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The kinetics of the uptake of Fe(II)-histidinate, a known promoter of lipid peroxidation, into Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells and the intracellular binding of iron were studied in vitro. EAT cells (27.10(6)/ml) were incubated in Hanks' balanced salts solution at 37 degrees C for various time intervals in the presence of FeSO4 (1 mM) and L-histidine (10 mM). Total iron was determined by the 1,10-phenanthroline/ascorbate method and ferric iron by reaction with 5-sulfosalicylic acid; the difference was ascribed to ferrous iron. Total iron decreased rapidly in the medium (242 nmol within the first 10 min), and a corresponding increase of total iron (saturation value 376 nmol after 60 min) was determined within the cells, after the cellular proteins had been solubilized with 6 M urea. In the absence of EAT cells, Fe(II)-histidinate was readily oxidized to Fe(III)-histidinate by oxygen, but this reaction was strongly retarded by the tumor cells. The uptake of iron histidinate occurred in the oxidized state, while an uptake of ferrous iron could not be proven unambiguously. When EAT cells were saturated with iron, it was found that 93% of intracellular iron was bound to water-insoluble proteins and 7% was associated with soluble proteins, while no unbound iron was detectable by the method used. It was concluded that, despite the high uptake of total iron, only a very small portion of the intracellular iron was available as a redox catalyst for lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

The inhibition of tumor growth and tumor induced angiogenesis by the glutamine antimetabolite acivicin was evaluated in 6-7 weeks old male Swiss albino mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) transplanted by intraperitoneal (ip) injections of EAC cells. Treatment involving ip injections with two different doses of acivicin (0.05 and 0.41microg/g body weight/day) in saline revealed decrease in tumor volumes and reduced number of blood vessels on peritoneal wall after 10 and 15 days of treatment when compared to control (i.e. injected with saline only). Vascular hyperpermeability was found to be lesser in the treated groups of mice than the control as indicated by the FITC- D and colloidal carbon assay. Serum VEGF level was found to decrease in the drug treated groups both after 10 and 15 days of treatment. The results thus suggest that acivicin may suppress tumoral angiogenesis through regulation of VEGF level.  相似文献   

Data from flow-cytometric analysis of DNA of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were fitted using non-linear least squares curve fitting routines. Analysis of rates of synthesis from the derived S-period profiles revealed a pattern of changing rates of DNA synthesis during the S-period. Three main peaks are seen whose trough to through periods range from 0 to 16%, 16 to 65%, 65 to 100% of the DNA synthesized during S. The differences between the peak rates and rates in the intervening troughs are small, about 10% of the maximum, but these occur reproducibly. Some differences in the DNA distribution profiles, hence rate profiles, can be seen among samples taken at different times during the day. These are thought to reflect the effects of circadian rhythms, but they are not large enough to obscure the general pattern of rate shifts that occur during the S-period. Analyses of radioactivity of 3H-thymidine pulse labelled cells, sorted across the S-period, were in accord with the results obtained from the DNA distributions. A parallel analysis of DNA and histones showed a correspondence in the timing and direction of shifts in rate for both during the middle part of the S-period.  相似文献   

Ursolic acid (UA) is a pentacyclic triterpene naturally occurring in many plant foods. In the present study, we investigated anti-cancer activity of UA in vivo in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) tumor. 15 × 106 EAC cells were implanted intraperitoneally (i.p., ascitic tumor) and subcutaneous (s.c., solid tumor) in Swiss albino mice. Mice with established tumors received UA i.p. at 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg bw for 14 d in ascitic and 100 mg/kg bw in solid tumor for 30 d. On day 15, blood samples were collected for hematological assessment of hemoglobin (Hb%), RBCs, WBCs and PCV. Tumor volume, cell viability, angiogenic, anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory factors and antioxidant parameters were determined. Immunohistochemistry analysis for VEGF, iNOS, CD31, caspase-3 and Bax were also performed. UA significantly inhibited tumor growth, cell viability, in both ascites and solid tumor model in vivo (p < 0·001). The anti-angiogenic effects were accompanied with decreased VEGF, iNOS, TNF-α and increased IL-12 levels. UA at 100 mg/kg bw dose significantly increased SOD and CAT activity (p < 0.01). GSH and TBARS were increased as compared to control group (p < 0.001). Furthermore, UA increased total RBCs, WBCs as well as Hb% significantly (p < 0.05) compared to cyclophosphamide (CP). Histopathological examination of tumor cells in the treated group demonstrated signs of apoptosis with chromatin condensation and cell shrinkage. Decreased peritoneal angiogenesis showed the anti-angiogenic potential. UA downregulated VEGF & iNOS expression whereas bax and caspase-3 expressions were upregulated suggesting drug induced tumor cell apoptosis through activating the pro-apoptotic bcl-2 family and caspase-3 and downregulation of VEGF. The present study sheds light on the potent antitumor property of the UA and can be extended further to develop therapeutic protocols for treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

The steady state transport and distribution of chloride between the intracellular and extracellular phases was investigated when the extracellular chloride concentration was varied by isosmotic replacement with nitrate, bromide and acetate. The results of these experiments show that chloride transport, measured by uptake of 36Cl, is sensitive to the replacement anion. In the presence of nitrate, chloride transport is a linear function of the extracellular chloride concentration. The relationship between chloride transport and extracellular chloride in the presence of bromide is concave upward which suggests that this anion inhibits chloride movement. However, when acetate replaces chloride, the relationship between chloride transport and extracellular chloride is concave downward. The chloride distribution ratio of cells incubated in 145-155mM chloride medium is 0.386 and is not effected by the replacement of chloride with nitrate, bromide or acetate. These findings are consistent with the assertion that chloride transport is composed of two parallel pathways, a diffusional plus a saturating, mediated component. Of the total chloride flux (9.1 mmoles Cl-/kg dry weight per minute) measured in chloride medium (145-155 mM Cl-), the mediated component represents 40% and the diffusional component 60%.  相似文献   

A previous investigation has shown that O-alkyl phospholipids are present in the surface membrane of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. In the present investigation it was shown that 90% or more of [1-3H]hexadecanol injected intraperitoneally into mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumors is taken up by the neoplastic cells in less than 15 min. Near maximum formation of surface membrane O-alkyl phospholipids requires approximately 8 h. The rate of accumulation of O-alkyl phospholipids is very similar both for the whole cell and for the surface membrane. Further examination of the data revealed that the conversion of hexadecanol into O-alkyl glycerophospholipids can be described by a simple model in which O-alkyl lipids appear at a single rate constant of 0.25 to 0.35 per hour and disappear at a rate of 0.02 per hour or less. These rate constants were obtained initially by stochastic analysis and validated both by deterministic methods and by compartmental analysis using the SAAM computer program. The method of kinetic analysis described may find broader application in providing comparative rate constants for the in vivo turnover of O-alkyl lipids in both normal and neoplastic tissues. The advantage of a stochastic approach is that kinetic data may be obtained with fewer assumptions relating to pool structure or specific models.  相似文献   

Summary The fluorescence intensity of the dye 1,1-dipropyloxadicarbocyanine (DiOC3-(5)) has been measured in suspensions of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in an attempt to monitor their membrane potential (V m ) under different ionic conditions, after treatment with cation ionophores and after hypotonic cell swelling. Calibration is performed with gramicidin in Na+-free K+/choline+ media, i.e., standard medium in which NaCl is replaced by KCl and cholineCl and where the sum of potassium and choline is kept constant at 155mm. Calibration by the valinomycin null point procedure described by Lariset al. (Laris, P.C., Pershadsingh, A., Johnstone, R.M., 1976,Biochim. Biophys. Acta 436:475–488) is shown to be valid only in the presence of the Cl-channel blocker indacrinone (MK196). Distribution of the lipophilic anion SCN as an indirect estimation of the membrane potential is found not to be applicable for the fast changes inV m reported in this paper. Incubation with DiOC3-(5) for 5 min is demenstrated to reduce the Cl permeability by 26±5% and the NO 3 permeability by 15±2%, while no significant effect of the probe could be demonstrated on the K+ permeability. Values forV m , corrected for the inhibitory effect of the dye on the anion conductance, are estimated at –61±1 mV in isotonic standard NaCl medium, –78±3 mV in isotonic Na+-free choline medium and –46±1 mV in isotonic NaNO3 medium. The cell membrane is depolarized by addition of the K+ channel inhibitor quinine and it is hyperpolarized when the cells are suspended in Na+-free choline medium, indicating thatV m is generated partly by potassium and partly by sodium diffusion. Ehrlich cells have previously been shown to be more permeable to nitrate than to chloride. Substituting NO 3 for all cellular and extracellular Cl leads to a depolarization of the membrane, demonstrating thatV m is also generated by the anions and that anions are above equilibrium. Taking the previously demonstrated single-file behavior of the K+ channels into consideration, the membrane conductances in Ehrlich cells are estimated at 10.4 S/cm2 for K+, 3.0 S/cm2 for Na+, 0.6 S/cm2 for Cl and 8.7 S/cm2 for NO 3 . Addition of the Ca2+-ionophore A23187 results in net loss of KCl and a hyperpolarization of the membrane, indicating that the K+ permeability exceeds the Cl permeability also after the addition of A23187. The K+ and Cl conductances in A23187-treated Ehrlich cells are estimated at 134 and 30 S/cm2, respectively. The membrane potential is depolarized in hypotonically swollen cells, confirming that the increase in the Cl permeability following hypotonic exposure exceeds the concommitant increase in the K+ permeability. In control experiments where the membrane potentialV m =E K =E Cl =E Na , it is demonstrated that cell volume changes has no significant effect on the fluorescence signal, apparently because of a large intracellular buffering capacity. The increase in the Cl conductances is 68-fold when cells are transferred to a medium with half the osmolarity of the standard medium, as estimated from the net Cl efflux and the change inV m . The concommitant increase in the K+ conductance, as estimated from the net K+ efflux, is only twofold.  相似文献   

A method is described in which cytochalasin B is used to fractionate Ehrlich ascites tumor cells into cytoplasts and (nucleated) karyoplasts. The plasma membrane and cytoplasm are selectively removed from these cells by this method such that the cytoplasts rarely contain membranous organelles (e.g., mitochondria) which are retained in the karyoplast during fractionation. ATP concentrations similar to those found in whole cells and glycolytic activity were measured in cytoplasts in the presence but not the absence of glycose. Cytoplasts also actively transport Na+, K+, and α-aminoisobutyric acid to steadystate distribution ratios similar to those found in whole cells. It was concluded that these cytoplasts are a simplified model system for the study of active transport in Ehrlich cells.  相似文献   

The role of ATPase in glycolysis of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Glycolysis in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells suspended in buffer containing 5 mM Pi was 50% inhibited by ouabain. In the absence of Pi the inhibition was less striking. Permeabilization of the cells with filipin abolished glycolysis, but glycolysis was restored by addition of Pi and AMP. Neither ouabain nor quercetin inhibited glycolysis in these permeabilized cells. We conclude that quercetin did not inhibit hexokinase sufficiently to affect glycolysis. An extract of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells glycolyzed weakly unless either Pi or an ATPase (e.g. (Na+K+)-ATPase) was added. The low rate of glycolysis of the extract was even further reduced when an endogenous ATPase was removed by precipitation with CaATP. The glycolytic activity of this ATPase-deficient extract was restored by addition of purified (Na+K+)-ATPase or of CaATP-precipitable ATPase. Addition of hexokinase without Pi did not restore glycolytic activity to the extract. An explanation for the contradictory conclusions by Bustamante, E., Morris, H.P., and Pedersen, P.L. (J. Biol. Chem. (1981) 265, 8699-8704) is presented.  相似文献   

1. Radioactive precursors, 32 PI, [1-14C]glycerol, and [1-14C]acetate, were individually injected into the peritoneal cavity of mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor, and the rates of incorporation into phospholipid fraction of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were estimated. Although no distinct difference in specific activities was observed between phosphatidylinositol and other phospholipid classes as regards the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate of [1-14C]glycerol, a higher rate of incorporation of 32Pi into phosphatidylinositol was observed. The specific activity of phosphatidylinositol reached more than ten times that of phosphatidylcholine in the first hour. 2. The radioactivities incorporated into the phospholipids of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells and liver were estimated after simultaneous injection 32Pi and [2-3H]inositol. The incorporation of 32Pi into phosphatidylinositol of liver was similar in specific activity to those of other phospholipids. The ratio (3H/32Pi) of phosphatidylinositol only slightly in the ascites tumor cells, while an appreciable decrease of the ratio was observed in the liver during the first 3 hr. 3. These results suggest that phosphatidylinositol synthesis through pathways other than de novo synthesis is rapid in ascites tumor cells.  相似文献   

The histone fraction F1 can be divided into subfractions by gel electrophoresis. The microheterogeneity of F1 histone has been investigated in EAT cells in mice between 3 and 16 days after inoculation. The cell number per mouse increases during the first 8 days (proliferation phase); thereafter it remains constant (non-proliferating phase). We could demonstrate that the number of F1 subfractions is reduced from 5 in proliferating cells to 3 in non-proliferating ones. In short term experiments using [32P]phosphate the label was only found in F1 histone from proliferating cells but not in that from resting cells. However, F2a1 histone, which is the other phosphorylated histone in interphase cells, was labelled in young and old cell populations. When 32P-labelled F1 histone was treated with alkaline phosphatase not only was the label split off but also the number of subfractions was reduced from 5 to 3. These results lend additional evidence to the hypothesis that at least some of the F1 subfractions are derived from the same protein by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Calcium transport and distribution in Ehrlich mouse ascites tumor cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from isotopic uptake experiments were used to measure calcium fluxes and compartment sizes in ascites tumor cells. The data were analyzed with two kinetic models, A and B. In 80% of the experiments model A, which is based on one exchangeable calcium compartment, was rejected in favor of Model B, which predicts two exchangeable compartments. A statistical evaluation of the model's performance, when fit to the experimental data was used to select between the two models. The results show that calcium was distributed between three cellular compartments in the ratio, non-exchangeable (88%): rapidly exchanging (7%): slowly exchanging (5%). The undirectional fluxes suggested that calcium transport could be described as a series system with the temporal sequence: environment ? rapidly exchanging ? slowly exchanging.  相似文献   

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