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The vertebrate lens provides an excellent model to study the mechanisms that regulate terminal differentiation. Although fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are thought to be important for lens cell differentiation, it is unclear which FGF receptors mediate these processes during different stages of lens development. Deletion of three FGF receptors (Fgfr1-3) early in lens development demonstrated that expression of only a single allele of Fgfr2 or Fgfr3 was sufficient for grossly normal lens development, while mice possessing only a single Fgfr1 allele developed cataracts and microphthalmia. Profound defects were observed in lenses lacking all three Fgfrs. These included lack of fiber cell elongation, abnormal proliferation in prospective lens fiber cells, reduced expression of the cell cycle inhibitors p27kip1 and p57kip2, increased apoptosis and aberrant or reduced expression of Prox1, Pax6, c-Maf, E-cadherin and α-, β- and γ-crystallins. Therefore, while signaling by FGF receptors is essential for lens fiber differentiation, different FGF receptors function redundantly.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the developing lens have shown that Notch signaling regulates differentiation of lens fiber cells by maintaining a proliferating precursor pool in the anterior epithelium. However, whether Notch signaling is further required after the onset of fiber cell differentiation is not clear. This work investigates the role of Notch2 and Jagged1 (Jag1) in secondary fiber cell differentiation using rat lens epithelial explants undergoing FGF-2 dependent differentiation in vitro. FGF induced Jag1 expression and Notch2 signaling (as judged by the appearance of activated Notch2 Intracellular Domain (N2ICD)) within 12-24 h. These changes were correlated with induction of the Notch effector, Hes5, upregulation of N-cadherin (N-cad), and downregulation of E-cadherin (E-cad), a cadherin switch characteristic of fiber cell differentiation. Induction of Jag1 was efficiently blocked by U0126, a specific inhibitor of MAPK/ERK signaling, indicating a requirement for signaling through this pathway downstream of the FGF receptor. Other growth factors that activate MAPK/ERK signaling (EGF, PDGF, IGF) did not induce Jag1. Inhibition of Notch signaling using gamma secretase inhibitors DAPT and L-685,458 or anti-Jag1 antibody markedly decreased FGF-dependent expression of Jag1 demonstrating Notch-dependent lateral induction. In addition, inhibition of Notch signaling reduced expression of N-cad, and the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p57Kip2, indicating a direct role for Notch signaling in secondary fiber cell differentiation. These results demonstrate that Notch-mediated lateral induction of Jag1 is an essential component of FGF-dependent lens fiber cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling enhances FGF2-triggered lens fiber cell differentiation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wnt signaling is implicated in many developmental processes, including cell fate changes. Several members of the Wnt family, as well as other molecules involved in Wnt signaling, including Frizzled receptors, LDL-related protein co-receptors, members of the Dishevelled and Dickkopf families, are known to be expressed in the lens during embryonic or postembryonic development. However, the function of Wnt signaling in lens fiber differentiation remains unknown. Here, we show that GSK-3beta kinase is inactivated and that beta-catenin accumulates during the early stages of lens fiber cell differentiation. In an explant culture system, Wnt conditioned medium (CM) induced the accumulation of beta-crystallin, a marker of fiber cell differentiation, without changing cell shape. In contrast, epithelial cells stimulated with Wnt after priming with FGF elongated, accumulated beta-crystallin, aquaporin-0, p57kip2, and altered their expression of cadherins. Treatment with lithium, which stabilizes beta-catenin, induced the accumulation of beta-crystallin, but explants treated with lithium after FGF priming did not elongate as they did after Wnt application. These results show that Wnts promote the morphological aspects of fiber cell differentiation in a process that requires FGF signaling, but is independent of beta-catenin. Wnt signaling may play an important role in lens epithelial-to-fiber differentiation.  相似文献   

Although autophagic pathways are essential to developmental processes, many questions still remain regarding the initiation signals that regulate autophagy in the context of differentiation. To address these questions we studied the ocular lens, as the programmed elimination of nuclei and organelles occurs in a precisely regulated spatiotemporal manner to form the organelle-free zone (OFZ), a characteristic essential for vision acuity. Here, we report our discovery that inactivation of MAPK/JNK induces autophagy for formation of the OFZ through its regulation of MTORC1, where MAPK/JNK signaling is required for both MTOR activation and RPTOR/RAPTOR phosphorylation. Autophagy pathway proteins including ULK1, BECN1/Beclin 1, and MAP1LC3B2/LC3B-II were upregulated in the presence of inhibitors to either MAPK/JNK or MTOR, inducing autophagic loss of organelles to form the OFZ. These results reveal that MAPK/JNK is a positive regulator of MTORC1 signaling and its developmentally regulated inactivation provides an inducing signal for the coordinated autophagic removal of nuclei and organelles required for lens function.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the retina produces factors that promote the differentiation of lens fiber cells, and identified members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF) families as potential fiber cell differentiation factors. A possible role for the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) is suggested by the presence of BMP receptors in chicken embryo lenses. We have now observed that phosphorylated SMAD1, an indicator of signaling through BMP receptors, localizes to the nuclei of elongating lens fiber cells. Transduction of chicken embryo retinas and/or lenses with constructs expressing noggin, a secreted protein that binds BMPs and prevents their interactions with their receptors, delayed lens fiber cell elongation and increased cell death in the lens epithelium. In an in vitro explant system, in which chicken embryo or adult bovine vitreous humor stimulates chicken embryo lens epithelial cells to elongate into fiber-like cells, these effects were inhibited by noggin-containing conditioned medium, or by recombinant noggin. BMP2, 4, or 7 were able to reverse the inhibition caused by noggin. Lens cell elongation in epithelial explants was stimulated by treatment with FGF1 or FGF2, alone or in combination with BMP2, but not to the same extent as vitreous humor. These data indicate that BMPs participate in the differentiation of lens fiber cells, along with at least one additional, and still unknown factor.  相似文献   

cAMP-independent protein kinase activity of casein type was found in Rana temporaria eye lens. The highest activity was observed in "cortex" lens fibres, and decreased two-fold in lens epithelium. Minimum activity was found in lens "nucleus" fibres. Thus, protein kinase activity is characteristic of metabolically active differentiating lens cells. Enzyme fraction showed almost complete binding to the immobilized RNA. The enzyme was inhibited by heparine, phosphorylated casein (but not histones). It could use either ATP or GTP as a source of phosphate, and caused modification of serine and threonine residues in casein molecule. The protein kinase from lens epithelium and cortex was purified 6,000-7,000-fold and was identified as a type II casein kinase.  相似文献   

Lens fiber formation is characterized by extensive cell elongation. Earlier studies have shown that lens cell elongation in vitro can occur in the absence of microtubules and is associated with a proportional increase in cell volume. We have previously suggested that lens fiber cell elongation is directly caused by an increase in cell volume. In this report, lenses from 3- and 6-day-old chicken embryos were three-dimensionally reconstructed from serial sections to provide a measure of cell volume and length during various stages of primary and secondary lens fiber formation. In both cases, cell volume was highly correlated with cell length during lens cell elongation. In addition, during primary lens fiber formation, large intercellular spaces between lens vesicle cells disappeared as these cells began to elongate to form lens fibers. Loss of intercellular spaces would be expected if increasing cell volume were responsible for cell elongation. Finally, results of experiments in which the lens capsule was cut with a fine tungsten needle suggested that the capsule was elastic and normally under tension. These findings were used to formulate a model which accounts for the major events in lens morphogenesis based on (1) the regulation of cell volume, (2) the junctions present between lens cells, and (3) the constraint provided by the elasticity of the lens capsule.  相似文献   

Bmp signaling is required for development of primary lens fiber cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have investigated the role of Bmp signaling in development of the mouse lens using three experimental strategies. First, we have shown that the Bmp ligand inhibitor noggin can suppress the differentiation of primary lens fiber cells in explant culture. Second, we have expressed a dominant-negative form of the type 1 Bmp family receptor Alk6 (Bmpr1b -- Mouse Genome Informatics) in the lens in transgenic mice and shown that an inhibition of primary fiber cell differentiation can be detected at E13.5. Interestingly, the observed inhibition of primary fiber cell development was asymmetrical and appeared only on the nasal side of the lens in the ventral half. Expression of the inhibitory form of Alk6 was driven either by the alpha A-cystallin promoter or the ectoderm enhancer from the Pax6 gene in two different transgenes. These expression units drive transgene expression in distinct patterns that overlap in the equatorial cells of the lens vesicle at E12.5. Despite the distinctions between the transgenes, they caused primary fiber cell differentiation defects that were essentially identical, which implied that the equatorial lens vesicle cells were responding to Bmp signals in permitting primary fiber cells to develop. Importantly, E12.5 equatorial lens vesicle cells showed cell-surface immunoreactivity for bone-morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 and nuclear immunoreactivity for the active, phosphorylated form of the Bmp responsive Smads. This indicated that these cells had the machinery for Bmp signaling and were responding to Bmp signals. We conclude that Bmp signaling is required for primary lens fiber cell differentiation and, given the asymmetry of the differentiation inhibition, that distinct differentiation stimuli may be active in different quadrants of the eye.  相似文献   

An essential role for FGF receptor signaling in lens development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Since the days of Hans Spemann, the ocular lens has served as one of the most important developmental systems for elucidating fundamental processes of induction and differentiation. More recently, studies in the lens have contributed significantly to our understanding of cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Over 20 years of accumulated evidence using several different vertebrate species has suggested that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and/or fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) play a key role in lens development. FGFR signaling has been implicated in lens induction, lens cell proliferation and survival, lens fiber differentiation and lens regeneration. Here we will review and discuss historical and recent evidence suggesting that (FGFR) signaling plays a vital and universal role in multiple aspects of lens development.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis during lens cell differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The vertebrate ocular lens is a simple and continuously growing tissue. Growth factor-mediated receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are believed to be required for lens cell proliferation, differentiation and survival. The signaling pathways downstream of the RTKs remain to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate the important role of Ras in lens development by expressing a dominant-negative form of Ras (dn-Ras) in the lens of transgenic mice. We show that lens in the transgenic mice was smaller and lens growth was severely inhibited as compared to the wild-type lens. However, the lens shape, polarity and transparency appeared normal in the transgenic mice. Further analysis showed that cell proliferation is inhibited in the dn-Ras lens. For example, the percentage of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled cells in epithelial layer was about 2- to 3-fold lower in the transgenic lens than in the wild-type lens, implying that Ras activity is required for normal cell proliferation during lens development. We also found a small number of apoptotic cells in both epithelial and fiber compartment of the transgenic lens, suggesting that Ras also plays a role in cell survival. Interestingly, although there was a delay in primary fiber cell differentiation, secondary fiber cell differentiation was not significantly affected in the transgenic mice. For example, the expression of beta- and gamma-crystallins, the marker proteins for fiber differentiation, was not changed in the transgenic mice. Biochemical analysis indicated that ERK activity, but not Akt activity, was significantly reduced in the dn-Ras transgenic lenses. Overall, our data imply that the RTK-Ras-ERK signaling pathway is essential for cell proliferation and, to a lesser extent, for cell survival, but not for crystallin gene expression during fiber differentiation. Thus, some of the fiber differentiation processes are likely mediated by RTK-dependent but Ras-independent pathways.  相似文献   

The roles of PDZ domain-containing proteins such as Dlg and Scrib have been well described for Drosophila; however, their requirement for mammalian development is poorly understood. Here we show that Dlg, Scrib, MAGI1, MAGI3, and MPDZ are expressed in the mouse ocular lens. We demonstrate that the increase in proliferation and defects in cellular adhesion and differentiation observed in epithelia of lenses that express E6, a viral oncoprotein that can bind to several PDZ proteins, including the human homologs of Dlg and Scrib, is dependent on E6's ability to bind these proteins via their PDZ domains. Analyses of lenses from mice carrying an insertional mutation in Dlg (dlg(gt)) show increased proliferation and proliferation in spatially inappropriate regions of the lens, a phenotype similar to that of lenses expressing E6. The results from this study indicate that multiple PDZ domain-containing proteins, including Dlg and Scrib, may be required for maintaining the normal pattern of growth and differentiation in the lens. Furthermore, the phenotypic similarities among the Drosophila dlg mutant, the lenses of dlg(gt) mice, and the lenses of E6 transgenic mice suggest that Dlg may have a conserved function in regulating epithelial cell growth and differentiation across species.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that vitreous humor-derived FGFs are required for the differentiation of anterior lens epithelial cells into crystallin-rich fibers. We show that BMP2, 4, and 7 can induce the expression of markers of fiber differentiation in primary lens cell cultures to an extent equivalent to FGF or medium conditioned by intact vitreous bodies (VBCM). Abolishing BMP2/4/7 signaling with noggin inhibited VBCM from upregulating fiber marker expression. Remarkably, noggin and anti-BMP antibodies also prevented purified FGF (but not unrelated stimuli) from upregulating the same fiber-specific proteins. This effect is attributable to inhibition of BMPs produced by the lens cells themselves. Although BMP signaling is required for FGF to enhance fiber differentiation, the converse is not true. Expression of noggin in the lenses of transgenic mice resulted in a postnatal block of epithelial-to-secondary fiber differentiation, with extension of the epithelial monolayer to the posterior pole of the organ. These results reveal the central importance of BMP in secondary fiber formation and show that although FGF may be necessary for this process, it is not sufficient. Differentiation of fiber cells, and thus proper vision, is dependent on cross-talk between the FGF and BMP signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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