and no unexpected random mutations in analyzed founder animals. In conclusion, the CjCas9 system can be utilized to generate genome edited mice in a precise manner.  相似文献   

Male sterile genes and mutants are valuable resources in hybrid seed production for monoclinous crops.High genetic redundancy due to allohexaploidy makes it difficult to obtain the nuclear recessive male sterile mutants through spontaneous mutation or chemical or physical mutagenesis methods in wheat.The emerging effective genome editing tool,CRISPR/Cas9 system,makes it possible to achieve simultaneous mutagenesis in multiple homoeoalleles.To improve the genome modification efficiency of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in wheat,we compared four different RNA polymerase(Pol) Ⅲ promoters(TaU3 p,TaU6 p,OsU3 p,and OsU6 p) and three types of sgRNA scaffold in the protoplast system.We show that the TaU3 promoter-driven optimized sgRNA scaffold was most effective.The optimized CRISPR/Cas9 system was used to edit three TaNP1 homoeoalleles,whose orthologs,OsNP1 in rice and ZmIPE1 in maize,encode a putative glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase and are required for male sterility.Triple homozygous mutations in TaNP1 genes result in complete male sterility.We further demonstrated that anyone wild-type copy of the three TaNP1 genes is sufficient for maintenance of male fertility.Taken together,this study provides an optimized CRISPR/Cas9 vector for wheat genome editing and a complete male sterile mutant for development of a commercially viable hybrid wheat seed production system.  相似文献   

目的:应用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建去泛素化酶YOD1基因敲除小鼠。方法:针对YOD1基因设计单链向导RNA(sg RNA)识别序列,构建sg RNA质粒,与Cas9质粒体外转录、纯化后注射入受精卵,通过PCR和测序验证得到F0代阳性小鼠。配繁两代后,取同窝对照的野生型(WT)和敲除(KO)小鼠的主要组织器官研磨,使用免疫印迹(WB)技术检测各组织YOD1蛋白的表达,确证YOD1敲除小鼠模型是否成功建立。统计YOD1杂合子(HET)自交存活后代各基因型比例,分析是否有胚胎致死表型。解剖小鼠分析主要组织器官的表型,进一步利用H.E.染色分析KO小鼠是否存在自发的病理改变。通过血糖耐受实验(GTT)分析KO小鼠的血糖调控能力。结果:基因组测序和WB检测结果显示KO小鼠中YOD1被明显敲除,YOD1敲除小鼠模型成功建立。YOD1杂合子自交后代各基因型比例符合孟德尔定律,提示KO小鼠非胚胎致死。YOD1敲除小鼠肝脏显著小于WT小鼠。GTT结果表明敲除YOD1不影响小鼠的血糖稳态。结论:应用CRISPR/Cas9技术成功构建YOD1基因敲除小鼠。KO小鼠正常出生,无任何胚胎发育缺陷。与WT小鼠相比,KO小鼠肝脏显著减小,但无显著的自发病理变化,KO小鼠血糖控制亦无显著差异。  相似文献   

应用CRISPR/Cas9技术在杨树中高效敲除多个靶基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘婷婷  范迪  冉玲玉  姜渊忠  刘瑞  罗克明 《遗传》2015,37(10):1044-1052
CRISPR/Cas9系统是一种广泛应用于细菌、酵母、动物和植物中的基因组定点编辑技术。本课题组在前期工作中利用该系统在毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)中率先实现了对内源基因—八氢番茄红素脱氢酶(Phytoene dehydrogenase, PDS)基因的定点敲除。为研究靶点的设计和选择对该系统介导的杨树内源基因敲除效率的影响,本文分析了不同单向导RNA(Single-guide RNA, sgRNA)结合毛白杨PDS(PtPDS)靶基因DNA序列后对突变效率的影响。结果发现sgRNA与靶基因间的碱基错配会导致突变的效率降低,甚至不能突变,其中3′端的碱基配对更为重要。进一步测序分析发现,该系统能同时敲除杨树基因组上两个同源的PDS编码基因(PtPDS1和PtPDS2),突变率分别达86.4%和50%。研究证明该系统可快速高效地敲除两个以上的内源基因,获得多重突变体杨树株系。利用该技术,本课题组已获得多个杨树转录因子及结构基因的敲除突变体株系,为将来开展基因功能研究和杨树遗传改良奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Metastasis-associated protein 1 (MTA1), belonging to metastasis-associated proteins (MTA) family, which are integral parts of nucleosome remodelling and histone deacetylation (NuRD) complexes. However, the effect of MTA1 on osteoclastogenesis is unknown. Currently, the regulation of MTA1 in osteoclastogenesis was reported for the first time. MTA1 knockout cells (KO) were established by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. RAW264.7 cells with WT and KO group were stimulated independently by RANKL to differentiate into mature osteoclasts. Further, western blotting and quantitative qRT-PCR were used to explore the effect of MTA1 on the expression of osteoclast-associated genes (including CTSK, MMP9, c-Fos and NFATc1) during osteoclastogenesis. Moreover, the effects of MTA1 on the expression of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in osteoclastogenesis was determined by 2′, 7′ -dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) staining. Nuclear translocation of Nrf2 was assessed by immunofluorescence staining and western blotting. Our results indicated that the MTA1 deletion group could differentiate into osteoclasts with larger volume and more TRAP positive. In addition, compared with WT group, KO group cells generated more actin rings. Mechanistically, the loss of MTA1 increased the expression of osteoclast-specific markers, including c-Fos, NFATc1, CTSK and MMP-9. Furthermore, the results of qRT-PCR and western blotting showed that MTA1 deficiency reduced basal Nrf2 expression and inhibited Nrf2-mediated expression of related antioxidant enzymes. Immunofluorescence staining demonstrated that MTA1 deficiency inhibited Nrf2 nuclear translocation. Taken together, the above increased basal and RANKL-induced intracellular ROS levels, leading to enhanced osteoclast formation.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal regulation of molecular reactions dictates cell fate. Thus, studying molecular dynamics is essential to understand how cells decide what to do and the fundamental perturbations causing disease. Classically, molecular dynamics has been studied by protocols based in the overexpression of fluorescent fusion proteins. However, overexpression is associated to altered stoichiometry, molecular dynamics and subcellular distribution. We here discuss the necessity to study molecular dynamics of fluorescent fusion proteins expressed under physiological mechanisms in the cell, pointing to CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing as the ideal means to do so. Current genome editing protocols enable us to study molecular dynamics while avoiding drawbacks associated to overexpression.  相似文献   

为更好地研究靶向硫氧还蛋白还原酶1的小分子化合物的细胞内靶点选择性,利用CRISPR/Cas9系统构建稳定敲除TrxR1基因(编码硫氧还蛋白还原酶1)的HCT-116细胞株。首先根据TrxR1基因序列和CRISPR/Cas9靶点设计原则,设计并选择合适的敲除位点,再根据敲除位点序列设计敲除TrxR1基因的sgRNA干扰序列,以pCasCMV-Puro-U6空质粒载体为骨架构建能表达该sgRNA干扰序列的重组质粒。质粒共转染至HCT-116细胞后,利用嘌呤霉素筛选TrxR1敲除的HCT-116细胞,通过DNA测序、免疫蛋白印迹、TRFS-green荧光探针和细胞内TrxR1酶活力检测等方法鉴定和验证HCT-116细胞的TrxR1基因敲除效果。进一步通过CCK-8实验初步研究靶向TrxR1小分子化合物对细胞内TrxR1酶活力和细胞增殖力抑制的相关性。结果显示,表达sgRNA干扰序列的重组质粒可以敲除HCT-116细胞中TrxR1基因,筛选获得的稳定敲除细胞HCT116-TrxR1-KO中无TrxR1蛋白表达,而靶向TrxR1小分子抑制剂对该细胞无TrxR1酶活力和细胞增殖力抑制效果。本研究利用CRISPR/Cas9系统成功构建了HCT-116的TrxR1基因敲除的稳定细胞株,为进一步研究TrxR1在相关疾病的发生机制和治疗中的作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)油菜素内酯受体BRI1为目的基因,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术定向编辑拟南芥BRI1,以期获得更多BRI1的突变体,为后续BRI1功能的进一步深入研究奠定基础。通过筛选转基因植株,对编辑后的BRI1进行测序分析,结果显示该突变体中BRI1基因序列由于新碱基的插入导致提前终止。同BRI1强突变体bri1-710一样,相比于野生型对照均对BL处理不敏感,但相比于bri1-710,该突变体植株较大,暗示BRI1 N端可能在BR信号途径中有重要作用。因此该研究可为后续进一步研究拟南芥及其他同源物种的BRI1功能提供可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   

Nuclease-based genome editing has proven to be a powerful and promising tool for disease modeling and gene therapy. Recent advances in CRISPR/Cas and TALE indicate that they could also be used as a targeted regulator of gene expression, as well as being utilized for illuminating specific chromosomal structures or genomic regions.  相似文献   

Insect body pigmentation and coloration are critical to adaption to the environment. To explore the mechanisms that drive pigmentation, we used the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) genome editing system to target the ebony gene in the non-model insect Spodoptera litura. Ebony is crucial to melanin synthesis in insects. By directly injecting Cas9 messenger RNA and ebony-specific guide RNAs into S. litura embryos, we successfully induced a typical ebony-deficient phenotype of deep coloration of the puparium and induction of melanin formation during the pupal stage. Polymerase chain reaction-based genotype analysis demonstrated that various mutations had occurred at the sites targeted in ebony. Our study clearly demonstrates the function of ebony in the puparium coloration and also provides a potentially useful marker gene for functional studies in S. litura as well as other lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

Phytophthora sojae is an important model species for oomycete functional genomics research. Recently, a CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome-editing technology has been successfully established in Psojae, which has been rapidly and widely applied in oomycete research. However, there is an emerging consensus in the biological community that a complete functional gene research system is needed such as developed in the investigations in functional complementation carried out in this study. We report the development of an in situ complementation method for accurate restoration of the mutated gene. We targeted a regulatory B-subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PsPP2Ab1) to verify this knockout and subsequent complementation system. We found that the deletion of PsPP2Ab1 in Psojae leads to severe defects in vegetative hyphal growth, soybean infection, and loss of the ability to produce sporangia. Subsequently, the reintroduction of PsPP2Ab1 into the knockout mutant remedied all of the deficiencies. This study demonstrates the successful implementation of an in situ complementation system by CRISPR/Cas9, which will greatly accelerate functional genomics research of oomycetes in the post-genomic era.  相似文献   

Tiki1基因是哈佛大学儿童医学院贺熹教授实验室发现的一个对蛙头部的诱导起到决定性作用的新基因,但Tiki1基因在小鼠等啮齿类动物中缺失,因此无法利用小鼠等小动物来研究其在哺乳动物中的作用.本文利用CRISPR/Cas9系统结合体细胞克隆技术构建Tiki1基因修饰猪模型,研究Tiki1基因在猪发育中的作用.我们利用贺熹教授团队提供的人Tiki1基因序列,在猪的基因组数据库中比对出与其同源性最高的一段序列设计2个靶位点(g1和g2).以设计的靶位点构建打靶质粒转染猪胎儿成纤维细胞,经细胞筛选、PCR扩增及测序共鉴定了52个单细胞克隆株.最终选择靶位点g1为纯合双敲的5个单细胞克隆株和靶位点g2为纯合双敲的3个单细胞克隆株作为构建Tiki1基因敲除猪的核供体.我们共计构建了720个重组胚胎,分别植入3头代孕母猪,其中有1头经B超检测成功怀孕并妊娠到期产下13头发育正常的克隆猪,经测序鉴定其中12头为Tiki1基因双敲除猪模型,Tiki1基因敲除克隆猪健康存活至今.结果表明Tiki1基因对于猪早期发育的作用机理不同于蛙,其在猪早期发育的过程中的具体作用机理有待后续进一步的深入研究.  相似文献   

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