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Structure of three spliced mRNAs from region E3 of adenovirus type 2   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A cDNA library representing early adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) mRNA was constructed. The cDNA copies were inserted into the PstI cleavage site of the pBR322 plasmid, and clones containing sequences from region E3 of the Ad2 genome were identified by colony hybridization. Selected clones were characterized by restriction enzyme cleavage, hybridization, and partial DNA sequence analysis. The precise structure of three spliced mRNAs was established by comparing the results with the DNA sequence of region E3 from Ad2 (Herissé et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 8 (1980) 2173--2191; Herissé and Galibert, Nucl. Acids Res. 9 (1981) 1229--1249). One of the characterized mRNA species encodes the E3/19K glycoprotein, whereas the other two most likely encode the E3/14K protein. The results demonstrate, moreover, that certain splice points which are used to generate the major E3 mRNAs are also used to splice the supplementary leader segments to the fibre mRNA at late times after infection. Two separate poly(A)-addition sites were identified in region E3 by analysis of the cDNA clones; one is preceded by the hexanucleotide sequence AAUAAA, whereas the other is preceded by an altered hexanucleotide, having the sequence AUUAAA.  相似文献   

In addition to the protein products of the adenovirus E1A 13S and 12S mRNAs, monoclonal antibodies specific for the E1A proteins immunoprecipitate polypeptides with relative mol. wt of 30,000 (30 kd) and 35,000 (35 kd) from extracts of infected cells. The 30 kd and 35 kd proteins are encoded by novel mRNAs referred to as the 10S and 11S mRNAs, respectively. These two mRNAs arise from differential splicing of the E1A precursor RNA. For the 10S mRNA, the precursor is spliced twice, once removing the region between nucleotides 637 and 854 and once between 974 and 1229. The splice between nucleotides 974 and 1229 is identical to the one used for the processing of the 12S mRNA. Synthesis of the 11S mRNA also utilizes two splicing events. One of these is identical to the 637/854 splice of the 10S mRNA, and the other removes the region between nucleotides 1112 and 1229, a splice junction also found in the 13S mRNA. All four mRNAs used the same reading frame and, therefore, code for related proteins. The products of the 10S and 11S mRNAs are identical to the products of the 12S and 13S mRNAs, respectively, except for an internal stretch of 27 amino acids removed by the 637/854 splice. Within this segment is a group of amino acid residues that is highly conserved between different adenovirus serotypes. Mutant adenoviruses in which the wild-type E1A sequences have been replaced with cDNA copies of the 10S or 11S mRNAs are defective for growth on HeLa cells suggesting that this region is important for viral growth.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Late in adenovirus infection, large amounts of viral mRNA accumulate while cell mRNA transport and translation decrease. Viruses deleted in the E1B region of type 5 adenovirus do not produce the same outcome: (i) viral mRNA synthesis by the mutants is normal, delivery to the cytoplasm is 50 to 75% of normal, but steady-state levels of viral mRNA are decreased 10-fold; (ii) cell mRNA synthesis and transport continue normally in the mutant virus-infected cell; and (iii) translation of preexisting cell mRNA which is disrupted in wild-type infection remains normal in mutant-virus-infected cells. Thus E1B proteins are required for accumulation of virus mRNA and for induction of the failure of host cell mRNA transport and translation. If a single function is involved, by inference the transport and some aspect of translation of mRNAs could be linked.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate and compare (evolutionary) patterns in the primary and secondary structure of four homologous E1a mRNAs of the adenovirus. Our main results are as follows: (1) The similarity of the coding regions of the mRNA sequences reflects both similarity in function (i.e., oncogenicity) and evolutionary divergence. (2) The similarity of the leader and the trailer regions reflects host specificity (i.e., human or simian) and must therefore arise from convergence. (3) Minimal energy foldings of the mRNAs show similar secondary structures (in particular around the splice sites). The conservation of pre-mRNA secondary structure shows that mRNAs are subject to selection constraints in addition to those associated with proteins. (4) The conserved secondary (helical) structures consist of nonhomologous subsequences, i.e., shifts have occurred. The observed shifts near the splice sites seem to be the simplest way of dealing with the dual constraints.   相似文献   

The mRNA species encoded by early region 4 (E4) (map position [mp] 91.5 to 99.3) of adenovirus 2 were isolated from the polysomes of infected KB cells and were purified by hybridization to the cloned HindIII-F fragment (mp 89.5 to 97.3) or to EcoRI-C fragment (mp 89.7 to 100). The mRNA's were translated in vitro using [35S]methionine as a labeled precursor in rabbit reticulocyte lysates treated with micrococcal nuclease as well as in wheat germ lysates. Five major (35,000-molecular-weight [35K], 23K, 22K, 21K, 18K) polypeptides were observed when the reticulocyte lysate was used. The 23K, 22K, 21K, and 18K polypeptides were also observed with the wheat germ lysate, as well as a very prominent 11K polypeptide; the 35K polypeptide was not observed. Assignment of these polypeptides to E4 was further established by hybrid arrested translation. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of a wheat germ translate resolved five polypeptides ranging from 18K to 23K, the major 11K polypeptide, and polypeptides of 10K and 9K. The in vitro 23K to 18K and 11K polypeptides migrated to approximately the same positions on two-dimensional gels as did seven 26K to 21K polypeptides and an 11K polypeptide synthesized in vivo (Brackmann et al., J. Biol. Chem, 255:6772--6779, 1980). Two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps demonstrated that the 35K, 23K, 22K, 21K, and 18K polypeptides are related. The peptide map of 11K is different from those of the above polypeptides, although 11K may share one tryptic methionine polypeptide with them. These results indicate that E4 encodes a major 11K polypeptide, as well as major 35K, 23K, 22K, 21K, and 18K polypeptides.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein-synthesizing extracts prepared from rabbit reticulocytes, wheat germ, or cultured baby hamster kidney cells efficiently translated frog virus 3 early mRNAs; in contrast, late mRNAs were translated poorly under similar conditions. However, the translational efficiency of the late viral mRNAs was markedly enhanced in cell-free extracts prepared from frog virus 3 (FV 3)-infected baby hamster kidney cells and in nuclease-treated rabbit reticulocyte extracts by the addition of a 0.5 M KCl wash from FV 3-infected cell ribosomes; the 0.5 M KCl wash (initiation factors) from uninfected cells had no such effect. Total cytoplasmic RNA from infected cells was fractionated according to size on sucrose gradients and fractions containing different concentrations, and relative proportions of early and late mRNAs were translated in either native or initiation factor-supplemented extracts. Under these conditions, the translation efficiency of early mRNAs was unchanged, while the translation of late mRNAs increased 2-7-fold. Thus, the in vitro discriminatory activity of the 0.5 M wash was not dependent on the complexity of the mRNAs present in the translation mixture. We show also that in native extracts, under conditions of blocked polypeptide chain elongation, early mRNAs are initiated preferentially. However, late as well as early mRNAs are initiated equally well in reticulocyte extracts under similar experimental conditions when supplemented with crude initiation factors from infected cells. These data support the conclusion that the translational enhancement of FV 3 mRNAs in vitro is mediated by a virus-specified or virus-modified initiation factor(s) and likely represents a regulatory mechanism of protein synthesis operative in vivo (Willis, D. B., Goorha, R., Miles, M., and Granoff, A. (1977) J. Virol. 24, 326-342).  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 is a trans-acting RNA-binding protein that mediates trafficking of RNAs containing the cis-acting A2 response element (A2RE). Previous work has shown that A2RE RNAs are transported to myelin in oligodendrocytes and to dendrites in neurons. hnRNP E1 is an RNA-binding protein that regulates translation of specific mRNAs. Here, we show by yeast two-hybrid analysis, in vivo and in vitro coimmunoprecipitation, in vitro cross-linking, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy that hnRNP E1 binds to hnRNP A2 and is recruited to A2RE RNA in an hnRNP A2-dependent manner. hnRNP E1 is colocalized with hnRNP A2 and A2RE mRNA in granules in dendrites of oligodendrocytes. Overexpression of hnRNP E1 or microinjection of exogenous hnRNP E1 in neural cells inhibits translation of A2RE mRNA, but not of non-A2RE RNA. Excess hnRNP E1 added to an in vitro translation system reduces translation efficiency of A2RE mRNA, but not of nonA2RE RNA, in an hnRNP A2-dependent manner. These results are consistent with a model where hnRNP E1 recruited to A2RE RNA granules by binding to hnRNP A2 inhibits translation of A2RE RNA during granule transport.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) plays important roles in cellular cholesterol homeostasis. Four human ACAT-1 mRNAs (7.0, 4.3, 3.6, and 2.8 kilobases (kb)) share the same short 5'-untranslated region (exon 1) and coding sequence (exons 2-15). The 4.3-kb mRNA contains an additional 5'-untranslated region (1289 nucleotides in length; exons Xa and Xb) immediately upstream from the exon 1 sequence. One ACAT-1 genomic DNA insert covers exons 1-16 and a promoter (the P1 promoter). A separate insert covers exon Xa (1277 base pairs) and a different promoter (the P7 promoter). Gene mapping shows that exons 1-16 and the P1 promoter sequences are located in chromosome 1, while exon Xa and the P7 promoter sequence are located in chromosome 7. RNase protection assays demonstrate three different protected fragments, corresponding to the 4.3-kb mRNA and the two other mRNAs transcribed from the two promoters. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the 4.3-kb mRNA is produced from two different chromosomes, by a novel RNA recombination mechanism involving trans-splicing of two discontinuous precursor RNAs.  相似文献   

An mRNA-dependent reticulocyte cell-free protein synthesizing system very efficient in the translation of myosin heavy-chain mRNA from a rat myogenic cell line is described. This system exhibits a high degree of fidelity with regard to the spectrum and relative proportion of the different proteins synthesized from a sample of cytoplasmic RNA as compared to the proteins synthesized in vivo by the cells from which the RNA is prepared. The main feature of this system is the use of a K+ and Cl- concentration similar to those of the reticulocyte cytoplasm. Using this system, myosin heavy chain, identified by low-salt precipitation, electrophoretic mobility, and partial peptide analysis, represents 17% of the total protein synthesis when cytoplasmic RNA from well-fused L6E9 cells is used. Furthermore, when RNA preparations from growing myoblasts, that when analyzed in other cell-free translational systems seem not to contain any myosin heavy-chain mRNA, are tested in the system reported here, they are proven to contain high amounts of translatable myosin heavy-chain mRNA.  相似文献   

The early and late gene products of human adenovirus type 12 (Ad12), as well as the viral proteins synthesized in an Ad12-transformed cell line, were identified by translation of viral mRNA in an in vitro protein-synthesizing system. Cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from permissive KB or nonpermissive BHK cells infected with Ad12 and from Ad12-transformed HA12/7 cells. Virus-specific RNA was selected by hybridization to Ad12 DNA covalently bound to cellulose. Viral RNA was then translated in a fractionated rabbit reticulocyte cell-free system or in wheat germ S-30 extracts. The proteins synthesized were characterized by immunoprecipitation and subsequent electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. RNA prepared from KB cells late after infection with Ad12 elicited the synthesis of most of the structural polypeptides of the virion and at least two presumably nonstructural Ad12 proteins. When viral RNA isolated early after infection of KB cells with Ad12 was translated in vitro, 10 polypeptides were observed: E-68K, E-50K, E-42K, E-39K, E-34K, E-21K, E-19K, E-13K, E-12K, and E-10K. Ad12-specific RNA was also isolated from the Ad12-transformed hamster cell line HA12/7, which contains several copies of the Ad12 genome integrated in the host genome. The RNA codes for at least seven polypeptides with molecular weights very similar to those of the early viral proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Maillard reaction that leads to the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of angiopathy in diabetic patients and in the aging process. Recently, it was proposed that AGE were not only created by glucose, but also by dicarbonyl compounds derived from the Maillard reaction, autoxidation of sugars and other metabolic pathways of glucose. In this study, we developed four types of non-carboxymethyllysine (CML) anti-AGE antibodies that recognized proteins modified by incubation with short chain sugars and dicarbonyl compounds. MATERIALS AND METHODS: AGE-modified serum albumins were prepared by incubation of rabbit serum albumin with glyceraldehyde, glycolaldehyde, methylglyoxal or glyoxal. After immunization of rabbits, four types of AGE-specific antisera were obtained that were specific for the AGE modification. To separate non-CML AGE antibodies (Ab) (non-CML AGE-Ab-2, -3, -4, and -5), these anti-AGE antisera were subjected to affinity chromatography on a matrix coupled with four kinds of AGE bovine serum albumin (BSA) or CML-BSA. These non-CML AGE antibodies were used to investigate the AGE content of serum obtained from diabetic patients on hemodialysis. RESULTS: Characterization of the four types of non-CML AGE antibodies obtained by immunoaffinity chromatography was performed by competitive ELISA and immunoblot analysis. Non-CML AGE-Ab-2 crossreacted with the protein modified by glyceraldehyde or glycolaldehyde. Non-CML AGE-Ab-3 and -Ab-4 specifically cross-reacted with protein modified by glycolaldehyde and methylglyoxal, respectively. NonCML AGE-Ab-5 cross-reacted with protein modified with glyoxal as well as methylglyoxal and glycolaldehyde. Three kinds of non-CML AGE (AGE-2, -4, and -5) were detected in diabetic serum as three peaks with apparent molecular weights of 200, 1.15, and 0.85 kD; whereas, AGE-3 was detected as two peaks with apparent molecular weights of 200 and 0.85 kD. CONCLUSION: We propose that various types of non-CML AGE are formed by the Maillard reaction, sugar autoxidation and sugar metabolism. These antibodies enable us to identify such compounds created by the Maillard reaction in vivo.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) generates 16 alternatively spliced isoforms of env mRNA that contain the same overlapping open reading frames for Vpu and Env proteins but differ in their 5' untranslated regions (UTR). A subset of env mRNAs carry the extra upstream Rev initiation codon in the 5' UTR. We explored the effect of the alternative UTR on the translation of Vpu and Env proteins from authentic env mRNAs expressed from cDNA constructs. Vpu expression from the subset of env mRNA isoforms with exons containing an upstream Rev AUG codon was minimal. However, every env mRNA isoform expressed similar levels of Env protein. Mutations that removed, altered the strength of, or introduced upstream AUG codons dramatically altered Vpu expression but had little impact on the consistent expression of Env. These data show that the different isoforms of env mRNA are not redundant but instead regulate Vpu production in HIV-1-infected cells. Furthermore, while the initiation of Vpu translation conforms to the leaky ribosome-scanning model, the consistent Env synthesis infers a novel, discontinuous ribosome-scanning mechanism to translate Env.  相似文献   

Chimeric alphaviruses in which the 6K and glycoprotein E1 moieties of Sindbis virus are replaced with those of Ross River virus grow very poorly, but upon passage, adapted variants arise that grow >100 times better. We have sequenced the entire domain encoding the E2, 6K, and E1 proteins of a number of these adapted variants and found that most acquired two amino acid changes, which had cumulative effects. In three independent passage series, amino acid 380 of E2, which is in the transmembrane domain, was mutated from the original isoleucine to serine in two instances and to valine once. We have now changed this residue to seven others by site-directed mutagenesis and tested the effects of these mutations on the growth of both the chimera [SIN(RRE1)] and of parental Sindbis. These results indicate that the transmembrane domains of glycoproteins E2 and E1 of alphaviruses interact in a sequence-dependent manner and that this interaction is required for efficient budding and assembly of infectious virions.  相似文献   

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