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Using the Anopheles gambiae Giles genome as a template, we designed, screened and identified 14 novel Exon-Primed Intron-Crossing (EPIC) PCR primer pairs for Anopheles pseudopunctipennis Theobald 1901, a major vector of human Plasmodium sp. in South America. These primers were designed to target the conserved regions flanking consecutive exons of different genes and enabled the amplification of 17 loci of which nine were polymorphic. Polymorphisms at these loci ranged from two to four alleles. Intron length polymorphism analysis is a useful tool, which will allow the study of the population structure of this mosquito species, which remains poorly understood.  相似文献   

The midgut of adult female Anopheles darlingi is comprised of narrow anterior and dilated posterior regions, with a single layered epithelium composed by cuboidal digestive cells. Densely packed apical microvilli and an intricate basal labyrinth characterize each cell pole. Before blood feeding, apical cytoplasm contains numerous round granules and whorled profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Engorgement causes a great distension of midgut. This provokes the flattening of digestive cells and their nuclei. Simultaneously, apical granules disappear, the whorls of endoplasmic reticulum disassemble and 3h post bloodmeal (PBM), nucleoli enlarge manyfold. An intense absorptive process takes place during the first 24 h PBM, with the formation of large glycogen inclusions, which persist after the end of the digestive process. Endoproteases activities are induced after bloodmeal and attain their maximum values between 10 and 36 h PBM. At least two different aminopeptidases seem to participate in the digestive process, with their maximum activity values at 36 and 48 h PBM, respectively. Coarse electrondense aggregates, possibly debris from digested erythrocytes, begin to appear on the luminal face of the peritrophic membrane from 18 h PBM and persist during all the digestive process, and are excreted at its end. We suggest that these aggregates could contain some kind of insoluble form of haem, in order of neutralize its toxicity.  相似文献   

We conducted a field survey for flatworms to select species as potential biological control agents against Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens (Diptera, Culicidae) breeding in artificial containers. Laboratory experiments were performed to determine the daily predation rate, differential predation on each mosquito larval instar, selective predation on either A. aegypti or C. pipiens, and predator tolerance to water from artificial containers. Girardia anceps (Tricladida, Paludicola, Dugesiidae), Mesostoma ehrenbergii and Bothromesostoma cf. evelinae (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida, Typhloplanidae) were found in temporary puddles and permanent pools. In the laboratory, they killed between 52% and 100% of immature mosquitoes coexisting in the same habitat. No preference of flatworms for mosquito preys was detected. Predation rate was related to predator size and instar of preys. Girardia anceps and B. evelinae survived after a dry period and when re-flooding occurred, they laid eggs. Tolerance to water from artificial containers was highest in G. anceps and this species could be a suitable predator to reduce mosquito populations from artificial containers using an inoculative approach.  相似文献   

Invasive arthropods that vector pathogens have the potential to influence pathogen transmission both directly, by becoming a novel pathogen vector, or indirectly, by interacting with native vectors. Adult mosquito size is influenced by food availability in the larval stage, and smaller, nutrient-deprived mosquitoes are, in some studies, more efficient viral vectors in the laboratory. This is the first study to examine the indirect impacts that larval competition between Aedes albopictus, an introduced mosquito species, and Ochlerotatus triseriatus, a native mosquito species and the primary vector for La Crosse virus (LACV) in the US, has on native mosquito larval survival, adult size, and vector competence. A. albopictus presence decreased Oc. triseriatus larval survival, but surviving Oc. triseriatus females were larger, potentially owing to a release from intraspecific competition. These larger, native females were more likely to develop both midgut and disseminated LACV infections than females emerging from monospecific treatments. Collectively, these results suggest a need to better understand the ecology of both native and invasive vector species, their interactions, and the potential for those interactions to alter vector-borne disease transmission.  相似文献   

Algae are important food resources of the larvae of the African malaria vectors, Anopheles gambiae Giles and Anopheles arabiensis Patton (Anopheles gambiae sensu lato), and other zooplankton, but empirical evidence remains meager about the agal flora in ephemeral water bodies. The animals present in natural aquatic habitats in western Kenya were sampled from July to November 2002 to study abiotic and biotic environmental factors determining A. gambiae sl larval abundance. The five highest concentrations of third and fourth instars and pupae (hereafter referred to as old-stage larvae) were sampled in conjunction with the unicellular epizoic green algae, Rhopalosolen species (Chlorophyta; Chlorophyceae). Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the presence of Rhopalosolen species was the most important determinant of the animal assemblage. The density of old-stage A. gambiae sl larvae was positively correlated with the presence of Rhopalosolen species, but the density of first and second instars of A. gambiae sl was not. The water bodies with Rhopalosolen sp. yielded larger mosquitoes in spite of the higher density of larvae. We demonstrated that the productivity of water bodies in terms of the larvae of malaria vectors can differ in magnitude depending on the agal flora. We discuss phytoplankton as a regulator of mosquito larval populations.  相似文献   

The population structure of An. stephensi in North-west India was studied to assess the impact of the Aravalli Hills, as a barrier to gene flow using microsatellite markers. Large and significant genetic differentiation was found along the sides of, as well as across, the Aravalli Hills as the mean FST and RST on west vs. east of the Aravalli Hills were 0.213, 0.112 and 0.179, 0.056, respectively. Similarly, across the hills, mean values of FST and RST were 0.100 and 0.094, respectively. Genetic diversity on both sides did not vary significantly. The FST values were more sensitive than RST values, indicating that genetic drift might have caused genetic differentiation between populations. A positive correlation (r = 0.0149 and 0.157, respective to FST and RST) was found between genetic differentiations and geographic distances irrespective of the hills. Low level of gene flow was found along both sides (Nm = 0.92 and 0.14; west vs. east of Aravalli Hills, respectively) as compared to across the Aravalli Hills (Nm = 2.25). It was found that the Aravalli Hills are not working as an effective barrier to gene flow for An. Stephensi, maybe because of the low average height and discontinuous hills, however, the distance is playing a major role for differentiation between populations due to active mode of dispersal of An. stephensi mosquitoes which have a short flight range. All this information should help draw the strategies for genetic control of mosquitoes using transgenic mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Anopheles stephensi is the primary vector of malaria, an endemic disease in India. An effort to control An. stephensi larvae by leaf extracts of Aloe barbadensis (Liliaceae) and Cannabis sativa (Moraceae) was made under laboratory conditions. A carbon tetrachloride extract of A. barbadensis was the most effective of all the extracts tested for larvicidal activity against the anopheline larvae, with LC50 15.58 and 8.04 p.p.m. after 24 and 48 h of exposure, respectively. Thus, the leaf extract of A. barbadensis has active components that could be useful as a larvicide of ecocongenial nature against malaria vectors.  相似文献   

Adult mosquitoes in the Anopheles maculatus group were surveyed from different regions of Thailand and five different species were morphologically identified, including Anopheles maculatus, Anopheles sawadwongporni, Anopheles notanandai, Anopheles dravidicus, and Anopheles willmori. Blood‐feeding activity and host preference of two species, Anopheles maculatus and Anopheles sawadwongporni, were observed during a one‐year period at Pu Teuy Village, Sai Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province, west‐central Thailand. Both species were more prevalent during the wetter period of the year and each had a greater predilection to feed on cattle than humans. Primary feeding activity occurred between 20:00‐23:00 and a smaller peak at 01:00‐03:00. Findings are discussed relative to the importance of these two vectors for malaria transmission in Pu Teuy.  相似文献   

卵黄蛋白原(vitellogenin, Vg)是主要的卵黄蛋白前体, 在雌虫血餐之后在脂肪体内大量合成。卵黄蛋白原的调节元件已经被用于驱动蚊子(与寄生虫发生最大相互作用的场所)中抗寄生基因的组织特异性表达。不过, 迄今为止, 对在印度引起60%~70%疟疾发生的库态按蚊Anopheles culicifacies中的内源启动子尚未进行过分析。本研究通过PCR扩增了包括5′端上游调节区在内的库态按蚊A. culicifacies卵黄蛋白原基因, 并命名为AncuVg (GenBank登录号为JN113091)。它含有一个大约6.2 kb的开放阅读框, 编码2 052个氨基酸, 具有一个16个氨基酸残基的推断的信号肽。也含有一个N_Vitellogenin区和一个VWF型D区, 这两个区在其他昆虫卵黄蛋白原中也保守。估计多肽分子量为238.0 kDa, 含有4个共有的(RXXR/S)切割位点, C端附近有一个GL/ICG基序, 其后是9个半胱氨酸残基和1个位于GL/ICCG基序上游第18个氨基酸残基处的DGXR 基序。在推断的氨基酸序列上发现3个聚丝氨酸区, 其中2个位于氨基端, 1个位于羧基端。根据同义密码子相对使用概率值, 通过有效密码子数, 测定了蚊子卵黄蛋白原基因密码子的偏倚性程度。也预测了库态按蚊A. culicifacies Vg的三维结构。分析了AncuVg基因, 以理解Vg基因的转录调节。对Vg基因5′端上游区进行的系统发育分析表明, 它们聚类于蚊子的3大分枝。也用各种生物信息学工具分析分析了Vg的同源性和特征。  相似文献   

杨飞龙  李旭东  闫振天  付文博  陈斌 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5449-5457
为了掌握云南省各地中华按蚊种群间的遗传变异和种群结构特征,测序并分析了采自云南9个样本点5个种群组的89头中华按蚊的线粒体COII基因。结果表明这些中华按蚊种群的COII基因序列平均单倍型多样性指数和核苷酸多样性指数分别为h=0.933,π=0.00406,共有51个变异位点,占分析的739个碱基总数的6.9%;定义了39个单倍型,有2个频率最高的单倍型H1和H9,分别占个体序列数的20.2%和12.4%;系统发育分析表明单倍型与地理位置没有明显的对应关系,单倍型网络图显示大部分单倍型分布没有明显的亲缘地理格局,主要以单倍型H1、H9、H4、H33和H2为中心呈星状分布,但元江和元阳构成的种群组(YU)单倍型存在明显地域分布特征;AMOVA结果表明种群组间遗传变异为12.58%,达到显著水平(P=0.04888),地理种群组间具有明显种群遗传结构。不同地区两两种群组间的Fst值和Nm值显示大部分种群组间存在基因交流,没有形成明显的遗传分化,但YU种群组和其他种群组间缺乏明显的基因交流,这主要是因为哀牢山的阻隔,使云南东西部形成两种不同的气候,产生了明显的遗传分化;歧点分布图显示为明显单峰分布,中性检测结果均为显著负值,说明云南省的中华按蚊种群在近期经历过复杂的种群扩张事件。掌握中华按蚊遗传多样性及分化特征,对中华按蚊及疟疾控制具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Analysis of larval Aedes aegypti midgut using scanning electron microscopy, nuclear and mitochondrial dyes, response to Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis CryIVB toxin, and electrophysiology is described. The anterior ventriculus ("stomach") region is found to have much lower mitochondrial densities than other midgut regions. The transitional region is distinguished by apical surface architecture, and by region-specific effects of CryIVB endotoxin. In this region CryIVB causes holes ranging from 1.0 to 7.0 microm in diameter (mean 3.3+/-0.53 microm, N=12), blisters 16.9+/-1.54 microm in diameter (N=10), and separation of adjacent cells. The holes are not consistent with damage due to the colloid osmotic lysis model of delta-endotoxin activity. The posterior ventriculus possesses a distinctive cellular architecture consisting of hemispherical, domed apical membranes surrounded by deep clefts. Functional and morphological heterogeneity is revealed within the posterior ventriculus, with the anterior end dominating the electrical profile of isolated, perfused preparations and showing the greatest response to serotonin. Hyperpolarization of the transepithelial potential by serotonin occurred in conjunction with a decrease in the space constant lambda, ruling out closure of ion channels as the mechanism of action of serotonin.  相似文献   

【目的】明确中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis雌成虫与幼虫触角感器的类型、形态和分布。【方法】利用光学显微镜观察中华按蚊成虫与幼虫触角的形态结构,利用扫描电镜观察触角上的感器类型、形态和分布。【结果】中华按蚊雌成虫触角由柄节、梗节和鞭节组成,鞭节有13个亚节。触角上共发现4种类型的感器,分别为毛形感器(锐型和钝型)、刺形感器(大型和小型)、锥形感器(Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型)和腔锥形感器(大型和小型)。雌成虫触角各类感器总计约1 135.67±86.75个,其中毛形感器数量最多(662.00±6.22个),随后是刺形感器(294.67±33.35个)和锥形感器(146.00±42.39个),腔锥形感器数量最少(36.50±5.90个)。毛形感器、刺形感器和锥形感器在鞭节的每个亚节均有分布,而大型腔锥形感器在第9-11亚节没有分布,小型腔锥形感器仅分布于第13节的顶端。幼虫触角的鞭节不分亚节,呈管状,触角末端有一个感觉锥,鞭节上分布有与成虫锥形感器相似的锥形凸起,初步定名为类锥形感器,其数量和大小随幼虫龄期的增长而显著增加,锥体表面的凹槽越来越明显,其功能还需要通过超微结构和电生理等研究进一步确定。【结论】本研究对中华按蚊幼虫和雌成虫触角感器的形态特征、类型、数量及其分布进行了观察和分析,结果为进一步研究中华按蚊感器的生理功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Three anopheline mosquitoes in Korea were studied for their abilities as vectors for Plasmodium vivax. The female mosquitoes of Anopheles lesteri, An. pullus and An. sinensis were allowed to suck malaria patient blood until fully fed, and they were then bred for 2 weeks to develop from malaria parasites to sporozoites. The result from the above confirmed the sporozoites in one An. lesteri of one individual and five An. sinensis of six individuals. We also confirmed that An. sinensis was the main vector to transmit malaria and An. lesteri as well as An. sinensis were able to carry Korean malaria parasites. Therefore, we propose that diversified study is needed to manage malaria projects.  相似文献   

Microsatellite-containing region were isolated and characterized in Anopheles sinensis, a primary vector of malaria parasites in Asia. An enrichment protocol yielded 252 microsatellite sequences. We designed primers to amplify 20 unique microsatellites, 14 of which amplify cleanly and were polymorphic. A survey of 24 individuals showed that 12 loci are highly variable with the number of alleles ranging from two to 11, and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.116 to 0.903. These markers will be useful for population genetic studies and genome mapping in A. sinensis.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles genus are of great relevance in the epidemiology and transmission of malaria, with their larval phase developing in clean waters in the presence of organic matter. However, the human presence in the Amazon has increasingly influenced the emergence of new breeding sites and larval habitats, such as clay pits, fish ponds and dams, among others. The objective of the study was to characterize mosquito larval habitats using the biotic and abiotic parameters in the metropolitan area of Manaus. We collected in 23 artificial larval habitats in Manaus, classified in dams, fish ponds and clay pits. Water samples, Anopheles larvae, aquatic macrophytes and limnological parameters were collected from each artificial larval habitat. The Larvae Index per Man/Hour and canonical correspondence analysis were used for data analysis. Results indicate that artificial larval habitats with characteristics similar to natural sites present higher larval density, displaying a high abundance of An. triannulatus and An. darlingi. More than 90% of the determined limnological parameters were in agreement with the environmental resolution stipulated by the Brazilian environmental resolution, while pH, dissolved oxygen and phosphorus levels were below the established limits at some of the larval habitats. Conductivity, total suspended solids and phosphorus were positively correlated to the presence of An. albitarsis, An. peryassui and An. nuneztovari in fish ponds, and An. trianulatus and An. braziliensis in dams. Thus, the evaluated limnological variables and habitat structure explain Anopheles species distribution in artificial larval habitats in the metropolitan Manaus region.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes of both sexes feed on plants to obtain sugar. Nocturnal species probably locate the plants primarily by their volatile semiochemicals that also form the basis for the mosquitoes’ innate plant‐species preferences. To evaluate these olfactory preferences quantitatively, we used a two‐choice wind‐tunnel olfactometer to measure the upwind orientation of Anopheles gambiae Giles, an important vector of malaria in equatorial Africa, toward odor plumes produced by nine plant species common where this mosquito occurs. These plants are reported to induce feeding behaviors in An. gambiae and to produce floral or extrafloral nectar. Results presented here demonstrated that the volatiles of S. didymobotrya, P. hysterophorus, S. occidentalis, and L. camara, in descending order of numbers of mosquitoes responding, were all attractive, compared to a control plant species, whereas D. stramonium, R. communis, S. bicapsularis, T. stans, and T. diversifolia were not. As expected, chromatographic analysis of the headspace of attractive plants whose volatiles were captured by stir‐bar sorptive extraction revealed a wide range of compounds, primarily terpenoids. Once their bioactivity and attractiveness for An. gambiae, alone and in blends, has been firmly established, some of these semiochemicals may have applications in population sampling and control.  相似文献   

Control of Anopheles albimanus, the main vector of malaria on the coast of the State of Chiapas, is based mainly on application of chemical insecticides, which has resulted in resistance to most registered insecticides. Strategies for biological control may provide sustainable alternatives. We report on the lethal effects of a native isolate of Gliocladium virens on An. albimanus larvae and adults, compared to that of strains of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae. Conidial suspensions of G. virens, B. bassiana and M. anisopliae cultured on Sabouraud agar were tested in bioassays with An. albimanus larvae and adults. Mosquito larvae were more susceptible to all fungi, compared to adults. On early and late instar larvae, M. anisopliae showed the most pathogenic effect (LC50 of 1.4×105 conidia/mL in early instars; 1.1×105 conidia/mL in late instars), followed by G. virens (LC50 of 3.3×105 conidia/mL in early instars and 3.5×106 conidia/mL in late instars). Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato and the native G. virens could be considered good choices for An. albimanus control in southern Mexico.  相似文献   

We examined the intraindividual variation present in the first ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) of Anopheles farauti to determine the level of divergence among populations for this important malarial vector. We isolated 187 clones from 70 individuals and found regional variation among four internal tandem repeats. The data were partitioned prior to analysis given the presence of a paralogous ITS2 sequence, called the 5'-subrepeat, inserted in the ITS1 of most clones. A high level of homogenization and population differentiation was observed for this repeat, which indicates a higher rate of turnover relative to the adjacent 'core' region. Bayesian analysis was performed using several substitutional models on both a combined and a partitioned data set. On the whole, the ITS1 phylogeny and geographic origin of the samples appear to be congruent. Some interesting exceptions indicate the spread of variant repeats between populations and the retention of ancestral polymorphism. Our data clearly demonstrate concerted evolution at the intraspecific level despite intraindividual variation and a complex internal repeat structure from a species that occupies a continuous coastal distribution. A high rate of genomic turnover in combination with a high level of sequence divergence appears to be a major factor leading to its concerted evolution within these populations.  相似文献   

【目的】Toll信号通路是昆虫天然免疫系统的重要组分,其中Toll受体在激活昆虫病原菌侵染免疫应答方面发挥了关键作用。本研究旨在探究斯氏按蚊Anopheles stephensi Toll受体基因在抵抗微生物侵染和维持肠道菌群稳态过程中的功能。【方法】根据冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae Toll受体家族的蛋白氨基酸序列,通过序列同源比对鉴定斯氏按蚊中相应的Toll受体基因;运用荧光定量PCR检测Toll受体基因在未感染病原菌的斯氏按蚊脂肪体中的相对表达量,以及在真菌球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana和革兰氏阴性细菌胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora侵染斯氏按蚊过程中的表达变化;最后,在斯氏按蚊雌成蚊胸部显微注射AsToll1A和AsToll5A的双链RNA进行RNA干扰后,检测RNAi处理的斯氏按蚊受真菌侵染后的存活率、肠道细菌含量变化以及抗菌肽基因表达变化。【结果】在斯氏按蚊中共鉴定到8个Toll受体基因,即AsToll1A, AsToll5A, AsToll6, AsToll7, AsToll8, AsToll9, AsToll10和AsToll11。通过荧光定量PCR检测发现,未感染病原菌的斯氏按蚊雌成蚊脂肪体中AsToll5A表达量最高,AsToll1A表达量次之,其余Toll受体基因表达量极低。在球孢白僵菌和胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌侵染过程中,与对照(注射PBS)比较,AsToll1A和AsToll5A在斯氏按蚊中的表达量显著升高,其余Toll受体基因表达变化不显著或降低。RNA干扰结果表明,AsToll1A或AsToll5A的表达受到抑制后,斯氏按蚊对球孢白僵菌的抵抗能力显著降低,肠道细菌总量与对照(dsGFP)比较显著增多。而且,抑制AsToll1A后抗菌肽基因DEF1和GAM1的表达受到显著抑制;抑制AsToll5A后仅有GAM1表达量下调。【结论】斯氏按蚊Toll受体在结构和功能上具有高度的保守性,其中AsToll1A和AsToll5A能响应病原真菌和革兰氏阴性细菌侵染并且影响肠道菌稳态。  相似文献   

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