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Ribosomal protein L2 is a primary 23S rRNA binding protein in the large ribosomal subunit. We examined the contribution of the N- and C-terminal regions of Bacillus stearothermophilus L2 (BstL2) to the 23S rRNA binding activity. The mutant desN, in which the N-terminal 59 residues of BstL2 were deleted, bound to the 23S rRNA fragment to the same extent as wild type BstL2, but the mutation desC, in which the C-terminal 74 amino acid residues were deleted, abolished the binding activity. These observations indicated that the C-terminal region is involved in 23S rRNA binding. Subsequent deletion analysis of the C-terminal region found that the C-terminal 70 amino acids are required for efficient 23S rRNA binding by BstL2. Furthermore, the surface plasmon resonance analysis indicated that successive truncations of the C-terminal residues increased the dissociation rate constants, while they had little influence on association rate constants. The result indicated that reduced affinities of the C-terminal deletion mutants were due only to higher dissociation rate constants, suggesting that the C-terminal region primarily functions by stabilizing the protein L2-23S rRNA complex.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of calmodulin (CaM) in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)-infected cells is distinct from that observed in uninfected cells. CaM co-localizes and interacts with the HIV-1 Gag protein in the cytosol of infected cells. Although it has been shown that binding of Gag to CaM is mediated by the matrix (MA) domain, the structural details of this interaction are not known. We have recently shown that binding of CaM to MA induces a conformational change that triggers myristate exposure, and that the CaM-binding domain of MA is confined to a region spanning residues 8–43 (MA-(8–43)). Here, we present the NMR structure of CaM bound to MA-(8–43). Our data revealed that MA-(8–43), which contains a novel CaM-binding motif, binds to CaM in an antiparallel mode with the N-terminal helix (α1) anchored to the CaM C-terminal lobe, and the C-terminal helix (α2) of MA-(8–43) bound to the N-terminal lobe of CaM. The CaM protein preserves a semiextended conformation. Binding of MA-(8–43) to CaM is mediated by numerous hydrophobic interactions and stabilized by favorable electrostatic contacts. Our structural data are consistent with the findings that CaM induces unfolding of the MA protein to have access to helices α1 and α2. It is noteworthy that several MA residues involved in CaM binding have been previously implicated in membrane binding, envelope incorporation, and particle production. The present findings may ultimately help in identification of the functional role of CaM in HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   

TARRNA结合蛋白是细胞中双链RNA结合蛋白家族成员之一.它可以结合HIV-1TARRNA,并与Tat协同作用激活LTR表达,进而促进病毒的转录与翻译.TRBP也是将干扰素抗病毒通路与RNA干扰免疫通路相连的一种细胞蛋白.在干扰素诱生的PKR反应中,TRBP通过直接抑制PKR的自磷酸化、与PKR竞争通用的RNA底物或与PACT形成异源二聚体等机制抑制细胞内的PKR反应,从而降低了PKR介导的对病毒表达的抑制作用.TRBP与Dicer和Ago2等组成的RNA诱导沉默复合体,在RNA干扰中发挥着关键作用并调控随后的序列特异性降解.在HIV-1感染中,TRBP更倾向于促进病毒的表达与复制,因此TRBP也成为控制HIV-1感染的新靶点.  相似文献   

AIDA1 links persistent chemical signaling events occurring at the neuronal synapse with global changes in gene expression. Consistent with its role as a scaffolding protein, AIDA1 is composed of several protein-protein interaction domains. Here we report the NMR structure of the carboxy terminally located phosphotyrosine binding domain (PTB) that is common to all AIDA1 splice variants. A comprehensive survey of peptides identified a consensus sequence around an NxxY motif that is shared by a number of related neuronal signaling proteins. Using peptide arrays and fluorescence based assays, we determined that the AIDA1 PTB domain binds amyloid protein precursor (APP) in a similar manner to the X11/Mint PTB domain, albeit at reduced affinity (∼10 µM) that may allow AIDA1 to effectively sample APP, as well as other protein partners in a variety of cellular contexts.  相似文献   

One of the key pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD) is the accumulation of the APP-derived amyloid β peptide (Aβ) in the brain. Altered copper homeostasis has also been reported in AD patients and is thought to increase oxidative stress and to contribute to toxic Aβ accumulation and regulate APP metabolism. The potential involvement of the N-terminal APP copper binding domain (CuBD) in these events has not been investigated. Based on the tertiary structure of the APP CuBD, we examined the histidine residues of the copper binding site (His(147), His(149), and His(151)). We report that histidines 149 and 151 are crucial for CuBD stability and APP metabolism. Co-mutation of the APP CuBD His(149) and His(151) to asparagine decreased APP proteolytic processing, impaired APP endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi trafficking, and promoted aberrant APP oligomerization in HEK293 cells. Expression of the triple H147N/H149N/H151N-APP mutant led to up-regulation of the unfolded protein response. Using recombinant protein encompassing the APP CuBD, we found that insertion of asparagines at positions 149 and 151 altered the secondary structure of the domain. This study identifies two APP CuBD residues that are crucial for APP metabolism and suggests an additional role of this domain in APP folding and stability besides its previously identified copper binding activity. These findings are of major significance for the design of novel AD therapeutic drugs targeting this APP domain.  相似文献   

RRM RNA结合蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
RRM RNA结合蛋白是一类含一个或数个RRM结构域及附属结构域的RNA结合蛋白,参与RNA前体的剪接、RNA的细胞定位、RNA的稳定性等多种转录后调控过程.在RRM基序中含有许多保守的氨基酸以保证对RNA的结合活性,但是这一家族的不同蛋白质却能特异地结合各种不同的RNA分子.RRM RNA结合蛋白与某些人类遗传性疾病及肿瘤相关.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic DNA replication protein Mcm10 associates with chromatin in early S-phase and is required for assembly and function of the replication fork protein machinery. Xenopus laevis (X) Mcm10 binds DNA via a highly conserved internal domain (ID) and a C-terminal domain (CTD) that is unique to higher eukaryotes. Although the structural basis of the interactions of the ID with DNA and polymerase α is known, little information is available for the CTD. We have identified the minimal DNA binding region of the XMcm10-CTD and determined its three-dimensional structure by solution NMR. The CTD contains a globular domain composed of two zinc binding motifs. NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutational analysis show that ssDNA binds only to the N-terminal (CCCH-type) zinc motif, whose structure is unique to Mcm10. The second (CCCC-type) zinc motif is not involved in DNA binding. However, it is structurally similar to the CCCC zinc ribbon in the N-terminal oligomerization domain of eukaryotic and archaeal MCM helicases. NMR analysis of a construct spanning both the ID and CTD reveals that the two DNA binding domains are structurally independent in solution, supporting a modular architecture for vertebrate Mcm10. Our results provide insight in the action of Mcm10 in the replisome and support a model in which it serves as a central scaffold through coupling of interactions with partner proteins and the DNA.  相似文献   

P W Howe  K Nagai  D Neuhaus    G Varani 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(16):3873-3881
The RNP domain is a very common motif found in hundreds of proteins, including many protein components of the RNA processing machinery. The 70-90 amino acid domain contains two highly conserved stretches of 6-8 amino acids (RNP-1 and RNP-2) in the central strands of a four-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet, packed against two alpha-helices by a conserved hydrophobic core. Using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR, we have mapped intermolecular contacts between the human U1A protein 102 amino acid N-terminal RNP domain and a 31-mer oligonucleotide derived from stem-loop II of U1 snRNA. Chemical shift changes induced on the protein by the RNA define the surface of the beta-sheet as the recognition interface. The reverse face of the protein, with the two alpha-helices, remains exposed to the solvent in the presence of the RNA, and is potentially available for protein-protein contacts in spliceosome assembly or splice site selection. Protein-RNA contacts occur at the single-stranded apical loop of the hairpin, but also in the major groove of the helical stem at neighbouring U.G and U.U non-Watson-Crick base pairs. Examination of a proposed model for the complex in the light of the present results reveals several features of RNA recognition by RNP proteins. The quality of the spectra for this complex of 22 kDa demonstrates the feasibility of NMR investigation of RNA-protein complexes.  相似文献   

Previous kinetic investigations of the N-terminal RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) domain of spliceosomal A protein of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U1A) interacting with its RNA target U1 hairpin II (U1hpII) provided experimental evidence for a ‘lure and lock’ model of binding. The final step of locking has been proposed to involve conformational changes in an α-helix immediately C-terminal to the RRM domain (helix C), which occludes the RNA binding surface in the unbound protein. Helix C must shift its position to accommodate RNA binding in the RNA–protein complex. This results in a new hydrophobic core, an intraprotein hydrogen bond and a quadruple stacking interaction between U1A and U1hpII. Here, we used a surface plasmon resonance-based biosensor to gain mechanistic insight into the role of helix C in mediating the interaction with U1hpII. Truncation, removal or disruption of the helix exposes the RNA-binding surface, resulting in an increase in the association rate, while simultaneously reducing the ability of the complex to lock, reflected in a loss of complex stability. Disruption of the quadruple stacking interaction has minor kinetic effects when compared with removal of the intraprotein hydrogen bonds. These data provide new insights into the mechanism whereby sequences C-terminal to an RRM can influence RNA binding.  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) represents a ubiquitous Ca2+ influx pathway activated by the filling state of intracellular Ca2+ stores. SOCE is mediated by coupling of STIM1, the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor, to the Orai1 channel. SOCE inactivates during meiosis, partly because of the inability of STIM1 to cluster in response to store depletion. STIM1 has several functional domains, including the Orai1 interaction domain (STIM1 Orai Activating Region (SOAR) or CRAC Activation Domain (CAD)) and STIM1 homomerization domain. When Ca2+ stores are full, these domains are inactive to prevent constitutive Ca2+ entry. Here we show, using the Xenopus oocyte as an expression system, that the C-terminal 200 residues of STIM1 are important to maintain STIM1 in an inactive state when Ca2+ stores are full, through predicted intramolecular shielding of the active STIM1 domains (SOAR/CAD and STIM1 homomerization domain). Interestingly, our data argue that the C-terminal 200 residues accomplish this through a steric hindrance mechanism because they can be substituted by GFP or mCherry while maintaining all aspects of STIM1 function. We further show that STIM1 clustering inhibition during meiosis is independent of the C-terminal 200 residues.  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 3 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus includes a “SARS-unique domain” (SUD) consisting of three globular domains separated by short linker peptide segments. This work reports NMR structure determinations of the C-terminal domain (SUD-C) and a two-domain construct (SUD-MC) containing the middle domain (SUD-M) and the C-terminal domain, and NMR data on the conformational states of the N-terminal domain (SUD-N) and the SUD-NM two-domain construct. Both SUD-N and SUD-NM are monomeric and globular in solution; in SUD-NM, there is high mobility in the two-residue interdomain linking sequence, with no preferred relative orientation of the two domains. SUD-C adopts a frataxin like fold and has structural similarity to DNA-binding domains of DNA-modifying enzymes. The structures of both SUD-M (previously determined) and SUD-C (from the present study) are maintained in SUD-MC, where the two domains are flexibly linked. Gel-shift experiments showed that both SUD-C and SUD-MC bind to single-stranded RNA and recognize purine bases more strongly than pyrimidine bases, whereby SUD-MC binds to a more restricted set of purine-containing RNA sequences than SUD-M. NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments with observations of 15N-labeled proteins further resulted in delineation of RNA binding sites (i.e., in SUD-M, a positively charged surface area with a pronounced cavity, and in SUD-C, several residues of an anti-parallel β-sheet). Overall, the present data provide evidence for molecular mechanisms involving the concerted actions of SUD-M and SUD-C, which result in specific RNA binding that might be unique to the SUD and, thus, to the SARS coronavirus.  相似文献   

DEAD box proteins consist of a common helicase core formed by two globular RecA domains that are separated by a cleft. The helicase core acts as a nucleotide-dependent switch that alternates between open and closed conformations during the catalytic cycle of duplex separation, thereby providing basic helicase activity. Flanking domains can direct the helicase core to a specific RNA substrate by mediating high-affinity or high-specificity RNA binding. In addition, they may position RNA for the helicase core or may directly contribute to unwinding. While structures of different helicase cores have been determined previously, little is known about the orientation of flanking domains relative to the helicase core.YxiN is a DEAD box protein that consists of a helicase core and a C-terminal RNA binding domain (RBD) that mediates specific binding to hairpin 92 in 23S rRNA. To provide a framework for understanding the functional cooperation of the YxiN helicase core and the RBD, we mapped the orientation of the RBD in single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments. We present a model for the global conformation of YxiN in which the RBD lies above a slightly concave patch that is formed by flexible loops on the surface of the C-terminal RecA domain. The orientation of the RBD is different from the orientations of flanking domains in the Thermus thermophilus DEAD box protein Hera and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mss116p, in line with the different functions of these DEAD box proteins and of their RBDs. Interestingly, the corresponding patch on the C-terminal RecA domain that is covered by the YxiN RBD is also part of the interface between the translation factors eIF4A and eIF4G. Possibly, this region constitutes an adaptable interface that generally allows for the interaction of the helicase core with additional domains or interacting factors.  相似文献   

Starch biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana is strictly regulated. In leaf extracts, starch synthase 1 (AtSS1) responds to the redox potential within a physiologically relevant range. This study presents data testing two main hypotheses: 1) that specific thiol-disulfide exchange in AtSS1 influences its catalytic function 2) that each conserved Cys residue has an impact on AtSS1 catalysis. Recombinant AtSS1 versions carrying combinations of cysteine-to-serine substitutions were generated and characterized in vitro. The results demonstrate that AtSS1 is activated and deactivated by the physiological redox transmitters thioredoxin f1 (Trxf1), thioredoxin m4 (Trxm4) and the bifunctional NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase C (NTRC). AtSS1 displayed an activity change within the physiologically relevant redox range, with a midpoint potential equal to -306 mV, suggesting that AtSS1 is in the reduced and active form during the day with active photosynthesis. Cys164 and Cys545 were the key cysteine residues involved in regulatory disulfide formation upon oxidation. A C164S_C545S double mutant had considerably decreased redox sensitivity as compared to wild type AtSS1 (30% vs 77%). Michaelis-Menten kinetics and molecular modeling suggest that both cysteines play important roles in enzyme catalysis, namely, Cys545 is involved in ADP-glucose binding and Cys164 is involved in acceptor binding. All the other single mutants had essentially complete redox sensitivity (98–99%). In addition of being part of a redox directed activity “light switch”, reactivation tests and low heterologous expression levels indicate that specific cysteine residues might play additional roles. Specifically, Cys265 in combination with Cys164 can be involved in proper protein folding or/and stabilization of translated protein prior to its transport into the plastid. Cys442 can play an important role in enzyme stability upon oxidation. The physiological and phylogenetic relevance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Unlike other antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family, Bfl-1 does not contain a well defined C-terminal transmembrane domain, and whether the C-terminal tail of Bfl-1 functions as a membrane anchor is not yet clearly established. The molecular modeling study of the full-length Bfl-1 performed within this work suggests that Bfl-1 may co-exist in two distinct conformational states: one in which its C-terminal helix α9 is inserted in the hydrophobic groove formed by the BH1–3 domains of Bfl-1 and one with its C terminus. Parallel analysis of the subcellular localization of Bfl-1 indicates that even if Bfl-1 may co-exist in two distinct conformational states, most of the endogenous protein is tightly associated with the mitochondria by its C terminus in both healthy and apoptotic peripheral blood lymphocytes as well as in malignant B cell lines. However, the helix α9 of Bfl-1, and therefore the binding of Bfl-1 to mitochondria, is not absolutely required for the antiapoptotic activity of Bfl-1. A particular feature of Bfl-1 is the amphipathic character of its C-terminal helix α9. Our data clearly indicate that this property of helix α9 is required for the anchorage of Bfl-1 to the mitochondria but also regulates the antiapoptotic function Bfl-1.Apoptosis is a highly regulated process that plays a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis, and a delicate balance between proapoptotic and antiapoptotic regulators of apoptosis pathways ensures the proper survival of cells in a variety of tissues. Imbalance between proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins occurs in diseases such as cancer, where an overexpression of antiapoptotic proteins endows cells with a selective survival advantage that promotes malignancy. Bcl-2 family members are essential regulators of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, which act at the level of mitochondria as initiators of cell death (1). This family comprises nearly 20 proteins divided into three main groups. Antiapoptotic members such as Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bcl-w, Bfl-1, and Mcl-1 promote cell survival, whereas proapoptotic members such as Bax and Bak function as death effectors. The life and death balance is displaced in favor of cell death by proapoptotic BH3-only proteins such as Bim, Bad, Bid, Puma, and Noxa, which interact with antiapoptotic proteins and inactivate their function (2) or directly interact with and activate the Bax-like proteins (3).Distinct subcellular localizations of antiapoptotic members have been reported correlating with the accessibility of their C-terminal tail. The C-terminal tail of the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w possess a hydrophobic region known to be a membrane anchor domain. Thus, Bcl-2 localizes to mitochondria as well as to the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear membranes (4, 5, 6), and deletion of its C-terminal amino acids abrogates its targeting to the outer mitochondrial membrane (7). In contrast, in healthy cells, Bcl-xL and Bcl-w localize mainly in the cytosol because their C-terminal tails are sequestered. Bcl-xL exists as a homodimer through the exchange of the C-terminal tail bound in the hydrophobic groove of the reciprocal dimer partner (8), whereas the C-terminal tail of Bcl-w occupies its own hydrophobic groove in the monomer form (9, 10). It has been proposed that, following apoptotic stimuli, interaction of the BH3 domain from BH3-only proteins with the hydrophobic groove of Bcl-w or Bcl-xL liberates their C-terminal tail and then the two proteins translocate to the mitochondria (8, 11).Unlike Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and Bcl-w, Bfl-1 and its murine homolog, A1, do not contain a well defined C-terminal transmembrane domain (12, 13). C-terminal ends of these two proteins are similar and contain several hydrophilic residues that interrupt their putative transmembrane hydrophobic domain. Whether the C-terminal tail of Bfl-1 functions as a membrane anchor remains to be clarified. Immunofluorescence analyses in an earlier study have shown that overexpressed human Bfl-1 is predominantly localized in the endoplasmic/nuclear envelope regions (14). Then, recent independent studies, with Bfl-1-overexpressing cells, suggested that Bfl-1 localizes to the mitochondria (15, 16, 17) and that the C-terminal end of Bfl-1 is important for anchoring Bfl-1 to the mitochondria due to GFP-Bfl-1 being associated to the mitochondria, whereas GFP-Bfl-1, devoid of its C-terminal tail, also localizes in the cytosol (16, 18). However, localization of endogenous Bfl-1 has never been investigated. In this study, we present a molecular modeling study of full-length Bfl-1 (FL-Bfl-1), based on the crystal structure of a truncated form of Bfl-1 (residues 1–149) in complex with the BIM-BH3 peptide (Protein Data Bank code 2VM6).4 Our model suggests that Bfl-1 may co-exist in two distinct conformational states, the first one with its C-terminal helix α9 (residues 155–175) inserted in the hydrophobic groove formed by the BH1–3 domain of Bfl-1, and the second one with its C-terminal tail. Interestingly, helical wheel projection of the C-terminal helix of Bfl-1 highlights its amphipathic character, a feature of transmembrane helices or membrane anchors. These observations incited the reinvestigation of the subcellular localization of Bfl-1 in both malignant B cell lines and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs).5 We demonstrate here that endogenous Bfl-1 is preferentially anchored to the mitochondria in malignant B cell lines but also in healthy PBLs. Moreover, we show that both the anchorage of Bfl-1 to the mitochondria and the anti-apoptotic function of the protein are dependent on the amphipathic nature of the C-terminal helix.  相似文献   

The four mammalian SPRY (a sequence repeat in dual-specificity kinase splA and ryanodine receptors) domain-containing suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) box proteins (SSB-1 to -4) are characterised by a C-terminal SOCS box and a central SPRY domain. The latter is a protein interaction module found in over 1600 proteins, with more than 70 encoded in the human genome. Here we report the crystal structure of the SPRY domain of murine SSB-2 and compare it with the SSB-2 solution structure and crystal structures of other B30.2/SPRY domain-containing family proteins. The structure is a bent β-sandwich, consisting of two seven-stranded β-sheets wrapped around a long loop that extends from the centre strands of the inner or concave β-sheet; it closely matches those of GUSTAVUS and SSB-4. The structure is also similar to those of two recently determined Neuralized homology repeat (NHR) domains (also known as NEUZ domains), with detailed comparisons, suggesting that the NEUZ/NHR domains form a subclass of SPRY domains. The binding site on SSB-2 for the prostate apoptosis response-4 (Par-4) protein has been mapped in finer detail using mutational analyses. Moreover, SSB-1 was shown to have a Par-4 binding surface similar to that identified for SSB-2. Structural perturbations of SSB-2 induced by mutations affecting its interaction with Par-4 and/or c-Met have been characterised by NMR. These comparisons, in conjunction with previously published dynamics data from NMR relaxation studies and coarse-grained dynamics simulation using normal mode analysis, further refine our understanding of the structural basis for protein recognition of SPRY domain-containing proteins.  相似文献   

The quaking viable (qkv) mice represent an animal model of dysmyelination. The absence of expression of the QKI-6 and QKI-7 cytoplasmic isoforms in oligodendrocytes (OLs) during CNS myelination causes the qkv mouse phenotype. The QKI RNA-binding proteins are known to regulate RNA metabolism of cell cycle proteins and myelin components in OLs; however, little is known of their role in reorganizing the cytoskeleton or process outgrowth during OL maturation and differentiation. Here, we identify the actin-interacting protein (AIP)-1 mRNA as a target of QKI-6 by using two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis. The AIP-1 mRNA contains a consensus QKI response element within its 3′-untranslated region that, when bound by QKI-6, decreases the half-life of the AIP-1 mRNA. Although the expression of QKI-6 is known to increase during OL differentiation and CNS myelination, we show that this increase is paralleled with a corresponding decrease in AIP-1 expression in rat brains. Furthermore, qkv/qkv mice that lack QKI-6 and QKI-7 within its OLs had an increased level of AIP-1 in OLs. Moreover, primary rat OL precursors harboring an AIP-1 small interfering RNA display defects in OL process outgrowth. Our findings suggest that the QKI RNA-binding proteins regulate OL differentiation by modulating the expression of AIP-1.  相似文献   

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