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~~烟草花粉母细胞细胞融合过程中微丝的免疫定位观察@杨军$兰州大学细胞生物学研究所!兰州730000;西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川南充637002;西华师范大学珍稀动植物研究所,四川南充637002 @彭正松$兰州大学细胞生物学研究所!兰州730000;西华师范大学生命科学学院,四川南充637002 @李卫$兰州大学细胞生物学研究所!兰州730000 @高欢欢$兰州大学细胞生物学研究所!兰州730000 @郑国锠$兰州大学细胞生物学研究所!兰州730000~~~~[1] ZHENG G CH(郑国錩).Cytormxis[J]. Acta Gen. Sin. (遗传学报) ,1974,1(1) ;117-124(in Ch…  相似文献   

The frequency characteristics and cytological picture of cytomixis in the course of male meiosis are described in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with altered flower morphology and male sterility. Effects of cytomixis on qualitative composition of meiotic products are studied (formation of cytoplasts and polyads). Doubling of the chromosome number was established to increase frequency of cytomixis in the studied plants.  相似文献   

This paper represents the frequency characteristics and cytological analysis of cytomixis in the course of male meiosis in transgenic tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) with altered flower morphology and male sterility. The influence of cytomixis on qualitative composition of the meiotic products is shoron (cytoplasts and polyads formation). It was established that doubling of chromosomes number increased cytomixis frequency in the investigated plants.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamics of microtubular cytoskeleton and of callose walls in normal pollen mother cells (PMC) of tobacco N. tabacum L. and in cells with intercellular translocation of nuclear material (cytomictic) was studied in the course of the cell cycle. The microtubular cytoskeleton was established as playing no obvious role in the process of cytomixis. The elevated level of cytomictic seems to be due to disturbances of synthesis of callose walls as a result of their attenuation and perforation. Possible causes of cytomictic in tobacco PMC at the cellular level are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied the microtubule cytoskeleton structure and callose walls deposition in the course of meiosis at the cytomictic and normal tobacco (N. tabacum L.) PMCs. It was ascertained that microtubule cytoskeleton did not play an evident part in the process of cytomixis. Increased cytomixis frequency probably is determined by irregular callose walls deposition. The possible reasons of nuclear material passage between tobacco PMCs at the cellular level are discussed.  相似文献   

In majority species of dicotyledonous plants cytokinesis in PMCs occurs once after completion of two caryokinesis cycles, that is a simultaneous type. This paper represents cytological picture and frequency characteristics of abnormality which resulted in cytokinesis triggering after first meiotic division in a part of transgenic tobacco PMCs. It was shown that the main process of cytoskeleton reorganization typical for simultaneous cytokinesis remained without any alterations in such cells. However, in most cases premature cell division occurred with abnormalities such as membrane "tunnel" or "gash" formation. It was ascertained that initiation of additional round ofcytokinesis did not block nuclear cycle and cytokinesis after second meiotic division. Thus, transition of cell division from simultaneous type to successive one occurs under this abnormality.  相似文献   

This article provides an ultrastructural atlas of microsporogenesis in the tobacco model line SR1. The stages of cell-wall remodeling and reorganization of the intercellular channels, accompanying this process, are reported for the microspore mother cells. The meiotic changes in the cell nucleus and cytoplasm are traced. The appearance of single-, double-, or multi-membrane nuclear vacuoles in microspore mother cells and their further elimination from the nucleus are for the first time described for the genus Nicotiana as well as deviations from a normal course for this process. Intercellular chromatin migration (cytomixis) was observed in the microsporogenesis of the line SR1 and behavior of the nuclear vacuoles within the cytomictic nucleus was described for the first time. The enzymatic activity of spherosome-like vesicles in the tobacco microsporogenesis is discussed. The features of microsporogenesis in the tobacco line SR1 are compared with those of other plant species and its association with the transition from a diploid to a haploid phase of the life cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

《Micron (1969)》1979,10(3):205-206
Organelle development in the tobacco (Nicotina tabacum L. c.v. “Little Turkish”) ovary, at the time of anthesis, is incompletely differentiated. Active ovarian metabolism is evidenced by the presence of prominent ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticula, plasmodesmata, swollen mitochondria, microbodies, and chloroplasts with sinlge membrane-bound granular components.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies of cereal anthers found intranuclear bundles of microfilaments in pollen mother cells (PMCs) but not elsewhere. The ultrastructure, distribution, and behaviour of this fibrillar material (FM) are described. FM was seen in all 19 genotypes studied comprising Aegilops, Triticum, Secale, Hordeum and Avena species, which together included haploid, diploid and allo-and autopolyploid, and natural and synthetic polyploid examples. Detailed studies in diploid S. cereale, and hexaploid T. aestivum and Triticale showed that FM was present in PMC nuclei during premeiotic interphase, leptotene and zygotene but not at pachytene and later meiotic stages. Moreover, it was most abundant at late premeiotic interphase in T. aestivum, and at leptotene in S. cereale and Triticale, when it occurred in up to 100% of sampled PMC nuclei in an anther. Although FM and synaptonemal complex (SC) occurred together in some PMC nuclei at later stages, FM was present long before SC, and reached its peak of abundance before SC did. Bundles of FM often formed links at their ends between either two masses of chromatin, or more rarely, between chromatin and the nuclear membrane. Individual bundles of FM varied in length but showed roughly similar ranges of lengths and widths in these three species. They were up to about 0.2 m in diameter and about 3 m in length, equivalent to about 20% of the maximum diameter of the nuclei containing them. Reconstructions of PMC nuclei indicated that FM was never associated with centromeres but was sometimes, and perhaps usually, associated with telomeric or sub-telomeric chromosome segments.The function of FM is unknown but its possible role is discussed in relation to (1) previously described intranuclear inclusions in meiocytes and (2) the cytogenetics and developmental behaviour of meiotic nuclei in the wheat comparium. As FM was a constant and characteristic structural component of PMC nuclei, its presence is probably of functional significance to the meiotic process. If so, it may function before, and over greater distances, than SC in establishing or maintaining the coorientation of chromosomes prerequisite for normal chromosome pairing. As FM was most abundant at stages when major chromosome movements occur, yet its distribution was non-centromeric, it is suggested that it may function in the attachment and movement of telomeres at the nuclear membrane formed after premeiotic mitosis. The possibility that a bundle of FM normally links corresponding sites on two homologues is considered.  相似文献   

Cytomixis (i.e., chromatin migration between meiocytes) has been detected in many plant species, but not in Medicago sativa spp. In the present study we report the identification of a few cytomictic alfalfa plants. Those plants, the "mother plants," were selfed and crossed with a normal control plant. Microsporogenesis analysis was performed on the mother plants, on the S(1) and F(1) plants, and on controls. The S(1) and F(1) plants, like the mother plants, were found to be cytomictic. Single or multiple chromatin bridges between two or more meiocytes were observed almost exclusively in prophase I. Some completely empty meiocytes were also observed. In addition to cytomixis, other meiotic abnormalities were found. Control plants showed an almost regular meiosis. The highest values of cytomixis were observed in the mother plants, and the lowest in their F(1) progenies. Variability of cytomixis in the F(1) plants is probably due to a heterozygotic condition of the parents for this trait. No significant correlation was found between cytomixis and pollen viability, even if the cytomictic plants showed low values of pollen viability.  相似文献   

Synaptonemal complex formation in pollen mother cells of Tradescantia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seven nuclei of Tradescantia sp. (2n=12) were prepared using Gillies' modification of the Counce-Meyer whole-mount spreading technique. These nuclei were examined for the type (homologous and nonhomologous), amount, and location of synaptonemal complex (SC) formation. Estimates of the total potential number of discrete initiations of SC formation ranged from 251–299 per nucleus. The average distance between sites of initiation ranged from 7.3 to 11.2 m in the different nuclei. Two groups of Tradescantia were used. Of the T. ohiensis var. paludosa plants, the one instance of irregularity in synapsis was associated with a pairing partner switchpoint. In the other plants derived from Mericle's Clone 02, all nuclei, even those in early zygotene, had several examples of foldback synapsis. The significance of the location of SC formation, and the occurrence of foldback synapsis is considered and a model of SC formation is proposed. In this model, a recognition of homology step is not considered necessary for SC formation; homologous synapsis is usually accomplished by spatial and temporal coordination of zygotene DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

百合花粉母细胞减数分裂异常现象观测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张彩霞  明军  刘春  李博生 《生物学通报》2010,45(5):45-47,F0002
对“Siberia”百合小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常进行了系统的细胞学观察,发现“Siberia”百合小孢母细胞减数分裂中存在不等二价体、倒位环、染色体桥、滞后染色体、微核、不均等分离、染色体显著减少的核、游离核、异常四分体、无核花粉等异常现象。研究表明:“Siberia”百合长期进行无性繁殖引起染色体结构变异,导致减数分裂异常,小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常是导致花粉败育的主要原因。  相似文献   

用DGD包埋去包埋方法,观察了洋葱花粉母细胞中胞间连丝和胞质通道内的胞质骨架分布。结果发现,在花粉母细胞的胞间连丝内有胞质骨加分布,这些骨架纤维集结成束,穿过胞间连丝。在胞质通道内也有胞质骨架分布,但与胸间连丝内的骨困分布有所不同,主要表现为两种形式;骨架纤维致密或稀少。研究讨论了胞质骨架在胞间连丝和胞质通道内的作用。  相似文献   

Summary The arrangement of cortical microtubules in tobacco protoplasts is described using the following techniques: 1. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of thin sections of whole protoplasts, 2. TEM of negatively stained protoplast ghosts, and 3. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy of protoplast ghosts. Ghosts were prepared by attaching freshly isolated protoplasts to glass coverslips or formvar/carbon-coated grids with poly-L-lysine and then bursting them either osmotically or by detergent treatment in the presence of a microtubule stabilizing buffer. Osmotic bursting of protoplasts yielded large pieces of plasma membrane with attached microtubules. These preparations proved very useful for measuring the density and length of cortical microtubules. Detergent treatment dissolved the plasma membrane and altered the distribution of cortical microtubules.  相似文献   

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