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Herein, we report the syntheses, spectral and structural characterization, and magnetic behavior of four new dinuclear terephthalato-bridged copper(II) complexes with formulae [Cu2(trpn)2(μ-tp)](ClO4)2 · 2H2O (1), [Cu2(aepn)2(μ-tp)(ClO4)2] (2), [Cu2(Medpt)2(μ-tp)(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (3) and [Cu2(Et2dien)2(μ-tp)(H2O)](ClO4)2 (4) where tp = terephthalate dianion, trpn = tris(3-aminopropyl)-amin, aepn = N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine, Medpt = 3,3′-diamino-N-methyldipropylmine and Et2dien = N,N-diethyldiethylenetriamine. The structures of these complexes consist of two μ-tp bridging Cu(II) centers in a bis(monodentate) bonding fashion. The coordination geometry of the Cu(II) ions in these compounds may be described as close to square-based pyramid (SP) with severe significant distortion towards trigonal bipyramid (TBP) stereochemistry in 1. The visible spectra of the complexes in aqueous solutions are in complete agreement with the assigned X-ray geometry around the Cu(II) centers. Also, the solid infrared spectral data for the stretching frequencies of the tp-carboxalato groups, the ν(COO) reveals the existence of bis(monodentate) coordination mode for the bridged terephthalate ligand. The susceptibility measurements at variable temperature over the range 2-300 K are reported. Despite the same bonding mode of the tp bridging ligand, there has been observed slight antiferromagnetic coupling for the compounds 1 and 4 with J values of −0.5 and −2.9 cm3 K mol−1, respectively, and very weak ferromagnetic coupling for 2 and 3 with J values of 0.8 and 10.1 cm3 K mol−1, respectively. The magnetic results are discussed in relation to other related μ-terephthalato dinuclear Cu(II) published compounds.  相似文献   

The dinuclear dicarboxylato-bridged copper(II) complexes [Cu2(TPA)2(μ-tp)](ClO4)2 · H2O (1), [Cu2(TPA)2(μ-fum)](ClO4)2 · 2H2O (2) and [Cu2(pmedien)2(μ-fum)(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (3) (tp = terephthalate dianion, fum = fumarate dianion, TPA = tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine and pmedien = N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine) were synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The structures of the TPA complexes 1 and 2 consist of μ-tp or μ-fum bridging two Cu(II) centers in a bis(monodentate) bonding fashion. The coordination geometry around the Cu(II) ions in these compounds has a distorted trigonal bipyamidal geometry, TBP with four nitrogen atoms from the TPA ligand and a coordinated oxygen atom supplied by the carboxylate group of the bridged dicarboxylato ligand. Complex 3 has a distorted square pyramidal geometry achieved by the three N-atoms of the pmedien, one fum-carboxylate-oxygen and by an oxygen atom from a coordinated water molecule. The intradimer Cu…Cu distances in these complexes are 11.078(3), 8.663(4) and 9.520(3) Å for 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The electronic spectra of the complexes in aqueous solutions are in complete agreement with the assigned X-ray geometry around the Cu(II) centers. Also, analysis of the infrared spectral data for the ν(COO) stretching frequencies of the tp-carboxalato groups reveals the existence of the bis(mondentate) coordination mode for the bridged dicarboxylato ligands in compounds 1 and 2. The susceptibility measurements at variable temperature over the 2-300 K range are reported. For 1-3, it has been observed slight antiferromagnetic coupling with J values of −0.8, −3.0 and −2.9 cm−1, respectively.  相似文献   

A new series of dinuclear squarato-bridged nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes [Ni2(2,3,2-tet)21,3-C4O4)(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (1), [Ni2(aepn)21,3-C4O4)(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (2), [Cu2(pmedien)21,3-C4O4)(H2O)2](ClO4)2.4H2O (3) and [Cu2(DPA)21,2-C4O4)(H2O)2](ClO4)2 (4) where is the dianion of 3,4-dihydroxycyclobut-3-en-1,2-dione (squaric acid), 2,3,2-tet = 1,4,8,11-tetraazaundecane, aepn = N-(2-aminoethyl)-1,3-propanediamine, pmedien = N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine and DPA = di(2-pyridylmethyl)amine were synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The spectral and structural characterization as well as the magnetic behaviour of these complexes is reported. In this series, structures consist of the groups as counter ions and the bridging the two M(II) centers in a μ-1,3- (1-3) and in a μ-1,2-bis(monodentate) (4) bonding fashions. The coordination geometry around the Ni(II) ions in 1 and 2 is six-coordinate with distorted octahedral environment achieved by N atoms of the amines and by one or two oxygen atoms from coordinated water molecules, respectively. In the Cu(II) complexes 3 and 4, a distorted square pyramidal geometry is achieved by the three N-atoms of the aepn or DPA and by an oxygen atom from a coordinated water molecule. The electronic spectra of the complexes in aqueous solutions are in complete agreement with the assigned X-ray geometry around the M(II) centers. The complexes show weak antiferromagnetic coupling with ∣J∣ = 1.8-4.2 cm−1 in the μ-1,3- bridged squarato compounds 1-3, and J = −16.1 cm−1 in the corresponding μ-1,2- bridged squarato complex 4. The magnetic properties are discussed in relation to the structural data.  相似文献   

The cobalt(II) complexes [Co(TPA)Cl]ClO4 (1), [Co(TPA)Br]ClO4 (2), [Co(TPA)(H2O)]Cl(ClO4) (3) and [Co2(TPA)2(μ-tp)](ClO4)2 · 2H2O (4) (TPA = tris(2-methylpyridyl)amine and tp = terephthalate dianion) were synthesized and structurally characterized by UV-vis and IR spectroscopy. The molecular structures of complexes 1 and 4 were determined by X-ray crystallography and their magnetic properties were measured over the temperature range 2-300 K. The coordination geometry around the central Co(II) in these compounds has a distorted trigonal bipyamidal geometry with four nitrogen atoms from the TPA ligand and the fifth coordination site is occupied by Cl ion in 1, Br ion in 2, coordinated oxygen atom from H2O in 3 and by an oxygen atom supplied by the carboxylate group of the bridged terephthalato ligand in 4. The visible spectra of the complexes 1-3 in MeOH show strong distortion toward tetrahedral geometry. For complex 4, analysis of the infrared spectral data for the ν(COO) stretching frequencies of the tp-carboxalato groups reveals the existence of the bis(monodentate) coordination mode for the bridged tp. X-ray data for 1 and 4 show that the former is mononuclear while the latter is dinuclear. The electronic spectrum of 4 in MeOH is in complete agreement with the assigned X-ray geometry around the Co(II) centers. The magnetic behavior of the mononuclear complex 1 is indicative of a high-spin compound with zero-field splitting. The best fit was obtained with ∣D∣ = 7.3 cm−1, g = 2.25. The dinuclear complex 4 exhibits weak antiferromagnetic coupling with a coupling constant J = −0.8 cm−1. The magnetic properties and the structural parameters of 4 are discussed in relation to the other related μ-terephthalato dinuclear Co(II) compounds. The geometry of the coordination sphere around 4 is unique - the CSD compilation listing only one other compound with such a geometry around the dinuclear Co(II) complex and its composition is far different from that in 4. However, they share a common feature of having a weakly antiferromagnetic coupling between Co(II) centers.  相似文献   

Two copper(II) complexes [Cu4(L1)4] (1) and [Cu2(phen)2(HL2)2] (ClO4)2 (2) have been synthesized from two potentially tridentate ligands N-(2-hydroxybenzyl) propanolamine (H2L1) and N-(2-hydroxybenzyl) ethanolamine (H2L2). X-ray analyses revealed that 1 contains a Cu4O4 cubane core, with each two Cu(II) atoms bridged by a pair of alkoxides; 2 has a bis(μ2-phenoxo)-bridged dicopper(II) structure. Variable temperature magnetic measurements of 1 have revealed that the correlation between 2J and the bridge angles φ for 1 shows a very strong antiferromagnetic tendency, i.e. the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions cross at the φ of 94.5°. The relatively weak antiferromagnetic interactions (2J=−226.8 cm−1) with respect to the bridge angles (φ=100.4°) for 2 have been ascribed to the pyramidal distortions at the phenoxide oxygen atoms in addition to the unfavorable overlaps of the magnetic orbitals for the highly distorted copper coordination polyhedra.  相似文献   

Reaction of the symmetrical proligand H2L with metal(II) acetate and a counteranion to promote crystallisation has given the homodinuclear complexes [Zn2L(OAc)2](BF4)]·2MeOH and [Ni2L(OAc)2](BF4)]·2MeOH the crystal structures of which are reported. These show the presence of a triply bridging (μ-cresolato)bis(μ-carboxylato) dimetal core.  相似文献   

A dinickel(II) complex [Ni2(sym-hmp)2](BPh4)2·3.5DMF·0.5(2-PrOH) (1) was synthesized with a dinucleating ligand, 2,6-bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)methylaminomethyl]-4-methyl-phenol [H(sym-hmp)]. The complex 1 (C90H118.50B2N7.50Ni2O10) crystallized in the triclinic space group with dimensions = 14.7446(4) Å, = 15.4244(4) Å, = 18.7385(6) Å, α = 86.9495(9)°, β = 76.7263(10)°, γ = 86.5370(8)°, and = 4136.8(2) Å3 and with = 2; this is isomorphous to a previous cobalt(II) complex [Co2(sym-hmp)2](BPh4)2. Single-crystal X-ray analysis revealed a bis(μ-phenoxo)dinickel(II) core structure containing two distorted octahedral nickel(II) ions of C2 symmetry. The order of the coordination bond lengths is Ni-O(phenoxo) < Ni-O(hydroxy) < Ni-N. The electronic spectrum of 1 was typical for the octahedral nickel(II) complexes, but the axial elongation and the C2-twist of the equatorial plane were found after a detailed analysis. The bond angles obtained by the electronic spectrum agreed with the crystallographically obtained bond angles within 2.3°. The order of the AOM parameters was eσ,O(phenoxo) > eσ,O(hydroxy) > eσ,N, which was consistent with the order of the coordination bond lengths. Magnetic susceptibility data for 1 were fitted well with the parameters 2= −69.7 cm−1, = 0.00 cm−1, = 2.17, and TIP = 265 × 10−6 cm3 mol−1. The result indicates significant antiferromagnetic exchange interaction and negligible zero-field splitting, while the isostructural cobalt(II) complex showed an anisotropic behavior.  相似文献   

Dinuclear nickel(II) complexes [Ni2(bomp)(MeCO2)2]BPh4 (1) and [Ni2(bomp)(PhCO2)2]BPh4 (2) were synthesized with the dinucleating ligand 2,6-bis[bis(2-methoxyethyl)aminomethyl]-4-methylphenol [H(bomp)]. X-Ray analysis revealed that the complex 1 · 0.5CHCl3 contains two nickel(II) ions bridged by phenolic oxygen and two acetate groups, forming a μ-phenoxo-bis(μ-acetato)dinickel(II) core. Electronic spectra were investigated for 1 and 2 in the range of 400-1800 nm, and the data were typical for the octahedral high-spin nickel(II) complexes. Obtained spectral components were well simulated based on the angular overlap model assuming the trigonally distorted octahedral geometry. Magnetic susceptibility was measured for 1 and 2 over a temperature range of 4.5-300 K. The optimized magnetic data were J = 1.75 cm−1, zJ′ = −0.234 cm−1, g = 2.21, D = 15.1 cm−1, and TIP = 370 × 10−6 cm−1 for complex 1 and J = 3.55 cm−1, zJ′ = −0.238 cm−1, g = 2.23, D = 21.8 cm−1, and TIP = 470 × 10−6 cm−1 for complex 2. The data revealed ferromagnetic interactions between the two nickel(II) ions.  相似文献   

The dihydroxo-bridged dinuclear copper(II) compound [Cu2(dpyam)2(μ-OH)2]I2 (1) and the triply bridged dinuclear copper(II) compounds with a formato bridge [Cu2(dpyam)2(μ-O2CH)(μ-OH)(μ-OMe)](ClO4) (2) and [Cu2(dpyam)2(μ-O2CH)(μ-OH)(μ-Cl)](ClO4) · 0.5H2O (3) (in which dpyam=di-2-pyridylamine) have been synthesized and their crystal structures determined by X-ray crystallographic methods. All three compounds are either centrosymmetric, or have a symmetry plane in the molecule. Compound 1 contains the [Cu2(dpyam)2(μ-OH)2]+ unit and iodide anions. Each copper(II) ion is in a slightly tetrahedrally distorted square planar coordination with the square plane consisting of two nitrogen atoms of the dpyam ligand and two bridging hydroxo groups. The Cu-I distances of 3.321 Å are quite long and only involve a weak semi-coordination. Compound 2 contains a triply bridged dinuclear copper(II) species, the coordination environment around each copper(II) ion involves a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal CuN2O3 chromophore. In the dinuclear unit of compound 3, the triply bridged copper(II) ions show a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal coordination of the CuN2O2Cl chromophore. The Cu-Cu distances are 2.933(2), 3.023(1) and 3.036(1) Å for compounds 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The magnetic susceptibility measurements, measured from 5 to 280 K, revealed a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between the Cu(II) atoms for compound 1 with a singlet-triplet energy gap (J) of −15.3 cm−1, whereas compounds 2 and 3 are ferromagnetic with J=62.5 and 79.1 cm−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structures of two new copper complexes with chelating dicarboxylic acids are described. Reaction of copper(II) acetate with diacid H2L2 (HO2CC(Me)2OArOC(Me)2CO2H, Ar=1,3-substituted phenyl) gave a bischelate complex (L2)2Cu2 · 2MeOH with the normal paddlewheel structure and tilted, trans-oriented chelate rings with skewed conformations. The overall structure was reasonably well reproduced by density functional calculations on (L2)2Cu2. Treatment of the product from reaction of Cu2(OAc)4 and diacid H2L3 (Ar=1,3-substituted 2,4-dibromophenyl) with pyridine gave a six-coordinate mononuclear chelate (L3)Py2Cu · H2O in which one chelate carboxylate is monodentate, the other is unsymmetrically bidentate, and the pyridines are cis-coordinated.  相似文献   

Three new triply bridged dinuclear copper(II) compounds containing carboxylato bridges, [Cu2(μ-CH3COO-κ-O1,O2)2(μ-CH3COO-κ-O1)(dpyam)2](BF4) (1), [Cu2(μ-CH2CH3COO-κ-O1,O2)(μ-OH)(μ-OH2)(bpy)2](ClO4)2 (2) and [Cu2(μ-CH3COO-κ-O1,O2)(μ-OH)(μ-OH2)(phen)2](ClO4)2 (3) (in which dpyam = di-2-pyridylamine, bpy = 2,2-bipyridine, phen = phenanthroline), have been synthesized in order to investigate the magnetic super-exchange pathway between coupled copper(II) centres. All three compounds display a distorted square-pyramidal arrangement around each copper(II) ion with a CuN2O3 chromophore. Compound 1 has three acetato bridges, two of which connect each square pyramid at two equatorial sites in a triatomic bridging mode and the third acetato bridge acts at the apical site in the monoatomic bridging mode. The structures of compounds 2 and 3 are mutually similar. In each dinuclear unit, both copper(II) ions are linked at two equatorial positions through a hydroxo bridge and a triatomic carboxylato bridge and at the axial position through a water molecule.The magnetic susceptibility measurements, measured from 5 to 300 K, revealed an antiferromagnetic interaction between the Cu(II) ions in compound 1 and a ferromagnetic interaction for compounds 2 and 3 with singlet-triplet energy gaps (J) of −56, 149 and 120 cm−1, for compounds 1, 2 and 3, respectively.  相似文献   

Two unique bimetalic Pt(II) coordination polymers of composition [Ni(hydeten)2Pt(CN)4] (Ni-Pt) and [Cu(hydeten)2Pt(CN)4] (Cu-Pt) [hydeten = N-(2-hydroxyethyl-ethylenediamine) or 2-(2-aminoethylamino)ethanol] have been synthesized and structurally characterized by various methods in this study. The crystal structure of Cu-Pt was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The structure of Cu-Pt forms of infinite 2,2-TT type [-Cu(hydeten)2-NC-Pt(CN)2-CN-] chains containing paramagnetic copper atoms bridged by tetracyanoplatinate species. In this complex, Cu(II) centers display an axially elongated octahedron with two chelating hydeten molecules in the equatorial positions and N-bonded bridging cyano groups in the axial positions, whereas Pt(II) centers are four coordinate with four cyanide-carbon atoms in a square-planar arrangement. The decrease of the moments of these complexes in temperature range of 50 305 K can assigned to the antiferromagnetic interactions in the structures. The thermal decomposition of Cu-Pt comprise of five distinguished stages, while the thermal decomposition of Ni-Pt take place four different stages.  相似文献   

The alkoxo-bridged dinuclear copper(II) complexes [Cu2(ap)2(NO2)2] (1), [Cu2(ap)2(C6H5COO)2] (2) and [Cu2(ap)2μ-1,3-C6H4(COO)2(dmso)2]·dmso (3) (ap = 3-aminopropanolato and dmso = dimethyl sulfoxide) have been synthesized via self-assembly from copper(II) perchlorate, 3-aminopropanol as main chelating ligand and nitrite and isophthalate anions as spacers and benzoate anion as auxiliary ligand. Complexes 1 and 3 crystallize as 2D and 1D coordination polymers, respectively, and their structures consist of dinuclear [Cu2(ap)2]2+ units connected with nitrite and isophthalate ligands. The adjacent dinuclear units of 2 and 1D polymers of 3 are further connected by hydrogen bonds resulting in the formation of 2D layers. The variable temperature crystallographic measurements of 1 at 100, 173 and 293 K indicate the static Jahn-Teller distortion with librational disorder in the nitrite group. Experimental magnetic studies showed that complexes 1-3 exhibit strong antiferromagnetic couplings. The values of the magnetic exchange coupling constant for 1-3 are well reproduced by the theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

The preparation and magnetic properties of three copper(II) compounds of formulae [Cu2(bpcam)2(H2O)2(C2O4)] (1), [Cu2(bpcam)2(H2O)4(C4O4)] · 10 H2O (2) and Cu2(bpcam)2(C5O5)(H2O)3 (3) [bpcam = bis(2-pyrimidyl)amidate, and are reported. The structures of two of them (1 and 2) have been solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction and consists of centrosymmetric discrete copper(II) dinuclear units bridged by bis-bidentate oxalate (1) and bis-monodentate squarate (2), with the bpcam group acting as a terminal tridentate ligand. Each copper atom in 1 exhibits a distorted elongated octahedral coordination geometry. Three bpcam nitrogen atoms and one oxalate oxygen define the basal plane while the other oxalate oxygen and a water molecule take up the axial positions. Each copper atom in 2 is in an elongated octahedral surrounding with three bpcam nitrogen atoms and one squarate oxygen in the equatorial plane and two water molecules in the axial positions. The intramolecular copper-copper separations are 5.677(1) (1) and 7.819(53) Å (2). Magnetic susceptibility measurements for 1-3 in the temperature range 1.9-290 K show the occurrence of weak ferromagnetic interactions through oxalato (J = +0.75 cm−1) and squarato (J = +1.26 cm−1), the Hamiltonian being defined by . These values are analyzed and discussed in the light of the available magneto-structural data for analogous systems. The quasi-Curie law observed in 3 (θ = −1.15 K) contrasts with the significant antiferromagnetic interaction through bis-chelating croconate in other structurally characterized croconate-bridged copper(II) complexes and rules out the presence of bridging croconate in this compound.  相似文献   

The 1:1 condensation of 1,2-diaminopropane and 1-phenylbutane-1,3-dione at high dilution gives a mixture of two positional isomers of terdentate mono-condensed Schiff bases 6-amino-3-methyl-1-phenyl-4-aza-2-hepten-1-one (HAMPAH) and 6-amino-3,5-dimethyl-1-phenyl-4-aza-2-hexen-1-one (HADPAH). The mixture of the terdentate ligands has been used for further condensation with pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde or 2-acetylpyridine to obtain the unsymmetrical tetradentate Schiff base ligands. The tetradentate Schiff bases are then allowed to react with the methanol solution of copper(II) and nickel(II) perchlorate separately. The X-ray diffraction confirms the structures of two of the complexes and shows that the condensation site of the diamine with 1-phenylbutane-1,3-dione is the same.  相似文献   

Two copper(II) complexes, [Cu(qsal)Cl](DMF) (1) and [Cu2(qsalBr)2Cl2](DMF) (2), with tridentate Schiff base ligands, 8-(salicylideneamino)quinoline (Hqsal) and 8-(5-bromo-salicylideneamino)quinoline (HqsalBr), respectively, were synthesised and structurally characterized. Each copper(II) ion in the two complexes is in a distorted square pyramidal N2OCl2 environment. Complex 1 exists as a polymeric species via equatorial-apical chloride bridges, whereas 2 is a di-chlorido-bridged dinuclear complex, where each bridging chloride simultaneously occupies an in-plane coordination site on one copper(II) ion and an apical site on the other copper(II) ion. Variable-temperature magnetical susceptibility measurements on the two complexes in the temperature range 2-300 K indicate the occurrence of intrachain ferromagnetic (J = +6.58 cm−1) and intramolecular antiferromagnetical (J = −6.91 cm−1) interactions.  相似文献   

Three new coordination compounds, [Ni(Pht)(Py)2(H2O)3] (1), [Ni(Pht)(β- Pic)2(H2O)3] · H2O (2) and [Ni(Pht)(1-MeIm)2(H2O)3] (3) (where Pht2− = dianion of o-phthalic acid; Py = pyridine, β-Pic = 3-methylpyridine, 1-MeIm = 1-methylimidazole), have been synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. Crystallographic studies 1-3 reveal that each Ni(II) center has a distorted octahedral geometry being coordinated by two nitrogen atoms of aromatic amines, one oxygen atom from a carboxylate group of a phthalate ligand and three water molecules. Pht2− anions act as monodentate ligands, while the remaining uncoordinated carboxylate oxygen atoms participate in the formation of hydrogen bonding. The uncoordinated oxygen atoms form hydrogen bonds with the coordinated water molecules from adjacent complexes creating a centrosymmetric dimer unit. Further, these dimer units are connected by O-H?O hydrogen bonds in double-chains. Depending on the nature of aromatic amines, the arrangement of these double-chains differs. The double-chains are held together only by van der Waals interactions in 1. In contrast, in 2 these chains form layers by π-π interactions between antiparallel molecules of β-Pic as well as by π-π interactions between β-Pic and Pht aromatic rings. In complex 3, the double-chains are knitted together via C-H?O hydrogen bonds between the methyl group of 1-MeIm and the coordinated carboxylate oxygen atom of Pht, as well as π-π contacts involving antiparallel 1-MeIm cycles. The thermal dependence of the magnetic susceptibilities for compounds 1 and 2 shows a weak antiferromagnetic interaction between the two Ni2+ ions of the hydrogen bonded dimers. For compound 3, a ferromagnetic interaction could be observed. Modeling the experimental data with MAGPACK resulted in: g = 2.22, |D| = 4.11 cm−1 and J = −0.29 cm−1 for compound 1, g = 2.215, |D| = 3.85 cm−1 and J = −0.1 cm−1 for compound 2 and g = 2.23, |D| = 4.6 cm−1 and J = 0.22 cm−1 for compound 3.  相似文献   

The synthesis and crystal structures of two dinuclear nickel(II) complexes of unsymmetric compartmental ligands derived from phenol and bearing a terdentate linear arm and a terdentate dipodal arm are reported. The binding of the terminal donor atom of the terdentate linear arm appears to be dependent on the nature of the accompanying counter-anion. In the presence of the non-coordinating tetrafluoroborate anion a terminal alcohol is coordinated, whereas in the presence of added isothiocyanate ion a terminal amine is not coordinated but the anion is.  相似文献   

The nickel(II) complexes of the compositions [Ni(hmidtc)(bpy)2]ClO4 (I), [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]ClO4 (II), [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]SCN (III), [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]PF6 (IV), [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]BPh4 (V), [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]AcO·2H2O (VI) and [Ni(hmidtc)(phen)2]Br·H2O (VII), involving a combination of one hexamethyleneimine-dithiocarbamate anion (hmidtc) and two bidentate N,N-donor ligands (2,2′-bipyridine (bpy) for I or 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) for II-VII), have been prepared. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity measurements, UV-Vis and IR spectroscopy, magnetochemical measurements and thermal analysis. A single-crystal X-ray analysis of the complex I revealed a distorted octahedral geometry with the nickel(II) ion coordinated by four nitrogen atoms (from two bidentate-coordinated bpy molecules) and two sulfur atoms (from one bidentate-coordinated hmidtc anion), together giving an NiN4S2 donor set.  相似文献   

The synthesis of two nickel(II) complexes based on a central bridging triaminoguanidine scaffold and a capping ligand per metal ion is reported. When 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy) is utilized as co-ligand the complex [Ni3LBr(bipy)3(H2O)3]NO3 · 9H2O · 1.5DMF (1) is obtained which crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P63/m. Complex 1 shows an interesting supramolecular structure pattern with alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic layers characterized by extensive hydrogen-bonding and π-π-stacking, respectively. With 2,4,6-(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine (tptz) as capping ligand, complex [Ni3LBr(tptz)3]ClO4 · 7H2O · 1.5DMF (2) is obtained. The magnetic susceptibility data can be fitted using an equilateral triangle model () with an isotropic coupling constant of J=-31.0±0.6 for 1 and for 2.  相似文献   

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