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Lecanora paramerae is described from Central-East Spain. At the only two known localities it grows on Juniperus thurifera trees in the ‘Serranía de Cuenca’ mountains. It is chemically characterized by the presence of 2′- O -methylperlatolic acid in addition to atranorin and psoromic acid. Anatomically, it can be recognized by the presence of large and irregular crystals in the amphithecium, a pulicaris -type epihymenium and broadly ellipsoid ascospores.  相似文献   

Belonia mediterraneaNav.-Ros. & Llimona sp. nov. is described and compared with other, mainly saxicolous, species of the genus. It is known only from the type locality, Medes Islands (Catalonia, NE Spain), where it occurs on shaded limestone cliffs, near the Mediterranean seashore. It differs from related saxicolous species ofBeloniamainly in the appearance of the thallus, ascospore septation and ecology. A key to the European species ofBeloniais provided.Resumen:Se describeBelonia mediterraneaNav.-Ros. & Llimona sp. nov. y se compara con las otras especies del género, principalmente con las saxı́colas. Sólo se la conoce por el momento de la localidad del tipo, las islas Medes (Cataluña, NE de España), en donde crece sobre acantilados calizos sombreados, en la zona costera del Mediterráneo. Se diferencia de las especies saxı́colas próximas deBelonia, principalmente por el aspecto del talo, la septación de las ascósporas y por la ecologı́a. Se incluye una clave de las especies europeas deBelonia.  相似文献   

The diminutive speciesGyalidea praetermissais described from Central Sweden. At the only known locality it grows on the sheltered and shaded vertical north side of a large boulder in an open pine forest. The species is mainly characterized by the 4–5-septate spores. 1996 The British Lichen Society  相似文献   

The genusJarmania, based on the single speciesJ. tristis, is described. The new genus is characterized by a byssoid-leprose thallus, immarginate apothecia, asci of theBacidia-type, strongly anastomosing paraphyses and septate, acicular ascospores. The new species is corticolous and is known only from cool temperate rainforest in Tasmania. 1996 The British Lichen Society  相似文献   

Porina radicicolasp. nov. is described from Washington, U.S.A. and British Columbia, Canada.  相似文献   

Bacidia caesiovirensS. Ekman & Holien sp. nov. is described from Norway, and the British Isles. It occurs on trunks of deciduous trees in coastal forests. This species is usually sterile and is characterized by its conspicuously blue-green, granular thallus, which contains a bluish, N+ purple pigment. It is closely related toB. biatorina(Körb.) Vain., but differs from this species in a number of features apart from thallus pigmentation: the thallus granules are smaller, the amount of hyphal projections from the surface of the thallus granules is larger, and the internal pigmentation of the apothecia is different.Bacidia auerswaldii(Hepp ex Stizenb.) Mig. has a similarly granular thallus but differs fromB. biatorinaandB. caesiovirensin having wide, fusiform spores and smaller thallus granules.Bacidia absistens(Nyl.) Arnold has an internal apothecium pigmentation similar toB. caesiovirens, but differs in having a smooth thallus, and an abundance of minute crystals in the excipulum.  相似文献   

A fourth foliicolous species ofAnisomeridiumis described.Anisomeridium musaesporoideshas so far only been found in Guyana and Panama. It is characterized by applanate perithecia with a white marginal zone, large spores with a submedian septum and apical ostiole. A key to all known foliicolousAnisomeridiumspecies is provided.  相似文献   

Hyalopyrenia japonicaHarada (lichenized Ascomycotina) is described as a new genus on the basis of a specimen from friable rock in forests in Chiba-ken, central Japan. It is characterized by a poorly developed crustose thallus, aTrentepohliaphycobiont, immersed perithecia with hyaline walls, simple paraphyses and periphyses, non-amyloid bitunicate asci with an ocular chamber, and transversely septate hyaline spores.Hyalopyreniais monotypic, and its taxonomic position is uncertain.  相似文献   

Lecania pusillaTretiach sp. nov. is described from the Trieste Karst, where it was collected twice on epilithic mosses in protected overhangs. The new species is characterized by simple or uniseptate spores, pruinose apothecia, andBacidia-type asci; it has a reduced, granular thallus with no lichen substances.  相似文献   

Abstract:Porina otagensis P. M. McCarthy (Trichotheliaceae) is described from semi-aquatic rocks near Dunedin in the South Island of New Zealand. It has perithecia with a thin, applanate to convex, spreading involucrellum, rather short but broad, 7-septate ascospores that lack a gelatinous sheath, and comparatively broad conidia.  相似文献   

Pocsia mucronataP. M. McCarthy sp. nov. (incert. sed.) is described from Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, Australia. This foliicolous lichen inhabits leaves of the endemic palm,Howea forsteriana.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Conodont collections from late Viséan–early Bashkirian deposits include numerous elements related to the cosmopolitan species Gnathodus bilineatus (Roundy) in the Cantabrian Mountains. Arnsbergian beds yield the taxa Gnathodus bilineatus leonicus subsp. nov., G. millarensis sp. nov., G. truyolsi sp. nov. and Gnathodus sp. nov. A. Almost all are also found in limestones of similar age in the Pyrenees, and the G. truyolsi conodont Zone is defined for the upper Serpukhovian of the northern Iberian Peninsula. In addition, numerous references to the proposed taxa come from Austria, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa and Asian localities. The increase in gnathodid diversity and abundance in northern Spain is related to a local Arnsbergian drowning episode of the carbonate platform. G. truyolsi is possibly derived from G. b. bilineatus , and there is morphological convergence with Gnathodus kiensis Pazukhin.  相似文献   

贾泽峰  赵遵田 《菌物学报》2005,24(2):162-163
本文报道了中国云南的肉疣衣属的一新种——亚莲座肉疣衣,新种有拉丁文简介并附图,模式标本保存于山东农业大学生命科学学院地衣标本室。  相似文献   

Strigula macaronesicaSérus., a new foliicolous species found in Madeira and Gomera, is distinguished by its almost linear thallus growing along leaf margins or scars and by its unusually small obclavate asci.  相似文献   

李泉  彭善池 《古生物学报》2006,45(4):540-548
安徽淮南八公山地区寒武纪毛庄-徐庄期地层出露良好,化石丰富。在老鹰山剖面徐庄组底部的紫色页岩内所采集大量三叶虫标本中发现的一种新的三叶虫,命名为Huaiaspishuainanensisgen.etsp.nov.,它代表了一个尚未描记的且科级分类位置待定的新属新种。该三叶虫特点突出,是头部特征极度消隐且不具眼、眼叶、眼脊的“盲三叶虫”。该三叶虫为小尾型后颊类,主要特征为:壳面光滑,背壳呈次椭圆形,头盖半圆形;头鞍呈钟形向前收缩;背沟浅,仅在侧光下可见;活动颊平滑宽大,具有宽阔的活动颊刺;胸部由14节组成;尾部中轴粗壮,无边缘沟。  相似文献   

作者报道了一个小型■类动物群,包括Eostaffella? sp., Pseudoendothyra sp., Staffella pseudosphae-roidea Dutkevich, Neostaffella ( N.)sp ., Profusulinella bona Grozdilova et Lebedeva以及P.cf .prisca (Depart) ,此动物群是在老挝北部琅勃拉邦省西南部的Thong Phiang Vilay村附近的石灰岩山中发现的。根据Profusulinella bona和P.cf. prisca的出现,该动物群的时代可归到晚石炭世宾夕法尼亚纪巴什基尔期或莫斯科期最早期。这是在老挝北部对该时代■类动物群的首次报道。当前■类动物群证明琅勃拉邦地区和泰国北部的黎地区在地质上有重要的关系,表明老挝北部地区从地质构造上属于印度支那板块的边缘。  相似文献   

Bacidia neosquamulosaAptroot & van Herk, a new corticolous lichen species, is described from the Netherlands, where it seems to be rapidly spreading and where it is considered to be a neophytic species. It is also reported from Belgium and Great Britain. It resembles corticolous morphs of the rather variableB. arnoldiana, but differs from this and other species by the longer, conspicuously septate, filiform, curved, macroconidia, the longer ascospores and the squamulose-isidiate thallus.  相似文献   

A new genus of Devonian age fossil plants is described from the Trout Valley Formation of northern Maine. Abundant compression material permits a rather complete understanding of its morphology. Pertica quadrifaria Kasper and Andrews, gen. et sp. nov., was an erect plant, perhaps a meter tall, with a pseudomonopodial main axis and dichotomous side branches. The side branches were arranged in a clockwise spiral (from base to apex) and were tetrastichous. They dichotomized numerous times, with the intervals between dichotomies decreasing distally. The ultimate branchlets bore numerous sporangia in dense clusters. Other side branches were completely sterile. Pertica quadrifaria is classified in the Subdivision Trimerophytina of Banks. Its evolutionary significance rests in the fact that it is a link in the chain of increasingly complex early vascular land plants.  相似文献   

记述了新疆玛纳斯古近纪安集海河组发现的鲤科(Cyprinidae)一新属、种——刘氏天山鱼(Tianshanicus liui gen.et sp.nov.)。新属具有臀鳍分叉鳍条多于7根、体长形稍侧扁、口端位、下咽齿近锥形而齿尖前后略侧扁、背鳍和臀鳍均无硬棘、背鳍起点略在腹鳍起点之后以及尾鳍深分叉等特征,表明它应属于雅罗鱼亚科(Leuciscinae sensu Cavender & Coburn,1992)。然而,它又具有额骨前宽后窄、顶骨长方形、膜质蝶耳骨很大、齿骨冠状突较低、鳃盖骨近长方形等特征而有别于本亚科中其他属。值得注意的是,这些特征却见诸于现生的胭脂鱼类Myxocyprinus中,这将对研究雅罗鱼类的起源很有意义。根据鱼化石和哺乳化石的证据,认为含鱼层的时代为晚始新世。  相似文献   

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