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The finding of triploid and diploid forms of Paragonimus westermani in Japan has caused tremendous controversy over the identity and speciation of this parasite. Should these two genetically different forms be given different specific names? Hirohiso Hirai and Takeshi Agatsuma have studied the lung flukes by using cytogenetic techniques and zymodeme analysis. In this article, they briefly compare triploid P. westermani with the diploid form and develop a hypothesis for the mechanism and origin of triploidy.  相似文献   

Paragonimus westermani is a common fluke in Korea. The present study aimed to observe the cell mediated immune response in experimental paragonimiasis of mice. The mouse (BALB/c) was orally inoculated with 40 metacercariae of P. westermani from Cambaroides similis. During the infection (1, 2, 4, 6 weeks) of mouse, blastogenic response of splenic lymphocytes to P. westermani adult antigen, metacercaria antigen, and PHA were observed. Sera from infected and noninfected mice added to normal mouse splenic lymphocytes with or without PHA. The blastogenic response of splenic lymphocytes to PHA was reduced after 1 week of infection. However after 6 weeks of infection, the response was restored to the control level. The blastogenic response of splenic lymphocytes to P. westermani adult or metacercaria antigen increased significantly on 1 week after infection, and maintained up to 6 weeks after infection. The response of non-infected mice was suppressed by addition of the infected mouse serum. The present results suggested that cellular immunity was involved in P. westermani infected mice and that P. westermani anti-serum inhibited proliferation of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Paragonimus westermani is a medically important foodborne trematode occurring throughout southeast Asia. We have used molecular techniques to test the hypothesis that the parthenogenetic triploid form of P. westermani has arisen only once. Sources of data for comparison were: (a) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of ribosomal internal transcribed spacers (ITS); and (b) 'fingerprint' patterns observed when genomic digests were probed with simple sequence repeats (ATT)10 and (ATGT)7. In all cases there were distinct differences among triploid isolates from southwest Japan, northeast China and Korea. These findings are considered in the context of previous cytogenetic, allozyme, mitochondrial-RFLP and partial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit I (COI) sequence studies and indicate that triploid lineages may have arisen independently on more than one occasion. We favour this view. An alternative explanation is that the triploids did have a single origin, but that different clonal lineages have undergone subsequent mutations.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeographic studies on Paragonimus westermani in Asia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani (Kerbert, 1878), is widely distributed in Asia, and exhibits much variation in its biological properties. Previous phylogenetic studies using DNA sequences have demonstrated that samples from north-east Asia form a tight group distinct from samples from south Asia (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia). Among countries from the latter region, considerable molecular diversity was observed. This was investigated further using additional DNA sequences (partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and the second internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal gene repeat (ITS2)) from additional samples of P. westermani. Phylogenies inferred from these again found three or four groups within P. westermani, depending on the method of analysis. Populations of P. westermani from north-east Asia use snail hosts of the family Pleuroceridae and differ in other biological properties from populations in south Asia (that use snail hosts of the family Thiaridae). It is considered that the populations we sampled can be divided into two species, one in north-east Asia and the other in south Asia.  相似文献   

Applicability of the adult Paragonimus westermani antigen for detection of anti-immature P. westermani antibodies in experimentally infected rats, a paratenic host of this lung fluke, was examined. The serum antibodies of the cats and rats infected with P. westermani metacercariae were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with the adult-fluke antigen. The ELISA titers of serum samples of the rats infected with only immature flukes were as high as those of the cats infected with adult flukes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the immunoblotting technique showed that a major protein band of 27,000 daltons was recognized in the sera of the infected cats and rats. Immunoperoxidase staining applied on the sectioned flukes provided evidence showing that the antigenic substance was located on the surface of the gut epithelium and in the luminal contents in both adult and immature flukes. The adult-fluke antigen containing the 27,000-dalton substance is applicable as a standard antigen for diagnosis of paragonimiasis westermani in not only definitive hosts but also in paratenic hosts.  相似文献   

Experimental observations showed, that the muscle larva stage of the trematodes Paragonimus westermani ichunensis located in a reservoir host can enlarge its body size. A rate of growth in trematode individuals varied both among different host animals and within one host specimens. When rodents are infected with such muscle larvae, the individuals with the size exceeding 1.15 x 0.33 mm invade into the lungs oh host, while smaller individuals secondarily migrate to muscles.  相似文献   

In order to observe the antigenic localization in the tissues of Paragonimus westermani of developmental stages, immunogold labeling method was applied using serum of the cats which were infected with isolated metacercariae from Cambaroides similis. The sectioned worm tissues from each developmental stage were embedded in Lowicryl HM 20 medium, stained with infected serum IgG and protein A gold complex (particle size: 12 nm) and observed by electron microscopy. In the young adult worm tissue of 4 weeks after infection with metacercariae, the gold particles were specifically concentrated on the tegumental syncytium and cytoplasm of the tegumental cells as well as the secretory granules in the parenchymal tissue. The antigenic materials in the adult worm tissue were specifically concentrated on the secretory granules in the parenchymal tissue, the cytoplasm between granules in the vitelline gland and the epithelial lamella in the lumen of the caecum.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the infection status of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae in freshwater crabs (n = 363) and crayfish (n = 31) from October 2007 to October 2008 using the crush method. All of the freshwater crabs, Eriocheir japonicus, were negative for P. westermani metacercariae while 10 (32.3%) of the 31 examined crayfish were positive. The 10 positive crayfish were caught in Haenam, Jeollanam-do, and there were 8-59 (mean 28.4) metacrcariae per infected crayfish. These results suggest that P. westermani metacerariae are still transmitted by crayfish enzootically in southern Korea, and that freshwater crabs may transmit metacercariae only on rare occasions.  相似文献   

An experimental pathological study was performed to observe the effect of praziquantel treatment on the pulmonary lesions of the rat lung fluke, Paragonimus iloktsuenensis. The metacercariae were obtained from the freshwater crab, Sesarma dehaani, and 40 rats (wistar) were fed each with 10 metacercariae. On 20 rats praziquantel treatment (100mg/kg/day x 5 days) was done at 5 weeks after the infection while remaining 20 rats were kept untreated for use as controls. The drug-treated rats and the untreated ones were sacrificed 3, 7, 14, 21 or 28 days later for the observation of lung pathology. The rats infected with P. iloktsuenensis showed remarkable pulmonary changes; gross features of hemorrhagic and nodular worm capsules protruded on to the surface of the lung, and histologically local atelectasis, inflammatory cell infiltration, and egg granuloma around the worm capsules each containing one or two worms. Praziquantel treatment of the rats was shown to be highly effective in killing the worms and to lead them to degenerate, as early as in 3 days post-treatment. Almost all worms in the lung were dead and absorbed by the host cells in 21 days post-treatment, except a few living ones seen in a rat of 14-day post-treatment group. In most of the rats treated the pulmonary lesions showed the signs of resolution; regression of worm capsules with mummification of worms, decrease of inflammatory cell infiltration, improvement in the degree of atelectasis, and decreases in the frequency and size of the egg granuloma. From the results it is concluded that praziquantel is highly effective for the treatment of rat P. iloktsuenensis infection in the lung, not only by its direct killing effect of the worms but also due to the excellent resolution capacity of the pulmonary tissues.  相似文献   

The distribution of IgE antibody-forming cells was examined in rats infected with Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb) or immunized with Nb antigen or with OA. The frequency of antigen-specific IgE antibody-forming cells was detected by a passive cutaneous anaphylactic (PCA) reaction using cell extract from lymphoid organs. In Nb-infected rats, anti-Nb and anti-4th stage larvae (L4) IgE-forming cells distributed mainly in the mesenteric and the bronchial lymph nodes (LN) near the parasite-harboring sites. After intraperitoneal (ip) immunization with Nb antigen mixed with Al(OH)3 and Bordetella pertussis (Bp) as adjuvants, anti-Nb IgE antibody-forming cells were detected in the mesenteric and the bronchial LN. Anti-Nb or OA IgE antibody-forming cells after subcutaneous (sc) immunization were found in the inguinal and the axillary LN. An effect of Bp on the distribution of IgE antibody-forming cells seems to be ruled out. The distribution of IgG2a antibody-forming cells was similar to that of IgE antibody-forming cells, indicating that the distribution of the IgE antibody-forming cells is not preferential. IgE antibody-forming cells were stimulated in the regional LN near the site of antigen administration. IgE antibody-forming cells induced by potentiated IgE antibody production were also examined. Rats were immunized ip or sc with OA and infected with Nb. Anti-OA IgE antibody-forming cells were found in all of the lymphoid organs and especially in the regional LN near the Nb parasite-harboring and antigen administration sites.  相似文献   

The cysteine proteases of Paragonimus westermani metacercariae are involved in metacercarial excystment, host immune modulation, and possibly in tissue penetration. In order to clarify the origin of the enzymes, 28 and 27 kDa cysteine proteases in metacercarial excretory-secretory products were purified through the FPLC system using Mono Q column chromatography. The polyclonal antibodies to the enzymes were produced in BALB/c mice. Immunolocalization studies revealed that both cysteine proteases were distributed at the linings of excretory bladder and excretory concretions of the metacercariae. It was suggested that the excretory epithelium of P. westermani undertake the secretory function of metacercarial cysteine proteases, in addition to its role as a route for eliminating waste products.  相似文献   

In an attempt to find a small animal model for paragonimiasis, Syrian hamsters were infected with between 1 and 16 metacercariae of Paragonimus kellicotti. A definitive mortality dose-response was observed with 90% of all hamsters given 3 or more parasites succumbing to the infection within 35 days. Hamsters demonstrated acute pleuritis, reactive mesothelial hyperplasia, subpleural accumulations of reactive and mature plasma cells, neovascularization, fibrohistiocytic thickening with and without giant cells, raised fibroconnective tissue lesions, and granulomatous inflammation with hemorrhage. Perivascular plasmacytic (lymphocytic) infiltrate, multifocal bronchopneumonia, and parenchymal necrotizing suppurative granulomatous inflammation, hemorrhagic pneumonia, and diffuse sprinkling of eosinophils, neutrophils, and intraalveolar macrophages also were observed. The response observed here may represent a new small animal mortality model useful in the search for new compounds to treat early trematode infections.  相似文献   

Status of metacercarial infections of Paragonimus westermani was observed in freshwater crabs, which were purchased at 3 markets in its peak season of 1990. All of 85 crabs were Eriocheir japonicus. No other species of Eriocheir were found. When crushed muscle and viscera was examined individually, the infection rate was 11.8%; and mean number of metacercariae was 2.1 per infected crab. Unless adequately cooked, freshwater crabs are still potential sources of human paragonimiasis.  相似文献   

An in vitro immune effector mechanism against the target excysted metacercariae of Paragonimus westermani was demonstrated in the rat system. Peritoneal exudate cells, mainly macrophages from normal rats, showed adherence to and killing of excysted metacercariae of P. westermani in the presence of complement-independent serum from rats infected with Paragonimus metacercariae. These reactions were specific for the excysted metacercariae, as tissue-migrating juvenile worms were not affected. Damage of excysted metacercariae of P. westermani due to antibody and macrophages was assessed by morphological observation, by cell adherence reaction and by the use of vital dyes. Trypan blue dye exclusion proved to be a reliable indicator of judging metacercarial viability. Electron microscopic studies demonstrated that macrophages reacted with fuzzy material on the tegumental surface and fine structures in the syncytium of the parasites. The tubular tunnels formed between the basement membrane and muscle layers of the damaged parasites were also noticeable. The relevance of these findings to cellular immunity in the early paragonimiasis was discussed.  相似文献   

The cysteine proteases of Paragonimus westermani metacercaria are known to initiate metacercaria excystment. However, their secretory sites, such as the intestine, tegument, and excretory bladder are not well defined. In this study, the metacercariae were labeled with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to distinguish the initial activation sites. BrdU was labeled mainly at the excretory bladder and the excretory granules of the metacercariae and the newly excysted juvenile worms. This result shows that early 'defecation' of the proteases from the excretory bladder may accelerate the excystment of P. westermani metacercariae.  相似文献   

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of paragonimiasis iloktsuenensis rat sera was performed using crude antigens of Paragonimus iloktsuenensis (PIA), P. westermani (PWA) and Clonorchis sinensis (CSA). Three crude antigens (PIA, PWA, CSA) were prepared to saline homogenated supernatants of whole adult worms. Infected rat sera were obtained biweekly from the albino rats fed 50-80 metacercariae of P. iloktsuenensis through gastric catheter. Experimental groups were divided into 4 groups: GI (controls), GII, GIII and GIV according to 1-7 worms as GII, 10-19 worms as GIII and 22-40 worms as GIV, respectively. In ELISA, the mean OD values of each group for the homologous antigen (PIA) were increased significantly compared to the control sera at the 4th week of infection. With the progress of duration of infection, the mean OD values of infected sera of GII & GIV continuously increased up to the 12th week (last week), but in GIII the mean OD value increased until the 10th week. No significance was noted among the infection dose groups (GII, GIII and GIV), after the 6th week of infection. Also, the OD values of all infected rats did not show any proportional relationships to the number of worms recovered. In brief, the antibody productivity of individual rats were strongly different. The rat sera infected with P. iloktsuenensis cross-reacted with those infected with P. westermani or C. sinensis, as identified by OD values.  相似文献   

We purified cytosolic glutathione S-transferase (GST) of adult Paragonimus westermani monitoring its activity with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). The enzyme was purified 18.4-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity with 21% recovery rate through a three-step procedure. The purified enzyme (Pw28GST) has a subunit molecular weight of 28 kDa with an isoelectric point at 4.6. Monoclonal antibody (anti-Pw28GST) against Pw28GST did not cross-react with GSTs from other helminths. cDNA library was constructed in lambdaZAP II bacteriophage and screened with anti-Pw28GST. The corresponding gene containing a single open reading frame of 804 bp encoded 211 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence exhibited a higher homology with catalytic domain near N-terminus of class sigma GSTs (58%) than with schistosome 28-kDa GSTs (45-41%) or with class sigma GSTs themselves (33-31%). The sequence contained both Tyr-6 and Tyr-10 that are highly conserved in mammalian and helminth GSTs. The apparent K(m) value of a recombinant enzyme was 0.78 mM. Both native and recombinant enzymes showed the highest activity against CDNB, relatively weak activity against ethacrynic acid and reactive carbonyls, and no activity against epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)-propane. The activities were inhibited by bromosulfophthalein, cibacron blue, and albendazole, but not by praziquantel. These findings indicate that adult P. westermani has a class sigma GST.  相似文献   

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