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内蒙古阿拉善地区植物元素含量特征及数量分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
《Acta Botanica Sinica》2001,43(5):534-540

The mean element concentration of 37 plant species followed an order as Na>K>Ca>P>S>Al>Fe>Mn in Alashan region, Nei Mongol. The greatest variation was found in Na concentration among species with variation coefficient of 1.378. Kalidium spp. plants had the highest Na concentration, while Stipa glareosa Smirn. and Cleistogenes songorica (Roshev.) Ohwi had the lowest among the species studied. The intraspecific variation coefficient was less than the interspecific variation coefficient of most elements in the same species at different sites, although the reverse was seen in a few species. Variance of concentration ratios, viz K to Ca, K to P and Ca to P was minimally, while that Na to K, Na to Ca, Na to S and S to P was greater, and the ratios of desert plant were minimal, and those of salt desert plants were maximal. The correlation analysis of element concentration in plant revealed that Fe and Al, Na and ash, and S and ash correlated at the level of 0.001, Na and S correlated at the level of 0.05. The results of clustering and ordination of 8 element concentration in 37 species showed that quantitative analyse methods can distinguish the characteristics of elements concentration in different plant families and show the characteristics of their ecological groups.  相似文献   

Suaeda physophora was distributed on the saline soil with a salt contents 3.0%~ 6.0% in the surface layer (0420 cm underground). The plant height was 45~60 cm and the average length of the one-year twig was 12 cm. The succulent leave was strip shaped. The well developed lateral roots was distributed in the deeper soil (EOb 60 cra) with decreased salt contents and increased water content. The multiregression model for individual plant's aboveground biomass was: Y = 312. 00 + 3.44X1 + 4. 85X2 - 2.16X3 (Xl, length; X2, width: X3, height). The contents of Na, S and K in leave of S. physophora were very high. That of Na was 91255 μg · g-1. The element contents varied in the different parts of plant. K, Na, Mg, S and P contents were the highest respectively in the leaf and ear of flower, but they were the lowest in the old twig. Total salt content of water extracts from tender twig and leaf was 23.17%, being more than in ear of flower and old twig. The element and salt contents varied in different seasons of plant growth. The S. physophora community was a formation on the succulent halophytic dwarf sub-shrub desert. Nine associations were recorded at this area. The coverage of community was 6 % ~25 %.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the contents of 20 elements (Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, S, Si, P, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ti, Ni, Sr, Mo, Na, B, Cr, V) in 16 plant species collected from the Three Gorges Region in China were investigated. The average contents of Ca, K and Mg were higher than 1 000 μg·g-1, that of Al, P, Si, Fe, S and Mn ranged between 100—1 000 μg·g-1 and Ti, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Cd and V were less than 10 μg·g- 1. The level of Na content was less than that of the reported. The main character of the element contents was of the Ca> K type. The contents of P, S, Ca and K in different plant samples showed a normal distribution pattern, while Al and Mn showed a elements lognormal distribution pattern. Plant species differed greatly in the element contents. On analyzing the coefficient of variation (C. V., % ), Al, Mn, Mg, Ni, Sr and Fe had higher C.V., while the C.V. of K, S, P, Cr, Cd and Cu was less than 60%, and Cu had the lowest C.V. The correlations between Al and Fe, Al and Ti, Al and Cr, A1 and V, Cd and Sr, Cd and Mo, Fe and V, Zn and Cr, Ni and Sr, Mg and Ni, Mo and Sr, Ca and Sr, Cr and Mo, Na and Mg, Na and P, P and S were statistically significant in different plant species. The classification of the 16 plant species and 20 dements by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method may suggest the difference in dement contents of the different plant species.  相似文献   

新疆南准噶尔荒漠优势植物的化学成分含量特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
孔令韶  郭柯  王其兵 《生态学报》2002,22(8):1202-1210
南准噶尔荒漠 62种植物 8种元素的含量测定结果显示 ,含量算术平均值的大小顺序为 Na>K>Ca>S>P>Al>Fe>Mn,与阿拉善荒漠植物元素含量的顺序一致。其中 ,Mn、Fe、Al、Na、S的含量变异系数比 P、K和 Ca的大。植物元素含量之间相关分析结果表明 ,Fe与 Al、S与 P、Na与 S呈极显著正相关 ,表明荒漠植物对它们的吸收是协同的 ,而 Fe与 K显著负相关 ,表明植物对它们的吸收具有拮抗作用。聚类分析和排序结果说明不同生态功能群植物都有自身的元素含量特点 ,盐生植物 Na、S含量高 ,沙生植物为高 K低 Na含量功能群植物  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the sensitivity, the lateral resolution and the ability of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for elemental imaging, we have shown that the main alkaline and alkaline-earth cations exhibited clear-cut regionalization in flax seeds. Calcium, and even more magnesium were almost exclusively located within the protein bodies (PBs); and they were practically absent from the tissue areas with no PBs, such as the provascular tissue. By contrast, sodium was almost exclusively located outside the PBs; moreover, most of the seed sodium was in the tissues at the seed periphery (chiefly the teguments). Among the studied cations, potassium was the only one with a non-negligible concentration both in and outside the PBs.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to measure with microbeam PIXE elements such as Na, K, Mg, and Ca in cardiac tissue after various treatments in vivo, which affect the cardiomyocyte integrity. It was assumed that local deviations from normal electrolyte levels indicate the degree of cardiac damage. The first step in this feasibility study was comparison of severely damaged cardiac tissues with controls. Severe cardiac damage was introduced by the so-called Ca paradox. Experiments were performed with isolated rat hearts, perfused retrogradely with an oxygenated crystalloid buffer. Results indicated that severe cardiac damage was accompanied with almost complete disappearance of the normal intracellular electrolyte composition as a result of the loss of membrane integrity. Identifications of smaller and more locally present ischemic damages on basis of altered electrolyte levels appeared to be feasible. However, the prerequisite was that the mobility of electrolytes be kept under control during tissue sampling and sample preparation, when physiological mechanisms stop to maintain gradients.  相似文献   

十种濒危植物的种群生态学特征及致危因素分析   总被引:51,自引:11,他引:51  
张文辉  祖元刚  刘国彬 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1512-1520
从保护生态学的观点出发,对10个濒危植物的地理分布、生境条件、种群数量动态、空间分布格局、种间关系、种群的生命表、生殖力表、有性生殖、无性繁殖等种群生态学特征进行了综合分析。论述了濒危植物以光合、蒸腾、呼吸为主的生理生态学规律;预测种群数量动态的Leslie矩阵、刻画种群空间分布格局的模型、刻画种群生长和数量增长的Logistic方程和多元回归模型所反映出的生态学特征。分析了濒危植物种群动态、发展趋势以及在内外因素作用下的生态学特征和过程。针对濒危植物保护研究存在的问题,从生态学角度对我国未来濒危植物保护研究应注意的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

延安公路山辽东栎林优势植物水分适应性及适应类型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以陕西省延安公路山辽东栎林群落为对象,测定林内外不同状态下12种优势植物的水势日进程、自然饱和亏、临界饱和亏等水分利用参数,分析它们在林内和林外孤立木状态下的水分利用多样性和水分平衡策略,以揭示辽东栎群落水分利用多样性在群落持续发育中的作用.结果表明:(1)在林内或林外12种优势植物的水势日变化趋势基本一致,一天内每一时段物种间水势值跨度不同,林内种间水势跨度为0.85~1.93 Mpa,林外种间水势跨度为0.6~1.83Mpa;林内物种间日最低水势(-1.43~-3.05 Mpa)及临界饱和亏(63.12%~92.59%)变幅较大;各优势植物水势日进程与气象因子显著相关.(2)林内外各时段物种间水势跨度不同,14:00和17:00林外物种间水势跨度大于林内;12种植物的水势日变化与林内有显著差异(P<0.05),且在林内和林外环境下水分参数具有相似变化趋势.(3)根据黎明前水势、日最低水势、自然饱和亏、临界饱和亏将辽东栎林内12种优势植物水分利用策略聚类分为 4个水分适应类型,每个适应类型具有特殊的水分适应方式.可见,辽东栎群落内12种优势植物的水分利用参数及其对环境适应表现出多样性特点,为该群落持续发育奠定了基础.  相似文献   

利用原子吸收光谱仪对湖北铜山口铜矿5种藓类植物(北地对齿藓Didymodon fallax、尖叶对齿藓D.con-strictus、阔叶丛本藓Anoectongium clarum、双色真藓Bryum dichotomum和舌叶毛口藓Trichostomum sinochenii)及其生长基质中的Cu、Zn、Ca、Mg、Cd、Pb、Hg等7种元素进行测定及分析,并计算出富集系数。结果表明,铜山口铜矿这5种藓类植物体内及其生长基质中,Cu、Zn、Ca、Mg等4种元素含量较高;北地对齿藓对Cd有较强的富集能力,可以作为寻找Cd矿的特征植物;相对于其它4种藓类植物,双色真藓对Cu、Zn、Pb有较强的富集能力,可以作为寻找Cu矿、Zn矿、Pb矿的参考植物;舌叶毛口藓对Hg有一定的富集能力,可以作为寻找Hg矿的参考植物。在这5种藓类植物中,Cu-Zn、Zn-Pb、Mg-Pb在0.05水平上达到显著正相关,Cu-Mg、Zn-Mg在0.01水平上达到极显著正相关。  相似文献   

南京栖霞山地区黑松、马尾松年轮Pb、Zn含量与降水量的谱分析董雅文,潘良宝,钱君龙,黄景苏(中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所210008)SpectralAnalysisofPbandZnContentsinTreeRingsofBlackPinean...  相似文献   

In the presence of Na, K, Mg and Ca at physiological pH, complexing agents can affect cation binding by rat liver microsomes in a manner not always readily predictable simply from a knowledge of individual formation constants. Increasing concentrations (0 to 20 mM) of the strong nonbiological complexing agent, ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA), produced a sharp decrease almost to zero in bound Ca, an increase to a high plateau in bound Na and K and an initial increase followed by a sharp decrease in bound Mg. Increasing concentrations of the Ca-preferring analogue of EDTA, ethylene bisglycol (β-aminoethylether) tetraacetate (EGTA), produced similar changes except that bound Mg increased and remained elevated, indicating that this agent complexes Mg very weakly at physiological pH. The biological complexing agent, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), caused a gradual rectilinear and parallel decrease in bound Mg and Ca and a concomitant and parellel increase in bound Na and K at about 4°C and pH 6.4. Results with EDTA and EGTA suggest, however, that under different conditions, enhancement by ATP of divalent cation binding may be possible. Reactions of this nature may be of significance in ATP stimulated divalent cation uptake by subcellular particles.  相似文献   

杨持  贾志斌  韩向红  洪洋 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1560-1563
在我国北方暖温型草原和中温型草原各选择一个草原监测站点,应用Hunt提出的生长分析指标,对两个站点的大针茅、羊草、糙隐子草、达乌里胡枝子和阿尔泰狗哇花5个共有种的生长特性进行了对比研究,结果表明:5个共有种在暖温型草原和中温型草原两个站点的叶绿素含量、单位叶速率、叶面积比率、叶面积干重比、都表现出很大差异;中温型草原植物种的叶绿素含量均高于暖温型草原,中温型草原的单位叶速率相对的高于暖温型草原。叶面积比率和叶面积干重比两个站点的数值有较大的差异,如同一种植物在同年同月的叶面积干重比就相关很大,这是长期在不同水热组合条件下形成的差异;而且这两个指标明显受水热状况的影响,不同年份表现出较大的可塑性。同时这些指标也存在季节上的波动。显示出温度驱动因素及其水热组合条件对不同热量型草原区域共有植物种的影响。  相似文献   

 本文论述了喀喇昆仑、昆仑山地区87种植物12个元素含量的特征。在含量水平上>10000ppm的元素有K,Ca,800—5000ppm的元素为Na、Mg,Fe、Al,10—100ppm的元素有Ba、Sr、Ti,Mn,V与Be的含量<10ppm。大多数植物Fe、V,Sr的含量高于一般的自然含量。植物中K含量的频数分布呈正态分布,其余元素的频数分布呈对数正态分布。不同植物种元素含量差异较大,Na的变异系数最大,Ca、Mg含量的变异系数最小。同种植物在不同地点元素含量有较大差异,不同植物种差异也不同。如紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)>垫状驼绒藜(Ceratoides compacta)>鼠麴凤毛菊(Saussurea gnaphaloides)。植物中元素含量之间的相关分析表明,Fe、Al,V,Ti之间分别达极显著相关水平。用植物中12个元素的资料,对22种植物进行分类和排序,区分出Na,K型植物和Fe,Al,V,Ba型植物。  相似文献   

随机配对法在亚高山草甸优势种群格局分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机配对法是植物种群格局分析的主要方法之一,理论上讲它是最好的方法,因为他改进了等级方差法的所有缺点.但该方法还没有在我国研究实践中应用过.本文将随机配对法应用于芦芽山亚高山草甸群落优势种群的格局研究.结果较好地反映了种群的空间特征.该方法分辨力较强,可以揭示各种格局规模.  相似文献   

We investigated the uptake of inorganic elements (Be, Na, Mg, K, Ca, Sc, Mn, Co, Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ce, Pm, Gd, and Hf) and the effect of Ca on their uptake in carrots (Daucus carota cv. U.S. harumakigosun) by the radioactive multitracer technique. The experimental results suggested that Na, Mg, K, and Rb competed for the functional groups outside the cells in roots with Ca but not for the transporter-binding sites on the plasma membrrane of the root cortex cells. In contrast, Y, Ce, Pm, and Gd competed with Ca for the transporters on the plasma membrane. The selectivity, which was defined as the value obtained by dividing the concentration ratio of an elemental pair, K/Na, Rb/Na, Be/Sr, and Mg/Sr, in the presence of 0.2 and 2 ppm Ca by that of the corresponding elemental pair in the absence of Ca in the solution was estimated. The selectivity of K and Rb in roots was increased in the presence of Ca. The selectivity of Be in roots was not affected, whereas the selectivity of Mg was increased by Ca. These observations suggest that the presence of Ca in the uptake solution enhances the selectivity in the uptake of metabolically important elements against unwanted elements.  相似文献   

对从全国收集的75份山茱萸种质资源,从叶长、叶宽、果实横径、果实纵径、鲜果百粒重、种子千粒重、种子含水量、枣皮灰分、枣皮水分、水溶性浸出物和马钱素含量等表型性状,分析其变异系数和各性状间的相关性.分析结果显示,75份山茱萸种质资源在叶长、叶宽、鲜果百粒重、种子千粒重、枣皮灰分和马钱素含量等性状上的变异系数均高于10%,说明这些性状变化范围较大,个体间性状不稳定,易受环境因素的影响;而果实横径、果实纵径、种子含水量、枣皮水分和水溶性浸出物的变异系数均低于10%,说明这些性状变异较小,表型性状比较稳定.相关性分析结果显示,各性状间都存在一定的相关性,其中果实纵径和果实横径与鲜果百粒重呈显著正相关(0.396和0.312,P <0.01),说明果实纵横径是影响果实重量的关键因素;水溶性浸出物大小与果实横径(0.481,P<0.01)、果实纵径(0.280,P<0.05)、马钱素含量(0.372,P<0.01)呈现显著性正相关,表明水溶性浸出物含量的高低与山茱芰有效成分马钱素含量和果实大小及形状密切正相关,这将为种质的筛选、评价和新品种选育提供依据.  相似文献   

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