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Climate change is altering hydrological cycles globally, and in Mediterranean (med-) climate regions it is causing the drying of river flow regimes, including the loss of perennial flows. Water regime exerts a strong influence over stream assemblages, which have developed over geological timeframes with the extant flow regime. Consequently, sudden drying in formerly perennial streams is expected to have large, negative impacts on stream fauna. We compared contemporary (2016/17) macroinvertebrate assemblages of formerly perennial streams that became intermittently flowing (since the early 2000s) to assemblages recorded in the same streams by a study conducted pre-drying (1981/82) in the med-climate region of southwestern Australia (the Wungong Brook catchment, SWA), using a multiple before-after, control-impact design. Assemblage composition in the stream reaches that remained perennial changed very little between the studies. In contrast, recent intermittency had a profound effect on species composition in streams impacted by drying, including the extirpation of nearly all Gondwanan relictual insect species. New species arriving at intermittent streams tended to be widespread, resilient species including desert-adapted taxa. Intermittent streams also had distinct species assemblages, due in part to differences in their hydroperiods, allowing the establishment of distinct winter and summer assemblages in streams with longer-lived pools. The remaining perennial stream is the only refuge for ancient Gondwanan relict species and the only place in the Wungong Brook catchment where many of these species still persist. The fauna of SWA upland streams is becoming homogenised with that of the wider Western Australian landscape, as drought-tolerant, widespread species replace local endemics. Flow regime drying caused large, in situ alterations to stream assemblage composition and demonstrates the threat posed to relictual stream faunas in regions where climates are drying.  相似文献   

Effects of floods on fish assemblages in an intermittent prairie stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Floods are major disturbances to stream ecosystems that can kill or displace organisms and modify habitats. Many studies have reported changes in fish assemblages after a single flood, but few studies have evaluated the importance of timing and intensity of floods on long‐term fish assemblage dynamics. 2. We used a 10‐year dataset to evaluate the effects of floods on fishes in Kings Creek, an intermittent prairie stream in north‐eastern, Kansas, U.S.A. Samples were collected seasonally at two perennial headwater sites (1995–2005) and one perennial downstream flowing site (1997–2005) allowing us to evaluate the effects of floods at different locations within a watershed. In addition, four surveys during 2003 and 2004 sampled 3–5 km of stream between the long‐term study sites to evaluate the use of intermittent reaches of this stream. 3. Because of higher discharge and bed scouring at the downstream site, we predicted that the fish assemblage would have lowered species richness and abundance following floods. In contrast, we expected increased species richness and abundance at headwater sites because floods increase stream connectivity and create the potential for colonisation from downstream reaches. 4. Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) was used to select among candidate regression models that predicted species richness and abundance based on Julian date, time since floods, season and physical habitat at each site. At the downstream site, AIC weightings suggested Julian date was the best predictor of fish assemblage structure, but no model explained >16% of the variation in species richness or community structure. Variation explained by Julian date was primarily attributed to a long‐term pattern of declining abundance of common species. At the headwater sites, there was not a single candidate model selected to predict total species abundance and assemblage structure. AIC weightings suggested variation in assemblage structure was associated with either Julian date or local habitat characteristics. 5. Fishes rapidly colonised isolated or dry habitats following floods. This was evidenced by the occurrence of fishes in intermittent reaches and the positive association between maximum daily discharge and colonisation events at both headwater sites. 6. Our study suggests floods allow dispersal into intermittent habitats with little or no downstream displacement of fishes. Movement of fishes among habitats during flooding highlights the importance of maintaining connectivity of stream networks of low to medium order prairie streams.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial trends were examined in benthic macroinvertebrate and physical-chemical data collected for at least ten years at ten sites along the plains reach of the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado, USA. A distinct longitudinal environment gradient was found as many of the water chemistry parameter levels changed downstream from the reference site. Seasonal Kendall analyses on individual sites indicated that several chemical parameters, including conductivity, un-ionized NH3-N and NO2-N have increased since the beginning of the study within most sites. Levels of some parameters (e.g., dissolved oxygen, un-ionized NH3-N) violated aquatic life standards a few times during the study.Over 175 taxa of macroinvertebrates (primarily insects) were collected in the study reach from 1981–1996. Results from detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) on macroinvertebrate data indicated that this stretch of the river exhibited little longitudinal change beyond the two farthest upstream sites. There was a decline in macroinvertebrate density and total number of taxa within most individual sites during 1983–1984, corresponding with the highest recorded discharge in 75 years (1983) and a prolonged, heavy spring runoff in 1984. Taxa richness and density recovered to pre-1983 levels within a few months to a year following the high flows at most sites. These findings suggested that the macroinvertebrate assemblages had low resistance to disturbance, but high resilience. However, the results from DCAs and Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance (W) on individual sites for the entire study period suggested a similar macroinvertebrate community structure through time. It would appear that the composition and abundance of the lotic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Poudre River has remained relatively constant over the long-term. This has occurred even with some potentially negative changes in water chemistry and increased urban development.  相似文献   

Alpine streams are typically fed from a range of water sources including glacial meltwater, snowmelt, groundwater flow, and surface rainfall runoff. These contributions are projected to shift with climate change, particularly in the Japanese Alps where snow is expected to decrease, but rainfall events increase. The overarching aim of the study was to understand the key variables driving macroinvertebrate community composition in groundwater and snowmelt‐fed streams (n = 6) in the Kamikochi region of the northern Japanese Alps (April–December 2017). Macroinvertebrate abundance, species richness, and diversity were not significantly different between the two stream types. Community structure, however, was different between groundwater and snowmelt‐fed streams with macroinvertebrate taxa specialized for the environmental conditions present in each system. Temporal variation in the abundance, species richness, and diversity of macroinvertebrate communities was also significantly different between groundwater and snowmelt streams over the study period, with snowmelt streams exhibiting far higher levels of variation. Two snowmelt streams considered perennial proved to be intermittent with periodic drying of the streambed, but the macroinvertebrates in these systems rebounded rapidly after flows resumed with no reduction in taxonomic diversity. These same streams, nevertheless, showed a major reduction in diversity and abundance following periods of high flow, indicating floods rather than periodic drying was a major driver of community structure. This conclusion was also supported from functional analyses, which showed that the more variable snowmelt streams were characterized by taxa with resistant, rather than resilient, life‐history traits. The findings demonstrate the potential for significant turnover in species composition with changing environmental conditions in Japanese alpine stream systems, with groundwater‐fed streams potentially more resilient to future changes in comparison to snowmelt‐fed streams.  相似文献   

  • 1 It is axiomatic that unusually long dry periods (droughts) adversely affect aquatic biota. Recovery after drought is rapid by macroinvertebrates that possess strategies to survive drying or are highly mobile but other taxa take longer to recolonise depending on the timing, intensity, and duration of the dry phase.
  • 2 Although drought acts as a sustained ‘ramp’ disturbance, impacts may be disproportionately severe when certain critical thresholds are exceeded. For example, ecological changes may be gradual while a riffle dries but cessation of flow causes abrupt loss of a specific habitat, alteration of physicochemical conditions in pools downstream, and fragmentation of the river ecosystem. Many ecological responses to drought within these habitats apparently depend on the timing and rapidity of hydrological transitions across these thresholds, exhibiting a ‘stepped’ response alternating between gradual change while a threshold is approached followed by a swift transition when a habitat disappears or is fragmented.
  • 3 In two Australian intermittent streams, drought conditions eliminated or decimated several groups of macroinvertebrates, including atyid shrimps, stoneflies and free‐living caddisflies. These taxa persisted during the early stages of the drought but did not recruit successfully the following year, despite a return to higher‐than‐baseflow conditions. This ‘lag effect’ in response to drought emphasises the value of long‐term survey data. Although changes in faunal composition were inconsistent among sites, marked shifts in taxa richness, abundance and trophic organisation after the riffle habitat dried provide evidence for a stepped response.
  • 4 Responses by macroinvertebrate assemblages to droughts of differing severity in English chalk streams were variable. The prolonged 1988–92 drought had a greater impact than shorter droughts in the early 1970s but recovery over the next 3 years was swift. Effects of the 1995 summer drought were buffered by sustained groundwater discharge from the previous winter. These droughts tended to reduce available riverine habitats, especially via siltation, but few taxa were eliminated because they could recolonise from perennial sections of the chalk streams.
  • 5 In the contrasting environments of the intermittent streams studied in England and Australia, there are parallels in the rapid rates of recolonisation. However, recruitment by taxa that lack desiccation‐resistant stages or have limited mobility is delayed. Currently, long‐term data on these systems may be insufficient to indicate persistent effects of droughts or predict the impacts of excessive surface or groundwater abstraction or the increased frequency and duration of droughts expected with global climate change.

Streams in mediterranean regions have highly seasonal discharge patterns, with predictable torrential floods and severe droughts. In contrast, discharge is less variable in temperate regions and intermittent flow conditions are uncommon. Hydroclimatic models predict that climate change would increase frequency and severity of floods and droughts across Europe, thus increasing the proportion of streams with mediterranean characteristics in actually temperate areas. Correspondingly, understanding actual ecological differences between mediterranean and temperate streams may help to anticipate large‐scale ecological impacts of climate change. Given that large‐scale factors determine local community composition, we hypothesized that climatic differences between mediterranean and temperate regions should affect the taxonomic and biological trait composition in streams. We assembled the abundance of stream macroinvertebrate genera of 265 sites each from the Mediterranean Basin and from temperate Europe and linked these abundances to published information on 61 categories of 11 biological traits reflecting the potential of resilience from and resistance to disturbances. Although regional taxonomic richness was higher in the mediterranean than in the temperate region, local taxonomic richness and diversity did not significantly differ between regions. Local trait richness and diversity were significantly higher in the mediterranean region. Both local taxonomic and trait‐community composition differed between regions, but the former varied much more than the latter, highlighting that climate change could produce large changes in the taxonomic but rather weak changes in the trait composition. The mediterranean region was characterized by macroinvertebrates with higher dispersion and colonization capabilities, suggesting that species loss in the temperate region, by extinction or northward emigration of taxa, would be compensated for by immigration of southern mediterranean taxa. Thus, climate change would likely have stronger implications for the local conservation of taxa than for the trait composition of stream macroinvertebrate communities.  相似文献   

With climate change set to increase the frequency and severity of drought in many parts of the world, there is a need to better understand the effects of drying on stream ecosystems. We investigated the long-term effects of drought on two amphipod taxa Paramoera fontana (Pontogeneiidae) and Austrogammarus australis (Paramelitidae) and macroinvertebrate assemblage structure through an analysis of 13 years of data collected from four forested stream reaches (Victoria, Australia). Abundances of A. australis and P. fontana in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek declined to zero following surficial streambed drying. Similar declines in abundances were not observed in Sassafras Creek or the two headwater springs, which continued to flow throughout the drought. P. fontana was detected again in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek 12 months after the final cease-to-flow, however A. australis remained undetected 5 years later, despite an upstream source population within 2 km. Both the entire and shredder macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in Sassafras Creek and the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek shifted significantly pre- and post-surficial streambed drying in the lower reach of Lyrebird Creek. Despite signs of recovery following a return to more average flows, assemblage composition remained considerably different. The substantial differences in the recovery of the two species indicates varying resistance and resilience traits. The failure of A. australis to recolonize after 5 years indicates an absence of any significant resistance or resilience traits. In contrast, the rapid re-colonization of P. fontana may indicate poor resistance traits, but strong resilience traits. The sensitivity of A. australis to cease-to-flow events points to the need to carefully manage water extraction to protect this threatened species. The effective management of macroinvertebrate assemblages in the face of drought requires a clear understanding of their response to drying, the conservation of refugia and the minimization of additional stressors which reduce ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

1. To examine the effects of forest harvest practices on headwater stream macroinvertebrates, we compiled a 167 site database with macroinvertebrate, fish, physical habitat and catchment land cover data from the three forested ecoregions in western Oregon. For our analysis, headwater streams were defined by catchment areas <10 km2 and perennial water during summer low flows. Almost all sites in the database were selected using a randomised survey design, constituting a representative sample of headwater streams in these ecoregions. 2. Macroinvertebrate taxonomic and functional feeding group composition were very similar among the three ecoregions in the study area (Coast Range, Cascades and Klamath Mountains). On average, 55% of the individuals at each site were in the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera or Trichoptera. Dipteran taxa (mostly chironomids) accounted for another 34%. At almost all sites, non‐insects made up <10% of the macroinvertebrate assemblage. Almost half (49%) of the assemblages were collectors; remaining individuals were about evenly divided among scrapers, shredders and predators. 3. There were 189 different macroinvertebrate taxa at the 167 sites with richness at individual sites ranging from 7 to 71 taxa. Ordination by non‐metric multidimensional scaling revealed a strong association between % Ephemeroptera, especially Baetis, and site scores along the first axis. This axis was also strongly related to % coarse substratum and fast water habitat. The second axis was strongly related to % intolerant individuals, site slope and altitude. No strong relationships were evident between any ordination axis and either logging activity, presence/absence of fish, catchment size or ecoregion. 4. Based on macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores, 62% of the sites had no impairment, 31% of the sites had slight impairment and only 6% of the sites had moderate or severe impairment. IBI scores were not strongly related to forest harvest history. All four severely impaired sites and five of the seven sites with moderate impairment were lower altitude, shallower slope stream reaches located in the Coast Range with evidence of agricultural activity in their catchment or riparian zone. % sand + fine substratum was the environmental variable most strongly related to macroinvertebrate IBI.  相似文献   

1. Temporary streams comprise a large proportion of the total length of most stream networks, and the great majority of arid‐land stream networks, so it is important to understand their contribution to biotic diversity at both local and landscape scales. 2. In late winter 2010, we sampled invertebrate assemblages in 12 reaches of a large arid‐land stream network (including perennial and intermittent headwaters, intermittent middle reaches and perennial rivers) in south‐east Arizona, U.S.A. Intermittent reaches had then been flowing for c. 60 days, following a dry period of more than 450 days. We sampled a subset of the perennial study reaches three more times between 2009 and 2011. Since intermittent reaches were dry during these additional sampling periods, we used assemblage data from two other intermittent streams in the study network (sampled in 2004–05 and 2010) to explore interannual variability in intermittent stream assemblage composition. 3. Invertebrate richness was lowest in intermittent reaches, despite their often being connected to species‐rich perennial reaches. The assemblages of these intermittent reaches were not simply a subset of the species in perennial streams, but rather were dominated by a suite of stoneflies, blackflies and midges with adaptations to intermittency (e.g. egg and/or larval diapause). On average, 86% of individuals in these samples were specialists or exclusive to intermittent streams. Predators were 7–14 times more abundant in perennial than in intermittent reaches. 4. Despite being separated by long distances (12–25 km) and having very different physical characteristics, the assemblages of perennial headwaters and rivers were more similar to one another than to intervening intermittent reaches, emphasising the prime importance of local hydrology in this system. 5. The duration and recurrence intervals of dry periods, and the relative importance of dispersal from perennial refuges, probably influence the magnitude of biological differences between neighbouring perennial and temporary streams. Although perennial headwaters supported the highest diversity of invertebrates, intermittent reaches supported a number of unique or locally rare species and as such contribute to regional species diversity and should be included in conservation planning.  相似文献   

Droughts and summer drying create unusual temporary aquatic habitats in the form of isolated pools in many small streams around the world. To examine spatial and temporal variation in fish community structure of drying stream pools, their relation to abiotic environmental variables, and associations among species, fish were sampled during summer 1995 and 1996 from pools of four streams in the Ozark mountains, Arkansas, USA. Redundancy analysis of physical-chemical variables showed significant differences among stream sites, but no significant difference between years or stream site by year interaction. Stream sites separated consistently along axes one (habitat heterogeneity) and two (temperature/canopy cover) in both years. Redundancy analysis of fish species-size class densities showed a significant stream site by year interaction. Groupings of stream sites based on fish assemblages were not well explained by physical-chemical variables measured at the pool scale, but were related to location within the drainage basin, and these groupings differed between years. There were 27 (15.8%) and 10 (5.8%) significant associations found among fish species-size classes in 1995 and 1996, respectively, and all but two significant associations in 1995 were positive. Pool depth, habitat heterogeneity, pool size and dissolved oxygen/canopy cover were important local abiotic factors depending on response variables examined. In both years, large fish total density, large central stoneroller density (80 mm TL), and small sunfish (<80 mm TL) density were positively related to pool depth. Otherwise, there was no consistent relationship between physical-chemical variables and dependent variables (fish density and species richness) within a year or between years for a given dependent variable. These results support the hypothesis that local abiotic factors are important in structuring fish assemblages in harsh environments, but the importance of those factors varies temporally, and regional influences appear to override local abiotic conditions as factors structuring fish assemblages in drying stream pools. Predation by terrestrial vertebrates may also be an important factor structuring these fish assemblages that has been largely overlooked.  相似文献   

Current global models predict a hotter and drier climate in the southwestern United States with anticipated increases in drought frequency and severity coupled with changes in flash flood regimes. Such changes would likely have important ecological consequences, particularly for stream and riparian ecosystems already subject to frequent hydrologic disturbance. This study assessed the potential response of aquatic macroinvertebrates to interannual variation in hydrology in a spatially intermittent desert stream (Sycamore Creek, AZ). We compiled data on the recovery of macroinvertebrate communities following spring floods, with successional sequences captured 11 times over a 16‐year period (1983–1999). This period encompassed a transition from perennial to intermittent flow in this system, and included a record drought in 1989–1990. Results show that while the size of floods initiating sequences had little explanatory power, changes in macroinvertebrate community structure during postflood succession were closely associated with antecedent flooding and drought. Year‐to‐year differences in benthic communities integrated taxon‐specific responses to antecedent disturbance, including differential resistance to channel drying, use of hyporheic refugia, and variable rates of recovery once stream flow resumed. The long‐term consequences of drying on community structure were only evident during later stages of postflood succession, illustrating an interaction between flood and drought recovery processes in this system. Our observations highlight the potential for predicted climate changes in this region to have marked and long‐lasting consequences for benthic communities in desert streams.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in coarse (> 1 mm), fine (< 1 mm, > 250 m), and woody benthic organic matter (BOM), and densities of detritivores in pools and riffles were monitored at three sites on two intermittent streams (Werribee and Lerderderg Rivers) in Victoria, Australia during a drought year followed by a wetter year. Standing stocks of BOM peaked in both habitats during summer when discharge ceased and eucalypt leaf fall was greatest. During high winter and spring discharges, concentrations of BOM were low. Floods did not always scour BOM from the pools and riffles; after floods in October, standing stocks rose when BOM was imported from upstream or mobilized from the riparian zone. Densities of benthic detritivores, collector-gatherers, and shredders also varied seasonally, usually peaking in summer. Correlations between detritivore feeding group densities and amounts of putative food resource were habitat-specific. There were few significant correlations in depositional habitats, even after incorporating lag-times of two and four weeks into the analysis. However, detritivore densities in riffles, especially in the Lerderderg River, were strongly positively correlated with the amounts of BOM. Possibly, physico-chemical conditions in riffles are more conducive to litter conditioning and invertebrate colonization and breakdown of leaf material than are those in pools.  相似文献   

This paper investigates spatial, seasonal and long-term changes in benthic macroinvertebrates in riffles of a cold tailwater. Cold tailwaters initially disrupt previously existing macroinvertebrate assemblages, but little is known about the long-term biological effects of a stable cold thermal regime. Assemblages at an upstream and downstream site of the Little Red River, Arkansas were investigated almost 30 years apart (1971 and 1999). Based upon published literature demonstrating the stability of benthic assemblages within unaltered environments, we predicted that the assemblages would be similar for each variable investigated. The benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages can be characterized as low diversity, with a total of 17 taxa identified. Isopods and Diptera comprised ~80% of all individuals. Other than chironomids, insects and particularly EPT taxa were poorly represented. Recent macroinvertebrate densities were significantly greater compared to the historical study period for the downstream site. Assemblage comparisons revealed moderate differences between study periods. Macroinvertebrate density was significantly greater upstream than downstream in the 1971 study period, yet taxa richness was significantly greater downstream for both study periods. Faunal composition was significantly different for upstream and downstream sites. Seasonal differences in numerical standing crop were identified for the 1971 upstream and 1999 downstream data sets. Low to moderate levels of seasonal, spatial and historical variation among benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages were attributed to environmental (temperature and flow) stability. The lack of aquatic insects other than chironomids over a 30-year period is indicative of the extreme constraints placed upon insect development within this cold regulated river.  相似文献   

Species turnover of monkey beetle (Scarabaeidae: Hopliini) assemblages along disturbance and environmental gradients was examined at three sites within the arid, winter rainfall Namaqualand region of the succulent Karoo, South Africa. At each site two study plots with comparable vegetation and soils but contrasting management (grazing) histories were chosen, the disturbed sites having fewer perennial shrubs and generally more annuals and bare ground. Beetles collected using coloured pan-traps showed a consistently higher abundance in disturbed sites. Lepithrix, Denticnema and Heterochelus had higher numbers in disturbed plots, while Peritrichia numbers were lower in disturbed areas. Measures of species richness and diversity were consistently higher in the undisturbed sites. Distinctive assemblages of monkey beetles and plants occurred at each site. A high compositional turnover ( diversity) was recorded for both monkey beetles and plants along a rainfall gradient; between-site diversity values ranged from 0.7 to 0.8 (out of a maximum of 1.0). Species turnover of beetles was higher between the disturbed sites along the environmental gradient than the corresponding undisturbed sites. The high monkey beetle species turnover is probably linked to the high plant species turnover, a distinctive feature of succulent Karoo landscapes. Monkey beetles are useful indicators of overgrazing disturbance in Namaqualand, as their pollinator guilds are apparently disrupted by overgrazing. A shift away from perennial and bulb pollinator guilds towards those favouring weedy annuals was observed in disturbed areas. The consequences to ecosystem processes due to the effects of disturbance on monkey beetle communities and the role of monkey beetles as indicators of disturbance is discussed, as well as the implications of disturbance on monkey beetle pollination guilds.  相似文献   

Species richness and assemblage structure of Trichoptera in Danish streams   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
  • 1 Species richness and assemblages of Trichoptera from 157 ‘pristine’ Danish lowland stream sites were analyzed, for dependence on geographical position of the sites and simple physical variables, using two way indicator species analysis and detrended correspondence analysis.
  • 2 A total of 106 species were recorded, representing ≈ 90% of the species pool known from Danish streams. Only seven species occurred at more than half the sites, whereas an additional 11 species were found at more than a quarter of the sites.
  • 3 Although sites showed significant regional differences in environmental variables (stream order, width, slope and presence/absence of riparian forest), species richness and assemblages were primarily correlated with stream order, width and slope. Maximum richness was found at the largest (5th order) stream sites.
  • 4 Regional differences in species assemblages were found, with several species being absent from the islands Funen and Bornholm. Species assemblages also differed between forested and non‐forested stream sites.
  • 5 We found evidence that stream temperature may be of only minor importance in determining Trichoptera species richness and assemblage composition in Danish streams compared to other size‐related physical factors.

1. If resistance traits drive recolonisation after drought, then drought refuges should contribute strongly to assemblage composition within streams. If resilience traits drive recolonisation, macroinvertebrates emerging from refuges may disperse widely, colonising many streams. To determine whether the contribution of drought refuges to macroinvertebrate recolonisation in non‐perennial streams was mostly local (within stream) or broader scale (across streams), we measured the association between the composition of invertebrate assemblages in different types of in‐stream drought refuge and the assemblage composition of streams when flow resumed. 2. We sampled 16 streams of varying hydrological regime on the western side of the Victoria Range in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia. Drought refuges (perennial pools, dry sediment, damp sediment, seeps, patches of leaf litter, beneath stones) were identified and sampled during autumn. Most taxa were found in perennial pools; few taxa were found aestivating beneath stones or having desiccation‐resistant stages in dry sediment. Perennial pools and perennially flowing reaches were the refuges that harboured the greatest diversity of macroinvertebrate taxa. 3. Streams were sampled again during spring. Assemblage composition of non‐perennial reaches in spring was unrelated to composition in nearby refuges in the previous autumn. In contrast, assemblage composition in perennial reaches during spring was strongly correlated with composition during autumn. Therefore, drought refuges did not directly influence assemblage composition locally within non‐perennial streams. Rather, both perennially flowing reaches and perennial pools acted as drought refuges across the broader landscape. Resilience traits are likely to drive recolonisation in these streams. 4. Monitoring of drought refuges in a particular stream will therefore not predict species composition when flow resumes. Drought refuges are likely to sustain biodiversity over larger spatial scales such as groups of streams or whole drainage networks. Consequently, stream networks will need to be managed as entities rather than as single waterways and the focus of drought refuge protection should be on perennial pools and reaches.  相似文献   

1. Possible impacts of water‐resource development on assemblages of freshwater macroinvertebrates were investigated in the upper Darling River and some of its tributaries in north‐western New South Wales (Australia), an arid and semi‐arid region of low relief where alteration of river flows has intensified through expansion of irrigated agriculture. 2. Study sites were grouped into four hydrological regimes resulting from impoundment, flow regulation, water abstraction and natural variation, namely (i) intermittent flow with relatively little hydrological alteration from water‐resource development, (ii) intermittent flow with substantial alteration, (iii) near‐perennial flow with substantial alteration but unimpounded and (iv) near‐perennial flow with substantial alteration plus impoundment by weirs that stabilise water levels. 3. Macroinvertebrates were sampled with three methods (a quantitative cylinder sampler, handnet sampling and baited traps) in three periods with differing hydrology (recessional low flow in June 2003, high flow in March 2004 and increasing flow after drought in December 2004). 4. Taxonomic richness, assemblage composition and catch per unit effort of the crayfish Cherax destructor differed significantly among the site groups, but total macroinvertebrate density and the AUSRIVAS O/E (Australian River Assessment System observed‐over‐expected) index did not. The principal spatial differences were between the intermittent and near‐perennial rivers, and apparent effects of water‐resource development and impoundment were more subtle. Temporal differences in richness, abundance and composition were substantial and appeared to be related mainly to variations in discharge and temperature. 5. Current macroinvertebrate‐based methods for assessing the ‘condition’ or ‘health’ of Australian dryland rivers are inadequate. Such assessments might be improved with (i) reference data that take adequate account of antecedent hydrological conditions, (ii) consideration of long‐term taxonomic richness as well as richness on individual sampling occasions, (iii) evaluation of invertebrate population sizes, (iv) analysis of assemblage data by trait composition and (v) adoption of the genus as the default level of taxonomic resolution.  相似文献   

Brown  Arthur V.  Aguila  Yolanda  Brown  Kristine B.  Fowler  William P. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,347(1-3):119-125
We examined macroinvertebrate communities in small(0.1-1.0 m2) pools of intermittent streams (alwayscontainingsome water but without perennial flow) with small watersheds(2-6 ha) subjected to five types of forest harvest to assesspotential impacts of the different harvest methods. Bufferstrips10 m wide were left on each side of the streams. Each harvesttreatment was coupled with a similar unharvested referencestand.An incomplete block design included three 0.05 m2 vacuumsamples from each treatment paired with three from theadjacentreferences. There was a high degree of similarity amongreferencesfor parameters other than taxonomic composition (e.g.macroinvertebrate density, number of species, Shannondiversity,functional groups, etc.). Statistically significantdifferenceswere found between references and treatments and among harvestmethods but the responses varied among response variables(density,Shannon-Weiner diversity, species composition), differentspeciesassemblages (all invertebrates, chironomids,Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera [EPT], isopods), andfunctional group categories (shredders, collector-gatherers).Wecollected 56 taxa, 7–16 per site, with low communitysimilarity(mean Jaccards=0.18, mean Bray-Curtis percentdissimilarity=81). The most severe harvest treatmentsresultedin the highest diversities of total invertebrates in thesesmallspring pool communities.  相似文献   

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