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玉竹生殖细胞壁在发育中的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用光镜细胞化学和电镜方法,研究了玉竹生殖细胞发育过程中壁的结构和性质,证明了生殖细胞在刚形成时分隔它与营养细胞的壁是含胼胝质和纤维素的,从生殖细胞行将与内壁脱离开始,直至完全游离在花粉粒的营养细胞质中的发育时期,壁变薄和不显示苯胺蓝和荧光增白剂的荧光,但对PAS是正反应的,当生殖细胞进入花粉管后和在有丝分裂前,细胞具有弱的PAS正反应的包被,在结构形态上与曾在精细胞中描周质相似。研究结果证明玉竹  相似文献   

玉竹(Polygonatum simizui Kitag)小孢子在分裂前,质体极性分布导致分裂后形成的生殖细胞不含质体,而营养细胞包含了小孢子中全部的质体。生殖细胞发育至成熟花粉时期,及在花粉管中分裂形成的两个精细胞中始终不含质体。虽然生殖细胞和精细胞中都存在线粒体,但细胞质中无DNA类核。玉竹雄性质体的遗传为单亲母本型。在雄配子体发育过程中,营养细胞中的质体发生明显的变化。在早期的营养细胞质中,造粉质体增殖和活跃地合成淀粉。后期,脂体增加而造粉质体消失。接近成熟时花粉富含油滴。对百合科的不同属植物质体被排除的机理及花粉中贮藏的淀粉与脂体的转变进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic nucleoids in the generative cell of mature pollens, sperm cells of pollens cultured in vitro and egg cell of mature embryo sac in Calystegia bederacea Wall. were studied by means of the DNA fluorochrome DAPI in conjunction with epitluorescence microscopy for in situ detection of cytoplasmic DNA in cells. Results showed that many cytoplasmic DNA nucleoids were present in the generative cell and speim cells. Two types of nucleoids were observed, one with big and strong fluorescent dots, and the other with small and weak fluorescence. Many dot-shaped and a few circle-shaped nucleoids were randomly distributed in the thin layered cytoplasm of the egg cell. It was suggested that different types of nucleoids might represent plastid DNA and mitochondrion DNA respectively. Results provided cytological data that Calystegia hederaeea had the potential of plastid DNA biparental inheritance, and the mode of which merits further study via molecular biological methods.  相似文献   

西瓜生殖细胞向圆球形变化的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从超微结构水平上研究了西瓜生殖细胞从凸透镜形到圆球形的变化。细胞变圆过程中发生细胞器重新分布:刚产生的细胞中细胞器随机分布,变圆的细胞中细胞器分布呈现极性,与花粉壁相邻区域内质网堆叠而线粒体稀少,相反,向着花粉中心区域线粒体大量聚集而内质网稀少;细胞器重新分布表明生殖细胞在结构上建立了极性。细胞变圆有助于脱离花粉壁。细胞核对着花粉壁的一面有凹陷,凹陷中有内质网和核糖体。  相似文献   

“白凤”桃果实在0 ℃下贮藏20 d 以后出现肉质发绵和干化的絮败现象。冷藏第10 天在18 ℃下加温38 h 能有效减缓絮败的发生。连续冷藏10 d 以后,原果胶含量开始增多, 水溶性果胶含量变化不大。中途加温的果实原果胶含量变化不多,但水溶性果胶却不断增加。絮败果的果胶质粘度明显高于正常果。果肉出汁率是测定果实絮败程度的理想指标。絮败果肉细胞壁的明显特征是: 伴随胞间层的分解和胞间隙的扩大,出现大量凝胶状物质的沉积,初生壁结构变化不明显, 也没有细胞壁次生加厚的迹象。  相似文献   

It was proved by ultrastructural observations that few plastids and abundent mitochondria were ever present in the generative cell of Pisurn sativurn L. from its initiation to maturation. Fluorescence observations of DNA showed that many cytoplasmic DNA nucleoids were present in generative cell of mature pollen, but none in the early developing generative cell. During the germination of mature pollen in vitro, the cytoplasmic DNA nucleoids of the generative cell in the pollen tube degenerated gradually following the growth of the pollen tube and disappered completely 24 h after germination. The results provided a cytological basis for confirming the conclusion of plastid maternal inheritance in P. sativurn obtained from genetic study, and resolved the contradiction between results from cytological observation and genetic or RFLP analysis.  相似文献   

The organization of microtubules (MTs) in the generative cell (GC) of germinated pollen and pollen tube in Amaryllis vittata Ait. has been studied with electron microscopy. At the beginning of pollen germination, the GC is long elliptic in shape, and is surrounded by its own membrane and also by that of the vegetative cell (VC) ,both of which appear undulated. In cross section, the GC appears roundish and has many lobes. The MT system of GC is mainly organized in bundles, but single MTs can also be observed. The MT bundles are generally located in the lobes, directly beneath the plasma membrane of the cell. These MT bundles orientate along the longitudinal axis of the cell. They are formed by aggregation of 5–6 MTs at least,more often about 30 MTs. In the bundles the MTs are often linked to each other by "cross-bridge". The single tubules in the eytopiasm distribute randomly in different orientations. When the GC has migrated into the pollen tube after germination ,it becomes elongated and has cytoplasmic extensions both in the anterior and posterior end of the cell. The organization of MTs of the GC in pollen tube is similar to that in the germinated pollen grain,but the number of MTs in a bundle often increases to 50–60. In the bundle the "cross-bridges" between the MTs which always link 3–5 MTs, are still seen clearly. Positional shift between the GC and Vegetative nucleus (VN) may take place during the growth of pollen tube. The physical association between GC and VN may be demonstrated some ultrastructural figures. It may be seen that irregular cytoplasmic extensions in the anterior end of the GC is always enclosed by the VN and the projections of the cytoplasmic extensions lie within enclaves of the VN. There are many MTs sheets in the lobes or extensions in the cytoplasm of the GC. Thus the present study demonstrates that MTs have an important role in maintaining the peculiar shape of the GC and the close association between GC and VN. However, it seems that the MTs are probably also engaged in the movement of the GC during pollen growth.  相似文献   

A modified technique, FITC-tubulin immunofluorescence and DAPI localization to demonstrate simultaneously both the generative cell (GC) and the vegetative nucleus (VN) in the pollen tube under ultra-violet excitation, was developed sucessfully. During the germination of the pollen tube of Amaryllis vittata Ait. the GC and the VN, either being the first one, entered the tube within the first 1—2 h from the pollen grain. However, before the time of GC division, the VN was always positioned distally near the tip of the tube. In case when the GC entered the tube first, then the VN must have a positional shift in order to pass over the GC. The detail processes of positional shift between the GC and the VN were observed. Three basic processes were demonstrated: 1. The anterior end of the VN first reached the vicinity of the posterior attenuated extension of the GC about 2 h following germination forming a temporal physical association. Sometimes their both ends could be inserted into one another for certain extent. 2. The whole VN moved forward and contacted in parallel with the GC until they became twisted together and 3. The VN passed over the GC and greatly elongted lengthwise. Its posterior part became inserted into the anterior end of the GC. The behavior of positional shift between the VN and the GC in the pollen tube seems to be an adjustment of their diameters to fit the narrow tube. A conclusion may be drawn that the rate of movement between the VN and the GC was apparently different during the passage through the tube. Such difference may presumably be accompanied by the independent motive mechanism and structural difference between the VN and GC themselves, which provide their motive force for movement in the tube.  相似文献   

Sugar analysis of isolated cell walls from three formae speciales of Fusarium oxysporum showed that they contained not only glucose and (N-acetyl)-glucosamine, but also mannose, galactose, and uronic acids, presumably originating from cell wall glycoproteins. Cell wall glycoproteins accounted for 50–60% of the total mass of the wall. X-ray diffraction studies showed the presence of α-1,3-glucan in the alkali-soluble cell wall fraction and of β-1,3-glucan and chitin in the alkali-insoluble fraction. Electron microscopy and lectin binding studies indicated that glycoproteins form an external layer covering an inner layer composed of chitin and glucan.  相似文献   

The organelle DNA in generative cell and its behavior during spermatogenesis in Pharbitis limbata and P. purpurea were observed by epifluorescence microscopy stained with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). In these two species, the generative cell is long and thin in which a great amount of cytoplasmic DNA is present. Most pairs of sperm cells are isomorphic, in which one end is obtuse and the other is elongate, but in a few pairs dimorphi sperms are present. The nucleus is located at one end of the cell. A lot of cytoplasmic DNA are distributed randomly throughout the cytoplasm. The size of organelle nucleoids and their fluorescence intensity are different in a sperm cell. The features of generative cell and sperm cell, and behavior of cytoplasmic DNA are similar in P. limbata and P. purpurea. The obvious differences between them are that the size and fluorescence intensity of organelle nucleoids in P. purpurea are respectively smaller and weaker than in P. limbata. The results showed that morning glory has potential of biparental or paternal cytoplasmic in heritance. Isomorphism and dimorphism of sperms, and the relationship between the ratio of nucleus and cytoplasm in sperm cell and the plastid biparental inheritance are discussed.  相似文献   

细胞壁在植物胚胎发生中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在植物的生长与发育过程中,细胞壁不仅在决定和维持细胞形态方面发挥了重要作用,而且还参与了对细胞生长与分化的调控,这种调控涉及一些细胞壁信号分子,尤其是一些细胞壁水解产物在细胞内和细胞间的转导。现对细胞壁在植物胚胎发生中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

Structural changes of microtubules (MTs) in the generative cell (GC) of Amaryllis vittara Alt. during mitosis in pollen tube have been investigated with electron microscopy. The division cycle was completed approximately within 12 h. During prophase, the MTs bundles distributed in the cortex of the GC, they were less and shorter than that before mitosis, some of which beginning to be near the nucleus. When the chromatin condensed and the GC entered metaphase, the MTs increased in number and distributed among the chromosomes (CHs) in the original nuclear zone, but they were not arranged in distinct bundlesed. Some of them connected with the CHs to form kinetochore MTs (KMTs), where as the cortical MTs in prophase still remained there. During metaphase, the CHs were arranged on the equartor forming a metaphase plate, and all the MTs formed a diffuse spindle. When the GC entered anaphase, the KMTs were shortened and they were involved in the segregation of the CHs into two groups. The MTs were much more and focused in the two polar regions. In late anaphase, while the MTs still existed at the poles, rich phragmoplast MTs appeared in the equator zone and the precusors of cell plate (CP) aggregated in the middle of the phragmoplast. When the GC entered telophase, the CHs diffused as chromatin, and phragmoplast MTs extended between the two newly formed nuclear envelops and even through the CP While the polar MTs and KMTs disappeared, the MTs in the newly formed sperm cells were different from that of the GC.  相似文献   

细胞壁作为植物细胞重要的组成部分,在决定细胞形状、维持机械支撑、吸收养分等方面发挥重要功能.因此,揭示植物细胞壁合成的调控机制具有重大的生物学意义.基于植物组织水平研究细胞壁的生物合成具有难以控制时间尺度、观察空间狭小等局限性.原生质体作为去除细胞壁的单个细胞是研究细胞壁再生的理想系统.在过去的几十年里报道了大量关于植...  相似文献   

Previous observations indicated that division of the generative cell (GC) in some plant genura such as Lilium and Tradescantia is characterized by several unusual features, including persistence of surrounding microtubule (MT) bundles during mitosis, lacking a matephase plate, the cytokinesis is completed with furrow. The authors have further studied the changes of MT organizations and the chromosome (CHs) behavior in the GC during mitosis using electron microscopy and method of tubulin localizations. No MTs in the GC before GC division and during prophase was seen under electron microscopy. However, there was tubulin in the GC with antitubulin staining. During promatephase to matephase, the CHs appeared and arranged in a complexed tangled pattern lengthwise along the cell. Correspond- ingly, transverse pairs of kinetochores were located along the length and depth of the cell. They stacked successively like the rungs of a ladder. In this phase, a large mount of MTs appeared in the GC, which distributed in the cortex of the cell and among the CHs and along the whole length of the CHs. In the beginning, one or two kinetochore pairs changed from transversely to longitudinally situated in each cell. MTs ended on the kinetochore to form kinetochore MTs (KMTs). With the electron microscopy, authors did not find the image of lateral connection between the MTs and the kinetochores as previous reported with immunofluorescent method. As karyokinesis proceeded, more transverse kinetochore pairs gradually became longitudinal, and KMTs gradually increased in number. However, a distinct spindle was not evidenced. During anaphase, CHs seperation started at various positions along the length of the cell. The distribution of MTs in the GC was similar to that of promatephase to matephase. In late anaphase, the CHs segregated as two groups. Most MTs disappeared but only some remained in the polar regions and the interzone. Authors also measured and compared the lengths of the CHs and indirectly identified the existing anaphase B. During late tolephase, the MTs increased in number gradually in the region between the two newly formed sperm nuclei. The region might be the MT interdigitating zone visualized with antitubulin localization. The MTs disappeared after the cell plate (CP) appeared.  相似文献   

植物细胞壁同聚半乳糖醛酸的代谢与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果胶是细胞壁多糖的重要组成成分,对植物正常的生长发育十分重要。作为初生细胞壁中果胶的一种主要组成成分,同聚半乳糖醛酸(homogalacturonan,HG)是由α-D-半乳糖醛酸单体经α-(1,4)-糖苷键连接起来的一种长链大分子物质。HG的合成和降解参与了细胞壁中的多糖代谢,影响了细胞壁的结构和功能。同时,HG精确的去甲酯化以及HG所参与的细胞壁关联激酶(WAKs)和促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPKs)相关的信号转导途径,在植物生长发育中也发挥着重要作用。该文主要从HG的合成、降解和循环利用以及HG的作用等方面对植物细胞壁中HG的研究进展进行了阐述。  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外有关被子植物生殖细胞壁的资料,概述了它的形成、发育、性质和功能;在这些方面,生殖细胞壁的特征因植物种类而异。  相似文献   

乙烯对苹果果实细胞壁降解效应初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以陕西主栽苹果品种'秦冠'为试材,研究了不同浓度乙烯利以及加热处理下苹果果实中与细胞壁代谢相关酶的活性变化及其与细胞壁组分降解的关系.结果表明:乙烯对各细胞壁酶活性的促进效应因乙烯利施用浓度不同而异.乙烯利浓度由10 mg/L增至1 000 mg/L时,果胶甲酯酶(PME)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)和纤维素酶(CS)的活性先逐渐增强,而后又被抑制;木聚糖(Xyl)没有受到明显影响.加热处理可增进乙烯利的作用,如在60℃时,PME、PG、CS、Xyl活性分别是对照的1.5、2.7、1.1和1.5倍.PG活性的显著增加同时引起了果实可溶性糖含量的显著升高,但其他酶活性变化与可溶性糖含量无直接相关.  相似文献   

多花黄精叶表皮的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜,对多花黄精(P olyg ona tum cy rtonem a)不同发育时期的叶表皮细胞及其气孔器进行了研究。结果表明:(1)多花黄精叶片的上下表皮细胞的发育方式基本一致,都是表皮细胞进行伸长生长和加宽生长,且伸长生长速度大于加宽生长速度。(2)气孔器的发育方式有两种:由表皮细胞进行不均等分裂所形成的两个细胞之中较小的一个发育而来;直接由表皮细胞发育而来。(3)在叶片发育过程中,气孔器指数是由低到高;在叶片展开第1天达到最高值,随后逐渐降低并趋于稳定。  相似文献   

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