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Some new taxa of the genus Festuca (Gramineae) are described from China. They are Sect. Longiglumes S.L. Lu,Sect. Muticae S.L. Lu, Sect. Sinensis S.L. Lu, Sect, Nitidulae S.L. Lu, and Festuca pubiglumis S.L. Lu, F. longiglumis S. L. Lu, F.fascinata Keng, F. mutica S.L. Lu, F. sinensis Keng, F. subalpina Chang et Skvort. ex S.L. Lu, F. chelungkingnica Chang et Skvort. exS.L. Lu. In addition, one new name F. taiwanensis S.L. Lu is included.  相似文献   

Anhui Province is situated in the subtropical and temperate zones. With favorable climate this district is rich in algae. During 1982-1986, the author made a number of collections of the algal specimens-about 1000 samples from 36 counties and cities of the province. The identification result shows that there are about 30 species and 15 varieties of Scenedesmus in the province. In present paper, however, reported are only some new taxa and new records of Scenedesmus. The 4 new species are Scenedesmus anhuiensis, S. huangshanensis, S. quadrialatus and S. wuhuensis, the 2 new varieties are Scenedesmus prismaticus var. spinosus and S. smithii var. spinulosus, and the 4 new records of distribution in China are Scenedesmus denticulatus var. australis Playfair, S. prismaticus Bruhl et Biswas, S. quadricauda var. dentatus Dedussand S. smithii Teiling.  相似文献   

Guangdong Province extends across the subtropical and tropical zones. With favorable climate and plentiful rainfall, this district is extremely rich in plants. However, the study on the Charophyta in this province is scanty. The specimens we identified were collected from 4 cities and 10 counties of the province. The result shows that there are abundant representatives of Chrophyta, especially in Nitella, in the province. In this paper, however, only reported are some new taxa of Nitella. The 2 new species are Nitella sessilis and N. guangdongensis; the 3 new varieties are Nitella flagelliformis var. conglomerata, N. brevidactyla var. hainanensis and N. pakistanica var. magniantheridii; and the 3 new records of distribution in China are Nitella bengalensis Kundu, N. madagascariensis Zanev. and N. tenuissima var. sanukensis Imah.  相似文献   

Twelve new species of Zingiberaceae are described from Yunnan Province, China. They are Amomum fragle S. Q. Tong, A. quadrato-laminare S. Q. Tong, A. verrucosum S. Q. Tong, A. glabrum S. Q. Tong, A. capsiciforme S. Q. Tong, A. coriandriodorum S. Q. Tong, Alpinia rubromaculata S. Q. Tong, A. emaculata S. Q. Tong, Zingiber nigrimaculatum S. Q. Tong, Hedychium glabrum S. Q. Tong, Costus viridis S. Q. Tong and Costus oblongus S. Q.Tong. A key to species of the genus Costus is given at the end of text.  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the Desmidiaceae are described and illustrated from the Hengduan Mountains region of China. They are Euastrum gemmatum f. denticulatum, Cosmarium asphaerosporum var. subcapitum, C. dovrense var. fontanum, C. foveolatum, C. sichuanense, C. subdanicum var. granulatum, C. subsuperbum, C. tibeticum var. papilliferum, C. venustum var. arcuatum, C. yunnanense, Staurastrum elaticeps var. eximium, S. longiradiatum f. basispinulosum, S. pseudosebaldi var. compactum f.reductum, S. sebaldi var. ornatum f. spiniferum,S. sonthalium f. spiniferum.  相似文献   

报道假糙苏属(Paraphlomis)植物在中国广西2个新分类群和2个新记录种.2个新分类群是翅柄假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.pteropoda D.Fang & K. J.Yan)和白脉狭叶假糙苏(P.javanica(Blume)Prain var.angustifolia (C.Y. Wu)C.Y.Wu&H. W.Li f.albinervia D.Fang & K J.Yan).2个新记录种是刚毛假糙苏(P.hispida C.Y.Wu)和近革叶假糙苏(P.subcoriacea C.Y Wu ex H. W.Li).  相似文献   

Six new species, 1 new subspecies and 1 new variety are described in this paper. They are P. salviiflora Franch. ex Forbes et Hemsl. var. leiocarpa H. P. Yang (Ser. Salviiflorae Prain), P. rex C. B. Clarke subsp. zayuensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Reges Li), P. xiangchengensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Cyathophyllae Li), P. deqinensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Myriophyllae Maxim.), P. weixiensis H. P. Yang(Ser. pectinatiformes Tsoong), P. rizhaoensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Lyratae Maxim.), P. gongshanensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Cernuae Li), P. dulongensis H. P. Yang (Ser. Wilsoniae Li).  相似文献   

Fifteen new taxa of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae) are described from China. They are Saxifraga erectisepala J. T. Pan, S. sublinearifolia J. T. Pan, S. rizhaoshanensis J. T. Pan, S. gedangensis J. T. Pan, S. sheqilaensis J. T. Pan, S. egregioides J. T. Pan, S. caveana W. W. Smith var. lanceolata J. T. Pan, S. subtsangchanensis J. T. Pan, S. brachypodoidea J. T. Pan, S. oreophila Franch. var. depaoshanensis J. T. Pan, S. subsediformis J. T. Pan, S. nangqenica J. T. Pan, S. medogensis J. T. Pan, S. paiquensis J. T. Pan and S. daochengensisJ. T. Pan.  相似文献   

Six new taxa of the Gramineae are described from the China. They are Melica L.Sect. Schizolemma Z.L.Wu, M .flava Z.L.Wu, M. longiligulata Z.L.Wu, M.yajiangensis Z. L.Wu, Glyceria chinensis Keng, Oryzopsis munroi Stapf ex Hook.f. var.parviflora Z.L.Wu.  相似文献   

In this paper, one new species, four new varieties and thirteen new records of Characeae from Hunan, China, are reported. They are Chara quadriscutulum, sp. nov., Nitella axilliformis var. biformis, var. nov., N. microcarpa var. unicarpa, var. nov., Chara braunii var. cylindrospora, var. nov., C. hydropitys var. hunanensis, var. nov., Nitella microcarpa Braun, N. leptoclada Braun, N. annandalei Pal, N. confervacea A. Braun, N. gracilliformis J. Groves, N. inversa Imahori, N. musashiensis Morioka, N. paucicostata T. F. Allen, N. acuminata var. gollmeriana (A. Br.) Zanev. et Wood, Tolypella boldii Sawa. Chara longifolia Robinson, C. pistianensis J. Vilhelm, C. grovesii Pal.  相似文献   

Five new taxa of the family Umbelliferae are described from China They are Pimpinella filipedicellata S. L. Liou, Acronema yadongense S. L. Liou, Sinocarum bijiangense S. L. Liou, Hydrocotyle salwinica var. obtusiloba S. L. Liou, Cryptotaenia japonica f. pinnatisecta S. L. Liou.  相似文献   

Three new species and one new subspecies of the genus Rhododendron are described from Sichuan, Guizhou and Hunan Provinces, China. They are R. oblancifolium Fang f., R. ebianense Fang f. R. guizhouense Fang f., R. ririeissp. leiboense Fang f.  相似文献   

The present paper reports 10 new species of Orchidaceae from Xishuangbanna: Bulbophyllum colomaculosum Tsi et S. C. Chen, B. brevispicatum Tsi et S. C. Chen, B. subparviflorum Tsi et S. C. Chen, Gastrodia menghaiensis Tsi et S. C. Chen, Oberonia delicata Tsi et S. C. Chen, Luisia magniflora Tsi et S. C. Chen, L. Longispica Tsi et S. C. Chen, Tainia ovifolia Tsi et S. C. Chen, Eria crassifolia Tsi et S. C. Chen and Phaius banna-nensis Tsi et S. C. Chen.  相似文献   

拟鹅观草属3种植物的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对禾本科小麦族拟鹅观草属物种Pseudoroegneria geniculata、P.geniculata ssp.scythica和P.geniculata ssp.pruinifera的核型进行了研究.结果显示:P.geniculata和P.geniculata ssp.scythica为四倍体物种,P.geniculata ssp.pruinifera为六倍体物种;P.geniculata、P.geniculata ssp.scythica和P.geniculata ssp.pruinifera的核型公式分别为2n=4x=28=18m(2sat)+10sm(2sat)、2n=4x=28=28m(2sat)和2n=6x=42=36m(6sat)+6sm(2sat);P.geniculata和P.geniculata ssp.pruinifera为2A核型,而P.geniculata ssp.scythica为1A核型.研究表明:3种植物的核型存在差异;P.geniculata ssp.pruinifera的核型为首次报道,其核型明显不同于P.geniculata和P.geniculata ssp.scythica.  相似文献   

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