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外源亚精胺可缓解荇菜镉毒害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了外施浓度为0.01 mmol.L-1的亚精胺(Spd)对不同浓度镉(Cd2+)胁迫下荇菜(Nymphoides peltatum)叶片的叶绿体结构、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、超氧阴离子(O2-.)产生速率和丙二醛(MDA)含量, 以及保护酶——超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT) 活性的影响。结果表明, (1) Cd2+胁迫可使荇菜细胞的叶绿体结构遭到破坏,叶绿素含量减少。外施Spd则可有效地保护叶绿体结构, 减少叶绿素的流失。(2) 在单一Cd2+处理条件下, 随着Cd2+浓度的升高, 叶绿素含量呈现先升后降的趋势, 可溶性蛋白含量则逐渐下降。外源Spd处理显著提高了二者的含量, 并延缓了它们的下降速度。(3) 在单一Cd2+处理条件下, SOD、POD和CAT活性分别在Cd2+浓度为1、 1和2 mg.L-1时达到最高值, 而后随着Cd2+浓度的增加其活性逐渐下降。外施Spd使它们的活性分别提高了5.8%、37.5%和3.3%, 并降低了O2-.产生速率和MDA的含量。上述结果表明, Spd增强了荇菜对Cd2+毒害的抗性, 并在一定程度上缓解了Cd2+对荇菜的毒害。  相似文献   

外源亚精胺对荇菜抗Hg2+胁迫能力的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
3 mg/L的Hg2降低了叶内亚精胺(spermidine,Spd)、精胺(spermine,Spm)含量,促进了腐胺(put resci ne,Put)合成,喷施Spd可提高叶内Spd、Spm含量,对Put含量则在低浓度下使其下降、高浓度(将近1mmo1/L)下使之上升.3mg/L的Hg2 可显著降低SOD、CaT、APx活性,提高02-产生速率,导致膜脂过氧化物(MDA)过量积累,造成叶绿素、可溶性蛋白大幅度下降.而喷施Spd可减轻Hg2 处理的这些作用,喷施的最适浓度为0.1~0.5 mmol/L.  相似文献   

精胺对荇菜抗氧化酶系汞毒害的缓解作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了外施不同浓度的精胺(Spm)对15μmol·L^-1汞胁迫下,荇菜(Nymphoides pehatum)叶中SOD、CAT、APX、POD保护酶的活性、O2^-产生速率、MDA、叶绿素、可溶性蛋白、游离态多胺含量的影响。结果表明:外施0.05~0.5mmol·L^-1的Spn,显著提高了汞胁迫下荇菜叶内的亚精胺、精胺水平以及叶绿素和可溶性蛋白的含量;并能提高SOD、CAT和APX的活性,降低O2^-的产生速率,减缓MDA的积累;0.05~0.5mmol·L^-1的外源Spm可增强植物抗氧化胁迫的能力,缓解汞对荇菜的毒害作用,其中0.05~0.1mmol·L^-1的外源Spm效果最佳,但当Spm浓度达到5mmol·L^-1时,却加剧了汞的毒害作用。  相似文献   

外源精胺、亚精胺明显抑制离体小麦叶片老化过程中蛋白水解酶活性上升;小麦叶片老化期间内源精胺、亚精胺含量逐渐下降,与蛋白水解酶活性升高对应。  相似文献   

外源精胺、亚精胺明显抑制离体小麦叶片老化过程中蛋白水解酶活性上升 ;小麦叶片老化期间内源精胺、亚精胺含量逐渐下降 ,与蛋白水解酶活性升高对应  相似文献   

衰老是机体随着时间推移而发生的不可抗拒的自然变化,表现为生物体形态结构的改变和生理功能的衰退,同时伴随着多种老年性疾病的发生。亚精胺作为天然的多胺类物质,在抑制机体衰老进程中发挥着重要作用。最近的研究表明,亚精胺通过激活细胞自噬,清除受损的线粒体,干预脂肪代谢和调节细胞周期等方式,清除衰老细胞,维持组织微环境稳定,抑制衰老相关疾病的发生和进展。系统地阐述了亚精胺的体内和体外的合成过程,缓解细胞衰老的分子机制,以及在减缓机体衰老生理过程和多种衰老相关疾病中的治疗作用,以期为衰老相关疾病的转归与临床治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

外源亚精胺对小白菜抗盐性的诱导及其机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐芬芬 《广西植物》2011,31(5):664-667
采用SPD根际注射结合叶面喷施的方法,研究了不同浓度(0、50、100、150、200 mg/L)外源SPD对小白菜生长及其生理生化特性的影响.结果表明,100~150 mg/L SPD诱导能显著提高盐胁迫下小白菜的株高、单株干重、单株鲜重和含水量等;降低叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量;增强叶片超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧...  相似文献   

李锐  李生泉  范月仙 《激光生物学报》2011,20(2):175-179,185
以棉花幼苗为试材,分析不同浓度的亚精胺(Spermidine,Spd)(0.01mmol/L、0.10mmol/L、0.50mmol/L和1.00mmol/L)处理对棉花幼苗生长、生理生态特性的影响,以弄清Spd增强棉花抗冷性的效果及其生理机制。结果表明,Spd预处理棉花叶片可提高冷胁迫条件下棉花幼苗抗冷性,具体表现为Spd处理棉花幼苗可增加幼苗体内干物质和含水量,降低叶片冷害指数、电解质渗漏率和丙二醛(MDA)含量,增强超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性,提高抗坏血酸、脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量。表明Spd可以改变冷胁迫条件下棉花幼苗体内生理生化指标,从而缓解冷胁迫对棉花的伤害,其中以0.50mmol/L的Spd处理效果较理想。  相似文献   

精胺和亚精胺影响水稻种子萌与温度的关系(简报)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

以高感白粉病甜瓜‘066’、感病品种‘0544’、抗病品种‘Yuntian-930’为试材,对白粉病菌胁迫下外源亚精胺(Spd)处理的甜瓜幼苗叶片超氧化物岐化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性,以及过氧化氢(H2O2)、丙二醛( MDA)和光合色素含量进行了研究,探讨外源Spd对甜瓜白粉病抗性的诱导效应及其生理机制。结果表明:(1)白粉病菌接种后甜瓜叶片的防御酶活性、光合色素含量先升后降,MDA含量升高;(2)外源Spd处理缓解了白粉病菌胁迫下甜瓜叶片防御酶活性、光合色素含量的下降,降低MDA含量及甜瓜的病情指数,并以1.0 mmol/L Spd处理效果最佳;(3)外源Spd处理使甜瓜叶片产生了更多的H2O2;(4)外源Spd提高甜瓜对白粉病抗性具有一定广谱性,且可向上传导。研究认为,H2O2可能参与白粉病胁迫下信号的传递,外源Spd可通过缓解白粉病菌胁迫下甜瓜防御酶活性和光合色素含量的下降来诱导甜瓜对白粉病的抗性。  相似文献   

Exogenous polyamines enhance copper tolerance of Nymphoides peltatum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wang X  Shi G  Xu Q  Hu J 《Journal of plant physiology》2007,164(8):1062-1070
The protective effects of polyamines (PAs) against copper (Cu) toxicity were investigated in the leaves of Nymphoides peltatum. Cu treatment increased the putrescine (Put) level and lowered spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) levels, thereby reducing the (Spd+Spm)/Put ratio in leaves. Exogenous application of Spd or Spm markedly reversed these Cu-induced effects for all three PAs and partially restored the (Spd+Spm)/Put ratio in leaves. It also significantly enhanced the level of proline, retarded the loss of soluble protein, decreased the rate of O2*- generation and H2O2 content, and prevented Cu-induced lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, exogenous Spd and Spm reduced the accumulation of Cu and effectively maintained the balance of nutrient elements in plant leaves under Cu stress. These results suggest that exogenous application of Spd or Spm can enhance the tolerance of N. peltatum to Cu by increasing the levels of endogenous Spd and Spm as well as the (Spd+Spm)/Put ratio.  相似文献   

The effects of foliar spraying with spermidine (Spd), ranging in concentration from 0.25 to 0.50 mmol/L, on the antioxidant system under Cd^2 stress (range 0.1- 0.2 mmol/L Cd^2 ) in Typha latifolia L. grown hydroponically were investigated in order to offer a referenced evidence for an understanding of the mechanism by which polyamines (PAs) relieve the damage to plants by heavy metal and improve the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal-contaminated water. The results showed that Cd^2 stress induced oxidative injury, as evidenced by an increase in the generation of superoxide anion (O2), as well as the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in both leaves and caudices. With the exception of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the leaves, an increase in the activities of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione reductase (GR) was observed in both leaves and caudices, SOD activity was increased in caudices, and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was increased in leaves following Cd^2 treatment. The reduced glutathione (GSH) content in both leaves and caudices and the reductive ascorbate content in leaves was obviously increased, which were prompted by the application of exogenous Spd. Spraying with Spd increased the activity of GR and APX in both leaves and caudices, whereas the activity of SOD, CAT, and GPX was increased only in caudices following spraying with Spd. The generation of O2 and the H2O2 and MDA content in both leaves and caudices decreased after spraying with Spd. The decrease in MDA was more obvious following the application of 0.25 than 0.50 mmol/L Spd. It is supposed that exogenous Spd elevated the tolerance of T. latifolia under Cd^2 stress primarily by increasing GR activity and the GSH level.  相似文献   

The effects of foliar spraying with spermidine (Spd), ranging in concentration from 0.25 to 0.50mmol/L, on the antioxidant system under Cd2 stress (range 0.1- 0.2 mmol/L Cd2 ) in Typha latifolia L.grown hydroponically were investigated in order to offer a referenced evidence for an understanding of the mechanism by which polyamines (PAs) relieve the damage to plants by heavy metal and improve the phytoremediation efficiency of heavy metal-contaminated water. The results showed that Cd2 stress inhydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in both leaves and caudices. With theexception of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the leaves, an increase in the activities of catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), and glutathione reductase (GR) was observed in both leaves and caudices,SOD activity was increased in caudices, and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity was increased in leaves following Cd2 treatment. The reduced glutathione (GSH) content in both leaves and caudices and the reductive ascorbate content in leaves was obviously increased, which were prompted by the application of exogenous Spd. Spraying with Spd increased the activity of GR and APX in both leaves and caudices,whereas the activity of SOD, CAT, and GPX was increased only in caudices following spraying with Spd.with Spd. The decrease in MDA was more obvious following the application of 0.25 than 0.50 mmol/L Spd.It is supposed that exogenous Spd elevated the tolerance of T. latifolia under Cd2 stress primarily by increasing GR activity and the GSH level.  相似文献   

外源多胺对铜胁迫下荇菜叶片生物膜的保护作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究外源亚精胺和精胺对铜胁迫下荇菜叶片细胞膜透性、膜脂脂肪酸组成、光合、呼吸、铜积累影响的结果表明,50μmol·L^-1CuSO4处理导致膜脂脂肪酸组分中饱和脂肪酸组分增加,不饱和脂肪酸组分及不饱和指数(IUFA)下降,细胞膜透性加大,光合速率下降,呼吸速率迅速上升,铜在叶细胞中大量积累。外施0.1mmol·L^-1亚精胺和精胺可以稳定生物膜的结构和功能,降低铜在细胞中的累积。  相似文献   

主要研究了水环境中Cd2+污染对慈姑(Sagittaria sagittifolia L.)根的毒害影响.结果表明:在Cd2+胁迫下,慈姑根出现不同程度的褐变、发黑,生长受到限制;叶和根尖细胞超微结构受损,叶绿体膨大、类囊体排列紊乱、线粒体嵴减少、空泡化、染色质凝集等;根尖细胞在扫描电镜下呈细胞壁增厚、细胞形状扭曲和排列不规则现象.能谱分析结果表明随外界Cd2+浓度增大,单个慈姑根尖中的Cd2+含量升高,其他营养元素的吸收受到不同程度的影响.Cd2+对慈姑的毒害有明显的剂量效应和时间效应.  相似文献   

实验测定了Cu2+、Cd2+的亚急性毒性处理42 d及在清水中恢复30 d后中华大蟾蜍肝脏中主要营养物质代谢的变化.结果表明,随Cu2+、Cd2+暴露时间的延长,肝糖原含量呈先降后升、总蛋白含量呈先升后降、肝脂肪含量呈持续降低的趋势;在清水中恢复30 d后,肝糖原、总蛋白及脂肪含量均恢复到对照组水平.结果提示,Cu2+、Cd2+暴露过的蟾蜍,在清水中恢复30 d后,其肝脏主要营养物质代谢可以恢复到正常水平.  相似文献   

Each glandular hair of Nyrnphoides peltaturn (Gmel.) O. Kuntz consisted of only one row of cylindar cells with secretory function. The hairs originated from the protoderm cells on the adaxial surface of the second leaf primordium from the shoot apex. Cells of the glandular hairs prossessed dense cytoplast during the secretory period, but the vacuoles were very small. There were not only abundant mitochondria, Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum in the glandular hair cells, but also many plasmodesmata. The authors' research indicated that the mucilage was carried to the edge of the cells by the membranous multilamellar bodies and the vesicles from both Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum. The mucilage was secreted extracellularly by either exocytosis or ecrine secretion. The side walls of the glandular hairs swelled because of mucilage mass accumulation in the walls. The mucilage, being tested to be composed of polysaccharides and a trace of protein, played an important role in protecting the development of the vegetative buds of N. peltatum.  相似文献   

外源脯氨酸(Pro)对茶菱抗Cd2+ 胁迫能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以高等水生植物茶菱(Trapella sinensis Olive)为材料,研究了外施不同浓度的脯氨酸(Pro)对Cd2 毒害的缓解效应。结果表明,茶菱体内Pro含量在单一Cd2 毒害下明显增加,外施Pro后,显著降低;叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量在单一Cd2 毒害下大幅下降,外施Pro后,失绿症状有所减轻;保护酶(SOD、CAT、POD)系统在单一Cd2 毒害下比例失调,平衡被打破,活性下降,外施Pro后,SOD、POD活性较对照升高,CAT持平,其比例维持在正常范围内;O_2~_产生速率在单一Cd2 毒害下大大加快,外施Pro后,其产生速率恢复正常水平;丙二醛(MDA)含量在单一Cd2 毒害下积累加剧,外施Pro后,积累程度有所降低。因此,外源Pro可以通过减轻叶绿素和可溶性蛋白的降解,促进蛋白合成,减缓MDA积累,降低O_2~_产生速率,增强保护酶活性来增强植物对重金属胁迫的抗性,增强植物对逆境的适应能力。本实验中Pro作用的最佳浓度范围为40~60mg·L-1。  相似文献   

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