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Galactose transport in Streptococcus thermophilus.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Although Streptococcus thermophilus accumulated [14C]lactose in the absence of an endogenous energy source, galactose-fermenting (Gal+) cells were unable to accumulate [14C]galactose unless an additional energy source was added to the test system. Both Gal+ and galactose-nonfermenting (Gal-) strains transported galactose when preincubated with sucrose. Accumulation was inhibited 50 or 95% when 10 mM sodium fluoride or 1.0 mM iodoacetic acid, respectively, was added to sucrose-treated cells, indicating that ATP was required for galactose transport activity. Proton-conducting ionophores also inhibited galactose uptake, although N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide had no effect. The results suggest that galactose transport in S. thermophilus occurs via an ATP-dependent galactose permease and that a proton motive force is involved. The galactose permease in S. thermophilus TS2b (Gal+) had a Km for galactose of 0.25 mM and a Vmax of 195 micromol of galactose accumulated per min per g (dry weight) of cells. Several structurally similar sugars inhibited galactose uptake, indicating that the galactose permease had high affinities for these sugars.  相似文献   

Galactose transport systems in Streptococcus lactis   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Galactose-grown cells of Streptococcus lactis ML3 have the capacity to transport the growth sugar by two separate systems: (i) the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system and (ii) an adenosine 5'-triphosphate-energized permease system. Proton-conducting uncouplers (tetrachlorosalicylanilide and carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone) inhibited galactose uptake by the permease system, but had no effect on phosphotransferase activity. Inhibition and efflux experiments conducted using beta-galactoside analogs showed that the galactose permease had a high affinity for galactose, methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, and methyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside, but possessed little or no affinity for glucose and lactose. The spatial configurations of hydroxyl groups at C-2, C-4, and C-6 were structurally important in facilitating interaction between the carrier and the sugar analog. Iodoacetate had no inhibitory effect on accumulation of galactose, methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, or lactose via the phosphotransferase system. However, after exposure of the cells to p-chloromercuribenzoate, phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent uptake of lactose and methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside were reduced by 75 and 100%, respectively, whereas galactose phosphotransferase activity remained unchanged. The independent kinetic analysis of each transport system was achieved by the selective generation of the appropriate energy source (adenosine 5'-triphosphate or phosphoenolpyruvate) in vivo. The maximum rates of galactose transport by the two systems were similar, but the permease system exhibited a 10-fold greater affinity for sugar than did the phosphotransferase system.  相似文献   

Streptococcus thermophilus is unable to metabolize the galactose moiety of lactose. In this paper, we show that a transformant of S. thermophilus SMQ-301 expressing Streptococcus salivarius galK and galM was able to grow on galactose and expelled at least twofold less galactose into the medium during growth on lactose.  相似文献   

Galactose-nonfermenting (Gal-) Streptococcus thermophilus TS2 releases galactose into the extracellular medium when grown in medium containing excess lactose. Starved and de-energized Gal- cells, however, could be loaded with galactose to levels approximately equal to the extracellular concentration (0 to 50 mM). When loaded cells were separated from the medium and resuspended in fresh broth containing 5 mM lactose, galactose efflux occurred. De-energized, galactose-loaded cells, resuspended in buffer or medium, accumulated [14C]lactose at a greater rate and to significantly higher intracellular concentrations than unloaded cells. Uptake of lactose by loaded cells was inhibited more than that by unloaded cells in the presence of extracellular galactose, indicating that a galactose gradient was involved in the exchange system. When de-energized, galactose-loaded cells were resuspended in carbohydrate-free medium at pH 6.7, a proton motive force (Δp) of 86 to 90 mV was formed, whereas de-energized, nonloaded cells maintained a Δp of about 56 mV. However, uptake of lactose by loaded cells occurred when the proton motive force was abolished by the addition of an uncoupler or in the presence of a proton-translocating ATPase inhibitor. These results support the hypothesis that galactose efflux in Gal-S. thermophilus is electrogenic and that the exchange reaction (lactose uptake and galactose efflux) probably occurs via an antiporter system.  相似文献   

The functions necessary for bacterial growth strongly depend on the features of the bacteria and the components of the growth media. Our objective was to identify the functions essential to the optimum growth of Streptococcus thermophilus in milk. Using random insertional mutagenesis on a S. thermophilus strain chosen for its ability to grow rapidly in milk, we obtained several mutants incapable of rapid growth in milk. We isolated and characterized one of these mutants in which an amiA1 gene encoding an oligopeptide-binding protein (OBP) was interrupted. This gene was a part of an operon containing all the components of an ATP binding cassette transporter. Three highly homologous amiA genes encoding OBPs work with the same components of the ATP transport system. Their simultaneous inactivation led to a drastic diminution in the growth rate in milk and the absence of growth in chemically defined medium containing peptides as the nitrogen source. We constructed single and multiple negative mutants for AmiAs and cell wall proteinase (PrtS), the only proteinase capable of hydrolyzing casein oligopeptides outside the cell. Growth experiments in chemically defined medium containing peptides indicated that AmiA1, AmiA2, and AmiA3 exhibited overlapping substrate specificities, and that the whole system allows the transport of peptides containing from 3 to 23 residues.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent phosphorylation of [14C]galactose by 11 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus indicated that these organisms possessed the Leloir enzyme, galactokinase (galK). Activities were 10 times higher in fully induced, galactose-fermenting (Gal+) strains than in galactose-nonfermenting (Gal-) strains. Lactose-grown, Gal- cells released free galactose into the medium and were unable to utilize residual galactose or to induce galK above basal levels. Gal+ S. thermophilus 19258 also released galactose into the medium, but when lactose was depleted growth on galactose commenced, and galK increased from 0.025 to 0.22 micromol of galactose phosphorylated per min per mg of protein. When lactose was added to galactose-grown cells of S. thermophilus 19258, galK activity rapidly decreased. These results suggest that galK in Gal+ S. thermophilus is subject to an induction-repression mechanism, but that galK cannot be induced in Gal- strains.  相似文献   

The galK gene, encoding galactokinase of the Leloir pathway, was insertionally inactivated in Streptococcus mutans UA159. The galK knockout strain displayed only marginal growth on galactose, but growth on glucose or lactose was not affected. In strain UA159, the sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) for lactose and the PTS for galactose were induced by growth in lactose and galactose, although galactose PTS activity was very low, suggesting that S. mutans does not have a galactose-specific PTS and that the lactose PTS may transport galactose, albeit poorly. To determine if the galactose growth defect of the galK mutant could be overcome by enhancing lactose PTS activity, the gene encoding a putative repressor of the operon for lactose PTS and phospho-beta-galactosidase, lacR, was insertionally inactivated. A galK and lacR mutant still could not grow on galactose, although the strain had constitutively elevated lactose PTS activity. The glucose PTS activity of lacR mutants grown in glucose was lower than in the wild-type strain, revealing an influence of LacR or the lactose PTS on the regulation of the glucose PTS. Mutation of the lacA gene of the tagatose pathway caused impaired growth in lactose and galactose, suggesting that galactose can only be efficiently utilized when both the Leloir and tagatose pathways are functional. A mutation of the permease in the multiple sugar metabolism operon did not affect growth on galactose. Thus, the galactose permease of S. mutans is not present in the gal, lac, or msm operons.  相似文献   

The galK gene, encoding galactokinase of the Leloir pathway, was insertionally inactivated in Streptococcus mutans UA159. The galK knockout strain displayed only marginal growth on galactose, but growth on glucose or lactose was not affected. In strain UA159, the sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) for lactose and the PTS for galactose were induced by growth in lactose and galactose, although galactose PTS activity was very low, suggesting that S. mutans does not have a galactose-specific PTS and that the lactose PTS may transport galactose, albeit poorly. To determine if the galactose growth defect of the galK mutant could be overcome by enhancing lactose PTS activity, the gene encoding a putative repressor of the operon for lactose PTS and phospho-β-galactosidase, lacR, was insertionally inactivated. A galK and lacR mutant still could not grow on galactose, although the strain had constitutively elevated lactose PTS activity. The glucose PTS activity of lacR mutants grown in glucose was lower than in the wild-type strain, revealing an influence of LacR or the lactose PTS on the regulation of the glucose PTS. Mutation of the lacA gene of the tagatose pathway caused impaired growth in lactose and galactose, suggesting that galactose can only be efficiently utilized when both the Leloir and tagatose pathways are functional. A mutation of the permease in the multiple sugar metabolism operon did not affect growth on galactose. Thus, the galactose permease of S. mutans is not present in the gal, lac, or msm operons.  相似文献   

Lactose-limited fermentations of 49 dairy Streptococcus thermophilus strains revealed four distinct fermentation profiles with respect to galactose consumption after lactose depletion. All the strains excreted galactose into the medium during growth on lactose, except for strain IMDOST40, which also displayed extremely high galactokinase (GalK) activity. Among this strain collection eight galactose-positive phenotypes sensu stricto were found and their fermentation characteristics and Leloir enzyme activities were measured. As the gal promoter seems to play an important role in the galactose phenotype, the galR-galK intergenic region was sequenced for all strains yielding eight different nucleotide sequences (NS1 to NS8). The gal promoter played an important role in the Gal-positive phenotype but did not determine it exclusively. Although GalT and GalE activities were detected for all Gal-positive strains, GalK activity could only be detected for two out of eight Gal-positive strains. This finding suggests that the other six S. thermophilus strains metabolize galactose via an alternative route. For each type of fermentation profile obtained, a representative strain was chosen and four complete Leloir gene clusters were sequenced. It turned out that Gal-positive strains contained more amino acid differences within their gal genes than Gal-negative strains. Finally, the biodiversity regarding lactose-galactose utilization among the different S. thermophilus strains used in this study was shown by RAPD-PCR. Five Gal-positive strains that contain nucleotide sequence NS2 in their galR-galK intergenic region were closely related.  相似文献   

Galactose transport in rabbit ileum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Autolysis of Streptococcus thermophilus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Bacteria have always been considered ideal organisms for genetic analysis. While this is true for some model organisms, like Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and, more recently, Lactococcus lactis, genetic analysis of other organisms is often prevented by lack of valuable tools, like vectors, transposons and methods for transformation, gene inactivation and random insertional mutagenesis. This is the case of the moderately thermophilic bacterium Streptococcus thermophilus, an organism that, in spite of its widespread use for food fermentations, is only poorly characterized. We report here an insertional mutagenesis system that allows efficient random mutagenesis, easy characterization of the interrupted genes and construction of stable null mutations. This may become a powerful S. thermophilus tool for both genetic analysis and construction of 'food-grade' mutants of this biotechnologically relevant microorganism.  相似文献   

Galactokinase activity in Streptococcus thermophilus.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
ATP-dependent phosphorylation of [14C]galactose by 11 strains of Streptococcus thermophilus indicated that these organisms possessed the Leloir enzyme, galactokinase (galK). Activities were 10 times higher in fully induced, galactose-fermenting (Gal+) strains than in galactose-nonfermenting (Gal-) strains. Lactose-grown, Gal- cells released free galactose into the medium and were unable to utilize residual galactose or to induce galK above basal levels. Gal+ S. thermophilus 19258 also released galactose into the medium, but when lactose was depleted growth on galactose commenced, and galK increased from 0.025 to 0.22 micromol of galactose phosphorylated per min per mg of protein. When lactose was added to galactose-grown cells of S. thermophilus 19258, galK activity rapidly decreased. These results suggest that galK in Gal+ S. thermophilus is subject to an induction-repression mechanism, but that galK cannot be induced in Gal- strains.  相似文献   

Galactose transport in Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied the various systems by which galactose can be transported in Salmonella typhimurium, in particular the specific galactose permease (GP). Mutants that contain GP as the sole galactose transport system have been isolated, and starting from these mutants we have been able to select point mutants that lack GP. The galP mutation maps close to another mutation, which results in the constitutive synthesis of GP, but is not linked to galR. Growth of wild-type strains on glaactose induces GP but not the beta-methylgalactoside permease (MGP). Strains lacking GP are able to grow slowly on galactose, and MGP is induced; however, D-fucose is a much better inducer of MGP. Induction of GP or MGP is not prevented by a pts mutation, although this mutation changes the apparent Km of MGP for galactose. pts mutations have no effect on GP. GP has a rather broad specificity: galactose, glucose, mannose, fucose, 2-deoxygalactose, and 2-deoxyglucose are substrates, but only galactose and fucose can induce this transport system.  相似文献   

Streptococcus thermophilus B59671 produces a bacteriocin with anti-pediococcal activity, but genes required for its production are not characterized. Genome sequencing of S. thermophilus has identified a genetic locus encoding a quorum sensing (QS) system that regulates production of class II bacteriocins. However, in strains possessing this gene cluster, production of bacteriocin like peptides (Blp) was only observed when excess pheromone was provided. PCR analysis revealed this strain possessed blpC, which encodes the 30-mer QS pheromone. To investigate if BlpC regulates bacteriocin production in S. thermophilus B59671, an integrative vector was used to replace blpC with a gene encoding for kanamycin resistance and the resulting mutant did not inhibit the growth of Pediococcus acidilactici. Constitutive expression of blpC from a shuttle vector restored the bacteriocin production, confirming the blp gene cluster is essential for bacteriocin activity in S. thermophilus B59671.  相似文献   

The lactose transport protein (LacS) of Streptococcus thermophilus is a chimeric protein consisting of an amino-terminal carrier domain and a carboxyl-terminal phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) IIA protein domain. The histidine residues of LacS were changed individually into glutamine or arginine residues. Of the 11 histidine residues present in LacS, only the His-376 substitution in the carrier domain significantly affected sugar transport. The region around His-376 was found to exhibit sequence similarity to the region around His-322 of the lactose transport protein (LacY) of Escherichia coli, which has been implicated in sugar binding and in coupling of sugar and H+ transport. The H376Q mutation resulted in a reduced rate of uptake and altered affinity for lactose (beta-galactoside), melibiose (alpha-galactoside), and the lactose analog methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. Similarly, the extent of accumulation of the galactosides by cells expressing LacS(H376Q) was highly reduced in comparison to cells bearing the wild-type protein. Nonequilibrium exchange of lactose and methyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside by the H376Q mutant was approximately 2-fold reduced in comparison to the activity of the wild-type transport protein. The data indicate that His-376 is involved in sugar recognition and is important, but not essential, for the cotransport of protons and galactosides. The carboxyl-terminal domain of LacS contains 2 histidine residues (His-537 and His-552) that are conserved in seven homologous IIA protein(s) (domains) of PTSs. P-enolpyruvate-dependent phosphorylation of wild-type LacS, but not of the mutant H552Q, was demonstrated using purified Enzyme I and HPr, the general energy coupling proteins of the PTS, and inside-out membrane vesicles isolated from E. coli in which the lactose transport gene was expressed. The His-537 and His-552 mutations did not affect transport activity when the corresponding genes were expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

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