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We established a 13‐week greenhouse experiment based on replicated microcosms to test whether the effects of defoliation on grassland plants and soil organisms depend on plant species composition and the presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. The experiment constituted of three treatment factors – plant species composition, inoculation of an AM fungus and defoliation – in a fully factorial design. Plant species composition had three levels: (1) Trifolium repens monoculture (T), (2) Phleum pratense monoculture (P) and (3) mixture of T. repens and P. pratense (T+P), while the AM inoculation and the defoliation treatment had two levels: (1) no inoculation of AM fungi and (2) inoculation of the AM fungus Glomus claroideum BEG31, and (1) no trimming, and (2) trimming of all plant material to 6 cm above the soil surface three times during the experiment, respectively. At the final harvest, AM colonization rate of plant roots differed between the plant species compositions, being on average 45% in T, 33% in T+P and 4% in P. Defoliation did not affect the colonization rate in T but raised the rate from 1% to 7% in P and from 20% to 45% in T+P. Shoot production and standing shoot and root biomass were 48%, 85% and 68% lower, respectively, in defoliated than in non‐defoliated systems, while the AM fungus did not affect shoot production and root mass but reduced harvested shoot mass by 8% in non‐defoliated systems. Of the plant quality attributes, defoliation enhanced the N concentration of harvested shoot biomass by 129% and 96% in P and T+P, respectively, but had no effect in T, while the C concentration of shoot biomass was on average 2.7% lower in defoliated than in non‐defoliated systems. Moreover, defoliation reduced shoot C yield (the combined C content of defoliated and harvested shoot biomass) on average by 47% across all plant species compositions and shoot N yield by 37% in T only. In contrast to defoliation, the AM fungus did not affect shoot N and C concentrations or shoot N yield, but induced 10% lower C yield in non‐defoliated systems and 17% higher C yield in defoliated T. In roots, defoliation led to 56% and 21% higher N concentration in P and T+P, respectively, and 28% higher C concentration in P, while the mycorrhizal fungus lowered root N concentration by 9.7% in defoliated systems and had no effect on root C concentrations. In the soil, the nematode community was dominated by bacterivores and the other trophic groups were found in a few microcosms only. Bacterivores were 45% more abundant in defoliated than in non‐defoliated systems, but were not affected by plant species composition or the AM fungus. Soil inorganic N concentration was significantly increased by defoliation in T+P, while the mycorrhizal fungus reduced NH4–N concentration by 40% in T. The results show that defoliation had widespread effects in our experimental systems, and while the effects on plant growth were invariably negative and those on bacterivorous nematodes invariably positive, most effects on plant C and N content and soil inorganic N concentration varied depending on the plant species present. In contrast, the effects of defoliation did not depend on the presence of the AM fungus, which suggests that while the relative abundance of legumes and grasses is likely to have a significant role in the response of legume–grass communities to defoliation, the role of AM fungi may be less important. In line with this, the AM fungus had only a few significant effects on plant and soil attributes in our systems and each of them was modified by defoliation and/or plant species composition. This suggests that the effects of AM fungi in legume–grass communities may largely depend on the plant species present and whether the plants are grazed or not.  相似文献   

In drylands, wind, sand burial and grazing are three important factors affecting growth and mechanical properties of plants, but their interactive effects have not yet been investigated. Plants of the semi‐shrub Cynanchum komarovii, common in semi‐arid parts of NE Asia, were subjected to brushing, burial and defoliation. We measured biomass allocation and relative increment rates of dry mass (RGRm), height (RGRh) and basal diameter (RGRd). We also measured the stem mechanical properties, Young’s modulus (E), second moment of area (I), flexural stiffness (EI) and breaking stress (σb), and scaled these traits to the whole‐plant level to determine the maximum lateral force (Flateral) and the buckling safety factor (BSF). Brushing increased RGRm; neither burial nor defoliation independently affected RGRm, but together they reduced it. Among buried plants, brushing positively affected stem rigidity and strength through increasing RGRd, E, I and EI, and at whole plant level this resulted in a larger BSF and Flateral. However, among unburied plants this pattern was not observed. Our results thus show that effects of mechanical stress and grazing on plants can be strongly modified by burial, and these interactions should be taken into account when considering adaptive significance of plant mechanical traits in drylands.  相似文献   

S. Saj  J. Mikola  F. Ekelund 《Plant and Soil》2008,311(1-2):141-149
Legume–grass interactions have a great influence on grassland primary production and it was recently shown how defoliation of a legume can increase the transfer of fixed N to a neighbouring grass. It has also been shown that defoliation of a plant can increase soil microbial activity and lead to better soil N availability in the rhizosphere of the defoliated plant. We combined these two perspectives and tested whether defoliation of a legume (Lotus corniculatus) can enhance N nutrition of the neighbouring grass (Holcus lanatus) by increasing growth of soil decomposer biota and the availability of soil organic matter N for grass uptake. We grew mixtures of L. corniculatus and H. lanatus in grassland soil that included 15N-labelled L. corniculatus litter. In half of the systems, we subjected L. corniculatus to a defoliation treatment mimicking insect larvae feeding. At destructive harvests 1, 3, 9 and 30 days after the last defoliation event, we determined how L. corniculatus defoliation affected decomposer microbes, protozoa and nematodes and whether these changes among decomposers created a feedback on the growth and 15N uptake of the neighbouring H. lanatus. Defoliation reduced the growth and litter-N uptake, but increased shoot N concentration of L. corniculatus. Of the soil variables measured, defoliation doubled the number of bacterial-feeding protozoa, but did not affect the abundance of decomposer microbes and bacterial- and fungal-feeding nematodes. Defoliation did not have statistically significant effects on H. lanatus shoot growth, shoot N concentration or litter-N uptake. Our results demonstrate how defoliation-induced changes in legume ecophysiology can affect the growth of decomposers in soil. However, these effects did not appear to lead to a significant change in the availability of soil organic N to the neighbouring grass. It seems that when positive effects of legume defoliation on grass N nutrition are found in grassland ecosystems, these are more likely to be explained by direct transfer of fixed N rather than changes in the availability of soil organic matter N.  相似文献   

Summary In three experiments, red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) seedlings and trees were subjected to artificial defoliations of varying intensities and subsequent growth, gas exchange and nutritional responses were monitored. In Experiment 1, 2-year-old seedlings received 0, 1 or 2 50% defoliations during a single growing season and were maintained in 1 of 3 low nutrient supply treatments. In Experiment 2, response of 4-year-old seedlings was monitored in the year following 0, 25, 50 or 75% defoliation, while in Experiment 3, response of 11-year-old trees was measured 1 year after being defoliated by 0, 33 or 66%. Regardless of intensity of defoliation, or plant size, clipped plants made qualitatively similar allocational and metabolic adjustments over time. First, leaf diffusive conductance and rates of net photosynthesis were stimulated, especially by light to intermediate defoliation. However, there was no effect of defoliation on foliar nitrogen concentration, and elevated gas exchange rates apparently resulted from altered root-shoot dynamics. Second, allocation of new biomass was preferentially shifted towards foliage at the expense of roots, gradually restoring (but undershooting or overshooting) the ratio of foliage: roots of control plants. During the period when foliage: root balance was being restored, the stimulation of needle gas exchange rates disappeared. Plants defoliated by 25% overcompensated in terms of whole plant growth (were larger at harvest than controls), due to shifts in allocation and enhanced photosynthesis. Defoliated plants also stored a proportionally greater share of their carbohydrate reserves in roots than did control plants, even 1 year after clipping.  相似文献   

The rapid development of nanotechnology requires a more thorough understanding of the potential health effects caused by nanoparticles (NPs). As a programmed cell death, autophagy is one of the biological effects induced by NPs, which maintain intracellular homeostasis by degrading damaged organelles and removing aggregates of defective proteins through lysosomes. Currently, autophagy has been shown to be associated with the development of several diseases. A significant number of research have demonstrated that most NPs can regulate autophagy, and their regulation of autophagy is divided into induction and blockade. Studying the autophagy regulation by NPs will facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of the toxicity of NPs. In this review, we will illustrate the effects of different types of NPs on autophagy, including inorganic NPs, organic NPs, and organic/inorganic hybrid NPs. The potential mechanisms by which NPs regulate autophagy are highlighted, including organelle damage, oxidative stress, inducible factors, and multiple signaling pathways. In addition, we list the factors influencing NPs-regulated autophagy. This review may provide basic information for the safety assessment of NPs.  相似文献   

The combined effects of inorganic phosphate (Pi) insufficiency and CO2 enrichment on metabolite levels and carbon partitioning were studied using roots of 9-, 13- and 17-day-old barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Brant). Plants were grown from seed in controlled environment chambers providing 36 ± 1 Pa (ambient) or 100 ± 2 Pa (elevated) CO2 and either 1.0 mM (Pi sufficient) or 0.05 mM (Pi insufficient) Pi. When values were combined for both Pi treatments, plants grown under enhanced CO2 showed increased root dry matter, adenylates (ATP + ADP), glutamine and non- structural carbohydrates other than starch. In contrast with shoots, enhanced CO2 partially reversed the inhibition of root dry matter formation imposed by Pi insufficiency. The Pi-insufficient treatment also increased sucrose, glucose and fructose levels in barley roots. The Pi and CO2 treatments were additive, so that the highest soluble carbohydrate levels were observed in roots of Pi-insufficient plants from the elevated CO2 treatment. Pi limitation decreased dry matter formation, acid-extractable Pi, nitrate, hexose-phosphates, glutamate, glutamine and acid invertase activity of barley roots in plants grown in both ambient and elevated CO2. Adenylate levels in roots were unaffected by the moderate Pi insufficiency described here. Thus, the reduced hexose-phosphate levels of Pi-insufficient roots were not likely to be the result of low adenylate concentrations. The above results suggest that the capacity of barley roots to utilize carbohydrates from the shoot is inadequate under both Pi-insufficient and CO2-enriched treatments. In addition, the Pi and CO2 treatments used here alter the nitrogen metabolism of barley roots. These findings further emphasize the importance of avoiding nutrient stress during CO2 enrichment experiments.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the research that D.I. Arnon did before he ventured into the field of photosynthesis, viz. his work on inorganic plant nutrition in the laboratory of D.R. Hoagland. The connection between the two areas is indicated. In his work on plant nutrition Dr Arnon emphasized the role of specific nutrients and, with P.R. Stout, formulated a definition of essentiality that is used to this day. It is now necessary, however, to take into account elements not meeting their criteria of essentiality, as shown by a consideration of the element silicon.  相似文献   

Plant and Soil - Cyperaceae are common on nutrient-poor soils, including in western Japan. We examined the ability of the native Cyperaceae from western Japan to form dauciform roots and assessed...  相似文献   

Summary The spatial pattern of foliage removal from a tussock grass can influence regrowth through effects on daily carbon gain (CERd). This field study examined the extent to which tussock photosynthetic responses to different defoliation patterns were associated with changes in whole-canopy attributes (e.g., foliage age structure, canopy light microclimate). During the spring growing season, 60% of the green foliage area was removed from individual Agropyron desertorum tussocks with scissors in different spatial patterns. These patterns represented extremes of defoliation patterns that might be inflicted by natural herbivores. Tussock photosynthesis (per unit foliage area) at high light (2000 mol photons m–2 s–1 between 400 and 700 nm; P2000) increased following clipping with all defoliation patterns. The increases in P2000 were greater when leaves were removed from low in the tussock (older leaves) than if leaves high in the canopy (younger leaves) were removed. These relative changes of P2000 among clipping patterns paralleled the responses of CERd and regrowth from an earlier study. Furthermore, the changes in P2000 corresponded with increases in the proportion of foliage within the tussocks that was directly illuminated at midday. The greater photosynthesis of tussocks after lower-leaf removal was directly related to a higher proportion of younger foliage and a smaller fraction of foliage shaded within the tussock. In a dense canopy, such as these grass tussocks, the influence of defoliation on whole-canopy attributes may be of primary importance to whole-plant photosynthetic responses.  相似文献   

Summary Plants were grown in nutrient solutions, defoliated to remove all expanded leaf blades and the amount of regrowth measured a week later. Prior to defolation, plants in concentrated nutrient solutions grew more rapidly than those in dilute solutions. After defoliation, the plants in concentrated solutions did not produce, however, a greater quantity of regrowth relative to their size than those in dilute solutions. Other things being equal, in environments which produced plants with a low root: shoot ratio, the greatest amount of regrowth was produced by genotypes with a higher than average root: shoot ratio, and vice versa.These results are discussed in relation to repeated defoliation, size and age of the plants, and the role of roots and reserve substances in recovery from defoliation  相似文献   

Grass lignocelluloses, such as those in corn and switchgrass, are a major resource in the emerging cellulose-to-ethanol strategy for biofuels. The potential bioconversion of carbohydrates in this potential resource, however, is limited by the associated aromatic constituents within the grass fiber. These aromatics include both lignins, which are phenylpropanoid units of various types, and low-molecular weight phenolic acids. Structural and chemical studies over the years have identified the location and limitation to fiber degradation imposed by a variety of these aromatic barriers. For example, coniferyl lignin appears to be the most effective limitation to biodegradation, existing in xylem cells of vascular tissues. On the other hand, cell walls with syringyl lignin, e.g., leaf sclerenchyma, are often less recalcitrant. Ferulic and p-coumaric acids that are esterified to hemicellulosic sugars constitute a major limitation to biodegradation in non-lignified cell walls in grass fibers, especially warm season species. Non-chemical methods to improve bioconversion of the lignocelluloses through modification of aromatics include: (1) use of lignin-degrading white rot fungi, (2) pretreatment with phenolic acid esterases, and (3) plant breeding to modify cell wall aromatics. In addition to increased availability of carbohydrates for fermentation, separation and collection of aromatics could provide value-added co-products to improve the economics of bioconversion. JIMB-2008: BioEnergy—Special issue.  相似文献   

  • Human‐induced disturbances, including grazing and clipping, that cause defoliation are common in natural grasslands. Plant functional type differences in the ability to compensate for this tissue loss may influence interspecific competition.
  • To explore the effects of different intensities of clipping and nitrogen (N) addition on compensatory growth and interspecific competition, we measured accumulated aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), tiller number, non‐structural carbohydrates concentrations and leaf gas exchange parameters in two locally co‐occurring species (the C3 grass Leymus chinensis and the C4 grass Hemarthria altissima) growing in monoculture and in mixture.
  • For both grasses, the clipping treatment had significant impacts on the accumulated AGB, and the 40% clipping treatment had the largest effect. BGB gradually decreased with increasing defoliation intensity. Severe defoliation caused a significant increase in tiller number. Stored carbohydrates in the belowground biomass were mobilised and transported aboveground for the growth of new leaves to compensate for clipping‐induced injury. The net CO2 assimilation rate (A) of the remaining leaves increased with clipping intensity and peaked under clipping intensities of 20% or 40%. Nitrogen addition, at a rate of 10 g·N·m?2·year?1, enhanced A of the remaining leaves and non‐structural carbohydrate concentrations, which benefited plant compensatory growth, especially for the C3 grass. Under the mixed planting conditions, the clipping and N addition treatments lowered the competitive advantage of the C4 grass.
  • The results suggest that a combination of defoliation and N deposition have the potential to benefit the coexistence of C3 and C4 grasses.

Invasion by the rhizomatous grass Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) is a global phenomenon, including into foothills rough fescue (Festuca campestris) grasslands of southwestern Alberta, Canada. In order to better understand the competitive relationships between these species, we conducted a fallow field study where rough fescue bunchgrass tussocks were transplanted at one of three planting densities (15, 30, or 45 cm spacing), and then subject to various treatments in a factorial design, including one‐time intensive summer defoliation and seeding of bluegrass into adjacent bare soil. Rough fescue plants exhibited marked intraspecific competition, as high planting densities increased tussock mortality, while decreasing plant tiller counts and relative inflorescence production, together with plant and tiller‐specific mass. However, high densities of the bunchgrass also reduced the cover and biomass of encroaching bluegrass, coincidental with reduced resource (soil moisture and light) availability in mid‐summer. Although summer defoliation increased rough fescue tiller counts, this disturbance reduced plant and tiller mass, and also increased Kentucky bluegrass. We conclude that while high densities of nondefoliated stands of rough fescue may increase resistance to bluegrass encroachment, a reduction in either fescue plant density or vigor via defoliation can increase the risk of bluegrass invasion within northern temperate grassland.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Grazing is a complex process involving the simultaneous occurrence of both trampling and defoliation. Clonal plants are a common feature of heavily grazed ecosystems where large herbivores inflict the simultaneous pressures of trampling and defoliation on the vegetation. We test the hypothesis that physiological integration (resource sharing between interconnected ramets) may help plants to deal with the interactive effects of trampling and defoliation.


In a field study, small and large ramets of the root-suckering clonal tree Populus simonii were subjected to two levels of trampling and defoliation, while connected or disconnected to other ramets. Plant responses were quantified via survival, growth, morphological and stem mechanical traits.

Key Results

Disconnection and trampling increased mortality, especially in small ramets. Trampling increased stem length, basal diameter, fibrous root mass, stem stiffness and resistance to deflection in connected ramets, but decreased them in disconnected ones. Trampling decreased vertical height more in disconnected than in connected ramets, and reduced stem mass in disconnected ramets but not in connected ramets. Defoliation reduced basal diameter, leaf mass, stem mass and leaf area ratio, but did not interact with trampling or disconnection.


Although clonal integration did not influence defoliation response, it did alleviate the effects of trampling. We suggest that by facilitating resource transport between ramets, clonal integration compensates for trampling-induced damage to fine roots.  相似文献   

Kinetic and binding studies of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC revealed a regulatory PPi-binding site. Rate vs substrate concentration dependencies were markedly nonhyperbolic in the range of 0.1-150 microM MgPPi at fixed Mg2+ levels of 0.05-10 mM provided that the enzyme had been preequilibrated with Mg2+. Imidodiphosphate, hydroxymethylenebisphosphonate, and phosphate eliminated the deviations from the Michaelis-Menten kinetics and inhibited PPi hydrolysis in a manner consistent with their binding at both active and regulatory sites. The results agreed with a model in which binding of uncomplexed PPi at the regulatory site markedly increases enzyme affinity for the activating Mg2+ ion. Ultrafiltration studies revealed the binding of at least 3 mol of the inhibitory hydroxymethylenebisphosphonate and of 2 mol of noninhibitory methylenebisphosphonate per mole of the dimeric enzyme.  相似文献   

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