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The structure of the receptive field of LPa3 neurone and its connection with the periphery were studied on semi-intact preparations of the snail Helix pomatia. It was found that: 1) The mechano-sensitive receptive field (excitatory) of the LPa3 neurone occupies nearly the whole surface of the snail's skin and internal organs. But latencies of LPa3 reactions to mechanical stimulation, the whole field may be divided into four zones: 50 to 60 ms, 100 ms, 130 to 140 ms and 200 to 250 ms. 2) Blockade of synaptic transmission with magnesium or cobalt has shown that relaying of the signal from the mantle receptors to the LPa3 neurone takes place in the peripheral nervous system. 3) Cobalt ionophoresis showed that the LPa3 neurone gives off processes to the right and left pallial nerves, the anal nerve and, occasionally, to the cutaneous nerve. During simultaneous intracellular recording from the LPa3 neurone and extracellular from the above nerves, action potentials are in every case recorded at first in the neurone body, and then, with a 20 to 30 ms delay, in the nerves. This means that the LPa3 neurone processes joining the nerves are axons. It is suggested that the sensory inputs and wide branching structures output of the LPa3 neurone axons make it an integrating polyfunctional system.  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by gamma motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

How higher-order sensory neurons generate complex selectivity from their simpler inputs is a fundamental question in neuroscience. The lobula giant movement detector (LGMD) is such a visual neuron in the locust Schistocerca americana that responds selectively to objects approaching on a collision course or their two-dimensional projections, looming stimuli [1-4]. To study how this selectivity arises, we designed an apparatus allowing us to stimulate, individually and independently, a sizable fraction of the ~15,000 elementary visual inputs impinging retinotopically onto the LGMD's dendritic fan [5-7] (Figure?1Ai). We then recorded intracellularly in?vivo throughout the visual pathway, assessing the LGMD's activity and that of all three successive presynaptic stages conveying local excitatory inputs. Our results suggest that as collision becomes increasingly imminent, the strength of these inputs increases, whereas their latency decreases. This latency decrease favors summation of inputs activated sequentially throughout the looming sequence, making the neuron maximally sensitive to collision-bound trajectories. Thus, the LGMD's selectivity arises partially from presynaptic mechanisms that synchronize a large population of inputs during a looming stimulus and subsequent detection by postsynaptic mechanisms within the neuron itself. Analogous mechanisms are likely to underlie the tuning properties of visual neurons in other species as well.  相似文献   

Primary sensory neurons project to motor neurons directly or through interneurons and affect their activity. In our previous paper we showed that intramuscular sprouting can be affected by changing the sensory synaptic input to motor neurons. In this work, motor axon sprouting within a peripheral nerve (extramuscular sprouting) was induced by nerve injury at such a distance from muscle so as not to allow nerve-muscle trophic interactions. Two different procedures were carried out: (1) sciatic nerve crush and (2) sciatic nerve crush with homosegmental ipsilateral L3-L5 dorsal rhizotomy. The number of regenerating motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle was determined by in vivo muscle tension recordings and an index of their individual conduction rate was obtained by in vitro intracellular recordings of excitatory postsynaptic end-plate potentials in muscle fibers. The main findings were: (1) there are more regenerated axons distally from the lesion than parent axons proximally to the lesion (sprouting at the lesion); (2) sprouting at the lesion was negatively affected by homosegmental ipsilateral dorsal rhizotomy; (3) the number of motor axons innervating extensor digitorum longus muscle extrafusal fibers counted proximally to the lesion increased following nerve injury and regeneration but this did not occur when sensory input was lost. A transient innervation of extrafusal fibers by &#110 motor neurons may explain the increase of motor axons counted proximally to the lesion.  相似文献   

A mathematical neuron model defined by a difference equation was investigated when it was exposed to an environment of a periodic input stimulus. It is shown that pulse sequences constructed in advance by a particular method are actually realizable as the output of the system and the condition for the output sequence is also obtained with respect to the magnitude of the input. The results are interesting from a point of view of number theory.  相似文献   

Thermomyces lanuginosus strains from different culture collections, namely ATCC 26909, ATCC 22083, DEN 1457, IMI 84400 and BS1 were compared for xylanase production, and isozyme profile. Of all the strains of T. lanuginosus, BS1 a soil isolate produced the largest amount of xylanase. All strains were found to produce two forms of xylanase (I & II) with molecular mass corresponding to 25.0 and 54.0 KDa. The u.v/NTG mutagenesis of T. lanuginosus BS1 aleurospores/protoplasts resulted in xylanase-hyperproducing mutants. A morphological colour mutant RB 524 produced approximately 2.5-fold higher xylanase (2506.0 units/ml) as compared to the parent strain (1018.1 units/ml).  相似文献   

M Wang  C N Zhang 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(5):2380-2393
We present a phase space analysis to explore the potential of single neuron local arithmetic operations on its input conductances. This analysis was conducted first by deriving a rational function model of local spatial summation by using the equivalent circuits for steady-state membrane potentials. It is shown that developed functional phases exist in the space of input conductances, where a single neuron's local operation on input conductances can be described in terms of a set of well-defined arithmetic functions. It is further suggested that this single neuron local rational arithmetic is programmable, in the sense that the selection of these functional phases can be effectively instructed by presynaptic activities. This programmability adds the degree of freedom in a single neuron's ability to process the input information.  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a member of a family of carbohydrate-binding proteins, is present generally in the cytoplasm of cells. However, galectin 3 can also be located in nuclei under certain conditions although it lacks any known nuclear localisation signal and the mechanism by which the protein is sequestered in nuclei is unknown. Here we describe that Cos-7 cells or rabbit smooth muscle Rb-1 cells transfected with cDNA encoding hamster galectin-3 sequester the protein in nuclei whereas untransfected BHK cells expressing the endogenous hamster lectin or transfected BHK cells over-expressing the protein, do not. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of Cos-7 cells or rabbit smooth muscle Rb-1 cells transfected with cDNAs encoding mutants of hamster galectin-3 containing N-terminal or internal deletions shows that nuclear localisation does not require the first 103 amino acid residues of the protein. Further deletion of residues 104-110 dramatically prevents sequestration in nuclei. However, the sequence A104PTGALT110 by itself is not obligatory for nuclear localisation and can be substituted by other unrelated sequences. A truncated galectin-3 protein, that is blocked in nuclear expression, retains carbohydrate-binding activity, making less likely the possibility that severe N-terminal truncations of galectin-3 induce mis-folding leading to aggregation and cytoplasmic sequestration and an incidental effect on nuclear trafficking. These studies indicate that nuclear import and retention of galectin-3 is a property of the CRD domain and is independent of N-terminal domains that others have shown to contain binding domains for various nuclear components.  相似文献   

A potential mucus precursor in Tetrahymena wild type and mutant cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using an antibody to a specific mucus polypeptide (34 kDa) to study whole cell extracts of both a secretory mutant (SB281) and wild type (wt) Tetrahymena, we demonstrate that a 57-kDa polypeptide is a probable precursor to the 34-kDa secretory polypeptide. We postulate that the precursor accumulates in the mutant cells because it cannot be cleaved. This mutant contains no recognizable mature secretory granules (mucocysts). By immunoelectron microscopy, the 34-kDa polypeptide was localized in wt cells specifically to the mature mucocysts and to their released products. Localization in mutant cells occurred in two different types of cytoplasmic vesicles: small electron dense vesicles (0.3-0.5 microns in diameter) and large electron lucent vacuoles (1.2-3.5 microns in diameter). Immunoblot analyses of homogenates of mutant and wt cells with the anti-34-kDa serum revealed a dominant band in the mutant at Mr 57 kDa whereas the wt showed a dominant band only at Mr 34 kDa. Furthermore, the 57-kDa polypeptide is immunoprecipitated with anti-34-kDa serum from the mutant cell. Further evidence for a precursor relation of the 57-kDa polypeptide in mutant cells to the 34-kDa mucus polypeptide of wt cells was obtained by the use of drugs (monensin, chloroquine, NH4Cl) that block secretory product processing in wt cells. Extracts of drug-treated wt cells showed the presence of a 57-kDa cross reacting band even after 18 h of incubation in growth medium whereas untreated control cells contained the 34-kDa mature protein almost exclusively. These results indicate that processing of the precursor to the 34-kDa polypeptide occurs in an acidic compartment(s) possibly in either the trans Golgi network, or condensing vacuoles or both.  相似文献   

Surface charge of wild-type Crithidia fasciculata and three drug-resistant mutants (TR3, TFRR1, and FUR11) was studied by direct zeta-potential determination and ultrastructural cytochemistry. Surface tension was also investigated by measurements of the advancing contact angle formed by the protozoa monolayers with drops of liquids of different polarities. The individual zeta potential varies markedly among the C. fasciculata cells. The wild and FUR11 mutant strains displayed lower negative surface charge (-12.5 and -9.5 mV, respectively) as compared with the TR3 (-14.8 mV) and TFRR1 (-14.7 mV) mutant strains. Binding of cationized ferritin (CF) was observed at the cell surface of wild and mutant strains of C. fasciculata. Neuraminidase treatment reduced the negative surface charge in the TFRR1 and TR3 mutants in about 37 and 29%, respectively, whereas no significant change was observed with the wild and FUR11 mutant strains. These findings suggest that sialic acid residues are the major anionogenic groups on the surface of C. fasciculata. The density of sialic acid residues per cell in wild and mutant strains of C. fasciculata falls in a range of 1.4 x 10(4) to 3.6 x 10(4). Marked differences of hydrophobicity were also observed. For example, the TFRR1, FUR11, and TR3 drug-resistant mutant strains showed higher contact angle values (55.4, 54.2, and 49.3, respectively) than the wild-type (35.6), as assessed by alpha-bromonaphtalene.  相似文献   

The effects of growth conditions on fatty acid profilewere examined in the photosynthetic wild type and inthe spontaneous non-photosynthetic WZSL mutant of theunicellular flagellate Euglena gracilis. Inthe light, the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFAs) is higher in the wild type than in the mutant,independent of the carbon source. Among importantPUFAs, linolenic acid (18:3 3) is present inhigh amount only in wild type cells grown in the lightwith any of the tested carbon sources. The content ofother PUFAs, such as arachidonic acid (20:46), EPA (20:5 3) and DHA (22:63), is not correlated with the presence oflight or chloroplasts.The main effect of the dark in both strains is tolower the content of PUFAs and mono-unsaturated fattyacids and to increase the content of saturated fattyacids with all the carbon sources.  相似文献   

Mutations in alpha-synuclein gene cause familial form of Parkinson disease, and deposition of wild-type alpha-synuclein as Lewy bodies occurs as a hallmark lesion of sporadic Parkinson disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, implicating alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease and related neurodegenerative diseases. Dopamine neurons in substantia nigra are the major site of neurodegeneration associated with alpha-synuclein deposition in Parkinson disease. Here we establish transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans (TG worms) that overexpresses wild-type or familial Parkinson mutant human alpha-synuclein in dopamine neurons. The TG worms exhibit accumulation of alpha-synuclein in the cell bodies and neurites of dopamine neurons, and EGFP labeling of dendrites is often diminished in TG worms expressing familial Parkinson disease-linked A30P or A53T mutant alpha-synuclein, without overt loss of neuronal cell bodies. Notably, TG worms expressing A30P or A53T mutant alpha-synuclein show failure in modulation of locomotory rate in response to food, which has been attributed to the function of dopamine neurons. This behavioral abnormality was accompanied by a reduction in neuronal dopamine content and was treatable by administration of dopamine. These phenotypes were not seen upon expression of beta-synuclein. The present TG worms exhibit dopamine neuron-specific dysfunction caused by accumulation of alpha-synuclein, which would be relevant to the genetic and compound screenings aiming at the elucidation of pathological cascade and therapeutic strategies for Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Rootcap structure in wild type and in a starchless mutant of Arabidopsis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rootcaps of the wild type (WT) and of a starchless, gravitropic mutant (TC7) of Arabidopsis thaliana L. were examined by electron microscopy to identify cellular polarities with respect to gravity. In columella cells, nuclei are located proximally, and the nuclear envelope is continuous with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that is in turn connected to nearby plasmodesmata. Impregnation of ER with osmium ferricyanide revealed numerous contacts between columella plastids and ER in both genotypes. ER is present mostly in the outer regions of the columella protoplast except in older columella cells that are developing into peripheral cells. In vertical roots, only columella cells that are intermediate in development (story 2 cells) have a higher surface density (S) of ER in the distal compared to proximal regions of the cell. The distal but not the proximal S of the ER is constant throughout columella development. Plastids are less sedimented in TC7 columella cells compared to those of the WT. It is hypothesized that plastid contact with the ER plays a role in gravity perception in both genotypes.  相似文献   

The firing time of a cable model neuron in response to white noise current injection is investigated with various methods. The Fourier decomposition of the depolarization leads to partial differential equations for the moments of the firing time. These are solved by perturbation and numerical methods, and the results obtained are in excellent agreement with those obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The convergence of the random Fourier series is found to be very slow for small times so that when the firing time is small it is more efficient to simulate the solution of the stochastic cable equation directly using the two different representations of the Green's function, one which converges rapidly for small times and the other which converges rapidly for large times. The shape of the interspike interval density is found to depend strongly on input position. The various shapes obtained for different input positions resemble those for real neurons. The coefficient of variation of the interspike interval decreases monotonically as the distance between the input and trigger zone increases. A diffusion approximation for a nerve cell receiving Poisson input is considered and input/output frequency relations obtained for different input sites. The cases of multiple trigger zones and multiple input sites are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The mathematical model of the spike activity of a neuron with synaptic input from many other neurons [1], describes adequately the firing of 5 from 7 neurons in the tegmentum of mesencephalic cat and changes of their activity evoked by glutamate iontophoresis. For these 5 neurons the estimates of the PSPs' average frequency of the threshold depolarization and of the constant decay of the EPSP were received. For different neurons the values of these parameters are 4--100 KHz, 100--800 average unitary EPSPs and 4--30 msec correspondingly. The stationary value of the average membrane potential (SVAMP) in all 5 neurons was removed significantly from the resting potential toward the threshold potential. SWAMP could be changed by the glutamate iontophoresis in such a degree to overlap the threshold potential.  相似文献   

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