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An anonymous DNA fragment (G8) detects two restriction fragment length polymorphic alleles (RFLPs) called D4S10 in HindIII-digested human genomic DNA. This segment had been assigned to chromosome 4 and shows close linkage to the Huntington's disease gene. With in situ hybridization, we mapped D4S10 to the terminal region of the short arm of chromosome 4, localizing the Huntington's disease gene to bands 4p16----p15. This information may prove useful for the development of strategies to clone the Huntington's disease gene.  相似文献   

Summary We report the characterization of a new eightallele microsatellite (D3S621) isolated from a human chromosome 3 library. Two-point and multi-locus genetic linkage analysis have shown D3S621 to co-segregate with the previously mapped RP4 ( m=0.12, Z m=4.34) and with other genetic markers on the long arm of the chromosome, including D3S14 (R208) ( m=0.00, Z m= 15.10), D3S47 (C17) ( m=0.11, Z m=4.95), Rho ( m= 0.07, Z m=1.37), D3S21 (L182) ( m=0.07, Z m=2.40) and D3S19 (U1) ( m=0.13, Z m=2.78). This highly informative marker, with a polymorphic information content of 0.78, should be of considerable value in the extension of linkage data for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa with respect to locii on the long arm of chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Genetic linkage between the marker G8 (D4S10) and Huntington disease (HD) was studied in six Dutch pedigrees. The informativeness of the D4S10 locus was increased by isolation of a cosmid, C5.5, with a G8 subclone used as probe. We present a restriction map of 70 kb in the D4S10 region. Two subclones of C5.5, H5.52 and F5.53, detect MspI and SinI RFLPs, respectively. These probes increase the informativeness of D4S10 in the Dutch HD population from 55% to 95%. Seven recombinations were found in 124 informative meioses in which multipoint segregation of D4S10 haplotypes and the HD locus was studied. Two of the recombinations occurred within the D4S10 region. The other five recombinations are highly valuable for the mapping of present and future markers relative to each other and to the HD gene. In addition, several recombinations between markers in meioses from unaffected parents were noted, which will also be useful in ordering new markers. On the basis of our three-point recombination data, the orientation of the D4S10 region relative to HD is HD-H5.52-G8-F5.53, which independently confirms the previously derived polarity for D4S10.  相似文献   

The linked DNA marker for Huntington disease has recently been mapped to the short arm of chromosome 4 by somatic cell hybridization studies. Southern blot analysis of DNA from patients with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) has suggested that the linked marker maps within the terminal 4p16 band. We have now accomplished subregional assignment of G8 (D4S10) to 4p16.1-16.3 using in situ hybridization techniques on two patients with nonoverlapping interstitial deletions of 4p. The mapping of G8 (D4S10) to a region deleted in patients with WHS will allow the application of new strategies for detecting DNA sequences closer to the locus for Huntington disease.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder of late onset, characterized by progressive motor disturbance, psychological manifestations, and intellectual deterioration. The HD gene has been genetically mapped by linkage to the DNA marker D4S10, but the exact physical location of the HD defect has remained uncertain. To delineate critical recombination events revealing the physical position of the HD gene, we have identified restriction fragment length polymorphisms for two recently mapped chromosome 4 loci, RAF2 and D4S62, and determined the pattern of segregation of these markers in both reference and HD pedigrees. Multipoint linkage analysis of the new markers with D4S10 and HD establishes that the HD gene is located in a very small physical region at the tip of the chromosome, bordered by D4S10 and the telomere. A crossover within the D4S10 locus orients this segment on the chromosome, providing the necessary information for efficient application of directional cloning strategies for progressing toward, and eventually isolating, the HD gene.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomal localization of a unique DNA fragment, closely linked to Hintington disease (HD), was assessed in situ by hybridization with 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) modified probes. In these experiments, a cosmid cloned genomic fragment (c5.5) was used for hybridization. Here we present evidence that confirms the mapping of the D4S10 locus to the p16 region of chromosome 4 and assigns it to the telomere of the short arm.  相似文献   

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum graminicola is one of the major diseases of sorghum. The locus for disease resistance in sorghum [Sorghum biocolor (L.) Moench] accession G73 was found to segregate as a simple recessive trait in a cross to susceptible cultivar HC136. In order to identify molecular markers linked to the locus for disease resistance, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was coupled with bulk segregant analysis. DNA from the parental cultivars and the bulks were, screened by PCR amplification with 114 RAPD primers. Three RAPD primers amplified a sequence that consegregated with the recessive resistance allele, while another three amplified a band linked to the susceptible allele. The six disease linked markers were screened with individual resistant and susceptible genotypes to observe degree of linkage of identified RAPD markers with the gene for resistance. Two primer sequences (OPI 16 and OPD 12) were found to be closely linked to the locus for disease resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Two families with X-linked dominant hypophosphatemia (McKusick No. *30780) were investigated for linkage of the disease locus with several marker genes defined by cloned, single-copy DNA sequences derived from defined regions of the X chromosome. Close linkage was found with DNA markers DXS41 (p99-6) and DXS43 (pD2) at Xp22, suggesting a location of the HPDR gene on the distal short arm of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

We have isolated nine yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) containing the gene that encodes the human gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRH-R) gene by screening the YAC library of the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France) by the use of the polymerase chain reaction. We defined the location of the GnRH-R gene relative to 4q microsatellite markers D4S392 and D4S409. The genetic positions of these markers on chromosome 4 are 76 and 77 cM, respectively. This location was further established by chromosomal in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

Combined somatic cell hybrid and linkage studies between D10S94 and five pericentromeric loci (FNRB, D10Z1, MEN2A, RBP3, and D10S15) have localized the new DNA sequence pcl1/A1S-6-c23 at D10S94 to 10q11.2. No recombinants were observed between D10S94 and D10Z1 or MEN2A. D10S94 maps in proximal 10q11.2 very near to MEN2A. There are three possible orders for the six loci that we investigated from the centromeric region of chromosome 10. At present the genetic data do not allow us to order MEN2A with respect to D10Z1 and D10S94. The three possible orders are FNRB-D10Z1-D10S94-MEN2A-RBP3-D10S15, FNRB-D10Z1-MEN2A-D10S94-RBP3-D10S15, and FNRB-MEN2A-D10Z1-D10S94-RBP3-D10S15. In view of the fact that no recombinants between D10S94 and MEN2A or between D10S94 and D10Z1 were observed, the combined haplotypes formed from RFLPs and D10Z1 and D10S94 will increase the informativeness and accuracy of genotype prediction for at-risk members of the families having the MEN 2A syndrome, particularly when the affected parent is female. The localization of D10S94 with respect to MEN2A will prove valuable in experiments directed toward cloning the MEN2A locus.  相似文献   

Screening for loose smut resistance in wheat is difficult. Selecting lines with DNA markers linked to loose smut resistance would be more reliable and less costly. Molecular markers linked to a race T10 loose smut resistance gene were identified using a F6 single seed descent segregating population. A RAPD marker and a RFLP marker were located on opposite flanks of the resistance gene and were shown to be loosely linked. The RAPD marker was converted to a user friendly polymorphic SCAR marker that represented a single genetically defined locus in hexaploid wheat. Using these two bracketing markers simultaneously, the error rate for T10 resistance selection due to crossing-over was reduced to 4%. These markers can be used for a faster and more reliable selection of T10 resistant plants than previous conventional loose smut ratings.  相似文献   

Harbord RM  Napoli CA  Robbins TP 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1323-1333
In plants with a gametophytic self-incompatibility system the specificity of the pollen is determined by the haploid genotype at the self-incompatibility (S) locus. In certain crosses this can lead to the exclusion of half the gametes from the male parent carrying a particular S-allele. This leads to pronounced segregation distortion for any genetic markers that are linked to the S-locus. We have used this approach to identify T-DNA insertions carrying a maize transposable element that are linked to the S-locus of Petunia hybrida. A total of 83 T-DNA insertions were tested for segregation distortion of the selectable marker used during transformation with Agrobacterium. Segregation distortion was observed for 12 T-DNA insertions and at least 8 of these were shown to be in the same linkage group by intercrossing. This indicates that differential transmission of a single locus (S) is probably responsible for all of these examples of T-DNA segregation distortion. The identification of selectable markers in coupling with a functional S-allele will allow the preselection of recombination events around the S-locus in petunia. Our approach provides a general method for identifying transgenes that are linked to gametophytic self-incompatibility loci and provides an opportunity for transposon tagging of the petunia S-locus.  相似文献   

Summary A study of genetic linkage between Huntington disease (HD) and the D4S10 locus (G8) has been undertaken in 10 South African (SA) families originating from the black, white and mixed acestry population groups. Allele frequencies at the D4S10 locus have been established in the non-Caucasoid population groups. There are significant differences in the allele frequencies at the D4S10 locus between the various SA populations. Clearly, information about population-specific frequencies for all polymorphisms is essential prior to the implementation of predictive testing in different population groups. Linkage has been demonstrated within this mixed group of HD families in SA using the HindIII, EcoRI and MspI polymorphisms, detected by G8. A maximum lod score of 8.14 at a recombination fraction of 0.00 (confidence limit 0–0.058) has been calculated using a combined haplotype of the HindIII and MspI polymorphisms. Taking into account the diverse ethnic backgrounds of the different SA population groups in this investigation, the data obtained from the study provide further evidence that there is probably only a single HD locus.  相似文献   

The locus recognized by the probe OS-3 is assigned to chromosome 10 both by Southern blot analysis of a panel of somatic cell hybrid DNAs and by genetic linkage to markers already assigned to chromosome 10. In Caucasians this probe recognizes a three-allele TaqI RFLP as well as two-allele BanII and RsaI RFLPs which are both in strong linkage disequilibrium with each other and with the TaqI RFLP. The D10S20 locus defined by this probe maps 5.5 cM distal to D10S4 on the long arm of chromosome 10. Because this human clone hybridizes with mouse genomic DNA, it will be useful in comparative mapping studies.  相似文献   

Thirty‐nine polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers were isolated from the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) genomic library. All of the loci showed moderate allelic variation ranging from two to seven alleles, with observed heterozygosities from 0.000 to 0.938. The microsatellite DNA markers isolated will be available for use in analysis of quantitative trait loci in breeding programmes and for population genetic studies on experimental fish.  相似文献   

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