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BACKGROUND: The United States Surgeon General declared 2005 as the "Year of Healthy Child." To improve the health of all children, we need to start before pregnancy, with their mothers. Unfortunately, protein deficiency in the diets of poor pregnant mothers in developing countries is widespread. Carbon monoxide (CO) pollution is serious public health problem in developed and developing countries. METHODS: A two-way factorial experimental design was used. Mice were maintained on 27%, 16%, 8%, or 4% protein diets. Dams were exposed to 0 ppm (control), 65 ppm, or 125 ppm CO in air, in environmental chambers for 6 hr/day during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy. Controls were also subjected to environmental chamber conditions. Food and water were available at all times. Animals were allowed to deliver, and data on pup mortality was recorded. RESULTS: Litter size was not affected by CO exposure, but was directly related to the dietary protein levels. Pup weight was inversely related to the CO exposure level, and directly related to the dietary protein levels. Pup mortality on date of birth was increased by CO exposure and was inversely related to the dietary protein levels. Pup mortality at 1 week of age was increased by CO exposure and 55% of all pups died in 125 ppm CO exposed group. Pup mortality at 1 week of age was inversely related to dietary protein levels. All pups in the 4% dietary protein and in all concentrations of CO died. All pups in the 8% protein group and in all CO concentrations died except in 125 ppm CO group. Pup mortality in the 16% dietary protein group ranged from 14.8% in 0 ppm to 36.8% in 65 ppm CO groups. Pup mortality in the 27% dietary protein group ranged from 14.3% in the 0 ppm to 41.1% in the 125 ppm CO groups. CONCLUSIONS: DATA suggest that protein deficiency and CO exposure enhance pup mortality. The protein and CO also interact to increase pup mortality in 16% and 27% protein groups. Carbon monoxide exposure, along with protein deficiency during gestation, may be contributing factors for high rates of infant mortality in developing countries. The results of the study also suggest that un-vented combustion for heating and cooking, ambient pollution, and biomass smoke may have a major impact on the health of children worldwide; and may explain the causes of high infant mortality in poor countries and some sections of the United States population.  相似文献   

In bioarchaeological contexts, a complex relationship exists between infant representation in the age-at-death distribution, gestational and young child mortality rates, and the total fertility rate. The representation of infants in a skeletal sample may be influenced by a range of social, biological, and archaeological factors. To better understand the interactions between representation, fertility, and mortality, this study evaluates the relationship between infant-juvenile age-at-death proportions, fertility rates, and a range of gestational and early childhood mortality measures. The statistical component of this study found the correlation between fertility rates and infant-juvenile proportions was stronger than with any mortality rate variable of interest. This suggests that the proportion of infants in a mortuary sample is a stronger indicator of fertility than it is of infant-juvenile mortality. Social, biological, and archaeological variables potentially influencing infant representation in skeletal samples are discussed and a strongly contextualized and holistic approach to infant and juvenile mortality is recommended.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in mother-reared chimpanzees was examined from the records of Taronga Zoo, Sydney, Australia. Sex-specific mortality probabilities were calculated using standard demographic techniques. Male mortality was found to be considerably higher than female mortality. Using the same techniques, changes in infant mortality over time were calculated, with particular reference to changes that had occurred since the chimpanzees were transferred to a new open air enclosure in 1980. Mortality was found to have decreased dramatically since the move to the new enclosure, but the observed decline was exaggerated by the very high proportion of female infants. The main causes of infant death as ascertained from the zoo records were pneumonia and trauma. In addition, undetermined causes in the first day of life were numerous. An examination of the contexts of infanticide in wild and captive chimpanzees revealed slight differences, but factors such as aggression towards unfamiliar individuals and redirected aggression were common to both. Cannibalism in the zoo has so far been limited to the bodies of stillborn infants.  相似文献   

Effects of inbreeding on infant mortality in captive primates   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Breeding records for 16 primate colonies representing six families and both suborders were obtained from 10 institutions breeding primates in captivity and from the international studbook on one endangered species. Inbreeding coefficients relative to the founding population were calculated for each individual born. Individuals with an inbreeding coefficient of zero were classified as “noninbred” those with inbreeding coefficients greater than zero, as “inbred.” Infant mortality was defined as all deaths prior to the age of 6 months. Infant mortality of inbred young was higher than that of noninbred young in 15 of the 16 colonies surveyed (P =0.0003, one-tailed sign test). The higher mortality rate of the inbred young was significant by a Fisher’s exact test with a probability less than or equal to 0.05 in five of the individual colonies: Lemur fulvus, Saguinus fuscicollis illigeri, Saguinus fuscicollis, Leontopithecus rosalia,and Mandrillus sphinx.  相似文献   

The relatively low reproductive rates of huntergatherer populations have been attributed to high natural mortality, low fertility, and cultural practices such as infanticide and sexual abstention. While we currently lack the data necessary to determine the relative effects of each of these factors on reproduction in any huntergatherer population, an analysis of the relations between cultural practices and reproduction at a more general level can set the stage for further research in huntergatherer societies. This paper reviews and discusses the current literature on specific links between female nutritional health, fertility, and infant mortality. It begins with a consideration of food taboos, one potential source of huntergatherer female nutritional stress. In particular, it is argued that the timing of food taboos on females in many huntergatherer societies often coincides with critical periods in women's reproductive careers. Next, the paper explores the interrelationships between female nutritional health and fertility and infant mortality, using data from modern huntergatherer and agricultural populations. Finally, because data adequate to test specific relationships between patterns of food restrictions and reproduction are not yet available, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the data necessary for testing these relationships in huntergatherer populations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective is to study racial differences in infant mortality attributable to birth defects (IMBD) in the United States. METHODS: We analyzed 1989-1991 and 1995-2002 linked birth/death files for trends and racial differences in IMBD by selected categories of birth defects for infants of non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic mothers. RESULTS: In 1989-2002, the IMBD rates declined. However, the decline in postneonatal mortality attributable to birth defects (PMBD) rate was significantly slower than that of overall postneonatal mortality. The adjusted rate ratio for non-Hispanic black and Hispanic versus non-Hispanic white for neonatal mortality attributable to birth defects (NMBD) remained unchanged from 1989-1991 through 2000-2002. For PMBD, it increased from 0.97 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.90-1.13) in 1989-1991 to 1.12 (95% CI, 1.04-1.21) in 2001-2002 and from 1.08 (95% CI, 1.00-1.16) to 1.18 (95% CI, 1.10-1.27) for non-Hispanic black and Hispanic, respectively. Infant mortality due to cardiovascular and central nervous system defects were the main contributors to the increased racial disparities in PMBD rates. CONCLUSIONS: The disparity in PMBD between infants of non-Hispanic black and Hispanic mothers and infants of non-Hispanic white mothers increased significantly from 1989-1991 to 2000-2002. Further studies are needed to assess the extent to which delays in care or lack of access to care for infants with birth defects might be contributing to the disparity in IMBD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to document and interpret urban-rural differences in mortality in the past. To this end, we used data on mortality in Wielkopolska, Poland, in the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The data on mortality in rural areas (N = 1,173,910 deceased), small towns (N = 573,903 deceased), and Poznań, the capital of the Wielkopolska region (N = 86,352 deceased), were gathered from original Prussian statistical yearbooks (Preussische Statistik). Causes of death were also analyzed (rural areas, N = 449,576 deceased; small towns, N = 238,365 deceased; Poznań, N = 61,512 deceased). Mortality measures such as crude death rate (CDR), infant death rate (IDR), and neonatal and postneonatal death rates were calculated. Life tables were constructed for both stationary and stable population models and measures of the opportunity for natural selection calculated (Crow's index I(m), potential gross reproduction rate R(pot), and biological state index I(bs)). Relative frequencies of leading causes of death were computed. Stratification depending on the place of residence was evident in all mortality measures as well as in the values of the life tables and the measures of the opportunity for natural selection, but it was reverse of what is observed today in developed countries. In Poznań (a large industrial city), the mortality situation was the least favorable. It was caused by large population density, lack of water supply and sewage systems (up to 1896), and bad working conditions. The values of CDR ranged between 26.89-31.46, and IDR between 190.6-280.5. Newborn life expectancy (for a stable population model) was 31.6 years, I(m) = 0.79, R(pot) = 0.85, and I(bs) = 0.47. The most common causes of death were tuberculosis, other diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems, dysentery and diarrhea, and cancer. These diseases were less common in rural areas, so they had the most favorable values of mortality measures (CDR between 22.87-27.32, IDR between 181.8-219.4, life expectancy of newborn e(0) = 42.12, I(m) = 0.55, R(pot) = 0.93, I(bs) = 0.60). Infectious diseases (other than tuberculosis), frailty at birth, and frailty in old age were the most frequent causes of death in rural areas. Small towns (population <20,000) had a mortality intermediate between city and rural areas.  相似文献   

Water temperature is an important abiotic factor that impacts physiological processes in fish. Attempts to quantify thermal tolerance of fishes exposed to various temperatures have been performed since the 1800s. A common approach to test the thermal tolerance of fishes is the critical thermal method. Traditionally this method has required access to large and expensive lab equipment. However, many individuals may not have direct access to such equipment, making critical thermal studies difficult-to-impossible to conduct. We present a simple and cost-friendly alternative device to use for critical thermal minima trials. This device uses a cooler with a copper line and copper coil to chill water within an aquarium. A pump and valves control the water flow as it passes from the aquarium through the copper. This allows the user to lower the water temperature in the aquarium from 28oC to 0oC at a steady rate of 0.23oC min−1. The device allows those with limited funding or without access to traditional lab equipment the ability to perform critical thermal minima trials, expanding our collective understanding of life histories of fish and their potential vulnerabilities to increasingly altered thermal environments.  相似文献   

In this work we report the first observational evidence of infanticide in wild hamadryas baboons. The study group inhabits the lowlands of the northern Rift Valley in Ethiopia and has been under observation for over 1,200 hr, on and off, since October 1996. Here we report observations from August and September 2002 of the consequences of two takeovers of known females with black infants. After the first takeover, the respective infant disappeared and was presumed dead within 11 days of the takeover. After the second takeover, the infant incurred repeated severe aggression from its mother's new leader male and eventually died 4 days after the takeover. We interpret these findings as support for the sexual selection hypothesis regarding male infanticide. We suggest that hamadryas leader males usually protect infants born into their units, but may withhold this protection-or even directly attack and kill infants-after takeovers.  相似文献   

Lack of independence of data points or the pooling fallacy has been suggested as a potential problem in the study of handedness in nonhuman primates, particularly as it relates to whether hand use responses should be recorded as individual events or bouts of activity. Here, I argue that there is no evidence that the concept of statistical independence of data points or the pooling fallacy is a problem in the evaluation of population‐level handedness in previous studies in nonhuman primates. I further argue these statistical concepts have been misapplied to the characterization of individual hand preferences. Finally, I argue that recording hand use responses as bouts rather than events has no significant effect on reports of hand use in nonhuman primates and, in fact, may unintentionally bias hand use toward the null hypothesis. Several suggestions for improvement in the measurement and statistical determination of individual handedness are offered in the article. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:151–157, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Piglet mortality is a major problem in organic pig production affecting both farm economy and animal welfare. Knowledge is scarce on the risk factors of piglet mortality in Danish commercial organic pig production. The objectives of this study were to evaluate season, litter size, parity, sow body condition and stillborn littermates as risk factors for early piglet mortality and crushing of liveborn piglets from parturition until castration at day 3 to 5 postpartum (pp). The study was conducted over a 1-year period in nine commercial Danish organic pig herds practicing outdoor farrowing all year round. Data included recordings on 3393 farrowings with 50 284 liveborn piglets of which 14.8% died before castration. A subset of the dead piglets were collected and necropsied to identify crushed piglets. The average number of liveborn piglets per litter was 14.8 (SD=3.7) and the average time from parturition until castration was 4.1 (SD=1.7) days. A negative binomial regression analysis was used to model the effect of the predictive variables on the early piglet mortality accounting for different time periods from parturition to castration. An increase in maternal body condition score (BCS) and parity significantly increased the risk of dying between parturition and castration. Early mortality was found to be lowest during spring (March to May) and highest during summer (June to August). Being born into a litter with one or more stillborn littermates increased the risk of early mortality. The risk factors for crushing of piglets were evaluated using a logistic analysis. A significant effect of parity and litter size was found where the odds of at least one piglet in a litter with mortality was diagnosed as crushed increased with increasing parity and litter size. In conclusion, being born during summer (June to August), high parity and maternal BCS and stillborn littermates were found to be risk factors for piglet mortality between parturition and castration. In addition, parity and increasing litter size were found to be risk factors for crushing of piglets in litters with mortality.  相似文献   

Since the synchronization of Plasmodium falciparum has become an essential tool in research, we have investigated the use of a commercial gelatine solution, Plasmion, to replace Plasmagel, which is now difficult to obtain. This method also avoids the use of techniques based on Percoll-glucose gradients. The Plasmion-based technique proved to be a good method and could become an alternative to Plasmagel.  相似文献   

Density-dependent and extrinsic mortality are predicted to accelerate reproductive maturation. The first 5 years of life is a proposed sensitive period for life-history regulation. This study examines the ways in which local mortality during this sensitive period was related to subsequent marriage timing in nineteenth-century Belgium (n women = 11 892; n men = 14 140). Local mortality during the sensitive period was inversely associated with age at first marriage for men and women controlling for literacy, occupational status, population growth and migration. Cox regression indicated decreased time to marriage for women (HR = 1.661, 95% CI: 1.542–1.789) and men (HR = 1.327, 95% CI: 1.238–1.422) from high mortality municipalities. Rising population growth rates were associated with earlier marriage for men and women. Migration in general was associated with later marriage for men and women. Consistent with life-history predictions, harsh ecological conditions during early life such as famine coincided with earlier marriage.  相似文献   

We studied a recently described method for the determination of total nitrogen in natural waters involving sample oxidation with persulfate and subsequent determination of nitrate-nitrogen with second derivative spectroscopy and compared it to the USEPA approved method involving the sum of nitrate-nitrogen and Kjeldahl-nitrogen as measured with an automated analyzer. The overall objective was to determine if the two methods gave the same estimates of total nitrogen and if the detection limits, precision and accuracy of the new method were as good as those of the USEPA method. The new method was used to make measurements on replicated blanks, standards and lake water samples covering a range of concentrations. We also collaborated with certified laboratories to make comparative measurements on 5 standards and 21 lake water samples that were run by us with the new method and by them with the USEPA method. The new method had an instrument detection limit of 0.07 mg 1–1, and the standard deviation of 20 sets of lake water samples averaged 0.03 mg 1–1. The new method gave concentrations equivalent to those found with the USEPA method, was more sensitive, and had a higher degree of precision. We concluded that the new method is suitable as a substitute for the USEPA method. We also found that the addition of acid to lake water samples stored under refrigeration was not necessary to preserve them for later determinations of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen and that freezing was an effective means of sample preservation for 90 days.  相似文献   

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