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The precise roles of various surface molecules in the attachment of Streptococcus pyogenes to host epithelia are currently unclear. A flow cytometry assay that facilitates the analysis of the kinetics of S. pyogenes adhesion to epithelial cells was developed. Dose- and time-dependent adhesion isotherms with both buccal epithelial cells (BECs) and Hep-2 cells as substrata were obtained. Although binding equilibrium is reached within 2 h on both cell types, saturation of binding sites on BECs is not achieved within a wide range of experimental conditions. This indicates a high degree of non-specific attachment to that cell type. Since no rinsing step is necessary when using flow cytometry to analyze adhesion, low-affinity associations were observable. This was confirmed by determining bacterial desorption rates early and late in the adsorption process. Binding irregularities were also easily detected since the cytometer records and displays data for up to 10,000 epithelial cells per time point. It is proposed to use this methodology to assign roles to particular surface molecules/characteristics during distinct phases of adhesion.  相似文献   

Motile ciliated cells were observed in sputum of a patient during two attacks of acute respiratory disease (ARD-1 and ARD-2). These cells appeared in the sputum on the fifth day of the disease in ARD-1 and on the third day in ARD-2. The period of massive desquamation of ciliated cells from the respiratory tract surface was 3 h in ARD-1 and no more than 1 h in ARD-2. Desquamation of ciliated cells was assumed to be due to the simultaneous influence of two factors: viruses and some unknown proinflammatory agents. Either factor alone, be it respiratory virus infection or inflammatory mediators (chemokines, neutrophils, or reactive oxygen species), is insufficient to cause desquamation. Desquamation of ciliated cells ceases simultaneously with the disappearance of viruses. Desquamated cells are supposed to contain virus particles and desquamation is considered to be one of the host defense mechanisms against viruses.Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 137–140.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Fedotova, Fedotov.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a rapid, sensitive and accurate analytical means to monitor hybridoma cell cultures. The use of flow cytometry has enabled us to study the changes in DNA, RNA, protein, IgG, mitochondrial activity and cell size that take place during the growth cycle of batch culture. The temporal changes in the levels of these analytes and their heterogeneity have been related to the growth/death kinetics. The maximum proportion of S-cells was reached early in the growth phase while a population of low fluorescence cells with lower polidy than G1, dead cells and fragmented nuclei emerged during the death phase. Supplementation with amino acids during the exponential phase prolonged the growth cycle by enhancing cell proliferation. The fraction of S/G2 cells was much reduced by a reduction in serum concentration but was maintained during the prolonged non-proliferating "stationary" phase. The magnitude of Rhodamine 123 staining showed a consistent and general decrease during late exponential and decline phases. This trend was accompanied by an increase in the fraction of the Propidium Iodide-stained population which reflected the deteriorating metabolic and membrane integrity. Decrease in mean fluorescence intensity for DNA, RNA, protein and intracellular IgG was noted at the decline phase. Intracellular immunofluorescence was a more reliable indicator of antibody productivity than surface immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Calpains are intracellular, calcium-sensitive, neutral cysteine proteases that play crucial roles in many physiological and pathological processes. Calpain regulation is complex and activity is poorly correlated with calpain protein levels. Therefore a full understanding of calpain function requires robust methods for measuring activity. METHODS: We describe and characterize a flow cytometric method for measuring calpain activity in live cells. This method uses the BOC-LM-CMAC reagent that readily diffuses into cells where it reacts with free thiols to enhance retention. RESULTS: We show that the reagent is cleaved specifically by calpains and follows saturation kinetics. We use the assay to measure calpain activation following PDGF stimulation of rat fibroblasts. We also show that the calpain inhibitor PD150606 inhibits calpain with a K(i) of 12.5 muM and show that Mek inhibitors PD89059 and U0126 also suppress calpain activity. We also show that the assay can measure calpain activity in subpopulations of cells present in unfractionated cord blood or in HL60 human myelomonocytic leukemia cells. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these experiments demonstrate that this assay is a reliable and useful method for measuring calpain activity in multiple cell types.  相似文献   

Functional and structural changes accompany the differentiation of granulosa cells during follicular development. We used flow cytometry and fluorescent dyes to characterize two organelles important to the steroidogenic process. Mitochondria, which contain the rate-limiting enzyme responsible for cholesterol conversion to pregnenolone, and lipid droplets, which store cholesterol substrate, were probed in viable hen granulosa cells during differentiation. The fluorescent dye Dio3-C5 (DiO) was used to probe mitochondrial membrane potential, indicative of mitochondrial activity and/or number, during rapid granulosa cell differentiation in a hierarchy of individual developing hen preovulatory follicles (F6, smallest, to F1, largest). Cellular DiO fluorescence, granularity, and cell size were significantly elevated with increasing maturation state. Treatment with LH significantly increased DiO fluorescence in granulosa cells from F1 but not F3. The increased mitochondrial activity/number in granulosa cells that accompanies follicular maturation and is influenced by LH may reflect, at least in part, increased activity or amount of hormone-regulated mitochondrial enzymes controlling steroidogenesis. Flow spectrofluorometry and the metachromatic lipid dye, nile red, were used to probe lipid droplets in differentiating granulosa cells from F6 to F1. There was a dramatic increase in the fluorescence component related to lipid droplets with increasing stages of follicular maturation, suggesting recruitment of lipids into droplets during the differentiation of granulosa cells into hormone-responsive steroidogenic cells. The results demonstrate the dynamic nature of the granulosa cell morphology involved in steroidogenesis during follicular development.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analyses of epithelial dysplasia of the esophagus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate, with flow cytometry, DNA aneuploidy as a marker of early carcinogenesis in dysplastic esophageal lesions. STUDY DESIGN: DNA content of exfoliated cells from 789 cases of esophageal dysplasia (including mild dysplasia, 195 cases; moderate dysplasia, 383 cases; and severe dysplasia, 211 cases) was determined with a FACS 420 flow cytometer. RESULTS: Cellular DNA content was closely related to the severity of dysplasia. The carcinogenesis rate in patients with dysplasia showed that DNA aneuploidy was significantly higher than in patients showing DNA diploidy. CONCLUSION: DNA aneuploidy in dysplastic lesions is a very important early signal of carcinogenesis. Patients with dysplastic lesions showing DNA aneuploidy should be treated and closely followed.  相似文献   

The alpha-folate receptor (alpha-FR) is a folate transporter with restricted expression levels in normal tissues. It is over-expressed in several cancers, particularly epithelial carcinomas, including nonmucinous ovarian carcinoma. It offers a novel therapeutic target for selective imaging and cytotoxic agents. Measurement of the receptor could be a valuable tool in selecting patients more likely to respond to new drugs that target the alpha-FR, and monitoring them while on treatment. While tumor samples are often unavailable, a number of patients who relapse develop ascites, which are often rich in tumor cells. We have therefore developed a triple antibody flow cytometric method to assess alpha-FR expression on tumor cells from ascites. An antibody to BerEP4, an epithelial cell marker expressed on >90% ovarian cancers, labeled with fluorescein, and an alpha-FR antibody labeled with antimouse-phycoerythrin have been used to label tumor cells, with a CD45-phycoerythrin-cyanine5 antibody used to exclude white blood cells from the analysis. The method was optimized using human carcinoma cell lines (JEG-3, IGROV-1, and KB cells). Calibrated beads were used to quantify the number of antibodies bound per cell. The triple antibody protocol successfully measured alpha-FR expression levels in cell lines spiked with blood. Tumor cells were obtained from ascites in 25 patients with relapsed ovarian cancer. In each case sufficient cells were harvested to identify an epithelial cell population to estimate the number of binding sites/cell. All the samples contained a single population of BerEP4, alpha-FR positive cells between 5x10(3) and 5x10(5) antibody binding sites/cell. The method can be used to determine the number of anti-alpha-FR antibodies bound per epithelial cell in ascites from patients with ovarian carcinoma. The results obtained were reproducible and the method could be applied to specimens that had been stored at -80 degrees C.  相似文献   

An improved method for differential staining and high resolution flow cytometric measurement of human semen cells is presented. Using a mild pretreatment with citric acid/detergent and staining with DAPI, the new procedure provides excellent preservation and good discrimination of all cells which are present in normal and pathological semen samples.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tracheary element (TE) differentiation in single cells in culture isolated from Zinnia elegans leaves involves programmed cell death (PCD) co-ordinated with key morphological developments. We have used flow cytometry to analyze physiological and nuclear changes in the differentiating cells. Flow cytometry allows the identification of subpopulations, thereby removing the obscuring effect of population heterogeneity that occurs with the use of other techniques. METHODS: Cell viability, plasma membrane integrity, oxidative activity, intracellular calcium and pH, cell wall thickening, the possible role of microtubule rearrangement, chromatin condensation, and DNA breakdown were followed by flow cytometry from the first stages of TE induction. RESULTS: TE differentiation could be enhanced and made more synchronous by a centrifugation step at 72 h after cell isolation. Size and shape changes were the first changes identified in differentiating cells, and these properties could be used to isolate differentiating populations by back-gating. Chromatin condensation and nDNA breakdown followed patterns characteristic of programmed cell death. CONCLUSIONS: We have used flow cytometry to characterize the morphological and physiological changes that occur during TE differentiation, and our findings indicate that this process is a form of autophagic PCD in which microtubule rearrangement appears to play a role.  相似文献   

This paper describes a flow-cytometric application of the quenching of fluorescence from 33258 Hoechst stained Chinese hamster ovary-line cells due to the incorporation of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdU) into the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid. Cells were grown for 24 hr in medium containing BrdU in concentrations ranging from 1 x 10(-8) to 1 x 10(-4) M. For each concentration we measured the average fluorescence as determined by flow cytometry, the extent of BrdU substitution and the effect of the BrdU on cell growth. We determined that a BrdU concentration of 1 x 10(-5) M resulted in sufficient substitution to quench the fluorescence from 33258 Hoechst by a factor of 4, allowing discrimination between cycling and noncycling cells. The extent of BrdU substitution after growth for 24 hr in this concentration of BrdU was 64%. These data indicate the feasibility of detecting deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in whole cells using the 33258 Hoechst-BrdU methodology.  相似文献   

Immature rats were treated with diethylstilboestrol (DES) or pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and forward angle light-scatter (FALS) and 90 degrees light-scatter (90 degrees LS) signals were used to measure the size and the granularity (internal organization) of the granulosa cells, respectively. The results confirmed the presence of two major populations of granulosa cells in the ovaries of both groups of rats, with the same percentage of larger cells in both treatments (52.3% in DES, 49.5% in PMSG). Since DES treatment brings about granulosa cell growth while PMSG treatment causes growth and differentiation, it is evident that there is heterogeneity in granulosa cell sizes during different states of growth and differentiation. There was also heterogeneity in sizes of granulosa cells harvested from follicles of small (less than 210 microns), medium (210-420 microns) and large (greater than 420 microns) diameter. Quadrant analysis of granulosa cells in various fractions collected from Percoll gradients suggested an increase in granularity in the small and large granulosa cell populations. Cell cycle analysis of small and large granulosa cell populations collected from large follicles of rats treated with PMSG indicated that each population was distributed in G0/G1, S and G2/M phases. These results demonstrate that populations of small and large granulosa cells exist in rat ovarian follicles during various stages of growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

D Hedley  S Chow 《Cytometry》1992,13(7):686-692
A method for measuring lipid peroxidation using time resolved flow cytometry is described. Because of its chemical nature, the naturally fluorescent fatty acid cis-parinaric acid is readily consumed in lipid peroxidation reactions. It could be loaded into Chinese hamster ovary cells in a time and concentration dependent manner at 37 degrees C, with 5 microM for 60' giving consistent, bright fluorescence without evidence of cytotoxicity. Examination of cells by fluorescence microscopy showed diffuse staining of surface and internal membranes. Cells were maintained at 37 degrees C while being examined in an Epics Elite flow cytometer equipped with a 325 nm HeCd laser, and parinaric acid fluorescence at 405 nm was measured over time. Addition of the oxidant tert-butyl hydroperoxide resulted in a burst of intracellular oxidation, shown by simultaneously loading the cells with dichlorofluorescein, and loss of parinaric fluorescence over time. This was followed by cell death, indicated by loss of forward light scatter and uptake of propidium iodide. Pretreatment of the cells with the antioxidant alpha-tocopherol, 200 microM, reduced the rate of loss of parinaric acid fluorescence and delayed the onset of cell death. Simultaneous biochemical determination of the lipid peroxidation breakdown product malondialdehyde confirmed a close temporal relationship with loss of parinaric acid fluorescence, both with and without alpha-tocopherol pretreatment and suggested that the flow cytometric assay for lipid peroxidation is of comparable sensitivity. The mitochondrial stain dodecyl acridine orange and the cyanine dye DiOC(6)3 were combined with cis-parinaric acid staining and could be excited by the latter using resonance energy transfer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S Nair  S V Singh  A Krishan 《Cytometry》1991,12(4):336-342
We have used an enzymatic (spectro-photometric) and a flow cytometric (GSH-MBCL) method to compare the glutathione (GSH) content of doxorubicin sensitive (P388) and resistant (P388/R-84) murine leukemic and human lung cancer cells. The flow cytometric analysis revealed that GSH-MBCL conjugate formation was dependent on glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity. The human solid tumor cell lines exhibited extensive heterogeneity, high GSH content, and GST activity. In contrast to the enzymatic method, the flow cytometric method did not accurately reflect the 95% reduction in GSH content of cells treated for 24 h with 100 microM BSO. Possible reaction of MBCL with other sulfhydryl groups (other than GSH) in BSO-treated cells may be responsible for this discordance. We have also shown the feasibility of using dual parameter flow cytometry to monitor cellular anthracycline (daunorubicin) retention and GSH-MBCL conjugate fluorescence in human tumor cells. These two parameters, which measure drug retention and cellular detoxification, are believed to be the important determinants of chemoresistance in tumor cells.  相似文献   

J M Hatfield  W C Hymer 《Cytometry》1985,6(2):137-142
We have developed a flow cytometric immunofluorescence technique for the quantification of growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and luteinizing hormone (LH) producing cells. The procedure requires about 24 hours and can objectively count 50,000 cells in about 3 minutes. It is based on indirect-immunofluorescence (fluorescein) of intracellular hormone using an EPICS V cell sorter. The fluorescein distributions are gated on DNA content (propidium iodide) to eliminate counting cell clumps. Cells from the same suspensions were stained immunocytochemically and counted microscopically (1,000-2,000 cells/sample). Immunofluorescence and immunocytochemistry correlated to within a few percent for GH and PRL cells. Cell suspensions from adult males and females with or without castration and a diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced primary pituitary tumor were used to test the method. A major finding of this study was the objective identification of two populations of PRL producing cells, i.e., lightly and intensely stained cells. On the other hand, the fluorescence distribution of PRL cells from DES-induced pituitary tumors did not fall into two distinct populations but, rather, represented a broad continuum. This method should prove useful in studying the dynamics of pituitary cell populations under various physiological and pharmacological conditions.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nature of the small intestine and the lack of methods to obtain pure crypt populations has, in the past, limited the application of standard flow cytometric analysis for cytokinetic studies of the proliferating crypts. We describe a flow cytometric technique to discriminate crypt and villus cells in an epithelial cell suspension on the basis of cell length, and to measure the DNA content of the discriminated subpopulations. Our data indicate that bivariate analysis of a mixed epithelial cell suspension can be used to distinguish mature villus cells, G1 crypt cells, and S-phase crypt cells. In addition, continuous labeling studies suggest that the position of a cell on the cell length axis reflects epithelial cell maturity. We applied this flow cytometric technique to determine the cytokinetic nature of epithelial cells obtained by sequential digestion of the small intestine.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the key antigen-presenting cells controlling the initiation of the T cell- dependent immune response. Currently, two peripheral blood DC subsets have been identified on the basis of their CD11c expression. The CD11c-negative (CD11c-) DCs (expressing high levels of CD123) are designated as lymphoid-derived DCs (DC2), whereas the CD11c+/CD123- cells, do identify the myeloid-derived DCs (DC1). A growing number of studies have been conducted in recent years on both the quantitative and functional alterations of DCs and their subsets in different pathological conditions. In the present study we assessed, using two different flow cytometric (FCM) techniques, the normal profile of blood DCs in 50 italian adult healthy subjects (M/F: 25/25, median age 42.5 years, range 20-65). The percentage and the absolute number of DCs and their subsets, were obtained starting from whole blood samples in two ways: 1) by calculating the number of DCs when gated as lineage-negative/ HLA-DR+ and identifing the two subsets as CD11c+ (DC1) and CD123+ (DC2) and 2) by using three specific markers: BDCA.1 (CD11c+ high/CD123+ low, myeloid DCs); BDCA.2 (CD11c-/ CD123+high, lymphoid DCs); BDCA.3 (CD11c+low /CD123-, myeloid DCs). Six parameters, 4-color FCM analysis were perfomed with a BD FACSCanto equipment. The mean values of the percentage and of the absolute number were: 0.5+/-0.2% and 30+/-11 cells/microL for DCs; 0.2+/-0.1% and 15+/-6 cells/microL for DC1; 0.2+/-0.1% and 15+/-7 cells/microL for DC2. The same values were: 0.2+/-0.1% and 16+/-7 cells/microL for BDCA.1; 0.2+/-0.1% and 12+/-7 cells/microL for BDCA.2; 0.02+/-0.01% and 2+/-1 cells/microL for BDCA.3, respectively. Our study confirmes that the two types of FCM analysis are able to identify the DC population. We also provides the first reference values on normal rates and counts of blood DCs in italian adult healthy subjects.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric analysis of micronuclei found in cells after irradiation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Nüsse  J Kramer 《Cytometry》1984,5(1):20-25
Exposure of mammalian cells to either ionizing radiation or mutagenic and carcinogenic substances can induce chromosome aberrations. These aberrations in turn may give rise to micronuclei which can be found in cells during the interphase after division. A two-step method is presented that allows separation of micronuclei from cell nuclei. They can then be measured and analysed according to their DNA content in a flow cytometer. The method involves an initial detergent treatment of cells followed by a second treatment with sucrose and citric acid. Micronuclei with DNA content larger than 2% of the G1-nuclei can be measured. The method is tested and compared with microscopic observations of micronucleated cells in irradiated, asynchronous, and synchronized Ehrlich ascites tumour cells growing in vitro. The agreement between the flow cytometric technique and microscopic observations is excellent when the dose-dependent number of micronuclei per cell is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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