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北京山地植物多样性优先保护地区评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
邢韶华  林大影  鲜冬娅  崔国发 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5299-5312
为促进北京市植物多样性的保护及自然保护区的合理建设与布局,以2001~2006年间在北京市13个自然保护区、森林公园或者风景名胜区内实地调查的1168个样地数据为基础,根据在北京市分布的25种珍稀濒危植物种,以及丰富度高的群落类型、面积较大的天然森林群落类型和具有重要生态功能的森林群落的评定结果,采用等级赋值的方法,利用地理信息系统软件从植物物种和植物群落方面综合评定了北京市山地植物多样性的优先保护地区.评定出综合优先保护地区总面积为184474.64hm2,约占市国土面积的11.25%,其中一级优先保护地区总面积24850.50hm2,二级优先保护地区总面积78606 60hm2,三级优先保护地区总面积81017.54hm2.优先保护地区主要分布于怀柔区、延庆县、房山区和密云县等远郊区县,结合北京市自然保护区分布现状,提出了北京市自然保护区建设优化方案.  相似文献   

Ex situ germplasm bank of plant species of world flora has been created at the Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a result of investigations in the fields of botany and plant biotechnology. At present the bank contains more than 4000 samples in seed bank and more than 2000 cell lines in in vitro bank. The germplasm bank which has been put on the List of scientific objects of national property of Ukraine is the basis of elaboration ofbiotechnological methods of plant biodiversity preservation and of plant material screening for biologically active substances.  相似文献   

The severely threatened Chinese flora urgently needs a new, well adapted to China and properly formulated conservation strategy. The present review provides a detailed conservation methodology that complements previously described guidelines for preservation of plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) in China. This review adds to the above concept in several aspects, making it relevant to all threatened Chinese plant species. The proposed integral conservation strategy has the following crucial components: -ecoregional basis for conservation planning and implementation; -a unified scoring system that is used in regional systematic planning for reserve design, monitoring and assessment of efficiency of a reserve network, and creation of seed banks and living collections; -a focus on population demography and the presence of naturally occurring regeneration as the key criteria for defining the conservation status of a species and the appropriate major focus of the species recovery plan; -creation of multi-species living collections that preserve species genetic variation and provide material for in situ actions; -experimental translocation of threatened species into multiple locations within and outside their known range. Adopting and implementing these strategies successfully and more fully in China requires that the country changes PA legislation and improves PA management, the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) re-prioritizes the type of research that receives research funds, and local scientists improve their approach toward information sharing.  相似文献   

Very little research has been conducted in the Himalayan and Karakorum Highlands of northern Pakistan on the aspects of biodiversity and conservation. The present research was carried out within the scope of the Pakistan–German Research Project, Culture Area Karakorum which aims to highlight the Problems and Prospects of High-Mountain Research in northern Pakistan. Naltar Valley, IUCN Management Category no. 4, located in the western Karakorums, is a remote area with difficult access. The current venture is two-fold; first, it describes the floral biodiversity of this remote area in northern Pakistan and second, discusses its exploitation by various entities with certain management implications to follow. Collection of species, their preservation and dialogue with the local, rural communities offered information on the plant biodiversity, providing the first extensive list of flora at the primary-valley level including their altitude range, habit and month of occurrence. In total, 153 plant species belonging to 38 families and 113 genera have been recorded after extensive field research in the area. Dominance has been observed for Asteraceae, Polygonaceae, Saxifragaceae and Rosaceae. Twenty-four plant species from Naltar emerged as ethnobotanically important for local medicinal uses and some commercial uses. Indeed, Thymus serpyllum, Gentiana tianshanica, Stellaria graminea, Geranium wallichianum and Capparris spinosa are the most important medicinal plants and their demand has increased, leading to over-exploitation. Cedrus deodara has completely disappeared from Naltar and Willow Salix sp. has almost been eradicated, except in the sub-alpine belts. The diversity of plant species within this remote area is very important for its obvious contribution to a sound mountain ecosystem. Prior to the present venture, not much was known about the floral aspects of this mountainous region of northern Pakistan. Many species are new additions to the plant list in this area. The species are distributed within the altitude range of 1,700–4,000 m and above, and are further explored for their ethnobotanical uses. It is recorded that some species are extensively used by the indigenous communities, some plant collectors from the lowlands and foreigners as well. Extensive grazing, uprooting of plants and soil-slope erosion intensify the environmental problems. A few species are further used for curing diseases through direct usage or marketing in the lowlands. Unfortunately, due to minor local conflicts, the area has been given low priority for its inclusion in the development and conservation programmes going on in other parts of these mountains. On the other hand, hospitable populations have a greater potential for the success of conservation and the wise usage of programmes. Concerted efforts are required to broaden our understanding of the dynamics of floral values as well as local concepts in this remote part of the world, and to check species decline. For sustainable use, in situ and ex situ conservation, controlled harvesting and aforestation may be the solution. Further extensive field conservation/management research is needed.  相似文献   

Biodiversity has acquired such a general meaning that people now find it difficult to pin down a precise sense for planning and policy-making aimed at biodiversity conservation. Because biodiversity is rooted in place, the task of conserving biodiversity should target places for conservation action; and because all places contain biodiversity, but not all places can be targeted for action, places have to be prioritized. What is needed for this is a measure of the extent to which biodiversity varies from place to place. We do not need a precise measure of biodiversity to prioritize places. Relative estimates of similarity or difference can be derived using partial measures, or what have come to be called biodiversity surrogates. Biodiversity surrogates are supposed to stand in for general biodiversity in planning applications. We distinguish between true surrogates, those that might truly stand in for general biodiversity, and estimator surrogates, which have true surrogates as their target variable. For example, species richness has traditionally been the estimator surrogate for the true surrogate, species diversity. But species richness does not capture the differences in composition between places; the essence of biodiversity. Another measure, called complementarity, explicitly captures the differences between places as we iterate the process of place prioritization, starting with an initial place. The relative concept of biodiversity built into the definition of complementarity has the level of precision needed to undertake conservation planning.  相似文献   

赵阳  李宏涛 《生物多样性》2022,30(11):22177-47
当前各国协调经济与生态的关系呈加速态势, 主要表现在: (1)深化。从“发展优先, 兼顾保护”到二者并重, “在发展中保护, 在保护中发展”, 再到“保护优先”, 越来越强调统筹协同“以保护优化发展, 以发展促进保护”; (2)分化。发展中国家大多依赖财政与金融, 发达国家则将市场作为主要资金渠道, 逐步形成以系统化的法律体系、多元化的激励机制、契约化的公私合作模式和市场化交易为主体的生态产品价值实现体系; (3)多元化。自然价值的多元性决定政府需要综合运用多种举措, 以减少单一政策的局限性; (4)市场化。加强市场解决财政在环保投入不足的主体作用已成为主流。本文为探索我国向“自然受益型”经济转型, 梳理了30多个国家在不同行业实施经济手段的150个实例, 以多元化视角归纳为8种举措: 顶层设计、环经核算、生态转型、绿色金融、市场认证、激励改革、气候协同和实施配套; 并从10个方面分析以经济手段促进生物多样性保护的国际经验和趋势, 各国之间的共性及分化; 最后提出利用“2020后全球生物多样性框架”提供协调各国行动一致的平台机制, 以外促内, 内外结合, 通过创新政策工具和组合应用, 促进我国经济政策与生态环境政策融合的建议。  相似文献   

黄娇丽  黄珂  唐健民  曹明  苏仕林 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1827-1838
植物崇拜是人类崇尚自然、敬畏生命这一朴素理念的基本体现。为了解百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化内涵及其对生物多样性保护和管理的影响,该文采用民族植物学方法调查了百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化及其文化特征,从自然崇拜、传统节日文化、生命礼俗和传统医药等方面探讨了百色地区民族民间植物文化对生物多样性保护的作用。结果表明:百色地区民族民间植物文化内涵丰富,具有丰富的生物多样性。百色地区民族民间崇拜植物分属53个种、47个属、28个科。其中,蔷薇科和豆科种类最多,分别为5种; 其次是桑科和禾本科,分别为4种。从生活型的组成来看,乔木植物占绝对优势,有39种,占总种数的73.58%; 草本11种,占总种数的20.75%; 灌木3种,占总种数的5.67%。其中,有4种植物在中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统中被列为国家Ⅱ级名录(闽楠、蚬木、格木、红椿),有5种植物被列为各省市区(地方)保护野生植物名录(红楠、广西青冈、桃金娘、苏木、黄檀)。这些植物形成了多样的植物群落,对百色地区植物多样性保护具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

植物崇拜是人类崇尚自然,敬畏生命朴素理念的基本体现。为了解百色民间植物崇拜文化内涵以及其对生物多样性保护作用和管理的影响,采用民族植物学方法调查了百色地区民间崇拜植物文化及其文化特征,从自然崇拜、传统节日文化、生命礼俗和传统医药等几个方面探讨百色民间植物文化对生物多样性保护的作用。百色民间植物文化内涵丰富,并表现了丰富的生物多样性。百色民间崇拜植物分属53个种,47个属,28个科,其中蔷薇科和豆科种类最多,分别为5种,其次是桑科和禾本科,分别为4种。从生活型的组成来看,乔木植物占绝对优势,有39种,占总种数的73.58%,草本11种,占总种数的20.75%;灌木3种,占总种数的5.67%。其中有4种植物在中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统中被列为国家Ⅱ级名录(闽楠、蚬木、格木、红椿),有5种植物被列为各省市区(地方)保护野生植物名录(红楠、广西青冈、桃金娘、苏木、黄檀)。这些植物形成了多样的植物群落,对百色地区植物多样性保护具有重要促进作用。  相似文献   

This review describes the use of modern reproductive biotechnologies or assisted reproductive techniques (ART) including artificial insemination, embryo transfer/sexing, in vitro fertilization, gamete/embryo micromanipulation, semen sexing, genome resource banking, and somatic cell nuclear transfer (cloning) in conservation programs for endangered mammalian species. Such biotechnologies allow more offspring to be obtained from selected parents to ensure genetic diversity and may reduce the interval between generations. However, the application of reproductive biotechnologies for endangered free-living mammals is rarer than for endangered domestic breeds. Progress in ART for non-domestic species will continue at a slow pace due to limited resources, but also because the management and conservation of endangered species is biologically quite complex. In practice, current reproductive biotechnologies are species-specific or inefficient for many endangered animals because of insufficient knowledge on basic reproduction like estrous cycle, seasonality, structural anatomy, gamete physiology and site for semen deposition or embryo transfer of non-domestic species.  相似文献   

陈小勇 《生态学报》2000,20(5):884-892
生境片断化是指大而连续的生境变成空间隔离的小种群的现象。生境片断化对植物种群遗传效应包括生境片断化过程中的取样效应及其后的小种群效应(遗传漂变、近交等)。理论研究表明,生境片断化后,植物种群的遗传变异程度将降低,而残留的小种群间的遗传分化程度将升高。然而对一些植物的研究表明,生境片断化对植物种群的遗传效应要受其他一些因素的影响,如世代长度、片断化时间、片断种群的大小、基因流的改变等。最后,针对生境  相似文献   

Deployment of new biotechnologies in plant breeding   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

<正>生物多样性是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。不断加剧的人类活动,致使生物多样性受到严重威胁,引起国际社会的广泛关注。生物多样性保护必须实现主流化,与社会经济可持续发展紧密结合,否则很难奏效。在全球尺度上,统领发展的最重要的理念即可持续发展(World Commission on Environment and Development,1987)。1992年联合国环境与发展大会通过了《21世纪议程》,被称为世界范围内可持续发展行动计划;2000年联合国世界首脑会议通过了  相似文献   

Institutions and incentives for biodiversity conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Incentive measures for biodiversity conservation cannot be evaluated and compared outside the context of institutional performance and relationships. The institutional framework for biodiversity incentives includes a variety of organizations operating on different spatial scales. The institutional actors with an impact on biodiversity include community groups, local and national governmental structures, NGOs, business enterprises and international organizations. But the positve influence of conservation-oriented organizations is often significantly outweighed by the negative influence of other sets of institutional actors who are largely unaware of biodiversity as a concept and not unduly concerned with its conservation. There are several options for improving the institutional framework for biodiversity incentives: (1) decentralization of resource management decision making to local levels; (2) engaging and reorienting government institutions; (3) establishing new national and international institutions; and (4) establishing functional linkages between key institutional actors. The role of local, national and international institutions in designing and implementing effective incentive measures for biodiversity conservation will be critical. But the dynamics within and between institutional actors influencing biodiversity conservation are complex, variable and insufficiently understood, somewhat like biodiversity itself.  相似文献   

Information pyramids for informed biodiversity conservation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We discuss a paradigm for informed ecosystem management that provides a quantitative and rigorous foundation for informing conservation decisions and sustainable ecosystem management. Information pyramids incorporate conceptual and technological advances in ecosystem depiction and provide a framework for the integration and generalization of raw data into forms that are spatially extensive and at the appropriate level of generalization for a particular use. The basic tenets of the pyramid are: (1) Higher levels of the pyramid are entirely derived from a foundation of underlying data. (2) The process of generalization and integration upward should be objective and explicit. (3) Pyramids for different purposes often overlap, with common data and common methods for integration. (4) All levels of the pyramid should be developed together, including base data, methods and kinds of integration, and algorithms for using the information for planning and decision-making. Information pyramids are a powerful approach to organizing research science, and provide a mechanism by which research, data collection, storage and generalization can be focused on conservation outcomes. Common data and methods lead to increased efficiency, while also allowing for separate disciplines and programs. A case study of an integrated pyramid from New Zealand is discussed, which illustrates the characteristics of information pyramids. Components of this pyramid are discussed that provide examples of integration and generalization at various levels of the pyramid, from base data, to derived data, to spatial predictions and classifications, to a method of integrating this information into conservation decisions.  相似文献   

试论生物多样性保护理论与实践面临的困难及现实出路   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
保护生物学作为一门新兴的交叉科学,已经在最近的一二十年中迅速发展成为一门独立的学科,然而,人们似乎过分沉湎于保护生物学的理论研究之中,却对这样一个事实置若罔闻;保护生物多样性的实践并未能取得预期的成效,生物多样性的危机不仅远未消除,反而越来越严峻,本文从保护生物多样性的伦理妯,保护生物学的理论,保护生物多样性的实践等多个层面上,分析了生物多样性保护面临的重重困难,着重指出,来自社会人文方面的种种不利因素,尤其是经济方面的驱动力,才是制约生物多样性保护的根源所在,并提出通过人文学科的社会经济,政策,法律等方面与自然学科的技术和理论的密切合作研究,综合地探求解决生物多样性危机的有效途径,应该成为保护生物学研究一个新的重点领域。  相似文献   

One of the central justifications for the conservation of biodiversity is the notion that species diversity is essential for the maintenance of ecosystem services. However, an important observation overlooked by proponents of this argument is that most ecosystem services are provided not by whole ecosystems, but by any group of species that fulfils certain basic functional criteria. Distinguishing between services that are resilient in response to species decline, and those that are not, is a far less challenging task than identifying the precise influence on ecosystem functioning of rare species. Conservationists have been almost unanimous in their failure to acknowledge this distinction between resilient and sensitive ecosystem services. Not only does this threaten the credibility of conservation science, but also increases the likelihood that natural area management becomes hijacked by the demand that ecosystem service provision be made the dominant management criteria.  相似文献   

为了有效利用资源和资金,合理保护海洋生物多样性,海洋生物多样性保护优先区域的确定成为目前保护生物学领域的热点之一.本文首先探讨了生物多样性保护优先区域的定义和内涵,认为海洋生物多样性保护优先区域是指生物多样性丰富、物种特有化程度高、珍稀濒危物种分布集中、具有重要生态功能和过程的海洋区域.其次对保护优先区域确定的内容和方法进行了总结,主要包括单元区划、指标体系的构建及保护优先区域评估3个方面.继而根据我国海洋生物多样性现状提出保护优先区域确定的基本思路,即在海洋生物地理分区的基础上,根据物种和生境的生物多样性指标确定保护优先区域.最后针对存在问题提出建议,包括运用生物地理学方法进行单元区划、基于物种和生态系统的方法构建生物学指标以及信息网络数据库的构建等.  相似文献   

集合种群与生物多样性保护   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
集合种群的概念受到空前的重视,其精髓是强调物种受局域和区域两个空间尺度上生态学过程的共同作用。主要介绍了集合种群概念的由来、集合种群动态理论以及集合种群理论在生物多样性保护及生物防治中一些可能的应用。  相似文献   

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