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东灵山植物群落生活型谱的比较研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
江洪 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1994,36(11):884-894
应用由丹麦学者Raunkiaer提出的生活型分类系统,研究了北京东灵山植物群落的生活型,并编制了主要植物群落类型的生活型谱。同时,用主成分分析(PCA)作为排序的方法和系统聚类中的离差平方和法与类平均法,对东灵山植物群落的生活型谱进行了排序和分类。并用双重筛选逐步回归的方法分析了环境(气候和土壤)因子与植物群落生活型谱梯度的关系,建立了相应的数学模型。研究结果表明:东灵山地区植物群落生活型谱的特征符合暖温带植物生活型谱的基本特点,地面芽植物占的比例最大。但不同植物群落因所存在的生境有差异,也表现出各自的谱特征。排序的结果与用植物种类成分进行的DCA 排序结果吻合度较好,排序的环境梯度特征也十分明显。研究结果还表明:地下芽和中高位芽对于温度梯度的反应比较灵敏;其次是小高位芽和一年生植物;对于水分梯度的变化,则以地上芽和矮高位芽植物的反应比较强烈和敏感。温带植被生活型谱主要特征的地面芽植物在本地区表现稳定,不随各植物群落和水热梯度发生大的波动,显示出地带性的强大约束力。所建立的海拔梯度和群落类型与生活谱的统计数学模型,对于中高位芽、矮高位芽和地下芽植物的相关较好,估测的精度高,而对其它几种生活型的估测较差  相似文献   

Basing on the detrended corespendenee analysis (DCA) , twb-way indicative species analysis (TWINSPAN) and environmental interpretation mathematical models and warm temperate deciduous-broad leaf forest community samples collected from Dongling mountain in Beijing, primary vegetation types and ecological gradients, and their quantitative relations with environmental factors of the region were studied. The data from 26 climate stations in this region were used to get the multivarient regression for estimating the climate information of various warm temperate deciduous-broad leaf forest according to longitude, latitude and altitude of each sample plot. It is shown that the vegetation types of warm temperate deciduous-broad leaf forest and their distribution are mainly determined by the thermal and moisture ( include soil fertility) gradients. In moisture gradients, in mid-montane from drier to moisture there are Spiraea trilobata shrubland-Vitex negundo shrubland-Prunus sibirica shrubland -manmade Pinus tabulaeformis forest-Quercus liaotungensis forest -mixed deciduous-broad leaf forest- Betula dahurica forest; In subalpine from drier to moisture there are meadow-Caragana jubata shrubland-Betula costata forest. In thermal gradients, from warm to cold there are manmade Pinus tabulaeformis forest-Virex negundo shrubland–Quercus liaotungensis forest -Betula dahurica forest-mixed deciduous-broad leaf forest -Spiraea trilobata shrubland -Prunus siberica shrubland -manmade Larix princips forest-Betula platyphylla forest - B. costata forest-subalpine meadow -Caragana jubata shrubiand . Vegetation of Dongling mountain exists 4 polars anal 2 centers, 4 polars are subalpine Caragana jubata shrubland ( drier and cold habitat), mid-low montane Virex negundo shrubland (drier and warm habitat), subalpine B. costata forest (moisture and cold habitat) and mid-montane B. dahurica forest (moisture and warm). Two centers are Quercus liaotungensis forest and mixed deciduous-broad leaf forest (actuality) , and subalpine coniferous forest (the spruce and larch forest, is the potential center). The dominant and indicative plant species are Aconitum sinomontanurn (cold and moisture), Poa botryoides , Dendrantherna zavadskii, Aconiturn kusnezoffii and Carex rigescencs (cold and drier), Maianthemurn bi foliurn and Corylus rnandshurica (warm and moisture) Spiraea trilobata and Prunus siberica (warm and drier). And these species could be indication species for succession, its would indicate the state of pioneer communities. The Plant-geographic mathematical model of DCA axles (1 and 2) and environment factors (climate and soil) have been set up.  相似文献   



应用TWINSPAN、CCA和物种多样性分析,从植物群落、植物种与环境的生态关系等方面研究了东灵山华北落叶松人工林的植被分布格局,并给予合理的环境解释。TWINSPAN分类将华北落叶松人工林分为4个类型,分类结果在CCA二维排序图上得到了较好的验证。样方与物种的CCA排序较好地揭示了该区华北落叶松人工林的分布格局与环境梯度的关系:坡位、坡度、土壤厚度和海拔是影响该区华北落叶松人工林的主导因子。结合物种多样性分析,结果表明东灵山绝大多数华北落叶松人工林生长良好,并根据华北落叶松喜凉湿习性,建议在该区自然分布海拔以下造林时,应优先选择阴坡和半阴坡的中、下位坡。  相似文献   

东灵山植物群落的排序,数量分类与环境解释   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  

东灵山濒危植物刺五加生存群落的数量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
许芸  张金屯 《生态学杂志》2007,26(3):314-318
在样方调查的基础上,分别采用双向指示种分类法(TWINSPAN)、除趋势对应分析法(DCA)和典范对应分析(CCA)对东灵山地区濒危植物刺五加的生存群落进行数量分析。TWINSPAN分类将刺五加生存群落分为9类,分类结果在DCA二维排序图上得到了较好的验证,其中第一轴反映的是海拔梯度,第二轴反映了坡向、坡度的变化。刺五加多分布在位于海拔较高、光照较少的杂木林中,除在少数群落中成为灌木层的优势种外,相对分布较少。CCA排序结果与DCA的排序结果基本一致,反映出植物群落分布随环境因子梯度变化的趋势,揭示了海拔和光照是限制刺五加生长的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

东灵山辽东栎林啮齿动物群落组成及多样性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
1999~ 2 0 0 1年采用标记重捕法对东灵山小龙门林场辽东栎林啮齿动物群落进行了 1 2次调查。共布 2 93 6笼日 ,捕得啮齿动物 2 68只 ,平均捕获率为 9%。啮齿动物群落包括三科四属 ,由朝鲜姬鼠(Apodemuspeninsulae)、社鼠 (Niviventerconfucianus)、棕背 (Clethrionomysrufocanus)和花鼠 (Eotamiassibiricus)组成 ,分别占群落的 85 5 %、8 6%、3 0 %和 2 6%;朝鲜姬鼠为优势鼠种。标记重捕调查表明朝鲜姬鼠重捕率无性别差异 (t =0 91 3 ,P >0 0 5 )。啮齿动物物种多样性指数和均匀度指数均呈“低 高 低”年间波动趋势 ,差异不显著 (t=0 1 65 ,P >0 0 5 ) ;生态优势度指数变化趋势反之 ,样地间无显著差异(t=0 0 64,P >0 0 5 )。可以认为该地区辽东栎林中啮齿动物群落结构较稳定。  相似文献   

Based on the survey of community plots, a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senti-cosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The communities of A. senticosus were classified into 9 types by TWINSPAN and the results were validated by DCA. On the DCA graph, the first axis reflected the gradient of altitude and the second axis reflected the aspect and slope. Most of A. senticosus were distributed in the thick forests at a high altitude with little light. With the exception of being a dominant species of shrub layers in a few communities, A. senticosus has a relatively scarce distribution. In accordance with DCA, the results of CCA also show the trend that the distribution of A. senticosus communities varied along with the gradient change of environmental factors. Altitude and light are the main factors affecting A. senticosus growth.  相似文献   

东灵山地区啮齿动物群落组成及优势种群的季节变动   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
2000年9月和2001年9月在东灵山地区采用夹夜法对小型啮齿动物群落进行调查。共捕获啮齿动物6种,总捕获率为16.08%。大林姬鼠是该地区小型啮齿动物群落中的优势种。同时将8种生境样地划分为7类啮齿动物群落:即落叶松人工林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落、灌丛大林姬鼠 社鼠群落、辽东栎矮林大林姬鼠 大仓鼠群落、弃耕地大林姬鼠 黑线姬鼠群落、油松人工林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落、针润混交林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落、辽东栎林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落。群落间的相似性系数普遍较高,其中油松人工林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落和辽东栎林大林姬鼠 社鼠群落的相似性最高。灌丛大林姬鼠 社鼠群落的多样性指数和均匀性指数最高。  相似文献   

The Raunkiear' s plant life-form system was revised, according to the features of the forest plants in the warm-temperate zone of China, and based on the revised system, the life-form spectrum analysis has shown that the hemieryptophytes are the dominant life-form, accounted for 33. 9% of all the forest vascular plants, followed by the geoeryptophytes, which cover 19.7%, and all of the phanerophytes make up 27.5 %. There are only few macrophanerophytes, being higher than 25 m, because of human activties as well as the inadequate water and temperature supply in this area. The general spectrum of the warm-temperate zone of China eould basically represent the charactefisties of middle latitude climate that is rainy and warm in summer, and frigid and dry in winter.  相似文献   

以山西霍山七里峪植物群落为研究对象,用R语言分别对9个海拔梯度(1 200~2 000m)、5个空间尺度(100、400、900、1 600和2 500m2)和5个空间尺度下划分的6个径级(Ⅰ.DBH5cm、Ⅱ.5cm≤DBH10cm、Ⅲ.10cm≤DBH15cm、Ⅳ.15cm≤DBH20cm、Ⅴ.20cm≤DBH25cm、Ⅵ.DBH≥25cm)的植物群落谱系结构及其在不同研究方向上的变化规律进行分析,探讨其群落构建成因。结果显示:(1)在所有海拔梯度上,霍山七里峪植物群落都表现出一定的谱系结构,在不同海拔梯度上,群落谱系结构表现出一定的差异性,且在中低海拔群落的谱系结构是发散的,在较高海拔群落的谱系结构是聚集的。(2)5个空间尺度下研究区植物群落都具有谱系结构,且随着空间尺度的增加,谱系聚集程度越来越大。(3)不同径级下的群落都有一定的谱系结构,随着径级的增大,谱系聚集程度逐渐降低,趋向于发散结构,但在Ⅵ径级时群落聚集程度较Ⅳ、Ⅴ径级的高。研究表明,山西霍山七里峪植物群落在不同海拔梯度、不同空间尺度和不同径级下都表现出显著的谱系结构,与中性理论所预测的谱系随机并不相符,证明生态位理论在霍山植物群落构建过程中的作用更加重要。  相似文献   

Eighteen plant communities were surveyed by quaduats in the north shore of Qinghai Lake. The communities were analyzed using PCA (principal component analysis) ordination and regression procedure to determine the distribution patterns of the plant communities and relationship between the communities and environmental factors. The results showed that the distribution of the plant communities were closely related to the moisture and salt content of soil. The correlation between species diversity or ecological dominance of the communities and gradient of environmental factors was not significant, but the two indexes of community showed multivarient line relationship with the first principal component, or the gradient of soil water, and the regression model as below: Y =- 4.85 4–1.47X1 4- 10.71X2 (P<0. 01).  相似文献   

Based on the survey of community plots, a quantitative analysis of endangered Acanthopanax senticosus communities in Dongling Mountain was performed with two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The communities of A. senticosus were classified into 9 types by TWINSPAN and the results were validated by DCA. On the DCA graph, the first axis reflected the gradient of altitude and the second axis reflected the aspect and slope. Most of A. senticosus were distributed in the thick forests at a high altitude with little light. With the exception of being a dominant species of shrub layers in a few communities, A. senticosus has a relatively scarce distribution. In accordance with DCA, the results of CCA also show the trend that the distribution of A. senticosus communities varied along with the gradient change of environmental factors. Altitude and light are the main factors affecting A. senticosus growth. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2007, 26(3): 314–318 [译自: 生态学杂志]  相似文献   

太行山区冬凌草生态环境及生物学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对冬凌草在太行山区生长的生态环境及其生长区的植物群落进行了调查分析,对冬凌草的生长发育规律进行了研究,为了解冬凌草生物特性的形成以及确定人工种植条件提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

2004年3月至2004年4月,在岳麓山选取3个样地作枫树群落土壤大型无脊椎动物调查.共采获大型土壤无脊椎动物317头和18窝蚂蚁;分别隶属于扁形动物门、环节动物门、软体动物门、节肢动物门4门;涡虫纲、寡毛纲、腹足纲、蛛形纲、多足纲、昆虫纲、软甲纲7纲,共21目.其中优势种类为钻螺、红蚁、黑蚁、鼠妇,优势种类所在的纲为腹足纲、昆虫纲、软甲纲.同时根据结果及分析得出:土壤动物的最适pH值为6~7;土壤动物活动的起点温度为10℃,最适温度为17℃左右;降雨可以减少土壤动物的活动;土壤板结不利于土壤动物的生存;植物凋落物处于碎裂阶段时,土壤动物种类和个体数量多;空间异质性程度高,土壤动物种类及个体数量均较多;人类的活动既可以给土壤动物的生存造成有利条件,也可以造成不利环境从而影响土壤动物的数量和种类组成;枫树与其他树木交错分布的地方土壤动物的种类和个体数量均较高,具明显的边缘效应.  相似文献   

浙江天台山七子花群落物种多样性研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
金则新 《生态学杂志》1999,18(2):1-4,35
浙江省天台山主峰华顶山(29°15′N、121°06′E)北侧的狮子岩坑处,沿山沟两侧呈带状分布的一小片以七子花(Heptacodiummiconioides)为优势的群落。作者曾对该群落的特征和种群结构作了初步的研究[1,2]。本文通过对七子花群...  相似文献   

为探讨澳门路环黑沙水库植物群落与物候特征,采用群落生态学的方法,研究了黑沙水库植物群落种类组成、空间结构、多样性及重点植物物候期。结果表明,在1200 m2样地中有维管植物88种,隶属于47科80属。乔灌层无明显优势树种,草本层中淡竹叶(Lophatherum gracile)具有较显著优势,各层植物分布均匀程度差异小。群落外貌终年常绿,大部分种类各物候期存在重叠现象,萌芽展叶期持续时间长,开花期集中在5-6月,果熟期10-12月最盛。根据乡土植物群落和物候特征,筛选并推荐在澳门及邻近区域可开发的景观植物,为构建生态价值高的植被景观或植被恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

山西芦芽山植物群落的数量分类   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张丽霞  张峰  上官铁梁 《植物学通报》2001,18(2):231-239,176
本文在群落样方调查基础上,采用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析(DCA)对山本芦芽山植物群落进行数量分类和排序。TWINSPAN等级分类将芦芽山82个样方分为28类,可归属于7个植被型,分类结果反映了植物群落类型与环境梯度之间的关系,并在DCA二维排序图上得到较好的验证,DCA排序轴对角线基本反映了海拔,温度和湿度的梯度变化,表明群落生境所在地的海拔,温度和湿度是决定群落分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

湖南阳明山黄杉林群落的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过采集植物标本、区系分析和样地调查,研究了自然保护区黄杉林的群落学特征,主要结果是:1)阳明山黄杉林可划分为两个群落类型,即黄杉与马尾松混交林、黄杉与甜楮混交林;2)阳明山黄杉林群落具有残遗性和古老性,其与阳明山所属的亚热带自然条件特征相一致.  相似文献   

气候变化将增加地表平均气温、改变降水格局, 会影响到种子出苗和幼苗生长, 进而影响物种的更新动态。为探讨增温和降水变化对东灵山地区建群树种辽东栎(Quercus mongolica)种子出苗和一年生幼苗生长和适应状况的影响, 该文利用环境控制生长箱开展了温度和降水量的双因素控制实验, 温度设置3个梯度: 月平均气温(对照)、增温2 ℃和增温6 ℃; 降水量设置3个梯度: 月平均降水量(对照)、减水30%和加水30%。结果表明: 1)辽东栎的种子出苗率和一年生幼苗的生长对增温和降水变化的响应不一致, 种子出苗率主要受到降水及其与温度交互作用的影响, 幼苗生长仅受到温度和降水独立作用的影响; 2)春季增温2 ℃或降水量增加均使辽东栎种子出苗期提前; 增温6 ℃与降水量减少的水热组合延迟了种子出苗期并使其存活率和出苗率显著降低, 但在此温度下增加降水量则增加了出苗速率和出苗率。3)增温2 ℃对其生长无显著影响, 增温6 ℃则在不同水分条件下显著地增加了幼苗的比叶面积、抑制了叶的伸长生长, 同时也显著降低了各器官生物量积累, 并减少了幼苗生物量向根的分配; 降水量减少降低了幼苗根生物量, 但未影响总生物量和根冠比, 降水量增加显著促进了幼苗地上部分的生长, 特别是叶的生长。因此, 适当地增温或增加降水量将增加辽东栎幼苗的更新潜力, 但增温和降水量减少导致的干旱化将显著降低幼苗的更新潜力。  相似文献   

根据1983年至今12年定位监测的结果,提出了一个描述典型草原在过大的牧压下退化和封育恢复演替的数学模型。建模的生态学公设是:1.植物群落占据的空间范围内环境因素视为均匀一致;2.退化和恢复演替进程中尚未发生植物种的消失和侵入;3.牲畜采食将增大牧草死亡率;4.草原群落内植物种群的竞争存在一个优胜顺序;5.植物种群增长遵循逻辑斯蒂克规律。对这一模型的稳定性分析说明:1.退化草原长期围封后可恢复到顶极状态;2.随着牧压的增强,草原群落将达到一个新的退化状态;3.退化过程和恢复过程的轨迹是不同的;4.草场改良措施改变了草原群落的演替轨迹和速率,使优质牧草在较大的种群尺度下向顶极状态演替。  相似文献   

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